as though nothing could stop them. U-Bolt will continue here on the History Channel. What is the technology behind broadband? Texas Instruments programmable DSP. Technology that transforms telephone lines into DSL internet pipelines from the world leader in DSP and analog, Texas Instruments. You started saving for your kids' college education before they were born. Your wife still thinks of you as her knight in shining armor. And the neighbors know your door is always open. So it comes as no surprise that your auto parts are ACDelco. When the right way is the only way, ACDelco Automotive Parts. When the right way is the only way, ACDelco Automotive Parts. Two-thirds of your estate... gone. Without proper planning, two-thirds of everything you've worked so hard to acquire... could go to the government. Call Solomon Smith Barney at 1-800-ERNZIT, extension 391, and see how a simple will isn't enough. Get your free special report, Ten Strategies for Preserving Your Wealth. You'll learn how to shelter up to a million dollars by 2006. Why it may pay to retitle your assets. And whether you should own life insurance in your own name. See how to protect the people you care about most. Call 1-800-ERNZIT, extension 391, for your special report today. See how we earn it. Solomon Smith Barney. Tonight on the History Channel, winter 1943. The British are convinced they know how to bomb Berlin into submission. But Berliners refuse to buckle, and RAF losses spiral out of control. Bombing assault on Berlin, on Military Blunders. Tonight at 9 on the History Channel. This week in history, a balloon bomb lands on U.S. soil. Its source, Japan. The event is kept secret, but it launches a secret war fought here in the United States by the first African-American paratroopers. The men who carried out Operation Firefly tell their story this week in history. Tomorrow night at 6 on the History Channel. Tomorrow on the History Channel. History's mysteries sails with the Vikings as they sweep in from the North to change the face of Europe and reach America. Then keep your sea legs for an epic battle history of the U.S. Navy, followed by 21st-century combat training on modern Marvels. It all begins tomorrow night at 8 on the History Channel. Can you tell the difference between these contact lenses? Same brand, same prescription. But this lens cost 50% less and was delivered right to my home. That's the lens express difference. Call now for a free lens express catalog. We now return to U-Boats on Suicide Missions. U-Boats will continue here on the History Channel. Suicide Missions will return on Guts and Glory Sunday on the History Channel. Ding-dong! Hi there, neighbors. We know you're busy unpacking, so June here's cooked you up a real feast. Turkey meatloaf! Actually, we're vegetarians. Both. Don't be silly. Everybody loves meatloaf. Thanks a lot. Bye. Ameritrade, huh? Yeah, we invest online, too. Oh, now this is pretty. Oh, hey, don't mind us. You know, we only pay 29 bucks a trade. We only pay $8 a trade. Honey, we got a couple of tadpoles in our hands. You see, kids, $8 a trade is all fine and dandy, but what else do you get? You can bet your petunia. Not much. Not much, except email alerts? 24-hour customer service, free research, but you probably knew that already. Who are those people? I'm Jun! I'm June! We're the Johnsons! Open a cash account with $500 and get 25 Internet Equity Trades commission-free in the first month. Go to Ameritrade. That's how you get somewhere on Wall Street. This is Guts and Glory Sunday. Next, the British miscalculate their bombing on Military Blunders here on the History Channel. More than exhausts the surplus, increasing interest rates and the deficit. The Bush Plan does not add up. There is no other purchase that enhances the beauty of your home like an authentic, handmade Oriental rug. And there is no finer collection than the Oriental Rug Gallery on Main Street in Old Bellevue. The Oriental Rug Gallery offers a breathtaking selection of the best Oriental rugs at direct import prices. Purchase, restorations and appraisal of your old Oriental rugs, too. There are many places to buy Oriental rugs, but there's only one Oriental Rug Gallery on Old Main Street and 102nd in Old Bellevue. We now return to U-Boats on Suicide Mission. Turning from patrol. U-Boats will continue here on the History Channel. What brings broadband to the world? Texas Instruments programmable DSP. It's the power and intelligence that allows you to personalize the web. From the world leader in DSP and analog, Texas Instruments. There's always a combination of taking a knowledge and applying it. For example, I know who the shooter is. I know what he does, what he thinks, under stress, how he'll act, what's his favorite thing to do, what's his least favorite thing to do. 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The U-Boats. The U-Boats. The U-Boats. The U-Boats. And so it concerns them. Again, lose control and mus exchange is absolutely necessary. And the mission also matters to GMC and engineer Nancy Huber. For the new GMC Sierra Heavy duties her team chose an Allison transmissions, which selects the right gear for the grade whenever you apply the brake for more control when you need it most. What? Sir, actually seven of them. So it's got a pretty clear picture then? 100% digital quality. Football? Up to 13 NFL games every Sunday if you want them. I love you. I know, sir. Now get free professional installation when you buy a DirectTV system and sign up for Total Choice programming. Hi. Okay, who here has heard of the United Way? Everybody. Now can anyone tell me what the United Way does? Anybody? Everybody knows the United Way. Please. Good things, but not everybody really knows what we do. All across America, local United Ways bring people and resources together to solve pressing community problems, like getting kids ready to learn before they even start school. United Way, the way America cares, community by community. Can't find the right car for you? Shop Want access to a half million used cars? Lease or purchase? Or do side-by-side comparisons? Need to find the right local dealer? Find the right car for you? Roadmap to the automotive world. All this week on the History Channel, the War of 1812, the British Royal Navy demolished World War II, and on two oceans simultaneously the enemy crushed. Since the revolutionary days of the ramshackle frigate to today's nuclear hammers, this mighty force remains undefeated. The story of the greatest Navy the world has ever seen. The battle history of the U.S. Navy. All this week at 9 p.m. on the History Channel.