She once had to rescue him at the airport where his fraternity brothers had tied him up and left him in his underwear. Robin and Jack Probert. Couple number two. He was taking a class with her and her boyfriend, so he asked the boyfriend for a phone number and he got it. And eventually he got her too. Rayon and Lee Ellis. Couple number three. She spent their honeymoon with cucumber and vinegar all over her body. Shelly and Jim Hindigis. And couple number four. Their families didn't know they'd push up their wedding date and were already married till they read it in the newspaper. Chris and Ken Busconner. Those are our newlyweds for today and here's your host, the star of the All New Newlywed Game, Bob Eubanks. Thank you. Hello everybody. Welcome to the All New Newlywed Game. There's a Chinese proverb that says that many women take marriage means a roof over their head and a man under their thumb. Well, we'll see who has the upper hand when we start our game right after these very important messages. We'll be right back. Gentlemen, thinking back to your very first sexual experience with your wife, will she say it was more of a mystery, an action adventure or a farce? Ken? She's going to say a mystery, definitely. A mystery. All right. Jim? It was absolutely a mystery. It was a mystery. Lee, would it be a mystery, an action adventure or a farce? Action adventure. Really? An action adventure. You devil, you. You got the best time of her life. Is that right? That's what you told her, right? Jack? Well, she didn't know it was coming, so it has to be a mystery. A mystery. All right. Next question, gentlemen. What will your wife say is the one thing she always says about you that you feel is totally unfair? Be specific. Something, Jim, she says about you that you think is unfair. She says about me that's unfair, that I'm very, very tight with money. That you're tight with money. All right. Very, very tight with money. That's totally unfair. Lee? I don't want you to believe this, but she says I'm egotistic. Oh, I don't believe that at all. I believe you. Yeah. What was your answer to the first question? It was the best time she ever had in her life. Next question? Yeah. You're not egotistical. No. No. I don't believe it. Jack? What's unfair is that I don't listen to her. That you don't listen to her. I listen to her. Ken? I listen to her. I listen to her when we have an argument that I run away from her. So she says it's unfair that I can run, but when she goes away when we have an argument. So you run away from arguments. I don't run away. I just don't listen. That's what she's going to say. She's going to say that. And you say that's unfair. Yeah. She says it's unfair because when she starts to leave, I say, no, you can't leave. I'm not done talking yet. But it's all right for me to leave soon. Right. Last of our questions. Gentlemen, how will your wife say you would complete this sentence? If you ask me, my wife stuffs her face with much too much what? Lee? Makeup. Makeup. Jack? I definitely have to say chocolate. Chocolate. Chocolate. All right. Is that specific enough judges? Just chocolate? That's okay? They say all right. Ken? Food. It doesn't even matter what kind of food it is. No. It's got to be more specific than food. Food? More specific. Ice cream. Ice cream. That'll work. He loves ice cream. Jim? Sweets. Definitely a sweet fanatic. More specific than sweets? Pies. Pies. All right. Gentlemen, thank you very much. We'll be right back to Reunite Our Newlyweds. We're going to see how well our husbands have predicted what their wives will say right after these messages. On card you now have them in front of you. So ladies, here's your question. Five pointer, here it comes. Ladies, tell me, thinking back to your very first sexual experience with your husband, was it more of an action adventure, a mystery, or a farce? Thinking back, Robin, what do you think? I think I'd say an action adventure. An action adventure. All right. Jackson, it was definitely a mystery. Oh. You knew about it. There was no mystery to me. I didn't think you would know about it. I knew about it. You did? Yeah. She didn't tell me that she knew about it. Reun? I would say a mystery. It was a mystery. Yes. Lee said it was an action adventure. Best time of her life. I'm telling you, the best time of her life. No, no, no. You're lying. Put the card away. He said it was the best day of your life. No, definitely a mystery. I did not know what I was in store for. Is that right? It was the best time of her life. I don't know why she's not pregnant. And afterwards, I still didn't know. I see. Yeah. Boy, he must be a romantic devil, huh? He made it home. Shelley? Action adventure. Action adventure. Jim says it was for sure a mystery. A mystery. I always keep it a mystery. No, hey. I love to keep it a mystery, sweetheart. It wasn't a mystery. It was action-packed. A mystery to me. Chris? I'd say a mystery. A mystery. Your husband said it was a mystery. No. Yeah. I told you she didn't know what was in store for her. She didn't know what he was doing. I couldn't figure out what he was doing. Well, he couldn't either, huh? That's not how it happened. Next question. Time for the next question. Here it is. Ladies, what's the one thing you always say about your husband that he feels is totally unfair? And be specific for me. Rayon, there's something you say about Lee there that he feels is totally unfair. I say he's just like his brother. That he's just like his brother. Just like his brother. All right. He says that you say that he is egotistical. Oh, yeah. That's true. That's true. It's so big in the studio. Yeah, he's egotistical. I can't even imagine that. I can't even. Yeah, I can. I'm a normal guy, you know. Move in with him. You'll see. No, I don't want to move in with him. Thank you. I mean, Lee, are you a good looking guy? That's the audience. Yeah, I am. I mean, I have some form. Are you a great lover? I'm a perfect lover. Yeah. Are you egotistical? No, I'm not. Are you a liar? Yes, I am. Tell it. He's got a big ego. That he has a big ego. Yeah. All right, Jim says the one thing you say about him that's totally unfair is that he's very, very tight with money. Oh, God. He doesn't feel that he is. That's true. He is. I am. He's very tight with money. Chris? He's a chauvinistic pig. Whoa! A chauvinistic pig? Yes. All right, all right. Is he really? Is he a chauvinistic pig? No. I'm asking her. Yes. Thank you. Does she know what she's talking about? He thinks women should be barefoot and pregnant in the house. Oh, no. No. No. We don't have any kids, do we? No. You got shoes on. Look at her feet. You got shoes on your feet? You got shoes on. She got shoes on her feet? That's right. I give her a good old. Good for you. I feed her good. Good for you. Good for you. Hey, Ken. Chauvinistic pig. Hey, Ken, who's the boss? He runs away from me. I'm the boss. All right. I'm the boss. Look at this. I outrank her. That's true. He runs away from arguments. Yes, he does. Runs away from arguments. You're running away now, am I? Look at this. Don't feed you. What do you think, Robin? I would say that I always say to Jack that he's always a slob. That he's always a slob. Jack says the thing you say about him is that he doesn't listen to you. Oh, yeah. He doesn't. He says he does. Now I'm a slob. Now I don't listen. I'm a slob. What else do I don't do? When you lay all those clothes all around the room and I have to come pick it up. Yeah. I let the dog take it away. The dog runs right away. And the dog is carrying on all the underwear. Jack, you can move in with Lee if you want to. Oh, he can't. Here's the last of our five-point questions. Ladies, how did your husband complete this sentence? This is him talking. If you ask me, my wife stuffs her face with much too much what? And be specific, please. Shelly? Candy. Candy, all right. Jim said you stuff your face with much too much pie. Ice cream. Ice cream. He said ice cream. Ice cream. Don't keep it up, ice cream. Look at that. Ice cream. First thing in her mind, you say food. First thing in her mind, ice cream. Yeah. We're going to eat some ice cream. Cheer up, Ken. Cheer up. Robin? I'm going to have to say chocolate ice cream. Yeah. That's my favorite thing. He said chocolate. That's all right. Jennifer? Rayon? Candy. I'm going to have to say candy. Candy. Candy. Your husband said you stuff your face with much too much makeup. Makeup. He stuffed his face with makeup. Couples, thank you. We'll be right back now with just the wives to see how well they predict what their husbands will say right after these messages. All right, we've sent the husbands off, and now ladies, your husbands have been secluded offstage, and it's your turn to predict what they will say. And remember, each of these questions will now be worth 10 points. So here's our first one. Ladies, which of the following will your husband say you say the most often? I don't know, I don't care, or I don't want to. Shelly, what do you say most often? I don't know. I don't know. Rayon? I don't know. I don't know. Robin? I don't want to. I don't want to. Chris? I don't want to. I don't want to. I don't want to. Next question, ladies. When you lay flat on your bed in your usual sleeping position, what part of your body will your husband say lies closest to the equator? Rayon? My rear. Your bottom part. Yeah. Okay, Robin? I'll say my legs. Your legs. Fine. Chris? My butt. Bottom? Shelly? My bottom. Your butt. Closest to the equator. Yeah. Be darn. Here's the last of our 10-point questions. Ladies, Clint Eastwood is famous for saying, make my day. What will your husband say you would say that he's famous for saying? Robin, what's he famous for saying? Tookie talks. Pardon me? Clint Eastwood says, make my day, and your husband says, tookie talks. Yeah. Chris? Gee, that's great. Gee, that's great. Okay, Shelly? You're so stupid. You're so stupid. You talking to me, lady? Oh, that's the answer. Rayon? Where's my clothes? Where's my clothes? 25-point bonus question. Ladies, will your husband say you have more fancy blouses, fancy dresses, or fancy shoes? Chris? Fancy shoes. Shoes, Shelly? Fancy shoes. Shoes, Rayon? Dresses. Dresses, and Robin? Fancy shoes. Shoes. Ladies, thank you very much. We'll be right back now. With our husbands to compare answers on the All-New Newlywed Game, right after these messages. We are back, and now, gentlemen, let's see how well your wives have predicted what you will say. And remember, these questions will now be worth 10 points. Here's our first one, guys. Gentlemen, which of the following does your wife say the most often? I don't want to. I don't know. Or I don't care. What does she say most often? Lee? I don't want to. I don't know. Or I don't care. I don't care. I don't care. Rayon says, she says, I don't know. I don't care. Yes, she does. She says it all the time. I do not. I always say, I do not know. Because you always ask questions. What kind of questions does he ask? Uh-oh. Anything, anything. Questions he knows the answer to already. Just for the top. I see. Just for the top. Just for the top. I don't care. I don't care. I don't care. I don't care. I don't care. I don't care. I don't care. Just for the top. Well you know how the husband, I'm the type of person who I want to get my wife to save him out of time, you know, I want her to be involved in everything I do, right? Sure. So it should be even even, right? Right. So I ask her the question, although I'm going to make the decision, I still ask her. Yes. Don't waste my time. No, right. That's the way you're supposed to be, right? Yeah, I think you're very fair. Thank you. You don't have any points, but you're very fair. Yes. Jim? Soon as I would say, I don't want to. I don't want to. She says what she says most often is, I don't know. I don't want to. I never say that. I don't know. You'll say, what do you want to do? I'll say, I don't know. What do you want to do? Yeah. All right. Kim? I don't know, because there ain't much she knows anyway, so. I don't know. She don't know. I said, which way is this going? I don't know. What do you want to do? She must know something. She married you. I had to talk to you. I had to go through her parents first, you know. I was like, can I marry your parents? I love her parents more than I love her. That's the reason why he started going out with me at first, because he liked my parents better than he liked me. She's got great parents. They're great. That's because they feed them. Prime really. Nice brain. Jack? Well, she never wants to do what I want to do anyway, so I say, question. What does your wife say most often? I don't want to. I don't know. I don't want to. I don't want to. I don't want to. Next question, gentlemen. Gentlemen, when your wife lies flat on your bed in her usual sleeping position, what part of her body lies closest to the equator? And be specific if you would, please, Jim. Closest to the equator? Yeah. What part of her body lies closest to the equator when she's in her usual sleeping position? Her back. Her back, all right. What part of her body lies closest to the equator when she's in her usual sleeping position? Her bottom. Her bottom. Very close, in fact. Ken? Her breast. Her butt. That's true. Don't you know where the equator is, Ken? She lays on her stomach. Don't you lay on your stomach? Oh, her stomach's closer to the equator than her back is? No. Her breast. We've got a water bed, right? So it's just like, shapes. So where's the equator, Ken? Who cares? Wait a minute. She's got bigger breasts than her bottoms, right? Time out. You know everything. We can tell. Where's the equator? The equator is up or down. I don't know. It's down. Yeah. So if you lay on your stomach, your breasts go a little closer, right? I lay on my back, stretched out. You do not? Because I always got to roll you over. Come on. I wake up. That's how I get on my back. Huh. Jack? She sleeps right next to me all the time, and I definitely say if I go right down the middle, I'd say her bottom. Bottom. All right. Robin says it's her legs. How can your legs be at the middle? Because I thought that the equator was like this. Like this? Yeah, the equator is like that. Yeah. Yeah. Straight. And so everything I felt was equal. Sure. So my legs were the last part. Equal in equator, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Ken, you're a genius. You're a genius. Yeah. Ken told me where the equator is. It's up or down, Ken says. How do your legs know that? Yeah. Lee? Repeat the question. What's the equator? Ask Ken. He knows. When your wife's in her usual sleeping position, what part of her body lies closest to the equator? Are you talking about the equator? I said Ecuador equator? She's going to kill me if I don't get this one right. Oh, she will. You're tied for last place. Oh, yeah. What's your answer? Her behind. Behind, all right. She says that it is her rear. You're right. It's by the way, gang, the equator is an imaginary circle around the earth, equally distance from the North Pole and the South Pole. Why? Okay. Ken knew that all the time. Here's the last of our 10 point questions. Gentlemen, Clint Eastwood is famous for saying, make my day. What did your wife say you're famous for saying? Ken? Oh, geez. I'm famous for saying it. You can't prove that. I don't know. Harvey? You can't prove that. You can't prove that. Chris says you're famous for saying, gee, that's great. Gee, that's great. Yeah. Yeah. That's a good one, right? Yeah. What do you think, Jack? God, I say a lot of things. What are you famous for saying? I'm famous for saying, let's go. Let's go. Robin says you're famous for saying, tookie talks. Oh, tookie talks. Tookie talks is my nickname. Tookie talks. He goes, tookie talk, tookie talk, tookie talk, tookie talk. Tookie talks. I think that's cute. I know. He does too. Lee? Well, it's something I've been saying for a while. All our friends call us, we're not going to be able to say it. Well, it's something I've been saying for a while, all our friends call us young, upward mobile professionals which are yuppies. So I take it that yuppies mean, you can always tell a yuppie because a yuppie always go, answer the question. Yupp, yupp, yupp. Oh yeah, that's what we call yuppies. So that's what you're famous for saying? Yup, yup, yup. All right. Raelle says you're famous for saying, where's my clothes? Yes. Yup. Yup. Yup. Yup. Yup. Yup. I think it'd be, I'll be here. She has a personalized license plate. I'll be here. Because I'll be saying it, I'll be here. All right. Shelly predicted you would say you're famous for saying you're so stupid. All right, couple, thank you very much. We'll be back with a 25 point bonus question to see which person you're going to be talking to. We'll be back with a 25 point bonus question to see which couple is going to win their grand prize right after these words from, yup, Bob Hilton. Bonus question for 25 points. Gentlemen, does your wife have more fancy shoes, fancy blouses or fancy dresses? Couple number three, Jim and Shelly was zero. 25, we'll give you 25. Jim, answer please. Yes. Uh, fancy dresses. Fancy dresses. Shelly says she has more fancy shoes. Couple number two, Lee and Raelle with 10. 25, we'll give you 35. Lee? Fancy blouses. Fancy blouses. She said more fancy dresses. Couple number one, Jack and Robin with 15. 25, we'll give you 40. Jack? He did his questions, fancy shoes. Fancy shoes is what she said. Yeah. All right, coming on for Ken and Chris. You have 20, 25, we'll give you 45. Get it right and you'll be our grand prize winners. If you miss it, second place. Fancy shoes. You got some, yeah, she does. Fancy shoes. And Ken and Chris, you're our newlywed game grand prize winner. And now, the winner of the grand prize is, who is it? It's a big deal. It's a big deal. It's a big deal. It's a big deal. And now, Ken and Chris, our winners of the newlywed game, here's the special prize chosen just for you, an exciting, sleek, new motorboat. That's right, Chris and Ken, it is over the water, through the waves, with the Boston Whaler Super Sport 13. It's remarkable foam core construction and fiberglass hull makes it unsinkable. The features include a stainless steel safety rail, fine-crafted mahogany seats and control station, furnished by Boston Whaler. Empower your boat with this new motor, the 30 horsepower Yamaha Ford motor comes with electric start remote control. This two-cylinder engine is loop charged for an efficient combustion system, furnished by Yamaha. And take your boat anywhere on this Holesquad trailer, which features 40 spoker wheels and wide drag suspension, ruggedly built for drive-on loading, furnished by Holesquad Brothers Incorporated. Have a whale of a time, courtesy of the newlywed game. Congratulations to you. Get it started.