This USA Network program is brought to you by Citizen Watchers. Beautifully styled and warrantied to the year 2001. Citizen, we've got elegance. Citizen, citizen, citizen, citizen. Elegant, citizen, citizen, citizen. Lots of citizens. And they're citizen. Chic, citizen. Sleek, citizen. Citizen, citizen. Like my citizen. Citizen, elegant. Ooh, he's citizen. Her a citizen. One citizen. With lots of citizen. Fast, citizen. Tum, citizen. Now that's some citizen. Ooh, elegant, elegant. Perfectly elegant. Citizen, we've got elegance. You two, who's there? The taste of nuts and honey, Mr. Scrooge. Damn! There are things to do. Mr. Scrooge, Honey Nut Cheerios, it's Christmas. Make us some honey and nuts. Make us some honey and nuts. Honey Nut Cheerios blends golden honey and crunchy nuts. Did you say honey and nuts? It's a honey of nuts. Merry Christmas, Mr. Scrooge. Honey Nut Cheerios. Enjoy extra sugar-free gum. You get an extra flavor, extra fun, and an extra sugar-free gum. The long-lasting sugar-free gum is Extra with NutraSweet for extra refreshing flavor that lasts an extra, extra, extra long time. Extra flavor for that extra long class. Extra flavor for that extra long task. When you're chewing extra, the extra fresh flavor lasts an extra, extra, extra long time. Extra lasts extra long. A holiday for young and old, honey, ribbon, glass and gold. Long John Silvers, make it a splash. Make it a homestyle holiday with Long John Silver Seafood and Holiday Crystal Stemwear. Just 99 cents each with any meal. Long John Silvers. Make it a splash. Holiday Crystal Stemwear. Just 99 cents each. You'll want to collect a whole set. I'm dreaming of a smokey mountain Christmas. Dolly's come home to the Smokies to work her special musical magic. Maybe you are an angel. Dolly Parton, Lee Majors, John Ritter in a modern-day fairy tale, A Smokey Mountain Christmas. A USA movie special tomorrow at 7, 6 Central. She saw a murder they say never happened. No! Now she's pursued by a killer they say doesn't exist. Faye Dunaway, silhouette. Tomorrow at 2. The executives at United Artists asked me to do a film for them. And I asked if they had a script or a novel or something. They needed to be produced. And they said no, but they wanted to make a film with The Beatles. And I, being a generation older than The Beatles, asked them why they wouldn't want to make a movie with The Beatles. The music department of United Artists decided it would be a very good idea to make a quickie with a group called The Beatles. Provided that it could be in the cinemas by the beginning of July of the year of 1964. Because they felt that the group would have vanished round about that, the end of that summer. And now back to The Beatles in A Hard Day's Night. I met Patty Boyd during the filming of A Hard Day's Night. In fact, George used to say that I introduced him to his wife. She was a school girl who was on the train. There were two girls on the train who had small parts. Think you can mix a bowl of cereal with more vitamin and mineral nutrition than total? Oh sure, I know I can. I'll just add two shakes of this and two shakes of this. You're missing calcium. Calcium? Well I'll just start over and add two shakes of this and two shakes of this. Two little iron. Iron? You gotta be kidding. A bowl of all those put together can't top one bowl of total. One bowl of whole wheat total has 100% of 12 essential vitamins and minerals. For all this nutrition, nothing can top total. I'll just add... Nothing. There are chances worth taking And some that are not If a chance is worth taking It's worth my best shot So this time I'll play it safeguard This time I'll play it safeguard The antibacterial lather in safeguard gives you more deodorant protection than you may need from yourself. But a little insurance never hurts. This time I'll play it safeguard Race on down to Payless for our 8, 10 and $12 tag sale and save up to 40%. Check out casual and dress shoes tagged at just $12 a pair. Stop in for hundreds of men's and women's shoes tagged at just $10 a pair. And you'll find shoes for the entire family tagged at just $8 a pair. So hurry to your nearest Payless. With savings like these, there's bound to be a traffic jam. The Payless shoe source, 8, 10 and $12 tag sale. Um, what are you doing? Uh, 7 a.m. food. Is this breakfast? Well, at least it tastes good. Hold it. Oatmeal. Oatmeal raisin crisp. Sit. Taste how they made oatmeal crispy. The goodness of oatmeal in delicious crunchy flakes. Amazing, I like it. Plump raisins, almonds too. What do they call this? You know, 7 a.m. food. Good one, Mom. Taste what they've done. Oatmeal crisp or oatmeal raisin crisp. To oatmeal. KING NEWS TIME KING NEWS TIME IS 6.15. THE SOVIET UNION WARNED ARAK TO DO IT. KING 10-90 WEATHER FORECAST. SUNNY AFTER AREAS OF BORN. THINGS ARE BEGINNING TO BOO. MUCH BETTER IN BUGETOWN. ECONOMY IS STILL GOING STRONG. TONY, THE PLAN IS APPROVED, BUDDY. I'M LARRY KING. THIS IS MY STYLE. THE FLOOD WATERS ARE ARISING. A LOOK AT THE FLOODING REGION. IN KING 10-90 BUSINESS NEWS, THOUGHTS ARE UP AND DOWN. FOR YOUR FAST-PACED WORLD. MORNING NEWS ON KING NEWS TALK 10-90. MORE THAN JUST THE HEADLINES. SHOPPING ON A BUGET FOR A BIG AND TALL MAN WAS A REAL PROBLEM UNTIL I FOUND LARGE AND TALL FASHIONS FOR LESS. WITH THE HELP OF THEIR FRIENDLY SALE STAFF, I FOUND A 3X TALL FASHION SWEATER FOR MY BROTHER BOB, A DRESS SHIRT IN SIZE 1837 FOR MY HUSBAND, AND A PAIR OF LEVI DOCKERS IN A 54-WAYST FOR UNCLE JOHN. ALL FOR PRICES THAT ARE HARD TO BEAT. FOR ALL OF YOUR HOLIDAY GIFT IDEAS, SHOP AT LARGE AND TALL FASHIONS FOR LESS AT THESE CONVENIENT STORE. SPECIALIZING IN CLOTHING FOR THE BIG AND TALL MAN AT EVERY DAY LOW PRICES. They chased us off the streets, and we weren't allowed to film what we had planned to do for the day, so we had to round up people to produce a press conference scene at the last minute. What would you call that hair style you're wearing? Alpha. We were constantly being chased off the streets by the police, because the minute the boys got out of the car, 2,000 people would appear instantly like flies, and it meant that if you got something wrong on the first take, you'd have to find another street to do take 2, because that street would be total chaos. It was a very quick film to make, because we never got more than one or two chances to do anything. TODAY IS NOW BEETLE SATURDAY. PLEASE MAKE A NOTIFICATION. Everywhere they went, there were people trying to touch them. There was no sort of freedom. It was get to this place, do the show, and they were becoming a hot property, and they were entrapped in what was happening. And I thought to myself, well, that's it. It's about four lads on the run. It was certainly important for us to have a lot of scenes in low ceiling rooms with the boys being hemmed in, either by their managers or by their fans or by the people that were telling them what to do. And then at a certain moment, there was an explosion where they escaped and burst out and went to play in a field. Hold the end of your string up, Joey. Joey, we're never going to get this done if you keep on eating the Kix. Kix is a cereal that's low in sugar with a corn crunch that kids like. Kix also makes a great decoration. So, how's it look? Delicious. Kix, kid tested, mother approved. Static can creep up at the worst of times. It'll stop you. Static can put you in a sticky situation. It'll stop you. And static can make you look out of step. It'll stop you. The more you move, the more static can build up. But you can stop static cling by using bounce. Bounce leads close virtually static free. It won't stop you. Bounce stops static before static stops you. Ooh, I know I can do that. Hey guys, don't they have any orange juice at that college of yours? Sure they have orange juice. But I like this orange juice better. Orange juice, it's got the vitamins, minerals and taste that make you feel so good. Why is it better? It's free. 100% pure, fraud or the quality orange juice. It makes you feel so good. How about if I buy the orange juice and you pay for college? If you like nuts, you'll love the crunchy nut taste of Cluster's cereal. Only Cluster's has delectable little nut clusters no nut lover can resist. Almonds, pecans, walnuts and honey crush into little nut clusters and mixed with crispy flakes. So if you like nuts, you'll love Cluster's cereal. These are two identical slotted spoons and two very different spaghetti sauces, prego and ragu. When you see them side by side, the difference really comes through. Prego spaghetti sauce, homemade taste, it's in there. For those of you who avoid sugar, now there's sugar-free dentin. Same great taste, same fresh breath, but this time without the sugar. Digby's a radio hound. Good morning, Clearview High. Only everybody thinks it's Richie. You're the hottest guy in school. Doghouse on USA. An all-new episode today at 430, 330 Central. Deep in the swamp lies a forbidden world. Dare to explore. Swamp Thing on USA. Tomorrow at 5, 4 Central. They had a language of their own where they could talk but could exclude everybody else. They'd say, oh, I like so-and-so. John would say, I like so-and-so. And the other would say, do you like him? Well, yeah, yeah, I like him. And that meant thumbs down, they didn't because they were inflecting. It's a very South Liverpool trick. The person I, oddly enough, didn't get this from at first was George Harrison. And then suddenly one day it clicked when George said to me, you haven't written much for me, have you? And I wrote another scene in for George and he was marvelous in it. This is not just any Saturday, it's Beetle Saturday. I love the nights. I love the sights. I love shopping all day. I just love the shows on Broadway. More people love New York because New York has more to love. I love to play ball. I just love it all. Call now for your free vacation kit. I love New York. Who's this? The taste of nuts and honey, Mr. Scrooge. Come back, there's things to do. But Mr. Scrooge, Honey Nut Cheerios, it's Christmas. Honey Nut Cheerios, it's Christmas. Merry Christmas, Mr. Scrooge. Do you have the time? Sorry, I took my watch apart. I was hoping it was after four. Nap time? Come, Busch. Oh, after four you get a BK Broiler at Burger King for only 99 cents when you buy one at the regular price. BK Broiler? Flame broiled chicken on an oat bran bun. Sounds better than string peas. And right now when you buy one, the second is only 99 cents after 4 p.m. 99 cents, pretty radical. That's Burger King. Sometimes you gotta break the rules. Okay, BK Broiler, dinner now. How fast does urine acid start working? On my heartburn, maybe five minutes. Starts in 2.2 seconds. Lab tests show that Riopan Plus 2 starts neutralizing acid on stomach contact in 2.2 seconds. 2.2 seconds? Remember Riopan. She saw a murder they say never happened. She's not dead. Now she's pursued by a killer they say doesn't exist. You know who he is. Faye Dunaway, Silhouette. Tomorrow at 2, 1 Central. KING NEWS TIME KING NEWS TIME IS 6.15. THE SOVIET UNION WARNED ARAK TO DO IT. KING 1090 WEATHER FORECAST. THINGS ARE BEGINNING TO MOVE MUCH BETTER IN BUGETOWN. ECONOMY IS STILL GOING STRONG. I'M LARRY KING. THIS IS MY SIDE OF THE STORM. THE FOOD WATERS ARE ARISING. IN KING 1090 BUSINESS NEWS, THOUGHTS ARE UP AND DOWN. FOR YOUR FAST-PACED WORLD. MORNING NEWS ON KING NEWS TALK 1090. MORE THAN JUST THE HEADLINES. THIS WEEK ON ESPN SUNDAY NIGHT NFL, THE PHILADELPIA EAGLES BATTLE THE MIAMI DOLPHINS. THE PHILADELPIA EAGLES. RANDALL CUNNINGHAM LEADS A TEAM THAT'S IN SHORT SUPPLY OF BROTHERLY LOVE AS BUDDY'S BOYS TRY TO SQUISH THE FISH. THE MIAMI DOLPHINS. DAN MORINO DIGS IN FOR THIS BATTLE BETWEEN TWO OF THE NFL'S PREMIER RIFLE ARMS. THE EAGLES FACE THE DOLPHINS. LIVE AT EIGHT EASTERN ON ESPN SUNDAY NIGHT NFL. LIVE AT EIGHT EASTERN ON ESPN SUNDAY NIGHT NFL. SOME CRITICISM FROM SOME OF THE EXECUTIVES THAT THERE WAS ONE SHOT DURING PAUL SINGING A SONG, ONE OF THE BALLEDS, WHERE THE ARC LIGHT WENT RIGHT INTO THE LENS AND FLASHED THE WHITE IMAGE. AND I EXPLAINED THAT IT TOOK DICK AND THE CAMERA CREW A HALF A DAY TO SET THAT UP SO IT WOULD COME OUT LIKE THAT. THAT WAS WHAT THEY DESIGNED IT TO BE. AND NOW BACK TO THE BEATLES IN A HARD DAY'S NIGHT.