The Monkeys will be back after these messages. The world you've always imagined can be yours. This just in. Captain Crunch captured by Soggies. We're frameth! If you help Free the Captain, you get a chance to win a $100 share of the million-dollar reward in the Free the Captain Sweet Steaks. Especially-marked boxes give you three games with secret phone numbers to tell you which place, which store, which key frees him. Your parents can help you call. Hooray! Thousands will enter. Answer right, you can be one of 10,000 winners. To enter free, write Free the Captain, box 3100, SIOC, New York, 11775. My kids will get me out of this crunch. I mean, Sogg. It starts with a dot, a dot that's hot. The animator, the animator. Ready for fun? Move it left, move it right. Move it up, move it down. The Etch-a-Sketch Animator. Draw it, save it. Draw it, save it. The Etch-a-Sketch Animator. It brings drawings to life and life to your drawings. It's going places, it's going places. Batteries not included. The Etch-a-Sketch Animator, new from Ohio Art. You're watching Nickelodeon. Now, back to the Monkees. Finish, this is a car. Nobody to drive it. The Monkees will be back after these messages. It starts with a dot, a dot that's hot. The animator, the animator. Ready for fun? Move it left, move it right. Move it up, move it down. The Etch-a-Sketch Animator. Draw it, save it. Draw it, save it. The Etch-a-Sketch Animator. It brings drawings to life and life to your drawings. It's going places, it's going places. Batteries not included. The Etch-a-Sketch Animator, new from Ohio Art. This is our bus. This is our bus driver. This is fun. Fruit Corners through Bullops. We love our Fruit Roll-ups. They make our fingers flip. Fruit Corners, Fruit Roll-ups. We love to let them flip. Let's have more. We are Fruit Fun. We love to play. We love our Fruit Roll-ups. Introducing the great big taste of new watermelon Fruit Roll-ups. Terror Claws Skeletor battles Flying Fist T-Man. I'm out of power. Terror Claws against Hammer Fists. Figure Soul Seventy. Terror Claws Skeletor and Flying Fist T-Man. Incredible weapon. T-Man's heroic fortress. Castle Grayskull with Trap Door. Laser and Jaw Bridge. Figure Soul separately from the Masters of the Universe. I have the power. Castle Grayskull, the source of all the power. You're watching Nickelodeon. Now back to the monkeys.