Why do people believe nothing works better than Alka-Celtcer Plus cold medicine? It just breaks up my nasal congestion so that I can finally breathe. It effervesces. It clears my stuffed up head. It just works. It breaks up my cold. There's nothing else like it. What they're saying is only Alka-Celtcer Plus has the power of effervescence. It rushes medicine to break up your worst cold symptoms so you feel better fast. Nothing breaks up your cold better than Alka-Celtcer Plus. It just works. I'm here. You're here. We're here. It's time to get back to the best part of the 60s. That's right, when McDonald's introduced the Big Mac. Buy a Big Mac or larger medium soft drink and get something groovy every time. Other people and music and bubbles. Like a 49 cent Big Mac, 18 cent fries or other 1968 prices on your next visit. To all be better. Where can you get back with Big Mac? Did somebody say McDonald's? It's awesome.