The crazy world of Benny Hill will continue. In some houses, trying to stay comfortable can take a lot of energy. But a Super Good Sense home stays comfortable no matter what the weather. Extra insulation seals off winter heating bills. Energy-efficient windows keep cold drafts and hot sun out, and your money in. And fresh air circulates evenly through the whole house. Super Good Sense homes are certified energy-efficient. So talk to your electric utility, or just look for this sign. Super Good Sense. Insist on it. 🎵Morning, morning, morning, morning🎵 A dealer cash incentives up to $3,000. Cash back is back. Now at your Nissan dealer. 🎵Morning, morning, morning, morning🎵 Right now, my head is throbbing. It feels like there are fire engines driving back and forth, smashing into the ends of my head. Karen Claude is trying Extra Strength Titanol Gel Caps. For pain like hers, nothing, not aspirin, not ibuprofen, works better. I don't have a headache anymore. I mean, I feel great. Nothing in the front, nothing between here and this part. It's great. New Extra Strength Titanol Gel Caps. In the real world of everyday pain, nothing works better. 🎵Morning, morning, morning, morning🎵 If you don't want to slow down on your way home. 🎵It's the right beer now🎵 If you think having fun means jumping in with both feet. 🎵It's the right beer now🎵 You realize that in some sports, you can't call a time out. So call for the silver bullet, the one that won't slow you down. 🎵Cars like🎵 🎵Yeah, it's the right beer now🎵 At Godfather's Pizza, we are proud of the tremendous amount of toppings we put on our pizza. And we still keep our prices low. And that responsibility rests solely on Dennis. He's our accountant. In fact, it was his idea to sell two medium super pepperoni pizzas for $10.99. So he wouldn't even think of charging more than $10.99. Would you, Dennis? For a limited time, get two medium super pepperoni Godfather's pizzas for $10.99. So hurry before Dennis changes his mind. Tune in tomorrow at 8 when David Carradine stars in Armed Response. KST Washington's 8 o'clock movie will continue in a moment. Wonderful place, Hidden Valley. Just what you'd expect for the home of Hidden Valley Ranch Salad Dressing. Folks here are proud of our original ranch recipe. The secrets in the special blend of herbs and spices. And everyone loves that creamy homemade taste. Hidden Valley Ranch. How could anything so fresh and delicious come from anywhere else? True, not everyone can live in Hidden Valley, but you sure can get a taste of it. Hidden Valley Ranch. University Four. Rick Bloom, six cups of coffee a day. A lot of meetings today and a lot of coffee. For people who love a lot of coffee, now there's Perfect Balance from Hills Brothers. Lou Merrick, eight cups. Now more if I want to. Perfect Balance tastes just as good as Folger's Regular Ground, but with half the caffeine. Mary Dixon, ten cups. I love coffee. New Perfect Balance with half the caffeine. Enjoy all you want. It had to be used. It had to be used. I hunted around Finally found The one I would choose sometimes it's abused But always it's used So fun to peruse The one that we've choosed It had to be used It's the one that gets used. US West Direct. Talk, talk, yank, yank They talk. For more songs in a row with No Talk, try Magic 108 FM. AST Washington The crazy world of Benny Hill will continue. I've got a what? A brush, I really do. It's inconceivable. How can I possibly have a cavity? This is devastating. If your little kid has a cavity, we've got news for you. Over the years, one toothpaste has helped prevent more cavities than all others combined. Yay! Not surprisingly, it's the toothpaste more dentists recommend. Crest. This is a totally incredible visit. Yes! It's great! Crest, it's hard on cavities and easy on you. I'm outta here. Big Trucks Chevy's Hot! Automatic savings on Chevy Full Size. Buy now. Get automatic transmission of $795 value. No charge. Total change of parts savings up to $1695. Chevy truck sales increases blowing out for 3 to 1. Full size value at your Northwest Chevy dealers. Chevy's Hot! I don't know, you know, it's not, that's not why I do it. It's so that I can look at myself in the mirror before I go out. Then whoever wants to look, I don't care. I have to get up in the morning, I have to go past the mirror. When I go past the mirror and I've been working out and I feel really good about myself, I can face lots of things that I couldn't normally face as easily. When I look good, I think, okay, fine, I look good. Try and give it to me. Pacific West Health and Tennis Club. Get two people for one. See you're hauling Redwood logs. Yeah, you? I ain't a mind. Hey, neighbor, what's you hauling? Juniors, geraniums, gardenias. It's for borrowing when we can came our plants, trucks. Hey, this is Mandebilla. And a variegated lirio. Almost everything that grows is on sale now during flower week at Kmart. You wouldn't have an azalea in there, would you? May I say you have excellent taste. Yeah. Dynabiter. Bad habits are so hard to break. Even though I love my soft scrub cleanser, I've always hung on to this powder for those hardcore stains. And now I've got new soft scrub with Clorox bleach. It's as tough as any powder on stains, but it's as gentle as soft scrub on everything else. So which one will I hang on to? Bye-bye powders. Soft scrub and soft scrub with Clorox bleach wipe out the need for powders. Good evening, I'm Charles Johnson. A memorial service was held today for 47 men who died aboard the USS Iowa last Wednesday during an explosion in a gun turret. We'll have the story tonight on the 10 o'clock news. Also, we'll visit a re-birthday party in Seattle. We'll explain. And this from Olympia. This is Steve Williams in Olympia. Without missing a beat, the legislature has moved from regular session to special session. Dave Torscher will have weather calglomstead sports, and I'll have news for you tonight at 10. We'll see you then. Miss Higgins, take a letter. Gentlemen, come. When you need glasses fast, It has come to my attention. You need Pearl iTech for glasses in one hour. And now buy one pair, get one free. Or buy DuraSoft Colors contacts and get a clear pair free. Coupon of details in magazines or newspapers. Strike that from the top. Gentlemen, come out. Buy one pair, get one free at Pearl iTech. What's the best-selling car in the world? Ford Escort, a runaway favorite. Now a really great value at your local Northwest Ford dealer. $8,284. Now this is not a basic Escort. This is an Escort with automatic transmission, AM-FM stereo, power steering, dual electric mirrors, tinted glass, and interval wipers. The world's number one car. A real value at $8,284. Now at your local Northwest Ford dealer. What happened? I was drinking again. Better call Schick. I don't see how I can lose the craving in ten days. Remember the first time you sat behind these controls? I was scared. But you soloed after a couple of weeks. I had a great teacher. Well, Schick's got a great program. It doesn't take long because they have a proven medical treatment that helps you lose the craving. I'll call him. Schick's alcohol program has the number one success rate. Hi, KJR's Gary Lockwood. Can you believe kids today call this music? Rat? Poison? Ozzy Osbourne? We don't play this stuff on KJR. We file it. We play classic hits like The Beatles, The Stones, Creedence Clearwater Revival. This is real rock and roll. You know, the stuff your parents hated when you were a kid. Classic hits on 95 KJR. I get a big kick out of shopping with Isabelle. She's so picky. She's got to have Albertson's supreme produce. She says it's the freshest and they sure have a lot. She could spend hours there. She says it's all the more beautiful because it's priced so low, like everything there. So we don't just buy our produce at Albertson's. After all, there's more life than carrots and onions. Albertson's, we think like you do. And now, back to the crazy world of Benny Hill.