It'll be live coverage. Could there be another world record in the making? Over 100 countries have a national soccer team, but only 16 made it to the 1984 Olympics. This year, for the first time ever, this includes the team from Saudi Arabia. They've worked hard. They've earned their place. We are proud to be part of the Olympics, for it represents an achievement of a country and its people. And to us, our people are our most important natural resource. Welcome to Miller Tide! At Miller Highline, time is everything. Beer drinkers come to us because we've been brewing in extra quality for the last 129 years. That's a lot of our time. But it's the reason you spend your time with us when you want the best beer you can find. At Miller Highline. At Miller Highline. At ARCO, Atlantic Richfield, we believe responsibility is necessary to achieve excellence. And that excellence leads to success. So to reduce pollution in Santa Barbara, California, ARCO capped a crack in the ocean floor, preventing natural gas and oil from contaminating the ocean and air. Responsibility. It's something we all benefit from. ARCO, we put our energy into excellence. And this year, we're also putting it into the Los Angeles Olympics. Welcome to the Open Home Collection. The warmth of wood, a cozy look, for color and style, open homes you look. Coordinated home fashions with an American country look. That's Open Home at SEER. Beautiful shade, a comfy chair, friendly rooms with special flair. Come see all these open home designer ideas for your living and dining room, bedroom and bath at SEER. There's more for your life. With Open Home. Happy! Do you believe we started this business in the shed back of my house? Or that our first six months we sold two chairs? The good old days. Now folks come from all over for our handmade furniture, because we offer them good workmanship at a fair price. Fellas at Meisterbrow understand that. Today we could pay as much as we want for beer, but this tastes as good as Budweiser and doesn't touch you back as much. And after a long day of sawdust, you build up a pretty good serve. Meisterbrow. Tastes as good as Budweiser at a better price. Good night. The GE Electronics Refrigerator. It speaks for itself. GE, we bring good things to life. These two fine products from Upjohn are recommended most by doctors and pharmacists. Keopectin for diarrhea, cordaid for minor itches and rashes. Cordaid-released itches and rashes caused by eczema, dermatitis, insect bites, poison ivy and oak. Keopectin is the diarrhea special. The only leading non-prescription medication created just for diarrhea. You have relief within 24 hours. Cordaid and Keopectin from Upjohn. Recommended most by doctors and pharmacists. And their rights. Well, here you are at last. How high can you go? How far? How fast? Capture the moment on Kodacolor VR-400. One of Kodak's fastest color print films ever. Kodak. Official film of the U.S. track and field team. You're looking at the Dick-Bad Pattons back in 1960. Here we are now. Look at the size of these guys. That's why we love our new Olds Delta 88. There's room for these six-footers to stretch out. And how many roomy cars look this stylish? The Olds Delta 88 is the family car that didn't forget the family. There is a specialty in Olds Mobile. A major television event called The Glory premieres Monday, August 13th at 8, 7 Central and Mountain. You're not just another face along the way to another dream. I'm hoping for a wide body. I probably won't get one. This light? You sure will. You're the pride of your mind. It's through the sky. It reserves 11G in its hand. You probably don't have it. Got it right here. So before you go, my friend, we want you to know, my friend, you're not just lying. You're flying the friendliest high. I like lime in my tomatoes juice. I probably can't get it. Oh, when you fly United, you can set your sights a little higher. Magazine? You probably don't have anything I'd like to read. Well, here's an article called Positive Thinking Always Wins. I know. I wrote it. You're not just lying. You're flying the friendliest high. You probably won't believe this. I had a very nice flight. You're flying the friendliest high. You say you got nothing to do tonight? In the twilight and after dark, it's the line at the wild animal park. Nothing to do tonight? Come on party. After dark, at the sandy, ever wild, an animal park. So what are you doing tonight? A ride after five hours of property, wild animal park, yes, the blue and white. Journey to the safaris, Friday through Sunday. Journey to the desert's edge, this week at 11. It's an expression of jeuneur's joy.