In the mountains of California, in this secluded town, one man is about to discover the legend is real. We need other. You for one. I'm gonna kill him. Rabanus. Isn't this civilized? Rated R. Friday, all the way to Monday. To help you remember 1010345 long distance, we're looking at the third, fourth, and fifth planets. You can call anywhere in the world and save up to 50%. Calls to the UK and Canada are only 10 cents a minute. Well, I've just been informed that Jupiter, not Saturn, is the fifth planet. 1010345, the simple way to save on all your long distance. The X-Files will be right back. I'd probably pay upwards 450 or so. What would you pay for an RV sub? 695. Would you believe any two subs for just four bucks? Nah. No, no way. For this much meat in a sub, I would have expected to be a lot more. Honest, any two for just four bucks. For all that you get in this sandwich, that is a great price. They'll put everybody else out of business. You can go anywhere and get filled up, but you can only get the two subs for $4 deal at Arby's. On the next Psi Factor. Something drain the blood from its body. The team tracks a deadly predator. I'd say it has to be some kind of ape-like creature. With reptilian scales? Is it a savage new species? He's on the run. And will the hunters become the hunted? I'm picking up something inside of 30 meters. 20, 10. Matt Brewer Stars. On Psi Factor. Chronicles of the paranormal. Hosted by Dan Aykroyd. Tonight at 11 on Fox 68. Hey, stop staring at that. Stop staring at the walls. Tear up the road in a new Ford Mustang with $500 cash back. Or kickstart spring in a ZX2 with $1,500 cash back or 0.9% APR financing. So break out in a new Mustang or ZX2 at your Northwest Ford store. What did you want to be when you were growing up? Claire wanted to be the protector of the world. Now her world consists of school plays and sick days. Ford Windstar to the rescue. Windstar is the only vehicle on the planet to earn the government's highest rating in both front and side impact crash tests. Hey, Claire, you are the protector of the world. The new Ford Windstar built to last. Remember, kids in the backseat. And buckle up. It's Frank. It's been his turn for 10 minutes. He had to go call his mother. Hi, mommy, it's Frank. I tied my bowling shoes all by myself. He must have called her with 1-800-CLECT. Why is that? I'll tell you why, Bitterman, because 1-800-CLECT is cheap. So he usually talks for a while. Oh, because it's cheap. Hey, Frank, how's mommy? I don't know. I was talking to Bitterman's sister. 1-800-CLECT, the cheap way to call collect. A new fuel has arrived. The Kellogg's cereals kids love are now enriched with K-Centrels, a special combination of vitamins and minerals so kids get more of what they need to be healthy, more of what they need to be kids. What does your cereal do for you? K-Centrels, only from Kellogg's. Making friends for life, zero dollars. Speaking your mind, zero dollars. Believing in yourself, zero dollars. Trying something new, zero dollars. Being young, priceless. There are some things money can't buy. For everything else, there's MasterCard. It's more than a cruise. It's a magic voyage filled with grown-up wishes and childhood dreams come true. On Disney Cruise Line, you can be part of a magical adventure that starts with a Walt Disney World vacation, then sails to our prized island in the Bahamas. So come now and discover uncharming magic. Hey, buddy. Yeah? How come you're always raking it in? The secret to my success is keeping a clean cab and telling people to dial 10-10-2-20. What? Yeah. I'm told up to 20 minutes are only 99 cents all day of the day. 99 cents? I find more than that in the seats. Well, what if I talk over 20 minutes? Just 10 cents for each extra minute. Do you mind if I tell people about this 10-10-2-20? Go get them, tiger. Yeah. Rookies. Dial 10-10-2-20. The X-Files will be right back. Look out! Let's go! Come on! Come on! Seriously! I'm talking to you. Search. Life's a scream. Hey, guys, that was pretty funny. Seriously. Digital. Digital PCS. Why do I need a digital phone? Duh! A digital phone has a battery that lasts for days. It has excellent clarity. And better privacy. Bedtime. Duh. I'm going to block off. Hit menu. Line one. And do block. United States Cellular. The way people talk around here. Well, hello, everyone. SuperDate Toyota here down at the Yakima Ice Arena where today I'm going to prove my superior hockey playing abilities by... Hey! Hey! We're trying to shoot a commercial here! Hey, look out! Hey, hey! What are you doing? Look out! Look out! Oh, did anybody get that license plate? Well, here's a deal that won't get zamboni'd. All Tacomas is yours. Special Friday into the rebates all month long at Valley Toyota. I'm sorry, SuperDate. This has all the makings of one of those... I wouldn't have anything else but a Malibu. Now that I've had my Chevy Malibu, I'd have no reason to buy another foreign car because it gives me everything that I had and more. Chevy Malibu. Now with $750 cash back or low APR financing. $750 cash back or low financing. We're talking savings. That's your Chevy dealers today. Just blew me away. It did. See your Chevrolet dealer northwest today. We're talking Chevrolet. Well, I think we're all in agreement here. By getting all our supplies at Staples will really save us a lot. You guys still work on the boss's pet project to save the company money? Why? The old man's been out of town for days. He has no idea what we're doing. In fact, I'm going to go play another nine holes right now. What do you think about that? Well, the Staples idea takes care of my pet project. And Harris will discuss your ideas when I get back. Staples saves you money on all your supplies. And you can get them at great low prices, Staples, plus free delivery. Them burger boys would love to have this. The secret to my original recipe sandwich. It's new. Never been a sandwich so full of flavor. With my 11 herbs and spices and the breading and the sauce. It's 11 heaven. Try my original recipe sandwich wedges and a drink just $3.29. That's a dollar off. I do chicken rice, because we got the secret. What you looking at? The St. Louis Files. To Solara Coupe. An entirely different kind of cannery. It's free. Michael, I say Michael, would you like to hear a bird call? Sure, Fargoon. With MCI, a bird can call for just five, I say five cents a minute. And then get lost. My job is to compare products. And it's not often that I'm surprised. So when Head and Shoulders went up against the leading prescription brand, I expected the prescription to be better. But it isn't. A study proves Head and Shoulders is effective against dandruff. I found out there's a microscopic fungus associated with dandruff. And Head and Shoulders helps kill it. Helps stop flakes before they even start. Not even the expensive prescription works better. You may never see flakes again. I don't. I don't.