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Oh, you're nothing. What? By working together, we can all help put the pinch on crime. Earn cash rewards. Call Crime Stoppers if you have information that may lead to an arrest. Watch NCAA basketball on Kina Television. Did you know that one of the horn guys could sing? Did you know that? I didn't. I was not aware of it. Is there art? Do you let him sing like that? Yeah. No, he sounds good. Bruce Capper. Yeah. Okay, but now what if you needed a guy to play the saxophone while he was singing? I have to pay a guy scale to do that. You have to get an extra guy in? Double scale. Would it just be easier to pay a guy to come in and sing and let Bruce play the saxophone? Never thought of that. The band, I'm telling you, they're running the organization. I never thought of that. Please try to control your people. We're right. No, you're right. Please, it's anarchy. It's the first day of the year. It's anarchy. It's better in the new year. You're a monkey on a rock, my friend. Thank you. Our next guest is a lovely and talented young actress who stars in what looks to be a blockbuster of a new film. It's titled Stepmom and it's in theaters now. Here she is, Jenna Malone. Jenna, please come up. Hi, Jenna. Hello. How are you? I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. How are you? I'm so pretty good. Happy new year. Thank you. You too. Did you have a nice new year celebration? Yeah. I celebrated with my friends. Went to a couple of parties. Really? How'd that go? It went fun. It was really fun. What do you do at a party? You're just a kid, aren't you? How old are you? I'm 14. 14. Alright. So when you go to a party, you're having a party with other 14-year-olds, I guess. Yeah. Maybe the occasional 13-year-old, maybe the occasional 15-year-old. Yeah. But by and large, 14-year-old kids. Yeah, he'd be dancing to some music. What kind of music do you like? I love Lauryn Hill. I like Busta Rhymes. I think he just got in trouble. I know. He got arrested. He had a couple of guns on him. He's carrying a gun. He's packing some heat, as we say. I know. That's street lingo. Yeah. So you had a nice time at your New Year's Eve parties. Yeah. Do you mind if I just ask you some questions about where you're from? Where did you grow up? Did you become an actress, that kind of thing? I grew up in Lake Tahoe. Oh, it's beautiful there, isn't it? Gorgeous up there. Oh my God. It's just stunning. You lived there, right? Yeah. I lived there for like half of my life. Yeah. And how are you lucky enough to live there? I don't know. I was born in Sparks, Nevada, and we just moved to Lake Tahoe. And I went to school there until I was like in fourth grade, and then I moved to Las Vegas, all places. Well, yeah. And the stark contrast, Las Vegas, a little bit different than Lake Tahoe. Just a little. Just a little. But Lake Tahoe and the Sierra Nevada, it's an area of uncommon beauty, isn't it? It's gorgeous. Yeah. I mean, if I ever have a kid, I'm going to raise it there. Yes, I understand that. Now, what? No, no, I mean, I used to go up there. I used to work up there, and it's just thrilling. I used to love being there. What kind of things did you do? Did you hike? Did you ski? Did you water or sail? That kind of thing? I used to love going like tree climbing, you know? And just like running around scavenging in the forest, you know? I don't know. I would sing to myself in the forest. It's kind of embarrassing. Really? What kind of thing would you sing? Like Busta Rhymes? No, more along the lines of like Marilyn Manson. You know, I had such a great time when I was in Lake Tahoe, just talking about it now. It just brings back just wonderful memories. Really? Yeah, yeah. And then you moved to Las Vegas, and what did you do there? I was only there six months. I hated it. You know, I was like 10. What does a 10-year-old do in Las Vegas? But I mean, you were there with your mom. It wasn't just like you were just uprooted, you know? Well, yeah, of course. Yeah, I noticed with my mom. We moved there for her job. And I wanted anything to get out of there. So I answered this ad in a newspaper, and it said, you know, Fresh Faces wanted. It ended up being a big, big scam. But I went to the seminar, and it was on acting. And I really wanted to be an actor before I got there. And I was like, I'm going to be an actor. I'm going to be an actor. I'm going to be an actor. I'm going to be an actor. And I was like, I'm going to be an actor. And I was like, I'm going to be an actor. And I was like, I'm going to be an actor. And I was like, I'm going to be an actor. And I was like, I'm going to be an actor. And I was like, I'm going to be an actor. And I was like, I'm going to be an actor. And I was like, I'm going to be an actor. And I was like, I'm going to be an actor. And I was like, I'm going to be an actor. And I was like, I'm going to be an actor. And I was like, I'm going to be an actor. And I was like, I'm going to be an actor. And I was like, I'm going to be an actor. And I was like, I'm going to be an actor. And I was like, I'm going to be an actor. And I was like, I'm going to be an actor. And I was like, I'm going to be an actor. And I was like, I'm going to be an actor. And I was like, I'm going to be an actor. And I was like, I'm going to be an actor. And I was like, I'm going to be an actor. And I was like, I'm going to be an actor. And I was like, I'm going to be an actor. And I was like, I'm going to be an actor. And I was like, I'm going to be an actor. And I was like, I'm going to be an actor. And I was like, I'm going to be an actor. Eleven blue flag warriors stand on the brink of battle and ask themselves, where is the other team? And they say, where is the other team? And they say, where is the other team? And they say, where is the other team? And they say, where is the other team? And they say, where is the other team? And they say, where is the other team? And they say, where is the other team? And they say, where is the other team? And they say, where is the other team? And they say, where is the other team? And they say, where is the other team? And they say, where is the other team? And they say, where is the other team? And they say, where is the other team? And they say, where is the other team? And they say, where is the other team? And they say, where is the other team? And they say, where is the other team? And they say, where is the other team? And they say, where is the other team? And they say, where is the other team? And they say, where is the other team? And they say, where is the other team? And they say, where is the other team? And they say, where is the other team? And they say, where is the other team? And they say, where is the other team? And they say, where is the other team? And they say, where is the other team? And they say, where is the other team? And they say, where is the other team? And they say, where is the other team? And they say, where is the other team? And they say, where is the other team? And they say, where is the other team? And they say, where is the other team? And they say, where is the other team? Thank you very much. This week NFL football is on Kina Television the way it should be. NFL football on CBS, get ready to rumble. This week on Kina Television. This week on Kina Television. When you mentor a child, you don't have to be perfect. You just have to be yourself, which by the way is pretty good. Do good. Mentor a child. Call 1-877-BEAMENTOR. If you have diabetes, there are a world of reasons to get a dilated eye exam. Because diabetic eye disease doesn't have to take away your sight. If you need any more reading, just look around you. Well, I think this has been a very good place to start the new year. My thanks to Louis CK, Jenna Malone and John Voight. We'll see you Monday now with Sarah, Jessica Parker. Have a great weekend. Thanks for watching. Thank you, Louis. Hey, hey, pants. Hey, pants. Bucks, bucks and more bucks. Be one of the first 1,000 fans at the CRC finals rodeo in the Sundome on Friday, January 8th and receive a wallet. And you could be enjoying some big bucks of your own. That's because the wallets are filled with over $2,500 in cash and prizes. Including one wallet loaded with $500 cash. Come see all the excitement of PRCA championship rodeo and win some cash. Friday, January 8th, opening night of the CRC finals rodeo. It's open at 630 and only the first 1,000 fans get a wallet. No purchase necessary. Complete rules available on request. The danger is building. The pressure is mounting. The risk is rising. And every week it all comes crashing onto your screen. Baywatch, get in on the action. Baywatch, Saturday night at 11 on China Television. Welcome home. The address is CBS. Welcome home. The address is CBS.