The Tender Trap will return in a moment. Here he comes. Whoops. Oh, I beg your pardon. Ralph Edwards? Yes, that's right, McGruff. It's the tenth anniversary of all of us working together to prevent crime. McGruff, this is your life. What a thrill! Years ago, you began teaching people to get involved with each other and the police. Remember this? You helped us start a neighborhood watch. Our antennas went up and crime went down. Hey, Phil! How you doing, McGruff? Later, you helped kids stay drug-free. Why don't we get wasted? Why don't you get real? I've got a better idea. Why don't you get lost? Hi, McGruff. Hey, McGruff. You guys may be proud. Come on, everybody. It's been a great ten years, but there's more to do. Clean up neighborhoods. Make drugs disappear. How do you start? Right for my free booklet. Now, everybody say... Take a bite out of crime! Crime dog McGruff, this is your life. Couldn't do it without you. Who ever thought this would happen? Who ever thought a teacher from West Virginia would be teaching a class in Budapest? Good morning. But here I am, part of the First Peace Corps team in Eastern Europe. We're here to help Hungarian teachers learn how to teach English. It's an amazing time to be here. For these people, English is the language of opportunity, and they can't get enough of it. How about a drink? Great, great. But language isn't the only thing we share. I'm learning Hungarians are a lot like we are. They love their freedom, and they're open to new ideas. And the government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth. We all have a lot of work ahead of us, but I can't think of any job I'd rather have. Be part of the future with the Peace Corps, the toughest job you'll ever love. You know how it is with contracts. The tender trap will return in a moment. The Acting Factory and KIMA Television's For Kids' Sake Campaign present a children's theater presentation of Better to Give. The play features two orphan brothers, separated early in life, who are then reunited as adults by a lucky twist of fate. Join them Saturdays and Sundays at 11 a.m. for song, dance, and laughter at the Acting Factory in the Valley Mall. Tickets are available at the door. For more information, call the theater at 575-1109. It only happens once a year. The best, I repeat, the best nachos grande in Yakima, especially priced at Las Baranzas for the holidays. Regularly $8.25, now just $6.95 for the month of December. Nachos grande, made with fresh chips, cheddar, cheese, ground beef, onions, tomatoes, olives, topped with Monterey Jack cheese, refried beans, sour cream, and guacamole. The best nachos grande in town, especially priced for the holidays at Las Baranzas, corner of 3rd Avenue and Nob Hill. Here she comes. Here's dessert, ladies. Oh, I don't know. Ooh. And then there's only three. These look good. Thank you. Frank Sinatra and Debbie Reynolds will return in the tender trap after this short break. Who's gonna give you a full meal deal? Dairy Queen. Juicy hamburger and hot crisp fries with a glacier-cold soft drink. And a deliciously fresh, I love this taste, sundae. Who's gonna deck your halls with a collectible holiday glass? All at one great price, just $3.49. The Dairy Queen Holiday Full Meal Deal. We treat you right. Dairy Queen. Santa's searching the Yakima Valley for gifts, and one of his favorite spots to shop is Big R. Every guy will love this heavy-duty 16-gallon shop vac. Save $40 now, just $74.99. Ladies will love puff-printed designer sweatshirts, now $15.99. Every pickup driving man needs a toolbox. Pickup toolboxes, now $89.99. And help her keep warm with a remarkably efficient ceramic heater. Save $20 now, $49.99. Get ready for great gift-giving at Santa's favorite place to shop, Big I. Where has the day gone? My feet. Sure has been fun. Yeah, you were right. The Yakima Mall has everything. But I better get going before it gets too dark. You didn't park upstairs? Well, three blocks away, I found a space. Maggie, the Yakima Mall parking garage is safe and convenient. There's plenty of space. It's well-lit, dry, and bright here at the mall. Any of the major department stores will validate your parking free with your purchase. Nice. Spend a half an hour looking for a space. It's cold. Let me give you a ride to your car. Are you sure you're really seeing what you need to see through your windshield? McKinney's Auto Glass wants you to know that if the windshield is dirty, your wipers don't work properly. Or you have windshield damage, you may not be seeing some of the most important things you need to see, our children. So keep your windshield clean, make sure wipers are new and working properly, and see McKinney's Auto Glass for windshield replacement or repair. McKinney's Auto Glass wants you to see our future clearly and safely, because our future is our children.