I do enjoy tradition, but my new Big Valley Ford is totally 1989. Gotta go. Today's my date to solo. In the Stockton Auto Center, Big Valley Ford. Clint Eastwood, Joe Kidd. Tuesday at 8 on TV4. Good evening. Welcome to the Valley's most popular all-night movie show. This is Night Comfort brought to you by Lebrie's Water Beds. And here's your host, Tom Lebrie. Hi, this is Tom Lebrie from Lebrie's Sleep Center. But just a reminder, during this holiday season we have super gift ideas for all members of your family. Genuine brass and iron beds, day beds, mattress sets, air beds, and water beds for the very latest importation system, Simmons and Soma. We also have a complete selection of super single water beds for the kids at the lowest prices. So if you're looking for that special gift, check us out. We are your Christmas Sleep Center. Lebrie's has gifts for the entire family at your Christmas Sleep Center. Super Santa savings on 20 styles of day beds beginning at 99. 20 styles of water beds, $2.99 or less. Genuine brass and iron beds. The Jefferson Brass Bed is just $3.88. The Simmons Classic conventional clean size just $2.88. Guaranteed lowest prices on Simmons Serta Soma plus water beds, air beds, and bedroom furniture at your Lebrie Christmas Sleep Center. The government had the mob's number one informant. We know for a fact that a contract has been put out on his life. Now special effects genius Raleigh Tyler must complete the illusion. The best thing to do is to make them believe that he's dead. You want me to pull the trigger? You are 100% protected. I give you my word. He tried to kill me. Brian Dennehy, Brian Brown. A plan too evil to be real. For the first time on television. F-X. Wednesday at 8 on TV 40. Certified auto repair. Folks call us the car guys. It's a real compliment. We're proud that so many friends and neighbors depend on us for all their car needs. Some say your car is no big deal, but not us. Uniroyal tires, quality parts, fast, convenient service. Guaranteed for six months or 6,000 miles. We work every day to earn your trust. Certified auto repair. The car guys. Call 429-CARS. That's 429-2277. Remember, we have credit if you need it. Hi folks. I'm Joe Joe at Capital Motors and here's my cousin Joe to tell you all about one of our special deals. This year 85 Mazda 626, four door automatic and much, much more. Only $69.95. If you had a repo, that's okay. Been bankrupt? That's okay. Financing is easy at Capital Motors. Even if you had credit problems. Thanks brother Mo. Capital Motors today at 973-9600 or stop by at 4625 Auburn Boulevard. We'll return to Butterfield 8 starring Elizabeth Taylor and Lawrence Hardy on Tom LeBree's Night Comfort Theater right after these messages. Hi, this is Tom LeBree and once again we have great gifts for your entire family at your Christmas Sleep Center. In the last year all of LeBree's Sleep Centers have expanded for more room and greater selection. You'll find super standard savings on all types of day beds beginning at just $99. Makes somebody's eyes shine. A beautiful brass Orion bed. This genuine brass bed is called the Jefferson and it's holiday price is only $388. You'll always find the guaranteed lowest prices at LeBree's with 20,000 water beds at $299 or less. We have conventional beds for Christmas at below department store prices. Put some Christmas comfort in your life with a Simmons Classic in queen size for only $288. And of course, happy holidays from LeBree's, your complete Christmas Sleep Center in Sacramento, Citrus Heights, Stockton and Pleasant Hill. According to the Surgeon General's latest report, nicotine is as addictive as heroin or cocaine. But now government sponsored research has produced a breakthrough that is proving to be up to five times more effective than other self-help stop smoking methods. For more on this, here's Mr. E.G. Marshall. I'm an ex-smoker, so I know just how tough it is to quit. Well, I've discovered a powerful way to kick the habit. It's a credit card sized microcomputer called LifeSign. This patented breakthrough was developed with funding from the National Institute of Drug Abuse and Scientific Research conducted at the American Health Foundation and Johns Hopkins University has proven effective. It works better than any self-help approach that we've ever evaluated. The amazing thing is how easy it is to use, as easy as lighting a match. It's so hard to quit and this is very easy. Anyone that says, hey, how did it work and what do you think about it? I say, you should try this, it works. It worked for me and I think it will work for other people. No other method that I tried ever did work for me. With this product, I really stopped smoking. I mean, I truly do not smoke anymore. The makers of LifeSign are so confident that it will work for you. They're offering a 60-day, no questions asked, money back guarantee. Doesn't it make sense to give yourself a chance with a product that really works? Make a difference to yourself and those you care about and pick up the phone now. If you order now, you'll save $10 off the regular price. Credit card customers can pay in three easy installments of only $24.98. And remember, with LifeSign's unique 60-day money back guarantee, you have absolutely nothing to lose. So call the toll-free number on your screen now. Listen to me. I mean it. It's from my heart. Please stop. Amen. Tomorrow night, Gene Kelly and Mitzi Gaynor star in Leg Heralds. That's tomorrow night on Tom LeBree's Night Comfort Theatre. We'll return to Elizabeth Taylor in Butterfield 8 in a moment. Hi, this is Tom LeBree with this reminder. No matter what you sleep on, you'll find it at LeBree Sleep Center at a guaranteed lower price. You'll get the best in conventional and flotation sleep and everything in between. We have the largest selection of daybeds beginning just $99. Plus, you'll find Soma, Sutter, and Simmons at below-department store prices. It's not that long until Christmas, so I suggest you come in and browse. And when you find something you really like, just put it on layaway. By the way, if you're looking for something for the kids, you'll find that too. LeBree's has gifts for the entire family at your Christmas Sleep Center. Super Santa savings on 20 styles of daybeds beginning at $99. 20 styles of waterbeds, $2.99 or less. Genuine brass and iron beds. The Jefferson Brass Bed is just $3.88. The Simmons Classic Conventional Clean Size, just $2.88. Guaranteed lowest prices on Simmons, Serta, Soma, plus waterbeds, airbeds, and bedroom furniture at your LeBree Christmas Sleep Center. It's party time on Cheers. I'm gonna need the best of everything. The best food, the best liquor. The best bartenders. You. Rebecca throws a VIP bash for her big wig boss. Lovely party, Rebecca. Why, thank you, Mr. Collier. Ah, but look who's the surprise guest of honor. Miss Howell, I have, uh, Jen and Connie. Well, come on, she'll bring them in. Someone's gonna pay for this. I see you're serving, won't you, dear? Next time on Cheers. Tuesday at 7.30 on TV 40. Hi, folks. I'm JoJo at Capital Motors, and here's my cousin Joe to tell you all about one of our special deals. Take a look at this here 79 Camaro V8 Automatic Sale Brass at Capital Motors, only $26.95. If you had a repo, that's okay. Then bankrupt? That's okay. Financing is easy in Capital Motors. Even if you don't have a repo, you can still get a good deal. You can still get a good deal. You can still get a good deal. You can still get a good deal. You can still get a good deal. You can still get a good deal. You can still get a good deal. Then bankrupt? That's okay. Financing is easy in Capital Motors, even if you had credit problems. Thanks, Brother Mo. Call Capital Motors today at 973-9600 or stop by at 4625 Auburn Boulevard. If you suffer from any of these medical problems, a contour chair with optional heat and massage may help. I'm Art Linkletter, and I'm concerned about these health problems. That's why I want to mail you this free contour chair catalog. You see, contour chairs are orthopedically designed to provide the kind of firm support you need to help reduce pressure on your legs, thighs, hips, and back. And to raise your legs above your heart, all you have to do is press this button. If you're concerned about your health, get free facts by mail about contour. Find out about the marvelous relaxation that comes from the proper positioning of your body. I'm going to mail you this free contour chair catalog, filled with details on the health benefits contour chairs provide. Call me to get this important free information by mail now. Call 1-800-441-3535. That's 1-800-441-3535 toll free. Call 1-800-441-3535. We'll return to Butterfield 8, starring Elizabeth Taylor and Lawrence Harvey. From Tom Libree's Night Comfort Theater, right after these messages. Where does the time go? It seems that you plan a lot of time for Christmas shopping, and before you know it, you're running around at the last minute. This is Tom Libree, and you wear your Christmas sleep center with a lot of great ideas to save you time. We have gorgeous satin comforters at Super Santa Savings. They're reversible in a large selection of colors at just $38.88. They use yourself at $99. All mattress pads and pillows are 50% off, and that's a great low price gift. We never forget the kids either. You'll be a Super Santa when you get this super single water bed filling $129. We have 20 styles of day beds in oak, white iron, or brass, beginning at just $99. Libree's also has Soda, Simmons, and Soma at below department store prices. So put Christmas comfort in your life at your nearby Libree's Christmas Sleep Center. Christmas. Across the many continents of the world, the romantic gypsies roamed, speaking a rich stylized language composed from all the countries they wondered. Now you can learn to read and speak the melodic tongue of the gypsies using cassette tape and easy to follow instruction booklet. And English water in gypsy bite. And English bear in gypsy Mexico. English fish in gypsy mussel. Send $19.95 plus $2 shipping and handling to We Want to Learn, 4778 Dewey Drive, Fair Oaks, California 95628 or call 916-535-1777. Elizabeth Taylor and Lawrence Harvey in Butterfield 8 on Tom Libree's Night Comfort Theater will continue right after these messages. Just throw me your wallet. Yes, sir. A little something extra. John Wayne in his last motion picture. The Shootist. We got JB Brooks here. He's killed 30 men. But he couldn't slap leather with the one thing bound to kill him. Have a cancer. Advance. The day they lay you away, what I'll do on your grave won't pass for flowers. The Shootist. Thursday at 8 on TV 40. Rugged Beauty, the Tetons in November. Manteca trailer and motorhome bring the Tetons to Northern California. And the 89 line of fifth wheels and travel trailers are now available. Durable and luxurious, Teton combines the conveniences of home with the adventure of travel. See Teton Homes featured in Travel Life Magazine's December issue. Experience Teton magic at spectacular savings at Manteca trailer and motorhome. If we're not the biggest, we're the nicest. The Bob Davis people at Manteca trailer and motorhome. Manteca! 1-800-LOAN-YES? What's that? The money store's new local toll free number. 1-800-LOAN-YES? That's the number to call for second mortgage loans. I can remember that. Don't forget, fixed rate! That's right. The rate stays the same for the life of the loan. Qualified homeowners can get quick approval right over the phone. Borrow up to $100,000 or more. Call the money store toll free. Dial 1-800-LOAN-YES. Here's amazing news from Roto-Rooter. It doesn't matter who you call the second a drain stops working. But every second later, it matters plenty. If you call Roto-Rooter, you get a radio dispatch truck fast. If you call them, you get a trained expert fast. If you call them, you get results fast. If you don't, you don't. Hi, I'm Herb Spencer from Low Cost Auto Sales, where your job is your credit. If you've been looking for a car and are worried about the financing, let me worry about it. If you have a job, I can get you financed. I can send you home in a nice car at a bargain price. A car that you can be proud of. A car that's safe and dependable and fun to drive with payments that you can afford. See me, Herb Spencer at Low Cost Auto Sales, 2017 Mitchell Road in Ceres, where your job is your credit. Just a half a mile south of Modesto. See me.