My bitter? Yeah, you can probably hear it in my voice. It's just mind-boggling to me that no one had given him a chance to play in the big leagues. There can't be 750 players in this world better than Pete Rhodes did the second. I'm totally convinced of that. Did you, anybody else in the family, ever try to tell Pete Jr, you know, you've given it your best shot? Why don't you try something else? I would never say to him, give it up, it's time to quit. No, no. Pete, at what point do you give up chasing your dream? I don't know. I have no idea. Whenever I wake up in the morning and I say that's it, I guess. He's gonna play baseball until they tell him, you're not gonna play anymore, you can't play. Part of my heart's shaped like a baseball. That sounds like Pete Rhodes, senior. That's all junior right there, but that's, I guess that's his drive. It sounds like dad, but that's me. What a complex family legacy. Two men with considerable legacies of their own, competed for the chance to become president in the year 2000. Whatever their individual merits, it can be and was said of both George W. Bush and Al Gore, that their father's achievements helped pave the way for them. So it always is with the family name. In every family, the younger generation considers who they are and who their parents might want them to be. Sometimes it's one and the same. In this fundamental way, all families, not just famous ones, carry on the legacy. That's 48 hours for tonight. Now here's a preview of our next broadcast. He's barely far, but Tank is already one of Hollywood's biggest stars. Somersault! Good ball! This is Tank's big first feature. Can his trainer make him his biggest star as Bart? He steals all the scenes. And worth $10,000 a day, and they're known as lovable creatures of the sea. But I felt his jaw grab and pull me under. It was a horrible experience. There's a darker side to the dolphin. Something wild, Monday. I'm Dan Rather. Thanks for choosing CBS. Stay tuned now for your late local news. Tomorrow morning, be sure to watch the early show. Then we'll see you tomorrow night on the CBS Evening News. From Madame Trousseau's Wax Museum in New York City, good night. For news 24 hours a day, on the internet and on our interactive partner, America Online, at Keyword CBS News. Tonight, don't miss the Incredible Dog Challenge on 53rd Street. Plus, we'll increase Sean Hayes, music legend Brian Wilson, and the fun with Rupert continues. First your local news. A motel shut down tonight for violating city health and safety laws. Next on KCTV5 News at 10.