of so many world economies particularly the Japanese and the European and even the Russian economies that oil demand is not going to be particularly robust this year until then the market is no doubt hoping for colder and messier weather which could trip up travelers but push prices higher Maria Bartiromo CNBC New York and taking a look at those crude oil prices a little bit of a pullback on profit-taking light-sweet crude at the NYMEX for March delivery losing 23 cents a barrel to $14.96 a barrel Brent North Sea crude also for March delivery weaker by 26 cents to $13.83 per barrel coming up at the next half hour the money wheel in our home office computing segment dealing with that ever painful audit find out what you can do even in the most unfavorable of circumstances that plus business and news headlines right after this stay with us you dividend reinvestment plans lets you buy stocks without a broker and this guide will get you started it lists over 800 companies with DRPs and 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indicators which I've been working on for 32 years they've kept me mainly in stocks during big market rises and more important mainly out of stocks during big market drops I hope you let me and my indicators go to work for you now the Zweig forecast scored gains of 740 percent in the last 13 years without even one down year try this why forecast risk-free call 800-345-4035 as a bonus will rush you the unlisted number to Zweig's hotline which updates his market strategy at least three times a week plus a gift copy of Zweig's best-selling classic call 800-345-4035 time is important 800-345-4035 call now and welcome back to the show the money wheel on CNBC I'm Ted David and I'm Karen Gibbs topping our financial headlines Viacom has increased its bid for paramount communications to 10.5 billion dollars 800 million dollars more than its previous bid Viacom is offering a hundred and seven dollars a share for fifty point one percent of paramount stock for the rest QVC the latest paramount bid is worth about nine point nine billion dollars Chrysler shares are moving higher once again today is the number three automaker reports earnings well above Wall Street expectations Chrysler shares now picking up one and an eighth to sixty two and seven eighths after trading in the ten dollar range as recently as 1991 as it had promised last week CityCorp reported fourth quarter earnings today that were higher than analysts had been looking for right now shares to CityCorp slipping a quarter to forty and seven eighths and the number three Nations Bank also outdid expectations it earned a dollar thirty seven cents a share it's about six cents better than consensus predictions Nations Bank shares however off a half at forty nine and a quarter they have another Bank of the News and hot off the ticker Wells Fargo out with its fourth quarter earnings and they are exceeding a street expectations the number coming in three dollars eighteen cents a share in the fourth quarter compared to 83 cents in the year ago period the street was looking for two dollars seventy seven cents so that compares to 318 substantially higher the high end of expectations was 308 and it beat that as well the stock at the moment being rewarded it is up three eighths at 136 and a half and that by the way is well it was just a moment ago an all-time high this may be a case of selling the news the 52 week high in Wells Fargo 136 and seven eighths all right Los Angeles area residents struggling to put their lives back together after yesterday's earthquake that top stories in the news at this hour commuters are having to maneuver their way through a treacherous highway system this morning part of three area highways collapsed in the quake others were severely damaged relief workers are still trying to assess the damage to homes and businesses officials say power should be restored to most homes today but water service could take longer at least 32 people have died of the earthquake and rescue workers are continuing their search for more survivors in the rubble the man President Clinton wants to be next defense secretary has withdrawn his name from consideration in a letter to the president the retired Admiral Bobby Ray Inman says he's withdrawing because of attacks on his character and reputation in minutes scheduled a news conference for 1 p.m. Eastern Time in Austin Texas CNBC will carry it live the government's final report on the Iran contra affairs is President Reagan set the stage for the illegal conspiracy the 566 page report also says that mr. Reagan authorized the sale of arms to Iran in an effort to free American hostages and that he knew of the subsequent cover-up by his aides the report also says that when President George Bush was fully aware of the Iran contra deal as well Supreme Court opens the Citadel Military College to women Supreme Court Justice Chief Justice William Rehnquist has cleared the way for Sharon Faulkner to attend day classes at the Citadel she'll be the first woman to do so in the college's 151 year history mr. Justice Rehnquist set aside the temporary stay he imposed last week without comment two signs this morning that Russia may be backing down from radical economic change finance minister Boris Fyodorov has reportedly resigned he is the second major reformer to step down since Sunday and Russia's foreign minister says the country needs to maintain a military presence in the Baltic States to protect Russian interests there you're up to date more stories in the news coming up in one hour Karen and let's check the stock markets right now we're seeing a bit of recovery after a higher opening let's go to the boards we see the Dow Jones industrials picking up almost six and a half points to 38 76 point 77 transports at 18 24 point 30 better by almost one and three-quarter point while the interest rate sensitive utilities gaining point 79 on the data to 21 even at the big board the composite index up point 64 to 62 95 on volume of 120 point 1 million shares the breadth of the market remains positive 1064 issues advancing 714 declining 728 issues are unchanged and the broader measures are mixed cash S&P 500 at four seventy four point fifty nine just picking up one point twenty nine on the day AMEX index however off by point twenty four to 481 54 and the NASDAQ composite at seven ninety one point sixty five off point 53 on the day looking at the credit arena the bellwether six and a quarter long bond up 1130 seconds to 99 and 1932 yield of six point two eight percent March futures are firming to the 115 and 30 level it's a five-letter word but too many it has all the connotations of a four-letter word we're talking about an audit and for people who have home offices audits can spell special concerns and they get even more special if you never kept records or you lost the ones you had in the January issue of home office computing magazine tax attorney Randy Bloustein explains some of the best ways to deal with an audit even when it comes under the most unfavorable of circumstances the article is entitled beat the audit blues it's on page 24 Bloustein says if you're going to be audited chances are it will be within 12 to 18 months after the IRS receives the return if you have no records he says the best you can expect is for the auditor to allow a token number of deductions claimed on your return but he says with proper planning you may do a whole lot better than that and to find out how to do a whole lot better than that we welcome attorney Randy Bruce Bloustein tax partner in the New York City accounting firm of Bloustein Greenberg and companies also author of how to do business with the IRS something that gets a lot of folks nervous I would imagine sure does that when you're dealing with a home office situation in particular and you have no records first of all how are they likely to notify you about an audit what's the next thing you want to do when they when they say here we come well they're going to notify you of an audit by sending you a letter of course but some people as you said have no records because they either lost the records or they never kept any records in the first place so in either case what you have to do is you have to reconstruct the amount of money that you spent and then you have to be able to show them at the IRS that what you spent was for a business expense now reconstructing your records doesn't mean that you make up or you fabricate anything sometimes you have to go to third parties you have to obtain an affidavit and get those people to attest to the fact that you paid them money and that what you paid them for was a business expense but they made before we go any further because this is a point that some other guests have raised and I know you have probably dealt with both there's a routine audit but what was it the CID or what what are those three letters a certain aspect of the IRS the criminal investigation if they contact you you don't want to play around immediately get counsel right if somebody from the IRS criminal investigation division contacts you that means that they have a sense or belief that you've committed a tax crime in that case you want to be represented by counsel from the inception of the order but in any event if you're audited and you have a home home office and you don't have records do you want to get a CPA or a tax attorney like yourself well it depends about the amount of your exposure now if the IRS is questioning you about a $500 charitable contribution and you have the receipt and the documentation then for the most part you can go down to the IRS handle the matter yourself but if you've claimed a loss on your tax return from a horse race business or for a bad debt deduction because your brother-in-law didn't pay you the money you loaned to him or you have a large casualty loss then you would probably want to be represented by a professional are there special concerns for people with home offices and home-based businesses that perhaps don't affect others and that they ought to be mindful of absolutely the IRS knows exactly where to address its attention and business entertainment expenses are an item that lots of people with home offices avail themselves of the IRS takes the position of course that all your business meals and your tickets the sporting events those are personal expenses unless you have unless you can prove otherwise even the deduction for the home office itself is a target the IRS wants to see that you can document the cost utilities the rent the maintenance charges even the cost of your telephone bills what about the purchase of computers and software and so on at what point do you have to start spreading this out over a period of time and appreciating it rather than just taking it off at one well for the most part the computer hardware the computer itself or any office equipment right now you are allowed to deduct the first seventeen thousand five hundred dollars of purchases so for the most part that's not a problem software they introduced under the new tax law some special rules you may have to amortize it over a few years and real quickly how many consecutive years in a row well that's redundant but how many years in a row can you take a loss on a home business before they start to get a little ancy okay the answer to that is very good a very simple rather you can have a loss every year of your life and still be entitled to deduction the key is that you have to intend to make a profit I hope our producer Peter Shack now is listening I hope you heard that Peter I hope all of you heard that we all intend to make a profit we thank you very much for joining us nice interesting article in Home Office Computing magazine our guest Randy Bruce Bloustein its author he's also tax partner in the New York City accounting firm of Bloustein Greenberg and company as always if you have a question or comment do write to us the address home office CNBC 2200 Fletcher Avenue Fort Lee New Jersey 07 024 at its usual intervention time just a few minutes ago the Federal Reserve as expected added reserves conducting two-day system