On his research and his eyewitness interviews, David Lifton decided that the president's head wounds had somehow been surgically altered to implicate Oswald. And he found that when the president's body arrived at Bethesda Naval Hospital from Dallas, the brain was missing as well. And I'm saying to you that since the body was always in the custody of Secret Service agents and the Navy Rear Admiral, this plot to murder President Kennedy and to alter the direction of the shots, and to frame Harvey Oswald, goes to the top of our government. That basically mirrors Oliver Stone and Jim Garrison, the theory that Oswald was not the lone gunman. Nobody's going to tell me that kid did the shooting job he did from that damn bookstore. Dr. Michael Barton is a forensic pathologist, a medical detective with an international reputation as a top expert when it comes to autopsy findings. Back in the late 1970s, he headed a forensic team for a congressional committee investigating conspiracy allegations in the JFK assassination. As the president's car comes into view, it's going about 11 miles an hour, and the president is waving and moving in his chair, in his seat. Governor Connolly is in a jump seat slightly lower in front of him. Mrs. Kennedy is to his left. Last week, at the request of hard copy, Dr. Barton reviewed the Kennedy file and the Zapruder film. I'm well aware that a lot of people say that the body of the president was altered before the autopsy to make it appear that the shots came from the back when they really came from the front. That's nonsense. But why does the film show the president's head snap back? When people look at the Zapruder film, it appears to many that because the head goes backwards at the moment of the headshot, he must have been shot from the front because the body goes in the direction that the bullet is going. That's the Hollywood version. It's not true. Since the Zapruder film, unfortunately in Vietnam and other places, we have lots of people shot on film. Very commonly, when a person is shot, the body moves toward the shooter. What we see here in the x-ray is the bullet enters in this area and exits here over the right ear area. The brain is still in the cavity. The fact that the doctors in Texas and the doctors in Bethesda made estimates as to the size of the exit wound that are inconsistent is more a reflection on the fact that they didn't take proper measurements. They didn't shave, that the hair was never shaved. The size of the wounds are rough eyeball guesses. That's not what should be done in a medical legal autopsy. Despite the theories, despite the movie scripts, the answers to who shot President Kennedy are right here in this film taken by a Dallas businessman. It all depends on what you see. Mary, do you think we'll ever really know the answer? I doubt it. I think even if somebody came forward now and said I was involved in a conspiracy, a lot of people simply wouldn't believe them. And I think there's so many theories. I've had people write me and say, if you look carefully at that film, you will see the chauffeur, the driver, turn around and fire a handgun at the president. A lot of theories. It's a wild one. Now, she made herself look like a man and tells step by step how she killed her lover's wife. And she turned around and she looked at me and I shot. And the tale of two rates. One time superstars Warren Beatty and Jack Nicholson are showing signs of age. That's later. Tomorrow on Hard Copy, the homemade sex video craze may have started here, but ooh la la, wait till you see what those sensual Europeans are up to. Viva la Differels tomorrow, back in a moment with more Hard Copy. Dodge's new Club Cab Cummins diesel cranks out more torque than Ford or Chevy diesels, delivers more available payload and towing. And when you order our super L.A. line comes with air, stereo and tons more over twenty six hundred dollars worth for no extra charge. Dodge Cummins diesels. See your local Northwest Dodge dealer today. When it's your family, no work is too hard. Nothing is too good for people you love. This week, you can get terrific savings on MJB premium coffee, auto drip or regular grind and choose three boxes of your favorite Kepler snack crackers for only four dollars. Stock up for the holidays. Just twice a year, Morgan Jewelers has a very special sales extravaganza and it's this Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Every ring at Morgan Jewelers is at least 50% off. Many reduce up to 70%. This isn't a collection of rings no one wanted. Oh no, this is Morgan Jewelers entire collection of the finest diamond rings, bridal sets, ruby and emerald rings, men's rings. On sale Thursday, Friday and Saturday only for at least 50% off with many rings up to 70% off. Remember Morgan knows diamonds. Don't be sorry Sundry, this is a Morgan Jewelers near you today. Here comes Yakima Sun King's coach Dean Nicholson. Coach, what are you doing at 7-Eleven? I'm getting my favorite drink, a Pepsi Super Big Gulp at 7-Eleven. Okay, but let's go back and see what Coach Nicholson isn't telling us. These Super Big Gulp cups have the schedule of all Sun King's home games. So buy a Pepsi Super Big Gulp at any participating 7-Eleven store for 89 cents and get a schedule of the Sun King home games. You don't want to miss a Sun King's game, do you? Stop by 7-Eleven today for your Pepsi Super Big Gulp in a Sun King's cup. Go Sun King's. She was a beautiful young woman who dressed like a man to kill her lover's wife. Now in a dramatic scene she is reliving the murder. The only thing I ever remember hearing her say was that she was shot. But I don't remember hearing anything else. Jennifer Reale testifying at her lover's murder trial in Fort Morgan, Colorado. She admits ambushing Brian Hood's sick wife, but she says Brian programmed her to do it. All I could hear was Brian's voice. She's got to be dead. It's got to be two shots. Hard to believe she's the beauty who met him in a health club jacuzzi. Prim, almost sexless, Jennifer told how she put on her husband's combat fatigues and turned herself into a hitman. I make myself look broader and wider so I look bigger. So I look like a man. Why don't you show us how you do it? I hang on this. It was just my shoulders. And I just walked. You said you swaggered. I walked with more deliverance, I guess. And how did you do that? Would you show us please? I kind of hunched out my shoulders and made myself look bigger. And I walked like that. Then the ambush. I ran on the path towards her and I grabbed her back. I remember her turning around. I don't know where the other woman went. And she ran. And she ran back towards the building. And she turned around. And she looked at me. And I shot. And she fell. And then I stopped and I thought, I'm supposed to be another shot. She's got to be dead. So I walked over to her and she was lying there and she was holding her right arm. And she was rolling over onto her stomach. And I was standing at her feet. And I shot again. And I ran. And I ran. I remember drawing the burst. I fell. I ran. Up the alley. I didn't know what had happened. Sorry. I didn't want to kill her. Would you stand up and hold the gun? You can point it down towards the floor and show the two handed grip that you were taught to fire that weapon with. And with which you fired it two weeks before you murdered Diane. Please stand up and do it. You can point it at the floor. And you really don't want to touch it. You didn't have any problem touching it before, did you? Just point it at the floor and show how you hold it. I can't. You may put the gun down. And I ran up the alley, changed back into my clothes, or took off the other ones. I ran. I was a woman again. I was me again. And I went home. I cleaned the gun. After I put the kids to bed. I put the gun away. And then when I sat outside. Still no. So no. Brian Hood is facing the death penalty. Jennifer's trial is set to begin in February. Now, Warren Beatty and Jack Nicholson, Hollywood's oldest prize studs, are heading out to pasture. That's next. And take a sneak peek at the woman who loved them both. Tomorrow on Heart Copy, the homemade sex video craze may have started here, but ooh la la, wait till you see what those sensual Europeans are up to. Viva la Differolze tomorrow. Back in a moment with more Heart Copy. Cleaning shouldn't involve weightlifting. That's why there's the Dust Buster Corded Vac from Black & Decker. Perfect when you need an easy to handle vac and hard to clean spots. The attachments are a snap so it cleans every nook, cranny, and crevice. Lighten up with the Dust Buster Corded Vac from Black & Decker. Put us to work for you. Lower back pain. Neck pain. Upper back pain. There are all kinds of back pain. Dones relieves them all with an ingredient these brands don't have. Relieve back pain with Dones, the vac specialist. Look, I'm eating apples again, thanks to Super Poly Grip with its Ultra Hold Formula. Now in an easy to use pump, it holds dentures ultra tight. Ultra Hold Formula, the best grip Poly Grip has ever made. There are lots of ways to pick a dentist. Ask a friend, look in the phone book, but what does that really tell you about them? At 1-800-DENTIST we refer from a select group of dentists and we have a full profile on each of them. Their education, how many years in practice, what special training they have. And with our dentists you have the security of knowing that we refer thousands of patients to them every month. So if you need a dentist and you want to make an educated choice, call 1-800-DENTIST today. Here comes Yakima Sun King's coach, Dean Nicholson. Coach, what are you doing at 7-Eleven? I'm getting my favorite drink, a Pepsi Super Big Gulp at 7-Eleven. Okay, but let's go back and see what Coach Nicholson isn't telling us. These Super Big Gulp cups have the schedule of all Sun King's home games. So buy a Pepsi Super Big Gulp at any participating 7-Eleven store for 89 cents and get a schedule of the Sun King home games. You don't want to miss a Sun King's game, do you? Stop by 7-Eleven today for your Pepsi Super Big Gulp in a Sun King's cup. Go Sun Kings. Women love them and Jack and Warren try to return it a hundredfold. Nicholson and Beatty. It seemed for decades they'd hold the double crown as Hollywood's greatest womanizers, but wait. As old father time taken his toll. Here's what Doug Bruckner has been noticing. Two of a kind, for your information... They are the most notorious ladies men in Hollywood history. It's good to be recognized by your peers. Together, they're reputed to have had sex with almost every woman you see on the silver screen, and probably at least one woman you know. Yeah, that's absolutely true. Are you happy? I'm terrifically happy. Who wouldn't be? They've been womanizing the world for over 30 years. My name is Warren Beatty. Thank you. In fact, these guys even gave lessons. It's been said they even taught this guy all his tricks. Mr. Hart? But the original Hollywood run-arounds are deep into their 50s, and it almost looks like Warren Beatty 53 and his best friend Jack Nicholson 54 have suddenly turned into boring old family men. What are you doing here? Lovely to see you. Just look at Jack Nicholson, a man who bedded a hundred prop assistants, stagehands, ski instructors, and more than a few starlets. Well, I get drunk a lot, fall out of cars, take six, seven women home every night alone, you know. Here he is lazing on the French Riviera, picking up girls? No. This is sly old Jack making goofy faces at his two-year-old daughter. And Warren Beatty, the Don Juan who's gone for the more famous stars like Madonna, he's slowed down too, long enough to make a baby. You may have heard that the mother is actress Annette Bening, who stars in Warren's new movie Bugsy. Why don't you run outside and jerk yourself a soda? After Julie Christie, Diane Keaton, Joan Collins, Goldie Hawn, Carly Simon, and a cast of thousands, what's so special about Annette Bening? She was in the right place at the right time. For Warren Beatty, it was 30 years of fooling around. This woman, Jennifer Lee, was just one of his conquests. She's the former wife of Richard Pryor, and she's just finished a tell-all book, which included the wild sex days of Warren Beatty. I think he really saw himself as, I mean, this stud, I mean, as a gift to women. He was almost on a mission. All women had to experience him. That was the old days, but when Warren met Madonna while making the movie Dick Tracy, Mr. Smooth was finally out of his element. Don't hide back there, Warren. Get over here. It was Madonna who put a few more gray hairs in his head. But Jack, Jack looks great, doesn't he? He must be working out. Well, actually, this is about as close as he comes to exercise, playing with baby Lorraine and his 28-year-old girlfriend, Rebecca Broussard. She's pregnant again. Rebecca was a waitress at a Hollywood club called Helene's when she first met Jack Nicholson. He gave her a part in his movie, The Two Jakes, as his secretary. I'll get my daughter on the phone, Ralph. That was two and a half years ago. At first, old Jack wasn't exactly monogamous. He was still seeing his longtime girlfriend, Angelica Houston. But then this woman came out of the woodwork, an old flame with some hot stories. He literally could perform for hours and hours and hours. You never went unsatisfied. For Angelica, that was it. But Rebecca hung in there. Even though they have a baby and another on the way, Jack still insists that Rebecca live in a separate house he bought her about two miles down the canyon from his place. Maybe he'll let her move in after the next baby. After all, Annette gets to live with Warren. And take a peek at Michelle Phillips. She had affairs with both Jack and Warren, but she certainly survived that in great shape. This is Michelle in the current GQ magazine. The Not's Landing star is all of 47. A great advertisement for life in the fast lane. Now, a mystery man's voice on one end of a 911 call. Was it the voice of the killer? That's next. I've never seen diapers like these before. They actually changes. My baby changes. They don't just get bigger. They're all different. Introducing Pampers Phases, the first developmental diapers designed to help your baby grow up dry and happy every step of the way. For newborns, infants, crawlers, and walkers. First for newborns. Only Phases is cut out to let his belly button heal. For infants, Lindsay had awful messy leaks. This unique pocket back here helps hold them in. For crawlers, now that Annie's learning to crawl, she needs diapers that won't droop. Phases fit better thanks to extra wide tapes and a stretchable system that helps stop gaps and leaks. And finally, for walkers, these new diapers make walking easy for Chip. They're the only ones cut extra narrow between the legs, but they also help stop leaks better overall. New Pampers Phases for newborns, infants, crawlers, and walkers. The first developmental diapers designed to help your baby grow up dry and happy every step of the way. It's just what my baby needs. Just when he needs it. MC Hammer, rap star and Pepsi drinker. Well, today, we secretly replaced his Pepsi with Coke. Let's see what happens. Feelings, nothing more than feelings. Hammer! Problem. Behind the drawn curtains of private lives, there are secrets. Some prove to be fatal. By day, she was a beautiful young coed working her way through college. By night, Sasha had a secret life as an exotic dancer. Suddenly, she was mysteriously dead. The only clue, the voice on this 911 call that led police to her body. Hold on just a minute. No, no, no. No time. The voice of a killer? Also, Europe's naughtiest game shows, cash and prizes for contestants who play out their sexiest fantasies. Tomorrow on Hard Copy. That's it for tonight. Thanks for joining us. I'm Terry Murphy. And I'm Harry Nolan. Good night. Announcing JB's new Sunrise Breakfast for just $2.59. I get two eggs any way I want them. Bacon or sausage plus biscuits and gravy. Or fruit cup and toast. Three pancakes. Or two slices of French toast. Or half a waffle. Or cheddar hash browns and toast. Come on, for $2.59? No way. JB's Sunrise Breakfast. Just the way you like it. Only $2.59. But what if I can't decide? I can come back tomorrow. The way we make it makes it better. You got the right one, baby. You know, I just love this new Diet Pepsi song, but do you think it's caught on yet? You got the right one, baby. You got the right one, baby. Diet Pepsi. You got the right one, baby. You have 100% NutriSweet. Open shop. Open, open, open. The Sunrise Breakfast for just $2.59.