Well, on one play initially he thought that I had a hidden lake and of course we kind of exchanged words and it wasn't something that I would want to repeat on air. On both parts? Absolutely, on both parts. Do you respect him? I mean, when you're playing against an opponent, you know that Sam Huffman said he dreams of the quarterback's head rolling down the stairs as a middle linebacker. That's one of the fantasies he has, but this was like crazed. Are you that way about the quarterback? I'm that way just about any opposing player. Any opposing? Offense, you know, whether it's the receiver, quarterback, I very seldom get a chance to hit a receiver, but running backs and particularly quarterbacks. I love that great shot. I like coming around the back corner here and putting my numbers straight in the back of the head and cutting their lights off. It's a feeling of what, conquest? A feeling of, is it euphoric? I mean, you're on a high when you do that? Oh, it's a big high because it's like you're pleasing other people besides yourself. You're pleasing your fans. And, you know, I look at myself as an entertainer and that's what I got to do. You know, I got the people, I have to give the people what they want to pay for. Let's show, we're going to show, since that's what you're talking about, the sack of Elway in the game. If we have that ready, we'll show that and then you can describe what that high is like. Okay. Oh, on this play right here, I just kind of got up field and come inside here, but that wasn't one of the good hits. I remember one time I had a clean shot at him, hit him, the guard came and picked me off. Sometimes, because the quarterback is faced to my left, you know, which I'm coming from the right side and I can get a good blind shot. So what happened, so what happened, I guess in their offensive scheme, you know, they say look at your first protection. You know, you have to look at who's drawing the threat. You look to your right, that's Manley. If I beat that guy in front of me, the guard is going to always pull out and help him out. That way, I can't get that good shot that I want to get. When it was 10-0, were you down? No, I wasn't down. I don't think, not only me, our whole football team wasn't down. We've been down before, Larry. But I mean the suddenness of it. First play, 80 yards. That was nothing because if Gary Hart can come back, we sure can come back too. I mean, we're that type of football team. We're the type of team that, you know, that's the character that we have. That brought us closer together. A writer in the New York Daily News today said that the events in his life that are momentous as a black man, as a child he remembered Joe Lewis winning the heavyweight championship for the world and Jackie Robinson's first day in baseball. And now he says Doug Williams' performance in that Super Bowl was the same kind of feeling. Did you have it as a teammate for Doug? Well, you know, I never really looked at it that way. You know, I looked at it from the perspective that Doug's an athlete, not whether he's black or white, you know. Well, I'm talking about the black American, the non-courtball player. I can understand where you're coming from. I just felt that Doug had a job to do and because he was black, there was that much more pressure on him. I mean, Doug had a lot of ups and downs. But one thing about it, that roller coaster's still going up. And that's the good part of it. So that's the satisfying part. But other parts is that, you know, he's satisfying other people. But in yourself, no sense of racial pride? No, it didn't even bother me. Didn't think about it? You know, I never thought about it. My wife, Glenda, was telling me that Doug is a part of history. I'm saying, she said this during the parade that, you know, this is a part of history. And I'm saying, what's a part of history? You know, Doug's the first black quarterback in it. Plus, he was in the Super Bowl. Not only that, we won and he was MVP. Big deal. You know, it was great. I mean, that was great for Doug, but I just never look at things black and white. When you were standing on the sidelines and that offense was just rolled, I mean, what was it like for you there? Were you surprised? No, because we had that kind of, we're that kind of football team. We felt going into the ball game that we're bigger and stronger. But we felt that because of a team running 34, we felt like we could run a football on a 34-type team. And 34 teams run three, four miles. In other words, you were never standing there saying, wow? On that first play, when John Elway took possession, I said, wow. That's the first time. But all along, I just felt that, hey, we're going to come back. I mean, I really did. And nothing ever crossed my mind. That's tremendous to hear that because it's very, because most of the people watching, you know, upset. Yeah. Everyone was upset. You know, boy, I want to cut the TV off, throw in the beer and everything else through the TV screen. But, you know, I think as an athlete, you go through ups and downs as long as you maintain that, maintain consistency and continue to want to keep playing and strive for perfection. You know, it didn't bother me about us being down. You're aware that it's in entertainment as well, aren't you? Oh, absolutely. Always been that way? Were you aware in college? Always. Because my idols have always been people like Joe Namath, Muhammad Ali, and Reggie Jackson, Harry Belafonte, which that's a big loop there. But you know, I've always got excited about these guys. And that's just the way I am. I look at myself as an entertainer. I'm still a professional. I still want to win. But the crowd pleases me as well. Oh, absolutely. Because the people what makes you, I think the fact that the fans come out here and, you know, and they're able to pay for the season tickets or whatever else, I have to put on a show for them. It's no question about it. You know, I'm getting gratification, but you know, also, you know, it makes you feel good when you've given up yourself to someone else. Just like the Redskins. The Redskins are not, they're a football team. But you have to be a Redskin or an institution. There's an institution in this town. How many cities in F.L. City, how many teams in F.L. City can say that? There ain't many. What was the White House like? Oh, it was great to meet the president. Fantastic. Ron, whose idea to throw the pass? I wasn't back there when they decided to, when they came up with it. Good idea. It was a good idea. It played. Hey, he scored too. We'll be back with Dexter Manley. We'll take your phone calls. Dexter's going to be with us on the radio show tonight as well. We come to you live if you're in the Washington area at the Jefferson Hotel in downtown Washington. Dexter Manley, he may be the best at what he does. We'll talk about that too, first these words. Dexter Manley. Dexter Manley. Dexter Manley. Dexter Manley. The town where the assembly line mentality does not exist, where craftsmanship is revered, where precision is a way of life, a town where the largest occupation is that of carmaker. The town is Kalmar, Sweden, the only place in the world where this car could be built. The new Volvo 760. The clothes shaver from Windbeer. For years those little pills and fuzz meant the end of a favorite sweater, not anymore. It works wonders on dress shirts around the neck and collar. The clipping action of the rotating blade gently removes the pills and fuzz from almost everything. The clothes shaver brings your favorite old clothes back to life and out of your closet. The clothes shaver. It saves your clothes and money too. 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One would think, why would a guy like Dexter Manley, with all he's attained, Suzanne Summers was here the other night talking about her father and alcoholism, and everybody is upfront about it these days, or most people are. Why would you need anything extra than what you get out of life? Is that explainable? Why would you ever have to take a drink or need a drug, anything like that, because you're such a lively up person and you get rewards for what you do. If it boggles those who don't do it, why other people do it when they seem to have everything? First of all, I think that it's a disease, number one, and part of it could be hereditary. I think that's a general thinking, that it is hereditary. I think the most important thing is that you have to be able to recognize and go and get some help with it. First of all, you have to realize that your power is unmanageable, and when you do that, you have to break through the denial stage. Once you get through the denial stage, you have a chance to grow, to feel good about yourself. And you're at that stage now? Yes, I am. Today I am. You never know about tomorrow. You've got to take it day by day, right? Well, I can be comfortable with the past, but I look forward to the future. No, I'm not playing the future. I'm just living in the present. The present is what's in front of me. That's Larry King. That's in front of me. With Dexter Manley, Lafayette, Louisiana. Hello. Yeah, Dexter, I wanted to ask you, in all the hype and the hoopla that was surrounding the Super Bowl, the media was pretty much focused on Elway and the Broncos receivers. I want to know how you feel about that. Well, I think that John Elway is a great quarterback, and the three amigos are the quarterbacks. Just because they were favored, of course they got that much more attention. You look back in 1983, when we played the Raiders, we was 11 points favored. And the Raiders, you know, they had a lot of great players. They came out, and they kicked our butt. You know, what was the score? A 40-something to nine? And so that kind of explained it right there. Did it annoy you to be on the other end of the stick? Well, yes it did, because as a competitor, you know, I feel that, you know, I go out and I like to compete, and so that was a disrespect to me and to our whole football team. So we felt that the way you do that is kind of, you know, you can't really listen to people because people will destroy you. You just have to believe in yourself. And I think that's really what we had. I imagine it must have bugged Elway after a while, too. And not already for him, right? Well, I'm sure it had. I mean, because, you know, they make Elway like he's some magic, or he definitely is a magic man, but it's like he can be stopped. I mean, I haven't found a person yet that can be stopped. Even Jim Brown could have been stopped. With Dexter Manley, Boston, hello. Hello. First of all, Mr. Manley, congratulations. And also, during the playoff game with the Chicago Bears, you were very fired up in that game, and you were doing a lot of finger pointing, and it looked like you were doing a lot of talking to somebody in the sidelines. I suspected it was Coach Dicker. Who was it directed to, and, you know, what were you saying there? What happened in Chicago? Well, first of all, it all initially started, someone said that I called Mike Dicker bum. And to this day, I still say I never called a man a bum. I respect coaches, and I think that as a player, you know, that's my duty. Again, you know, I think Mike Dicker should have had a little more class by it. I don't think Tom Landrieu would have responded, or a guy like Coach Gibbs, so I think he should have. And he said what? He said, I'll cure the grapefruit. I'll cure the grapefruit, which, you know, again, I say, you know, it doesn't matter to me. I'm like water, irresistible. So his word doesn't hold water to me. So what were you saying to him that you could repeat? Well, I can't repeat it here. Nothing can be repeated. Nothing can be repeated. And what did they do about grapefruits? They did something about grapefruits, right? Well, they started calling me Sunkist. But you know, when I got in California, Sunkist, they sent me a whole case of grapefruit. And I got like six, seven dozens of grapefruit spoons. Did you, you have not made up with Coach Diska, right? You two haven't sat down? Well, first of all, I don't think I have to make up. You didn't do anything. And I don't think he should make up to me, you know. Like I said, it didn't even bother me. Well, I think that, first of all, for a coach to make a statement like that is pretty stupid in the beginning, because of course that fries up the whole football team. And the result was that we won that football game. He kind of somewhat sent us to San Diego. He did. Are you a better player when you're emotionally up more? Oh, yes. Well, sometimes in some sports that could work against you. Well, I'm a very emotional type player. To begin with. In the beginning. And I think that when I play on emotions, I play at another level. And that's the way I always got to play. The minute I don't play with that emotion, that enthusiasm, you know, I'm just, I become a real average football player. Some players get more up on the road. They say they'd like to do better to shove it down the opponent's throat in his territory. Well, now, I'm different. That could be true. People are people. And wherever you go, fans, you know, you always say, well, this is a home field advantage. This is kind of advantage. That doesn't mean squat dittly. I think the most important thing is you go out there and you execute and you go out there and you play football. When I go to Green Bay, I mean, they're a great, they're a team like the Redskins, you know. I can play in front of crowds because people are people. And whenever they cheer, that gets me going. And on the road, you don't hear cheers. Oh, yeah. For the for the for the home team. But you still get up. Yeah. With Dexter Manley, but Burnett. Hello. Hello, Larry. We're enjoying your show. It's good to have you back. Thank you. Mr. Manley. Yeah. I appreciate the physical aspect of football, but I'm just wondering, do you mean it when you say you truly want to hurt people and if so, I feel sorry for you. Well, I don't think you mean to. Well, let me kind of clarify myself. I mean, the fact that football, you know, I thank God for football and for America because I can take my frustrations out on a player. I couldn't do that on just a wreck on a person that's walking the streets. So, of course, you know, football is very physical and I can take my frustrations out. I'm not saying I like the end of a guy's career, but I like to go out and get a good shot. I mean, that's the jubilation that I get. I mean, no one, but I used to box as a kid. Yeah, but, you know, I don't want to hurt my face. I look too good. I really got one cut. I don't need any more. How'd you get that? I got that one at Oklahoma State. A freshman? No, I was a freshman in college and the two guys, we had fight, they wanted to fight me because I was in a parking spot. And they cut you like that? They cut me like that with a razor. What happened to them? Nothing. You remember them? As a matter of fact, I wound up playing on the same basketball team in a mirror in college with them. I didn't even know anyone in college that didn't have something. Can't go to college without a razor. I mean, I'm not going to go to college without a razor. I'm going to go to college with a razor. I'm going to go to college with a razor. I'm going to go to college with a razor. I don't know anyone in college that didn't have something. Hey, I'm Jerry Program and Mr. Manley, congratulations on the Super Bowl victory. I'm a Chicago bear fan. I've lived here all my life, but you guys did a great job. My question is though, why is it that Larry could put on this so much of the media and reporters and with the Olympics coming up with the different countries and different races and different religions The best athlete wins. Why is it? There's been so much hype with the Jimmy the great thing and the media Presentation Although you said you didn't realize it that Williams was a story I mean, it's a story is you know, it's sales papers is good copy But I like to just add to something about what Jim is I think the first of all, I don't think Jimmy should have been fired I think you know the way PBS could have held on that is just hire more minorities. I think that solved the problem So getting rid of a wife hire more blacks. Yeah, not only blacks people that qualify whether minorities I don't you want to be in this profession. So you're doing a radio bit on on WWDC and WWDC Work with the greaseman. Yes Good one room I mean, you know plus, you know HTS. I have my own television. That's right on home team sports Yeah, you want a career in this business? I like to someday get into communication You know, I know I have a long way to go and I got a lot of things that I have to correct on and But you're good at it. It's gonna take time. Thank you. You know, you like the camera on you don't you? That's the first thing you got a life. I'm comfortable with the camera. I like the light. Yeah, that's the man leaves our guests We'll be back with our remaining moments. He's also gonna be with us on the radio tonight first these words. I'm Dave Walker with the lowest heart in the news tonight Arizona governor Evan Mecham is impeached and undercover drug buy winds up in a wild shootout leaving three dead in California California the South gets some snow and the president gets his own song a march for his birthday On the evening news right after Larry King live Make a big splash this winter at Miami Beach's premier resort and spa the Fontainebleau Hilton breathtaking lagoon pool luxurious beachfront spa Seven lighted tennis courts and the Fontainebleau's 12 award-winning restaurants lounges and dinner shows All of the fun to lose fun and fantasy is waiting for you now at great package rates So call the fun today Maytag introduces 20,000 cups and sauces 7,000 pots and pans 19,000 glasses 40,000 knives and forks five years worth of formerly filthy dishes all cleaned by one highly efficient dishwasher Maytag the dishwasher with a fine year dependability warranty on the entire wash system because nobody builds them like Maytag The dependability people Whatever happened to supermodel Margo Hemingway? How did her overnight success vanish overnight this week's people tells it all win ten thousand dollars and a trip to the Academy Awards And the diet dr. Pepper sweepstakes details in people You lose money and you're back home Forget just about The Norwegian No wonders for your memory. You forget just about everything. Norwegian Cruise Line. The world's best way to disconnect the world. If you like to drive, really like to drive, this is what your next car should be. This is the all-new Pontiac Grand Prix. This is the 1988 Motor Trend Car of the Year. And that ought to be you driving. Nobody throws rich Sabian in a pool and lives at Telegast. There's only one camera system you can buy that lets you hold the picture in your hand while you still hold the feeling in your heart. The Polaroid Spectra System. They choose rich. No? Our guest is Dexter Manley. We go to Jerome, Idaho. Hello. Yes, quick comment. I love my skins. I was born in Washington, D.C. You can take me out of Washington, but not away from my skins. Love you. Love the way you did. Beautiful Super Bowl game. But Dexter, let me ask you. Did the intensity of the game cause you to get angry? I never see you get angry, always leading to cheering. I'm always getting angry. Well, you seem to be always smiling. I know you're angry, but you don't appear angry. You appear like you're having a great time. Well, you have to be up Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde at times. I can recall sometimes I'd get up real slow. I kind of picked up this technique. Jim Brown, I've always kind of liked him. But Earl Cameron has done it too. And people think, well, he's hurt. Let's run the ball and let's do this here. And I come back, storm, and I like that. But sometimes you have to, you know, I get very upset, you know, at the polls. And I get upset with the officials, but I try to control that. Do you talk to the opposing linemen? Occasionally. Again, not repeatable. Do you ever say, how's the wife? No. We might call the wife's names or, I did that to your wife. Waldorf, Maryland, last call for Dexter Manley. Hello. Hi, Dexter. Thanks for giving us a great year. We really appreciate all y'all did. I have a question. What type of influence do you think you have on the kids who idolize you? Well, first of all, you have to be very respectful. You have to respect yourself. And I think as long as you have an obligation to the community and you live up to those obligations, as long as you kind of keep a clean, you know, you kind of just stay clean on and off the field, I think that's the obligation. Do you think kids hold you up as a role model? I think just because you're an athlete, you're a role model. You know, you have to feel good about yourself, whether you're a football player or not. I mean, everyone's a role model. Oh, you mean no matter what profession you're in? It doesn't matter. You have to be single out just for sure. Yeah, yeah. I think because people watch television, you know, they have a tendency to get carried away with, that's my guy. But it's not that. It's just believing in yourself and, you know. Only got 20 seconds. Is it going to be hard to repeat? Hardest thing to do in sports, repeat. No, I don't think so. I think the fact because we've been a team since then, you look at since Coach Giff's been here, we've always been winning. We've always won. Our track record speaks for itself. Only we did not make the playoff was 81 and 85, and we should have made it in 85. So I think that, you know, we will repeat. We won't see 25 books and go to your head and... No. No. Thanks, Dexter. And thank you for having me here. Dexter Manley, he'll be with us in one hour on the Larry King Show on mutual radio from the Jefferson Hotel in downtown Washington. Monday night's guest is Michael Deaver, plus a wrap-up of Iowa. Tuesday night, Tip O'Neill. Have a great weekend. 143 at Arriva Dirtch. I'm going to bounce you. Let's go. We'll see you next time.