Previously on General Hospital. I'll marry you, Brenda. And this time, nobody leaves. I just want to appreciate every single moment that we're engaged. Shall we? Why do I get the feeling that there's more in store for us tonight? Why indeed. I know who it was who raped me. Who? Mr. Marty. It's up to me to make sure he never rapes anyone again. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the future of Mrs. Stefan Kassadine. I was never about me. I was always about her. Oh, God. When you made love to me, did you see her then? No! Laura is nothing! Keep away from me! Catherine, please. Let me explain. Get in the boat. We have to get off the island. No, get back! No one must see you! Catherine is dead. Stefan Kassadine, I am placing you under arrest for the murder of Catherine Bell. Did you frame Stefan for Catherine's murder? Wait a minute. We're in a theater in the theater district and there's nobody here? Yeah. Looks like it does. How is that possible? There's not ten feet in Manhattan with nobody in it. This place is totally abandoned. You know, you're right. This place is abandoned. I think I brought us to the wrong place. But let's try something anyway, okay? I've always wanted to do this. Table for two, please. Wow. Wow. Dinner in the theater. You said you liked that sort of thing. Shall we? I'm sorry, Your Lordship, did I wake you or were you having another pre-Dr. Schvago dream? How do they wake you up at home? Does the butler come and ring a little Russian bell and bring you a spoonful of Russian caviar? Bet you miss all that, huh? Well, you know, you have servants here, too. Civil servants like me. Ding-a-ling-a-ling-a-linksky. Please, stop trying to crack me with your comic book tactics and tell me what you want. The rest of what happened to Catherine Bell. You give us this gentlemanly account of your lovely occasion with your lovely guests and your lovely engagement, but at the end of the story, your lovely dead fiancé is still a non-secretor. Now, what, pray tell, hath this wickedness left out? Catherine leaned against the railing. That's all. It shouldn't have been the end of anything. If it sounds inconclusive, that's why. And nobody, not a soul, can back you up. I'm having an idiotic problem, believing that at a posh, well-attended swarway, nobody saw you and Catherine Bell in those last minutes. Nobody! Unless, of course, you were making a point of having no witnesses. Fine. I'll get her out of your nephew. Why were the police questioning you about that night? They questioned everyone, but I got to her first when she fell. As if that weren't hurt enough. No, no, I want to help. I want them to know that my uncle would never hurt Catherine and to... and to arrest the person who did. And why would that bring my name into it? Well, you know very well why. Because of my uncle's feelings for you. Are you talking about the closeness that we had when we were in Greece? Look, I've explained all of that to you. Listen, he dressed Catherine in your gown. He gave her your ring. He had a portrait of you hidden in the house. He had a trunk full of your things when you were married to my father. I mean... No, Cassidyne things. Things that your father chose for me when I was married to him. They were family heirlooms. My God, if he held on to them, that's obviously the reason why. Obvious? No, I don't think it's as obvious as all that. Well, what are you suggesting? Are you saying that you think your uncle is in love with me? Nicholas, come on. You know that he blames me for everything. You've heard him ridicule me, insult me. You can love and hate someone at the same time. What I think isn't the point. It's how it seemed to Catherine. My uncle and Catherine were fighting on that parapet before she fell. Is it about you? Well, you can't tell the police that. You don't know what they were fighting about. It wouldn't matter to you if I did. So let's be perfectly honest here for a second, okay? You let my uncle hang from the highest tree rather than let the truth come out because you know Luke would come running with the same questions I'm asking you right now. There's one person that you'll always protect. It's Luke. How could you endanger my son that way? Your nephew, Luke. He trusts you. Lucas was not out of my sight for a second. Well, Carly only looked away from Michael for a minute. Tony didn't want to kidnap Lucas. He only wanted to see him. And you know this how? Because Tony said so? Luke, I ate and slept and dressed and worked with the man for eight years. You think you know him better than I do? What if you had been wrong? What if Tony had the car packed and waiting and a nice little house in Saskatchewan already? What would you have told me if he had disappeared with my son? That Lucas had died? Well, what the heck? It worked once before, didn't it? All right, look, are you more angry with me now than you were then or less? Because I'm going to need a little help trying to figure out the grovel factor here. You know, lying to me about Carly was unforgivable. But this might even be worse because it just doesn't make any sense at all. Do you recognize these people? They used to be your family. You used to care about them. Me too. We were the kids who didn't have anybody else. You made it your job to protect me, Luke. God help us both. And wrong as it was, I knew that's what you were doing when you told me my daughter had died. But this, Luke, there's only two ways this could have possibly turned out. Either I'd have lost my son for good to that man now. Hey, that wasn't going to happen. Or you'd have forced me to banish you from my home, maybe wash my hands of you for good. Is that what you had in mind? Last dance at Luke's big self-destruct party? You should have succeeded in being rejected by everyone but the dog. Look, Barbara, please, if you're going to do this insight thing, why don't you just save it for your patience? As long as I've known you, you've been tugging at my shirt tail, you and Laura, trying to pull me back from the edge, trying to pull me back from the point of no return. Well, if I finally reach that point, do yourself a favor. Cut me loose. There you go. Say goodbye. Liz? I found a mugger, man. Right, you were just looking for a baseball you lost. No, I'm lucky Spencer, okay? Listen. Oh, yeah. Look, everything is cool, so just go check on a car alarm or something. Yeah, why don't you come with me? Listen, you know me. Have I ever mugged anyone? No. So why are you doing this to me, man? If we haul you in often enough, maybe your parents will step up and take some responsibility. Elizabeth, get out now! Elizabeth! Are you going to tell me what this is really about? This is not about the final, is it? I can't. I can't do this. Right now at Payless, when you buy one pair of sandals, you get the second pair at half off. All men's, women's and kids. The Payless shoe source, buy a pair, get a pair, half off sandal sales. Doesn't it feel good to Payless? You never met my big Italian family, but they love you already. So tonight, they'll share with you a fresh salad this big. Then pass around the baby pictures. They'll share baskets of soft garlic breadsticks. Then pass around the baby. What they have, you can have. And that's how the I'm going to choose. They call the house Italiano, which means everything of ours is yours. That's my cousin. She wants to share your dessert. The Olive Garden. When you're here, you're family. Fear. It's waiting for you at Blockbuster. Each week we guarantee terrifying releases will be there. So get your movie and go home happy. Hello, Sydney. What do you want? It's time, girlfriend. Screen 2 tonight and go home happy. Someone has taken their love of sequels one step too far. Screen 2, make it all restricted. Guaranteed to be there at Blockbuster Video. Itchy insect bites and ugly rashes can ruin a summer day, but not with cord aid. It's dereliction quickly stops the itch and helps heal on contact. And cord aid works great for my whole family. Cord aid maximum strength stops the itch, helps heal the rash. Skating sensation Michelle Kwan brings the music of Disney's Mulan to life with dazzling performances featuring Olympic medallist, Philippe Candelaro. Reflections on Ice. Michelle Kwan skates to the music of Disney's Mulan, ABC Tuesday. Okay. Thank you. Lurking in the lilacs with a baseball bat. Have a seat, Mr. Splasio. I don't want to see it. I want someone to go back to the park right now and check on Elizabeth Weber. Weber, is that the girl that you came in here with? Yes, yes, you remember. Now, what does she and a baseball bat... Damn it, Haggard, listen to me. She is out there alone with her friend. You're going to be in trouble if you don't listen to me. I'm going to find her. I'm going to find her. I'm going to find her. I'm going to find her. I'm going to find her. I'm going to find her. I'm going to find her. I'm going to find her. She's out there alone. I told her I would protect her. I said, have a seat, Mr. Spencer. I did not break any laws. You can't keep me here. Trust me, I can keep you here. You don't understand about Luke and me. Yeah, that's an understatement. But not important. Maybe it is. It's hard enough on me to have Lucky questioning my feelings for his father. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. It's hard enough on me to have Lucky questioning my feelings for his father. But you know, you haven't even had the chance to know my husband. And you think to know him is to love him? Okay, I won't go that far. And he has treated you abominably. I won't make any excuses for that. Sure you will. You have. You know, sometimes I think of this house the same way Lucky thinks of my house back in Greece. You're a prisoner here. Look, if you want to tell me about Luke, then maybe you should. Luke knows me and understands me, the good and the bad. But he always lets the bad surprise him. He's not a selfless person. But he always thinks of me first. Having a home, wife and kids. Those are things that he never thought that he would have. So he never takes me for granted. He has never been unfaithful to me. And he never will be. That I know like I know my name. But that one night, twenty years ago, it was one night. I don't punish him for it. I don't throw it back in his face. Luke knows that. But he would never say it, not even in his own defense. I mean, yes, he hurt me. But he was sorry. And I forgave him. Isn't that what God asks us to do? I didn't do it because of God. I did it because I knew that I loved him anyway. And I wanted my life to move on. I see. Do you? Yeah, sure. Sure. The only crimes that are unforgiven are the crimes of the chastisines. That's me. That's why I'm the other child and they're your real family. Nicholas. Now, if I can accept it, why can't you? Huh? I mean, that's what you've been saying all along about Luke. Hello. Yes, what can I do for you, detective? Is he all right? Yeah, I'm on my way. Nicholas, you'll have to tell me whether or not I should be asking you this, but could you possibly stay here with your sister until I get back? I won't be long. Yeah, sure. So which one of your boys are the police entertaining today? Lucky seems to be the center of some misunderstanding. I'll consider this conversation over. Just go. Go be with your family. Thank you. Don't run, don't run! This year, make sure Dad gets everything he wants for Father's Day. What are you gonna ask him for? I want a hammer. Yeah? Well, I'm getting a whole socket set. Socket set? Come up here. See Mr. Handy. I see him. Shop JCPenney, where this 110-piece tool set is only $19.99, with any $25 purchase store-wide. It's the perfect present. Is this real? Oh, yeah! You're a cut-up, Steve. Yeah, cut-up Steve. For all the protection of your dreams, follow your star to hug you supreme. Now with even more leak-stopping power, 15% more special absorbent material, a protective dry-touch layer that's 40% lighter, even leak barriers at the waist. The protection you dreamed of, it's finally come true. Huggy Supreme grants it to you. Only in theaters. See Gone with the Wind as you've never seen it before. In its original Technic color glory and with a remastered digital soundtrack. Got it! The romance. Kiss me. One. The event. As God is my witness, I'll never be hungry again. See Gone with the Wind the way it was meant to be seen. Only in theaters. Rated G. Starts Friday, June 26th in selected theaters. Congratulations. The inaugural run of the Evan Carr 2000. Everybody in the pizza business is looking for a way to deliver oven fresh pizza. Domino's has a better idea. The new Domino's Heat Wave, the only delivery bag that's like a portable oven. Now Domino's pizza is hotter, bubblier and more delicious than ever. Get a large with up to three toppings for just $9.99. Domino's delivering a million smiles a day. Give me a kiss to build a dream on. And my imagination will thrive upon that kiss. Sweetheart, I ask no more than this. A kiss to build a dream on. Dormin' Greg. It's been a dream year. Thank you. What are you thinking? I was thinking about when I was a little kid. Tell me about it. I used to think that I was so self-conscious because there was really something wrong with me. And now I know it's just because my dad was so disapproving of me all the time. My sister was so gorgeous that didn't help. I remember I used to feel almost physical pain when somebody looked at me. I felt like I had no skin, like I was totally exposed. So what I used to do is I would borrow someone else's skin. Like a character from a movie or a play or a book. Since I was a little kid I didn't really have any taste yet so it didn't even matter who it was. Any character from any story would do. You never told me this. Yeah. I would sit in my room and I would try and memorize these monologues. And I would turn all the lights off and I would put this flashlight up on the shelf. And I would shine this spotlight down on me. And I would practice and I would practice and I would practice. And as soon as I felt like I really had this character, whoever she was, I would take her downstairs with me to breakfast or to school. Sometimes into my daddy's study. And that way everyone would be looking at her and I'd be safe and invisible inside. Hey Chip. I'm not a real block, I mean. I know you're busy feeling misunderstood but I thought you might like to know I did send a unit over to the park to look for your friend Webber. She wasn't there. Why is he handcuffed? Miss Spencer, you remember me. I'm flattered. You were away. That's right. I'm sorry, I forget. Were you dead or in Switzerland? You can release my son now. Is he worth a hundred bucks to you? In answer to your first question, he wasn't too cooperative. It wasn't the mouthing off so much as the fact that he refused to stay put and then he gave Officer Pasco such a hard time that now I have a citation for you to look at, a fine to pay, it's a mess. All right. Where can I pay? I'd love to show you. See how smoothly they operate? Just think, for a small investment you could actually keep your child home. Lucky, wait a minute. Elizabeth could be in trouble. What do you mean? Unlike you, she wants to punish the guy who raped her. Well, you don't need a restraining order. I'll keep my distance from you and the Rug Rat. I don't need you to never darken my doorstep. Hollering you is working just fine for me. Hey, who's doing this to you? Laura? Bobby, come on. She isn't to blame for anything. Okay. I've heard that tune before. It's true. Then what is it? What is making you so... Luke. It's not just that you're trying to drive me out of your life. It's like you're trying to erase yourself from yours. Barbara, you always said that Laura and I didn't belong together. Yeah, well, after all this time I'm willing to concede I just might have been wrong. Well, what if you weren't? What if all this time it's just been the quiet before the storm, and now the storm's hit? Maybe it would have been better to lose her then. Clean. Well, two children later it's kind of a moot point, don't you think? Anyway, that is the sum total of Bobby Spencer's wisdom over the day. More than you're entitled to since I'm still furious with you. So drink. I'll see you tomorrow. I know. You never count on tomorrow, but since it keeps on turning up at my door, I do, so call me an optimist. Good night. Good night. Elizabeth! Oh, I am sorry. I am so sorry. Are you okay? Are you all right? What happened to you? Well, a cop mistook me for a mugger. I didn't have time to think. What did Marty say? Did he hurt you? I don't know. I don't think so. There was this noise in my head, like a big wave breaking, and I couldn't even tell you what he did to me. It was like someone took me and just threw me backwards into that night. And I did what I couldn't do then. I ran before I could find anything out. I'm such a coward. No, you're not. I'm glad you ran. Listen, if anything happened to you, anything, I'm sorry. Mulan is Disney's greatest achievement since The Lion King, a breathtaking, awe-inspiring epic. And Newsweek proclaims audiences will want to jump up and cheer. Disney's all-new animated feature, Mulan, rated G, starts Friday. You could have softer, smoother skin. Thumb the belly button down after seven days in Pamper's premium. Our gentle touch liner plus aloe means you could change the condition of the skin simply by changing their diaper. When you pamper the skin, they're in. What if every dad got the same outfit for Father's Day? You know Kmart wouldn't let that happen. Kmart's got more shirts and shorts on sale and more styles and colors than you can shake a dad at. And they're all just $8.99 each. Now, with the low, low price of $8.99, you can afford the outfit, Dad, not only for Father's Day, but for Mother's Day, Labor Day, Groundhog Day, Kmart shirts and shorts for Father's Day. Lowest sales prices every time, guaranteed. General Hospital will continue in a moment here on ABC. What do you think of these? They make your butt look big. I'm kidding, I'm kidding. Oh my God, they do, they make my butt look big. Trust me, honey, trust me, your butt looks just as big before you put them on. A lot of thought went into the design of the 98 Ford Taurus Wagon. First put in a V6 engine and automatic transmission standard. The imports don't even do that. Then design the Taurus Wagon with comfort in mind, including the right features like eight passenger seating, sedan-like handling and over 80 cubic feet of cargo space. But the biggest feature was designed with your budget in mind, like your choice of zero nine financing or up to $12.50 cash back. Ford Taurus Wagon, the perfect design from the inside out. Just see your Northwest Ford dealer. And our top story in the town without milk, still no milk. Drive-Thil Mayor Bob Kelly faces bribery charges after being caught with seven cartons of 2%. Milk, please. Milk. Taurus. Preschoolers rampage today when a teacher serves peanut butter sandwiches. Milky, Milky, Milky Smooth. Now available in your town. New Milky Smooth Skin Lotion. It's extra creamy. Got milk. So it's summer. Big deal. I'm an indoor type myself and you will be too after this. Right now you can get up to two free months of HBO, Stars and Encore. And don't forget about TCI's new digital cable. Tons of new programming to fit the taste of everyone in your family. There's never been a better time to get cable. So come inside, keep those flies off my screen and call TCI today. Ask about installation specials and how you can get up to two free months of HBO, Stars and Encore only from TCI. For two decades, Yakima's home of rock and roll. 94.5. With Cats. You have business here? Luke, the police picked up Lucky in the park. What happened? I don't know. He had a baseball bat. I guess they thought he was going to use it on someone. Well, you know, there's plenty of people around who need a good head bashing. Do you think you're funny? What do you want me to do? Lay down laws that he won't listen to? Assert authority that I don't have anymore? Maybe I should just hurt him in a way he won't recover. Seemed to work with you. I don't get this. I don't understand what's happening between us. I mean, Lucky, I can understand. His faith was shaken. His image of us is tarnished. But what Lucky found out, we knew already. We lived it, for God's sakes. We recovered from it. We put it behind us. We loved each other in spite of it. Why is it back now? What difference does it all make now? Why do you love me, Laura? I don't want to talk to you when you're like this. Have I ever given you any reason to doubt that I love you? You want me to believe that there's something wrong with the way I love you? You are punishing me. You're punishing me for forgiving you. What could be more unfair than that? Call me when you're sober. Come with me. I want you to do it for me. Do what? Show me. Oh, Jax, I can't show you. I'm not going to show you. I'm going to show you. I'm going to show you. I'm going to show you. I'm going to show you. Oh, Jax, I can't show you. Do one of the speeches. Do one of the speeches that you memorized. It's been years. I can't remember. You haven't forgotten them. I don't think you have. No, I feel so stupid. Why? I mean, I want to meet that lonely little girl I keep hearing so much about. Okay, but you can't look at me. Okay. Okay. Okay. There's this one that I got out of my sister's book. And it's about this woman. Someday, I'm going to leave. Someday, after breakfast, I'm just going to walk out my door and go around the corner and go to a bus or a plane. And from there, I'll go to anywhere. It doesn't matter as long as it's by the ocean. That's all I remember. Why does she want to go? I mean, what does she think will happen? No one will miss me. For days, probably. And it just won't matter. Because I'll be alone in a house on the beach, and I'll just be free of everything. I'll be free of disappointment. And years will pass, and I won't even notice, because there'll just be no pain to mark the time, no line from one day to the next. Only the books that I'll read. And the characters will be my only acquaintances. Just fantasy people with no concerns beyond the pages of the story. And they'll just be so real to me. More real than anyone in the town who won't even know me. I'll just listen to them. And they won't even notice that my hair has turned white. And that I have lines on my face. And they won't even notice that I've become an old woman. And one day, I'll wake up, and I won't even remember why I left. And I won't even remember if I took a bus or a plane. And I'll wake up and I'll believe that I've always been there. And that's the day that I'll walk out onto the sand. And I'll step into the water, and the waves will just boil around me. And the water will be so warm. And they'll pick me up, and they'll carry me. And I'll leave again. And this time, it'll be forever. Gone without a trace. Lulu. Hey. What are you doing? I haven't seen you. You're getting so big. I've missed you. Your mother just left. She sounded like it had something to do with you. Yeah, yeah, sorry. Mommy had to pay for my bad behavior. Yeah. I guess she likes to do that, though. All right. I thought I'd pay her back. Here you go. So, you moved into my room yet? I want to fight with you right now, Lucky. You're paranoid, man. I'm just saying, you know, we may not have our own lake, our own stables, our own guards, but if your uncle's going to be having his mail forwarded to Attica, you may need a new address, too. He's in jail because your father put him there, Lucky. Really? My dad? Ranger? Uncle? Well, you don't see me arguing, do you? But see, this whole Sherlock Holmes powers of deduction thing, I don't think it's going to do you any good. Because, you see, charges don't stick to my dad. So I know you got something up your sleeve. Why do you blame Laura for what your father did to her? Well, he couldn't have gotten away with it if she didn't say it was okay. What do you care? I mean, really. Okay, all right. So, you're the one she picked. You're the one she made room for in her life. But because she's not in excruciating pain, you want to hurt her. Is that how the logic goes, my cat? Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for watching your sister. Sure. Anytime. Nicholas, come back whenever you want. To see Leslie Lu, to see me. Whenever you want. Well, even though Luke and Lucky aren't here, they still won't like it. I tried pleasing everyone else and that didn't work. Now I'm going to please myself. Okay. I will. Good. Bye. Bye. Looking out on the morning rain Maybe it's time for a hair color that's actually good for your hair. You're the key to all the keys to my life You make me feel like a natural woman You make me feel like a natural woman You make me feel like a natural woman You make me feel like a natural woman Mr. Noodleman, your father's day sale is in trouble. Ridiculous. Look, Burlington Coat Factory has those famous label and designer sports shirts you have for about half your prices. Oh, I'm nauseous. You should see the low prices on those Bill Blass pants you carry. Oh, Sylvia, my bills. And isn't this the same famous American designer swimwear you have? Only priced a lot, wawa. But you shop for Father's Day at my department store, right, Myra? Myra? Myra? Burlington Coat Factory, we're more than great coats. A House Call with Dr. T. Barry Brasilton. Don't rush your toddler into toilet training or let anyone else tell you it's time. No. It's got to be his choice. So I'm glad there's finally a bigger diaper for growing toddlers. What a big help and a terrific idea. Now he can decide for himself when the time is right. It's got to be his achievement, no one else's. Introducing Pampers Size 6, specially designed for growing toddlers. Okay, when I say McDonald's, chicken McNuggets. I know, I hit the goal. In honor of Disney's new movie Mulan, the epic adventure about this cool girl who saves China. McDonald's is offering tender, crispy chicken McNuggets and a new Szechuan sauce for a taste of the East. It starts Tuesday, so please hurry or this guy may never stop. If you want to keep a kid out of crime, become a mentor. Teach him right from wrong. So do some good. Here's the number to find out how. Children first. A palace, a beauty queen, a sultan and prince. Claims of prostitution and white slavery. Now this former Miss USA speaks out. They were telling me you may have been Miss USA but you're nothing but a whore now. Plus, miracle machines that promise health and beauty. But do they work? Before you put your money where your mouth is. Watch this, 2020 Monday. You are definitely in the wrong career. I mean that. Modeling is kind of like acting. You don't really think that girl with all that makeup on and those clothes is mean to you? All I know is whoever you were up here just now, she was magnificent. I mean I fell in love and lost her in the space of five minutes. You think I'm giving you insincere meaningless compliments, don't you? I don't think any compliment from you is meaningless. It's nice that I impressed you. Because you impress me every hour of every day. You know the movies that intrigued me most when I was a kid were very adult, very provocative. I can't believe that Jane would let you watch movies like that. They were always about a man and a woman. The plot was usually flimsy. Every few minutes the action would come to a screeching halt and the dialogue would stop cold. Then the man would pull the woman toward him. Like this. And the lights would dim. And then the best part would begin. Like this. Like this. Just the way you look tonight. Yes, can I help you? Mrs. Spencer? That's right. Are you looking for Lucky? No. But... I don't want to say he's everything to me. Even though it might be true. I know it will sound a little weird. Lucky, he's good and he's smart and generous and respectful and gentle and honest. And that's how I know you're all those things too. Even though I don't know you. Would you like to come in? Come on. I'm sorry, I don't even know why I'm really here. I was just staring at the ceiling, afraid to close my eyes. The next thing I knew I just was. I'm sorry, you see, we have something in common. My last name and your maiden name. Actually, we have more than that in common. Oh my God. Oh my God. Not yet. Not yet. Still not. Nope. Getting warmer. Now is official. Not really summer until you have your ballpark. Only ballpark franks have such a big juicy taste. They plum when you cook them. Don't you just love summer? Try ballpark fat free smoked white turkey franks. Made with white turkey meat. Five minutes here. Ten minutes there. Eventually each minute you spend in the sun can show up on your skin. That's why Lubriderm introduces Lubriderm Daily UV with SPF 15. A brand new non-greasy-filling moisturizer with protection from everyday sun. So the only thing you'll be left with this summer is beautiful, healthy-looking skin. See you later, alligator. Hello, sunshine. Don't run, don't run. This year, make sure dad gets everything he wants for Father's Day. How am I going to ask him for it? I want a hammer. Oh yeah? Well, I'm getting a whole socket set. Socket set? Come up here. See Mr. Handy. I see him. Shop JC Penny with his 110-piece tool set is only $19.99. With any $25 purchase store-wide. Back in line. It's the perfect present. Is this real? Oh yeah. You're a cut-up, Steve. Cut-up, Steve. Pat and Betty at the Reynolds Kitchens. Until now, the most important equipment needed for cooking on the grill was a pair of running shoes. I forgot the chicken. Where's the corn? The peppers. The chicken's burning! Introducing new Reynolds Hot Bags, extra heavy-duty foil bags. Just put your entire meal in the bag. Close and cook. With Reynolds Hot Bags, the only piece of equipment you need is lounge chairs. New Reynolds Hot Bags make good food better. I'm too relaxed to clean up. I'll clean up. This year, the General Hospital Fifth Annual Nurses Ball is so big. So entertaining. So intriguing. Hello. I'm ready. It's on both Fort Charles and General Hospital. Yes! Awesome! It's a special event that begins Friday and continues Monday and Tuesday on both shows. ABC Daytime. Don't miss it. I know I'm seem completely unhinged right now. I just couldn't really be alone. I'm very glad you came here. And I needed to be with someone who I wouldn't have to explain to. I've been thinking about you a lot. I've been thinking about you too. My son has never talked about anyone the way he talks about you. I couldn't have survived this without him. He was very worried about you today. He thought you were in trouble. Sometimes I scare myself. I get so angry I could make someone bleed. I really could. But then something will happen and... Did something happen tonight? Yeah. Something that took me back to the night I was raped. So hard and so fast I could barely breathe. And then it was like it was happening all over again. Has that ever happened to you? What do you want? How'd you get her to hate you? Laura. Laura doesn't hate me. She doesn't hate me. Laura doesn't hate me. She never has. She never has. Yeah. Better watch out. Give me one good reason. Because we're in a public place. Yeah, but the public isn't. Yeah, but... Okay, we need a line to bring down the curtain. Oh, we do. To be... Or not to be. Horizontal. You could have softer, smoother cheeks in just seven days. If those cheeks aren't Pampers premium. Our Gentle Touch Liner plus Aloe can mean softer skin, smoother skin in just seven days. When you Pampers the skin, they're in. Right now at Payless, when you buy one pair of sandals, you get the second pair at half off. All men's, women's and kids. The Payless shoe source, buy a pair, get a pair half off sandal sale. Doesn't it feel good to Payless? The more power, the quicker the flash, the brighter the smiles. The more power, the more music to enjoy. Introducing the remarkable power of new Duracell Ultra. With a concentrated power force to get more life out of your high tech devices. The more power, the longer the call, the more expressive the conversation. New Duracell Ultra. More power, more life. Okay, when I say McDonald's, chicken McNuggets. I know, I hit the gong. In honor of Disney's new movie, Mulan, the epic adventure about this cool girl who saves China. McDonald's is offering tender, crispy chicken McNuggets and a new Szechuan sauce for a taste of the East. It starts Tuesday, so please hurry or this guy may never stop. Somebody say McDonald's. Tomorrow on General Hospital. I'm sorry that I hurt you. I'd rather see Carinthos dead than with the woman I love. You know the pills that I gave you for your pain? Do you have any left? Monica already told me you and Alan are having an affair. Somebody has decided that the nurse's ball is my time to die. The two of us. That's right, at the nurse's ball. In your dreams. Ouch. So where are you off to? Oh, my room. How about you? Yeah. The prime reason I love television is because I am able to communicate a great message to millions of people like in an instant. Fight me. I have the biggest crush on Janet Helfman. That's so junior high, that's so cute. Actors pretty much deeply disturbed. Juvenile delinquents. Saw one big happy family. Drew is just a funny dude. I love you, Gary. Everybody loves everybody else on ABC. The ice is on fire. World figure skating sensation, Michelle Kwan brings the music of Disney's Mulan to life. Look at me. Featuring Olympic medalist, Philippe Candelaro, and today's top champion skaters. And you'll get the best of both worlds with a sneak peek at Disney's new animated adventure along with a magical mix of dazzling performances. Reflections on Ice. Michelle Kwan skates to the music of Disney's Mulan Tuesday on ABC.