So, the four-wheel drive, how fast can you go with a locked-in? Any speed. Yeah, I'd like to see that. Okay. So, how fast do you think we're running? On ten! You can tell we're still locked in, because we're not getting loose in the turns. I think my lunch is getting a little loose. Ford SuperCrew, lock one in with 500 cash back or low-29 financing. Hey, roll that window down, would you? In 1922, Fred G. Meyer had a great idea. Give customers more reasons to shop your store than anywhere else. Today, we're celebrating that idea with Founders' Days, our biggest and best sale of the year. Look for this buyer's choice symbol. All buyers have found dozens of exceptional values, like Baker potatoes, all Levi's jeans, decor pillows, and solid flats of bedding plants during Fred Meyer Founders' Days, our biggest and best sale of the year. If you're looking for a great buyer on tires, visit the tire store that makes shopping for tires fun. Les Schwab, of course. Right now, you could win one of six Jeep Wranglers being given away during Les Schwab's Cruise in the West, compliments of your local Jeep dealer and the Les Schwab Tire Centers. Nothing to buy, no obligation, just be 18 years or older. You could win one of over 250,000 insta prizes. Need tires, want to have fun? Get to Les Schwab. Cruise in the West means scratch and win prizes, plus a chance of winning one of six Jeep Wranglers. It's happening now. The cost of cigarettes could soon be going up by 50%. We'll have the story at 11.