And so on behalf of the police department and the citizens of Springfield, it's my pleasure to present this certificate of commendation to Detective A.C. Mallett. Where it was through his courage, tenacity, and good old-fashioned police work that justice finally prevailed in the Gene Weatherill case. Congratulations, detective. Oh, wait a minute. There's something I want to say. Ah, thank you, ladies and gentlemen. We'll talk later. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Thank you for coming today. A.C.? Hi, Barbara. Hi. You know, I'm a good listener. Yeah, I remember. Mr. Mallett, may I talk with you a moment? Sorry about that. Excuse us. What's the idea of cutting you off like that? Because there's nothing more to be said. Oh, yeah, the race. Harley and Sam solved this case, not me. Hey, I was worried about you. Look, I know Alexandra upset you without a point of view. You know, I have had it up to here with her tricks and lies and... I know you have. And I just might have a way to stop her. Oh, yeah? How? Well, you need an ally, you know? You need someone to help you go up against her. Like who? Eric. You've got to be kidding. The man is a con artist. Well, he might be. But he also might be the only chance you have to get Alexandra off your back. Well, if he is, I just blew it. It's a little early in the day to be drinking vodka, don't you think, friends? It's a little late to stop. Give them colleagues. Well, are you going to do that ex-pousin Vanessa Chamberlain or not? If he's to... I need to know who I'm talking to first. This story has everything. Sex, scandal in high places, phony rape charges. How do I know you're telling the truth? Well, check it out. Isn't that what the National Inquisitor does best? Name first. Forget that. I'm not the story. Vanessa Chamberlain. You think Ross is going to be able to keep your name out of papers? I don't know. He said he'd do the best he could. You're scared, aren't you? Well, I'm worried. When I am the president of Spalling Enterprises, the press would have a field day. You're thinking about changing your mind on the rape charges? No. No. It's the right thing to do. Don't worry. I... I'm not going to let anything happen to you. I'm so scared. I know. I won't take care of you. I promise. Here with Color Guard. Dirt Go, Color Space. This is about promises kept. If we promise it gives your skin incredible moisture replenishment... It will. If we promise visible smoothing of tiny lines... It delivers. If we promise it works like the fluid in young skin so when it smooths on... It sinks in every tongue. So skin looks radiantly younger. It has to. Without question. Oil of Olay. We keep our promise to young skin. Original and sensitive. Now there's a new Stainmaster carpet that handles foot traffic like never before. New Stainmaster Extra Life. Only from DuPont. And at Color Tile there's a huge selection of DuPont Stainmaster Extra Life carpet at 50% off. Plus enter our $250,000 Color Your Home Sweet Steaks. Hurry, they'll end soon. Stainmaster Extra Life. Only from DuPont. Here. You ready to go on? Oh, I don't know. My lips are so dry. Not anymore. Blistex Ointment relieves dry lips fast because it's the only leading product that contains moisture for fast relief. Thank you, ladies and gentlemen. Blistex works fast. Marshall and Art are going to improve our club crackers. But club is a tradition. Ah, jeez! Some traditions were meant to be broken. Wow. Keegler Club Crackers. Now an easy to serve single. Uh-oh. When you run for mayor, get cooperative volunteers. What do you think of the podium, huh? Royal Blue or Osmo Green? It's a debate, not a cattillion. It's back and it's all new Northern Exposure Monday. Prepare yourself Tuesday. For Moriah, Bonnie Raitt, Michael Bolton, Amy Grant, Barbara Thryson and more on the Grammy Awards Tuesday. The Boys of Twilight premiering Saturday, February 29th. So there's no way the guy is going to help me after what I just said to him? I'm not so sure. I mean, I've said some pretty harsh things to him also, but he took them. That's because the man is weak. I don't think so, Mac. I think it's more than that. I saw something in his eyes. I... I think he really cares about you. Oh, yeah, right. That's why he's selling me out to Alexandra. What? You know that big concert tour that he's going on? Guess who's paying for it? Alexandra. Yeah, that's right. I just sold the contract. It's pretty obvious what's going on. She's bribing him to lie about me being their son. You really think he'd do that? I don't know what to think anymore. Every time I turn around, she's got another angle going on. Yeah, like the psychiatrist's block, I mean. I don't want to even talk about this anymore. Nick, I know you. No matter what you say, he's going to keep eating away at you inside until you find out the truth. Why can't I just let this thing go? Would your father have let it go? No. Thanks for reminding me. You know, whatever you decide, I'll support you. I went over to Cedars. I took a DNA test. I thought you weren't going to do that. I wasn't, but I'm starting to realize that I really don't have much choice now. The test didn't prove anything unless... did Alexandra... No, no. I'm not going to ask her to take the test. I can't trust her not to mess with the results. Yeah, she would, too. But still, you know, that's the only way to prove who your real parents are. Well, what about Eric? I could ask him to take the test. What makes you think that he's on my side now? Just... something I sensed from him. Well, one thing is for sure. If I did get him to agree to take the test, there's no way that he would tell Alexandra and risk ruining his precious contract. She would cut him off for sure. Okay, so ask him then, okay? Find out the truth once and for all. You know, I think I will. At this point, what have I got to lose? MUSIC Uncle, I see the police. Come again? Another, please. See? Quite today. Sure. Look, I am giving you the scope of the year. Don't you have a credit? I just want to see Vanessa get what she deserves. I want to have a talk. I'm on the phone. I need to talk to you. In a minute. Look, are you going to print this story or not? Nothing, Harker. You know, two beers, please. Sure. Mr. Lavonichek, how are you doing? Go ahead. Which side have you ever found me? Mom, were you talking to Harley? No. She's never around when you need her. Not if she really cares about my problems. Oh, Frankie, I've got to talk to you about Billy. I don't know what I'm doing. Billy, don't you even care about what happened to Harley? What now? Harley was almost killed by Daniel St. John. Daniel? Holly? Daniel? That's ridiculous. Did you even watch the news? Daniel St. John killed Gene Witherell. Who? Unbelievable. Anyway, he's dead. Dad? Daniel? Oh, poor Holly. I knew no good could come out of them running away and eloping like that. I knew it. Aren't you at least interested in what happened to your own daughter? Of course I am. Is she all right? Yeah, Mom, she's fine. She was shaking up a little. But she is all right? Yes, yes. Oh, good, because I can't deal with anything else right now. Why don't you even try to talk to you about family? Why? I care about family. Why do you think I am so worried about Billy? Goodbye, Mom. Goodbye, Mom. Well, you might try asking how I'm doing for a change. Don't. Please don't. There's no reason that you have to go through this by yourself. Look, you have a wife to take care of. Doesn't mean I don't care what happens to you. I have people that I can count on. Fletcher? Yes, Fletcher. He's been a very good friend. Yeah, well, Fletcher doesn't know you like I do. He... Daddy. Hello, my darling. I didn't expect you back so soon. I got through with my business and decided to fly right home. Good afternoon, Henry. Billy. May I ask what you're doing here? I just stopped by to see if Bill could spend the weekend. How did the meetings go, Daddy? Oh, splendidly. I have some contracts here that I want my secretary to sign. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I have some contracts here that I want my secretary to sign. But I will be right back. Does he know you? No, no, he doesn't. I'm not looking forward to telling him, but I've got him. What, you want me to stay? No. Okay. But no matter what you say, it's not going to stop me from looking out for you. It's an old habit. I'll break it. I suppose I don't want to. I suppose I don't want to. Oh, Billy. Darling, you look tired. Well, I haven't been sleeping that well. Has Billy been causing more trouble? No. Is he trying to get Bill away from you again? No, that's not it. But I do have something to tell you and I want you to sit down.