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The iron you've been waiting for is ready. In six days, decide for yourself about the most anticipated new show on television. I think I'm in love with you. What's going on with you and that girl? I admit I have feelings for you, but it's not gonna work out for us. I'm not gonna take that for an answer. We can make it work out. NYPD Blue. Tuesday, viewer discretion is advised. I want you to find someone. Next Wednesday. Was she pretty? Nearly perfect. Oh, baby. You sure do. Swing. It's a clue. Blackmail. I'm guessing there's a whole lot of cash in that briefcase. Can I have a second guess? Moon over Miami next Wednesday. Boy, you really know how to show a girl a good time? Well, I've saved up some special kept off the evening. Really? What could that be? Something you've always wanted. You threw all your tools away? Honey. Some of your tools? Better. Better than throwing away your tools? What could that be? Must be good. It is. I got it. There's a special episode coach coming up. How'd you know that? It's right there on the cue cards. Where's it? Who are those people? See? They're out there. Monday on Day One. An ancient ritual shrouded in secrecy. It scars women for life, causing pain, disease, even death. 100 million women all over the world are still subjected to it. Now they speak out and fight back. Day One. Monday. Right now get an Arby's roast beef sandwich and curly fries for just $1.99. That's a roast beef sandwich and curly fries just $1.99 for a limited time at Arby's, where different is good. When I told my sister-in-law about Chopco's It's So Easy to Win contest, she said she doesn't even bother entering contests. Why? I said you can win great prizes like cars, boats, exciting vacations, and there are eight new winners each week. She said somebody else always ends up winning those things instead of me. Maybe she's right. Somebody else did win. It was so easy. There are eight new prizes each week. Enter today. It's easy to play, easy to win. Good evening. I'm Kevin Schaub. Hanford's leading contractor has been told it's make-or-break time. Hazel O'Leary today gave Westinghouse more authority in handling the radioactive waste tanks, but she warned that safety slip-ups won't be tolerated. More on the Energy Secretary's new safety laws tonight on Northwest Nightcast. Washington's new air quality laws will affect everyone, including small business. Tonight, we'll tell you how. And we'll show you a woman winning a car tonight. We'll see you at 11 o'clock. This is CAP-TV, Channel 35, Yakima. And be... The only cookie, man. Wow! KitchenAid ranges mirror nature in surprising ways with even warmth. A drink that endures. A mystery that unfolds. The fire of creation. All someplace a little closer to home. KitchenAid freestanding ranges built in ovens and cooktops because we took a cooking lesson from Mother Nature. KitchenAid, for the way it's made. Rolled gold pretzel chips. They're pretzels and they're chips. Rolled gold pretzel chips? They're just a thing for dips. New rolled gold pretzel chips. They're pretzels and they're chips. We call it a unified, ergonomic interior design. Ray Campbell calls it his quiet cabin in the woods. We call it high-strength steel body construction. Emily Ross calls it a place to put her valuables. We call it an impressive value starting at around $12,000. Tom Reese calls it more affordable than his daughter's wedding. We call it Corolla. The all-new Toyota Corolla. The brand new car with the familiar name. Some glass cleaner. On my little guy's works of art, it just doesn't cut it. The greasy prints, all it leaves is a streaky mess. But what else is there for cleaning glass? Introducing Mr. Clean Glass and Surface Spray. Mr. Clean for glass? Even on tough, greasy grime, he cleans better than the leading glass cleaner and cleans it to a streak-free shine. No smears, no streaks. Even when the sun shines through. New Mr. Clean Glass and Surface cleans to the shine. Can Queen Latifah make it on TV? Are Westerns staging a comeback? Can Harry Anderson survive life off the bench? Get the scoop in TV Guide's special fall preview issue. New comedies, dramas, stars. The most complete guide to the new TV season. A TV Guide exclusive. Snapshots of the new season's stars. Favorite shows are moving. Don't miss them in the best easy-to-use guide. Don't watch the new shows in the dark. Get TV Guide's fall preview. In six days, decipher yourself about the most anticipated new show on television. I want to stay close. But we can't. It's too complicated. I think I'm in love with you. NYPD Blue is compelling. I admit I have feelings for you, but it's not gonna work out for us. I'm not gonna take that for an answer. We can make it work out. I don't want to be alone tonight. NYPD Blue premieres Tuesday. Viewer discretion advised. Why haven't you called your parents lately? I lost the phone once under some clothes. I got hit in the head in football practice. Locus. I've been studying. Came through the window. Two feet of snow. I lost my voice. Little green men. Big foot gaming. They're not lies. They're excuses. You may have a lot of excuses not to call, but price isn't one of them anymore. Oh. Introducing a new way to call collect from AT&T. Just spell it out. Dial 1-800-OPERATOR. There's no lower price for a collect call. Is my mother gonna see this, though? Beautiful things. Now a new revolution. Liquid and powder in one makeup. CoverGirl introduces new ultimate finish liquid powder makeup. It's one makeup that gives you the flawless coverage of a liquid and the soft finish of a powder. All in one compact for the ultimate natural look that's flawless, weightless, wondrous. Liquid and powder in one makeup. New ultimate finish liquid powder makeup. Beautiful things. CoverGirl. Janine woke up in a cold sweat. She remembered getting really smashed the night before. The question is, who was this guy in her bathroom? What had they done? What about AIDS? Then Janine realized that unlike the rest of us, she was just a cartoon. Get high, get stupid, get AIDS. Hey, honey, what you doing? I'm doing a promo for the Emmys. Oh. Oh, wait a minute. Are we nominated? Well, I am. But you're a presenter, and you did win last year. Join coaches Craig T. Nelson, Shelley Fabre and more. The 45th Annual Emmy Award, Sunday. Deep Blue premieres on ABC. Coming up on Northwest Nightcast, the energy chief doesn't mince words over what she expects from Hanford's contractor. And the story of the Oregon woman who was on the run for 23 years. Stay up. The news is next. Coming to the Central Washington State Fair, Friday, September 24th. It's the cool sounds of Shy. And in the same concert, the phenomenal SWV. That's Shy, and SWV, Fridays, September 24th. Computer chips can save you time and money. Rock chips, if you don't fix them, will cost you extra time and money. Like replacing your whole windshield. McKinney's Auto Glass will fix your rock chips now for just a little time and money. McKinney's Auto Glass at home under the big blue sign on South First Street. Here's chip test number one. Which of these chips can cost you a lot of money? The answer? Both of them, if you don't play your cards right. McKinney's Auto Glass wants you to fix that small chip before you have to replace the whole windshield. McKinney's Auto Glass at home under the big blue sign on South First Street. It's your last chance to save at Valley Ford Nissan. All new Fords and Nissans must move, and move today. New 93 F-150 pickups as low as $99.99. New Nissan hard body trucks from $79.99. New Ford and Nissan car clearance price. New cars as low as $59.99. The final shipments of 93s are on the way. And when they're sold, that's it. Your last chance clearance sale. On today at the Valley volume dealer. Valley Ford Nissan. You're watching CAP TV. Channel 35 Yakima. Welcome to Northwest Nightcast. A final update on the day's top stories. There was a march tonight to support the striking nurses in the Tri-Cities. And small business owners tonight found out how new air quality laws will affect them. With news for the Great Northwest, this is Northwest Nightcast. Good evening. I'm Kevin Shaw. And I'm Tiffany Peters. The nurses at Cadillac Medical Center in Richland got a little help from their friends tonight. The nurses' strike at Cadillac continues, and tonight there were a few more signs in front of the hospital. About 50 members of the Hanford Labor Union IBEW Local 77 came to help the nurses out with their cause. Well, we feel that our sisters and brothers are not being treated fairly. And we're showing them they have our full support. And we want to be in unified in their cause and helping them to settle their contract and get what they do rightfully deserve. It's unfortunate that management takes a stance that they're willing to spend money that our insurance is paying and willing to spend that kind of money to bring in replacements. And we'd just like to see the professional people that were on staff get back to working.