Do your homework on this one. Huh? Larry? Uh, is everything alright? Dr. Blake had just started the procedure when I left. How's Susan? Is she alright? There's really nothing to report yet, but she's fine. She's a very brave woman. It, uh, it may be a while before we hear anything. I know you don't want to worry Emily with this, but isn't there someone you can call? Uh, no, no. I'll be alright. Thanks. Okay. But just try to relax. This could take some time. Okay. I'll keep you posted. Thank you. Have you changed your mind? No. No, I haven't changed my mind. All I'm saying is, I think we ought to think about how much disappointment we're willing to risk here. That's all. When you were gone, I realized that a person can fail and it's nobody's fault. You taught me that, to cut myself a little slack. Well, why don't you do the same? I don't know if this in-beat trophy is going to work or not, but I do know that we better decide if we want this baby badly enough to take the risk. Hey, Larry. What's going on here? Where's Susie and that little grandchild of mine? I don't know. What happened? The elevator crashed. Quick, go get some help. Hal Munson is in there. What's this right here? That's Barbara. Barbara? Barbara, can you hear me? Don't just stand there, Greg. You come 9-1-1. You tell them officer needs assistance. You get the EMS and the fire department up there. Give me a pry bar or something like that, Tony. We're coming, Barbara. What do you got? As the world turns. How do you make a great sandwich? Ask for mild creamy Lorraine cheese in your grocer's deli. It's what all great sandwiches have in common. Lorraine cheese wants to send you to a picnic in Paris. Look for this display at your grocer's deli to get your contest entry. The salad tastes better with Bacos, but you're still not getting an A. New improved Bacos makes every bite better. Polaroid asked me to send in these supermodels to demonstrate the sleek, stylish Captiva camera. It holds the pictures inside the camera's special pocket so you take them out and put them in a yoke pocket. My problem. The Polaroid Captiva. I spent 25 bucks a month. They subtract 20% from my bill. Let's win. How about lots of folks who like my math better. Two out of three friends and family basic or primetime users will save more with AT&T True USA savings 20% off US calls. You're not mad because I kissed you. I mean for a minute there it actually seemed like you were enjoying it. But of course once you set me straight and sort of lost its flavor. No, I'm not angry at you. So why are you so upset? I'm not upset. You're upset. No, I'm not. Oh, well, well good. Because I don't want you to get the wrong idea here. I mean if you're happy with that uptight yuppie, you know, I don't want to do anything to get in between you two. Evan is not an uptight yuppie. And even if he was, I'd rather be with him than a part of your harem. You know something, you and I definitely have a different approach about life. I date for fun. You want someone with money, a good job, a good family. You don't know me at all. Those are the last things I care about. Evan is a wonderful man. At least with him I know that I come first, which is more than any of your girlfriends can say. You know what, I think it's time for a swim. You want to join me here? No thanks. Hey Mike. Hey. Oh hi, did you, can I have your dip yet? No, no, I got sidetracked. Okay well I know that you said that you'd look at my truck after a while, but could I prevail upon you to look at it right away because George needs to pick up some seat. No! Mr. Sire! Hello! It's so good to see you. I missed you so much. When did you get back? Just now. I had a very good trip. You did? It's really good to be home. I missed everyone so much. Seth and Angel send their love. Welcome back Emma. Hello Cal. Hi Mike. Hi, how are you doing? Don't tell me you're about ready to go swimming in that cold water. Yeah, I was thinking about it. Emma, we're really so glad to have you back here. Why don't you come over to my place for supper tonight? I got a couple of very nice steaks I can throw in the grill. No, no thank you Cal. I really don't want you to go to any trouble. Well it wouldn't be any trouble. Come on, I really wouldn't have you cooking on the first night back. No, no really, really no. I want to be at home my first night back. Thank you though. No, it's moving, it's moving. Damn it's moving. Where the hell is the EMS? They're on their way. Stand back, there's nothing you can do. Stand back. It's coming. No, Tony, it's coming. It's coming. It's coming. Got it. All right. All right. You can do this. Hold it, hold it. Live wires in here. Live wires. Right there. Hit the switch. Hit the breaker. Right there. Clear. Clear. Barbara. How's it going? Don't move her head. I got a pulse. It's weak and it's rapid. Is she conscious? No, too bad. Blood pressure. Come on baby. Okay, I need a collar. Right here. Pulse 99 is coming up. It's coming up. Blood pressure 100 over 65. Somebody phone ahead to the hospital. Give it back, please. Looks like he's ready to eat with the big guys. It's tempting to let him eat adult foods now, but his growing body still has special nutritional needs. Needs that can be better served at any meal with Gerber graduates. The only complete line of nutritionally smart foods made just for toddlers. The longer you can help him grasp the lesson of eating healthy now, the better his chances are for eating smart when he really is a big guy. Gerber graduates, for learning to eat smart right from the start. Something big is happening at RockDonald's. It's the big taste of the unique McRib sandwich. Smothered in tangy barbecue sauce with slivered onions served hot and fresh on its own special roll. You'll go for it in a big way. Stop blow dryer dry out. If your hair suffers from blow dryer dry out, get new Neutrogena HeatSafe. Spray on Neutrogena HeatSafe before blow drying and stop blow dryer dry out. New Neutrogena HeatSafe. Hey, have you heard the latest scoop? What's that? A serving of Kellogg's Raisin Bran cereal in milk. That's the two scoops thing, right? It's just 45 cents. It's news to me. Can I taste one? Please do. How about those raisins? I see more than I can count. Raisins are looking good. And how does this look to you? Oh, I can't beat that. Everybody should have such a bargain. And now they do. Hit me with the headline. Kellogg's Raisin Bran for 45 cents. Just part of the value in having breakfast with Kellogg's. Kellogg's Raisin Bran. Excellent. Hey, America. Looking for a different way to spice up dinner? Take a new look at cheese. Think of cheese as a zesty way to perk up your chicken. Now that's a great idea. Or cheese as a tangy topping for tastier fries. Awesome. Who needs ketchup? Or cheese as an easy way to spice up beef stew. Sure tastes better. Learn to recognize the signs and protect your children from the nightmare of child abuse. Jay Seymour hosts a powerful special. Watch it with your family. Break the silence Tuesday. Wednesday. But yes, you are, yes. Is it a good idea to take the nanny along on your first date? I trusted you and you stole my boyfriend. I hate you. The Nanny. Wednesday. So they have to insert a needle through Susan into the baby's heart to try and open the blocked valve. Ouch. I hope Suzy isn't awake for this. Yeah, she is. I mean, she gets a local anesthetic, but they can't give her a general because they're afraid of damaging the baby. Well, I'd think that you'd want to be in there with her. But it's a very delicate procedure. They don't want me wandering around in the OR. What are you doing here anyway? I thought you were... I don't know where I thought you were. Bob Hughes told me you were here. I just blew into Chicago this morning. I tried to get in touch with you at Oakdale. You weren't there. Bob Hughes told me you were here. I hopped in the cab and came over. I'm glad I did. You don't look so good. Hey, look, the prognosis here hasn't been the greatest, you know. This is a very risky procedure and that baby may die. Oh. I didn't realize it. You know, this is all my doing. This is my fault, you know. I was the one who pushed for this baby. Now, Susan who's in there, she's putting her life on the line for this. Where's Emily? I mean, if it's that serious. She doesn't know anything about this. And we don't want her to. Come in a minute. For you, I do. I called Memorial. Larry's not there. Called the carriage house, got the answering machine. Now, either they're not there or they're screening their calls to avoid me. Oh, come on, Emily. No, look, I wouldn't put it past my mother. Now, I don't care if she turns her back on me. But she has no right to keep me away from that baby given the circumstances. I don't even think she's going to try to. Listen, once the baby's born, this will all blow over. Trust me. Well, well, I guess we'll see. Look, I didn't come in here for that. I came in here to congratulate you again on a brilliant job you do with Sterling. And I intend to tell the stockholders all about it. Well, thank you. Now, if I can just get Rosanna to forgive me. Oh, for heaven's sake, Evan, what is there to forgive? Now, Rosanna's drawing is going to appear all over the country in Sterling's ad. And she's getting paid for it. Now, you think what that means for your career. Rosanna has been more than supportive of Walsh Montgomery. Heck, she kept her father from pulling the Cabot account when, when Connor was in hot water. Why wouldn't she welcome the opportunity to help you out, too? Well, I hope she comes to feel that way. She will. Oh, she will. Especially when she sees you moving up in this company. She'll start understanding as soon as you're a member of the board. If I get on the board. Well, I'm working on it. Thank you. Listen, I was thinking about cutting out early today and going out to see Rosanna. If I... Evan, do you want some womanly advice? Yes. Don't. You'll look weak. You'll look like a wimp, Evan. Just wait a little bit. She'll come around. Okay. What if she doesn't? She will. Believe me, she will. In the meantime, you and I have something to talk about. Now, after the way you aced the Sterling account, I think it's about time for you to have a lot more responsibility here. So, Bob, Dad's been taking it easy since you stepped in as chief of staff? Well, he took yesterday off, but he's here today. Let's say he's just keeping involved. He's gotta slow down, at least until the chemotherapy's done. I told him I'd... Maybe I'd move in with him. I'm thinking about it. Just to keep an eye on him. What do you think about that? I'd give it a lot of thought, Andy. You know your dad. Yeah. There was a big elevator accident at the waterfront complex. One was severely injured. Dr. Ebersole has O.R. ready. Okay. Here they are. Bob, John, it's Barbara. She was in the elevator at the factory. Holes and blood pressure, stable possible head and back injuries. She's been unconscious since we got her out. Right through there. I want a CAT scan. I think you should get a complete suit of a film on her. That's right. Hal, wait out here. No, John. Okay. I want another IV in her. Listen, she hasn't been conscious ever since. Let's see if she hasn't come around. If you like that bouncy feeling of saline-conditioned hair, you can keep it that way on your own with Vidal Sassoon. Vidal Sassoon shampoos and conditioners were created to protect hair from everyday styling damage. From now on, you can keep your hair in that silky, bouncy, saline condition all the time. For hair with saline feeling every day. Vidal Sassoon. Wrap yourself in softness, feel it on your skin. Downy softness. Come on in, come on in. Wrap yourself in softness, feel it on your skin. Come on in. Wrap yourself in the softness that even stands up to line drying. Mid-price brands can leave clothes feeling stiffer. But only Downy gives you the most fluffy softness with Downy's April Freshness. Wrap yourself in softness, come on in to Downy. I can't wait all night to fall asleep. Then try Nite-All Quick Caps with a smooth new shape. They dissolve quickly and help you fall asleep safely and quickly. Nite-All Quick Caps, the quick way to get your Z's. He's thinking, how about dessert? You're thinking, my dentures taste stale. Wish I could clean them. Do it. Introducing new Ponditent wipes. Now anytime, anywhere, wipe away stains and have clean, nitty-fresh dentures. New Ponditent wipes. The Anytime, Anywhere Denture Cleaner. Fifty years ago on D-Day, America came to Europe's rescue. But that was then. Have we now become too isolated from our one-time allies? America's always had a tradition of thinking of ourselves as being a long way off from Europe. Remembering D-Day, a full week of special coverage begins tonight on the CBS Evening News. Come on TV, after dinner, and breakfast by your head. I've missed this so much. So have I. The first night we made love, it was in this very room, in this bed. Our wedding night. I was so happy then. But tonight, I never thought I'd love anyone this way. I love you too. Well, it's nice to hear that Seth and Angel are so happy. I miss talking to Angel. Well, you know that you can always talk to me if there's anything that's bothering you. I know. I was surprised to see Mike out here today. He came out to look at the old Chevy and to work on Cal's pickup. Tell me something. Is he as nice as he is handsome? Well, he's good at fixing cars, but he has a terrible attitude toward women. Really? Yeah, a real love and believe type, you know. But I can say one thing for him. He makes me realize how lucky I am to have Evan. We may have our differences, but Evan always makes me feel like he's crazy about me, like I'm the only person in the entire world that's right for him, you know? I think that I'm going to go to his office and tell him just that. I might even pick him some flowers. Oh, I bet he'd love that. He's got some pretty daisies over there over that old fence. He did? Yep. Okay. It's nice to have you back. It's nice to be back. Oh, Evan, you startled me. Roseanna said you came out to look at that old Chevy. Think you can get it running? Sure, I think I can make anything run. Thought you were going to take swim? No, no, I think I'll do that some other time. All righty. Nice seeing you again, Mrs. Snyder. Hi, you. Nice working on the truck. Well, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go find George. Emma, come on. Please don't run off like that. I need to talk to you. Why has this taken so long? How come we haven't heard anything yet? Nurse! Yes? Listen, could you find Dr. Porter for me, please? I mean, my wife is in surgery. She's been in there for I don't know how long. We haven't heard anything. I don't know what's going on. I'll try to locate him. Larry, you said yourself it was going to be a long time. Don't start imagining the worst. I can't say that I'm surprised what happened with Emily. I mean, I told you, her living with you and Susie, it was trouble waiting to happen. And I told you I never did anything to make her think that I was attracted to her. Yeah, but you were, weren't you? I mean, any man would be. She's a beautiful woman. The point is, I never came on to her. Never. Not once. She had no business saying to Susan that I did. Yeah, she said that and a lot more. She said that the baby was hers. Because she donated the egg? It scared me. It really scared me. She went way, way over the line on this thing. There's no way she could be a part of our lives right now and certainly not the baby's. Larry. What's, hey, what's going on? They ran into a problem. Is it with the baby? Is it with Susan? At JCPenney, our exclusive brands stand alone. And work together. Do it right! It's Stafford's pinstripes with pinpoints, pleated pants with patterned ties. It's Worthington's bright shirts with bold jackets, floral skirts with flowing shirts. Whether it's Stafford's smart look or Worthington's many looks. The one thing that works with all our brands is our great values. That works for everyone. JCPenney, do it right! Lately, I only buy perfume-free or color-free. My husband wants perfume-free clothes. My daughter, the purist, wants color-free stuff. Mom? Sorry. How about what I want? A free dishwashing liquid. Introducing Dawn Free. She always gets what she wants. With no colors or perfumes, New Dawn Free breaks up grease better than other leaving liquids. I want grease-free, too. Of course she does. New Dawn Free takes colors, perfumes, and grease out of your way. Johnny the sugar cane farmer for Hillshire Farm. Yeah, my daddy said you got to raise a little cane to make a great ham sandwich. And I'm raising this brown sugar cane by Hillshire Farm. Delicious brown sugar baked ham. That ham is slow-baked in its natural juices. It's so good and so low in fat. Mmm, that sweet brown sugar. Hey, listen to the sugar man. Hillshire Farm. Taste the difference, huh? We'll continue with part two of As the World Turns in just a moment. For every woman who's ever been harassed... Maybe you should go home to your kid and leave the reporting to those of us who can deal with it. This one's for you. Murphy comes out swinging. There. I'm 40. Will Susan get the birthday blues? I feel great. I'm thrilled to be 40. All new good advice after Murphy Brown tonight. This is CBS. The morning news has changed. Presenting the Cairo News Facts, a five-minute summary of key news, business, sports, weather, and entertainment stories delivered on your fax by 6 a.m. every weekday. For a free subscription call 1-800-417-NEWS. Clorox turns food bread into fresh bread. Hi. I have a slight problem with food bread. Table six, bread boy. All done? Uh-huh. Do you like trivia? Don't speak. You know, even everyday foods like this tuna sandwich can really make your breath... Horrible? Try new Clorox. Extra strength with Actazol. Clorox turns food bread into fresh bread. At some time or another, most of us have questions about health care or health problems. Now there's a free number you can call for help. I hope you'll write it down and keep it handy. If you have a question, call. The Cairo Health Hotline can tell you where to find the answers you need and provide information on timely health topics. This community service is provided for your better health by Cairo. Sponsored by Pacific Medical and the Comprehensive Health Education Foundation. See Joyce Taylor weekdays at noon and 630 on Cairo News Channel 7. And now, part two of As the World Turns. Hal! I was brought Dr. Gertell here on the case. He's the best neurologist we have on staff. He's with Barbara. Why neurologist? Well, first of all, I wanted him to look at the CAT scan. Fortunately, there's been no head injuries, but she has suffered some damage to the back. What kind of damage? There's a hairline fracture of one of the lumbar vertebrae. There's been no dislocation, so I think with bed rest it'll heal on its own, but I am rather concerned about severe swelling on the spinal column. So we'll keep a close eye on that and we'll know better when she's conscious. She hasn't come around yet. Well, that's not unusual in cases like this. I know it's difficult, but you try to relax. As they say, we'll keep our eye peeled and we'll let you know if there's any change. Thank you, John. I'll call Paul for you, all right? No, Andy, uh... No? No, why don't we wait until we know a little bit more before we do that? Hal? How is she? Uh, we don't know yet. She's still unconscious. The doctors are with her now. I'm glad you called us. Honey, are you all right? Yeah. Now, this was the elevator at the factory? Yeah. Well, how did this happen? We don't know yet. Well, do you think it could possibly have to do with that man that's been stalking Barbara? What? Someone's been stalking her? Barbara's been getting some threatening phone calls and letters the last couple of weeks. She thought it was just a crank. She didn't want anybody to know about it. How awful! It may have nothing to do with this. We don't know for sure that the elevator was tampered with. We've got a team going over it now. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I was about to get on that elevator myself, but... I got this stupid phone call and she gets on instead. Excuse me just a minute. Gregory, are you all right? I can't believe this happened. I saw her when they opened the doors. I thought she was dead. Oh, there's Dad. Look at him, taking charge over there. You'd think he was chief of staff again. Now, listen, there's no sense in trying to tell him to slow down now. What's it going to take, Mom, to make him slow down? I know Bob's talked to him. You have. His doctor. I'm going to move in with him, Mom. Oh, you've got to be kidding. That's not the answer. I think that would help. I could make sure he eats, takes care of himself, gets some rest. Honey, I know that you are very concerned about your father. For crying out loud, he's a grown man. He's got to handle his thing himself. And you've got a life to live, too. What are you going to do when Courtney comes back? You've got to think about things like that. There's no assurance that Courtney is coming back. No, Bethany, I am not going to cancel. No, it's just a good close friend of the family has been brought into ER, and I'm afraid there may be some complications. So I'm going to hang out here for a while and see what's going on. I'll call you if there's anything. Yes, I will. Dr. Rose, goodbye. I hate to interrupt, but are you aware of the fact that our son is so concerned about you that he's talking about moving into the penthouse so he can keep an eye on you? I don't really think that's the case. I think he's just, you know, kind of lonely because Courtney is over in Zurich. Yeah, well, according to him, he's moving in because he thinks you're pushing yourself and not taking good care of yourself. Well, he can call it whenever he wants to, but I think he just needs some good tender loving care. And who better to give it to him than me? It doesn't look like a tortilla. Until now, making an authentic Mexican fajita dinner wasn't easy. Introducing Tyson Fajita Kits, everything you need to make a delicious fajita dinner in just minutes. There's my keys. New Fajita Kits from Tyson. Is your air freshener perfumey and artificial? Try Airwick Botanicals. Made with botanical extracts, they actually refresh the air. Airwick Botanicals, the refreshing air freshener. I remember Grandma's baking. She just had a hunch when the banana nut bread was ready. Mmm, what a taste. Today in my kitchen, I enjoy that same home-baked taste every time I have this. Post-Banana Nut Crunch cereal. Real banana baked into crunchy oat clusters, mixed with chopped walnuts and crispy wheat flakes for an irresistible baked-in banana nut taste. You'll love it. I got a hunch. Try Banana Nut Crunch for home-baked taste in your cereal bowl. It's been observed that nobody ever smiled before 1900, which was round about when the Hershey bar was invented. Coincidence? We don't think so. Surprise? Not from a laxative, please. That's why Ex-Lax pills come in regular, extra gentle, and maximum relief. Take the strength you need and Ex-Lax pills will guarantee gentle relief within eight hours. No surprises. Today's Ex-Lax. Did you get a chance to see Debbie while you were in New York? I saw Debbie in Connecticut. She was in the hospital there. Emma, I know that you're still very angry at me. Oh, please, Cal. Come on now. How do you expect me to feel after what happened? You took advantage of my trust to get all this evidence against Ned. Is that the way Debbie sees it, too? Debbie doesn't know that Link was murdered. She doesn't have any idea that Ned was implicated in it. She's much, much worse off than Valerie led me to believe. After her attempt at suicide, she went into such a depression that she stopped talking. No one can get a word out of her, not Ned or Valerie or other doctors. I guess you can understand. I mean, Ned loved her so much. I can only imagine how it must have made him feel to see her like that, especially knowing that Link was responsible. Cal. Ned did not kill Link in self-defense or accidentally. I know that because if he had, he never would have let Connor take the blame for it. And in answer to your question just then, yes, I am. I am still angry at you. And I'm hurt. I'm very, very hurt. That one of my dearest friends could just take advantage of my trust to find all this silly evidence against the man that I loved. Come on. Now, I want you to go over these and come up with some new brilliant proposals that will not only make you feel better, but also that you will go over these and come up with some new brilliant proposals that will knock the socks off of Damien and Eduardo. Give them a reason to resign with us. You're not worried about that, are you? You bet I'm worried. They're dragging their heels. And Eduardo is spending an awful lot of time with the witch of worldwide. And you can bet Lucinda has been working on him day and night to convince him to jump ship. Craig hasn't said anything about that, has he? No. No, she'd never confide in him. She knows he wouldn't go along with stealing one of our clients. Evan, you know what our biggest problem is with Kingsley Malta? Our biggest weakness? Holden. Ah, Holden. The bad feelings between Holden and Damien. Walsh Montgomery would be much better off if you took over the account. Just as soon as you're ready, of course. I'll get ready. I knew I could count on you, Evan. I just knew it. Oh, Rosanna. Hi. Hi. Hi. For you. Well, I guess this means that I'm forgiven? Well, there wasn't that much to forgive. Oh, okay. What made you change your mind? I don't know. I got to thinking about your slogan, put your old toasters out to pasture, and it kind of made me laugh. And I realized I didn't want to stay mad at you. Well, this has just turned out to be a super day. Emily just gave me some good news, too. I'm going to be working on the new proposals for Kingsley Malta. Congratulations. Well, why don't we go out and celebrate somewhere? I'll buy you an ice cream. I'd love to, but I've got to get through all this before I can even start on the new proposals. Oh. I was hoping you'd be ready to knock off. It's after five. I'm going to have to work late tonight. But listen, I can meet you for a late dinner. You've given me something to work for. You've inspired me. Good. Well, good luck. Thanks. I'll call you. The problem was the baby had turned, so the needle was no longer in the correct position to enter the heart. So Dr. Blake had to reinsert it. And is Susan all right? She's fine. It was just very uncomfortable for her. And, um... What about the baby? What about the baby? She's doing just fine. They were able to remove the blockage, and now the heart is pumping normally. The prognosis is still guarded, but this went about as well as we could have hoped for. Well, when do I get to see her? When do I get to see my wife? They're bringing her in now, and then Dr. Blake will come and fill you in. What'd I tell you? Everything's going to be fine. Hey. Oh, hey. Hey. Hey, here's the champ. How are you? How do you feel? I feel a little out of it. I had to concentrate so hard on lying still and not reacting to that needle. Honey, I think everything's fine. Dr. Porter said everything turned out okay. The baby's heart is beating normally. She really came through for her. It's a long story. A beautiful, emotional, long lash story. And it all starts here. New advanced lash out from L'Oreal. Now the famous teddy bear brush meets an incredible protein formula. Suddenly lashes go long, longer, in one smooth glide. Intriguing. So extending you won't believe your eyes. So how does it end? Oh, it doesn't seem to ever end. New advanced lash out from L'Oreal. More beautiful by design. Has it really been 10 years, Ed? Sure has. 10 years of American family millionaires. And some have actually won 10 million dollars? Oh, yes. More 10 million dollar winners than 2 million dollar winners. Here's our latest 10 million dollar winner, Andy Biggs. Congratulations. Are you glad you had her? You bet. It's unbelievable. Well, I'll tell you what. Watch your mail for the envelope with my picture. I'll announce the 10 million dollar number before you know it. Don't miss out. Enter now. For centuries we've been rubbing stains out of clothes. Now it's easier. Introducing new spray and wash gel with a built-in brush. Finally, a stain remover with enzymes and this fabric safe brush that loosens dirt between fibers while it rubs these powerful enzymes right into the heart of the stain. A stain that would typically ruin clothes. Whether I like it or not, the way my kids look says something about me. And I wanted to say something nice. New spray and wash gel gets out what America gets into. I had the shoes. I had the bag. But I couldn't quite get into the dress until I indulged in dark chocolate fudge for three weeks and lost six pounds. With Nestle's sweet success, the weight loss plan for chocolate lovers. A creamy Nestle shake for breakfast, another for lunch, a sensible meal, even a chewy snack. All for the same calories as other diet plans. Oh, how do I look? It's the only diet that starts with Nestle and ends with sweet success. And I tell you something. With Eduardo and Mama both in Rome, like me, there's no one here to tell me I can't drink champagne with my wife. I want to celebrate. We're not the only ones celebrating tonight. I know. I know. We're the luckiest one. To us, may every night of our life together be like two nights. Do you smell the orange blossoms? Everything seems clearer tonight. More alive. I'm just happy. I wish I could just stop time and live in this moment forever. I can't believe someone is stalking Barbara. I mean, what kind of person would do something like that? I don't know. A sick person. There's a lot of sick people out there and she was famous. She's in the papers all the time, in the fashion magazines. It's creepy. I bet it happens more than people think. But not just to celebrities. I'd like to do a story on that. Good idea. Talk to my mom about it while you're here. Uh, well, maybe I will in a few days. Actually, I better call the station. Alright. Phoebe! Hey, when you get off tonight? Uh, my ship's over in about half an hour. Sweet. You gonna be up for doing anything? Sure. Uh, look, I can't talk right now. I've got a critical patient. But I'll see you soon. Alright, cool. Hey man, what are you doing here? Hi Mike. Um, my cousin was involved in an accident. You might know her. Barbara Ryan is her name? Yeah. Yeah, is she gonna be alright? I don't know. The doctors don't know anything yet. So anyway, Andy thinks that he's moving in with John so that he can keep an eye on him. And John thinks he's taking Andy in so that he can help him. Well, what's the difference? I mean, they're father and son. Um, look, you'll do them good to be together. Neither one of them like to be told what to do. They both think they're the one in charge. I can't even imagine what that's gonna be like. Well, whatever. I think it's better for both of them not to be alone. Your dad? What do you want to move in with your dad for? Don't you think it's gonna kinda cramp your style? My style? I'm married. I don't have any style, Mike. Hey, look man, you're not gonna get over your wife by moving in with your dad. I mean, why don't you go back to plan one, get that place by yourself like that loft? Except you might want to have like floors and a ceiling this time. Yeah, someday I want to do that, but it's not about me. It's not about my wife. It's about my dad. He's got cancer. And I want to be there to look out for him. Well, okay. Keep trying. All right. Thanks. Bye-bye. Kim, excuse me. I just called the station and Donamay Borden's people still haven't gotten back to us, but I'll keep on it. Oh, okay. Fine. Thanks very much. Listen, you know, I'm just thinking maybe I'll ask Hal if he wants me to take the children home with me. Doesn't Mrs. Myers go home at six o'clock? That's right. I know he would appreciate it. Well, Kim, I'd love to come with you and help. Two kids that age can really be a handful. Okay. Thanks very much. Hal, listen, would you like to have me pick the children up and take them home with me? Let them spend the night with you. Oh, thanks, Kim. That would help a lot. Thanks. Okay. I'll tell Bob. All right, honey. Thanks. I'll talk to you later, dear. Thank you, Kim. Hal, I know it was a terrible accident, but I'm sure Bob is going to be all right. I don't think it was an accident, Lisa. I think I should have seen it coming. No, Hal, you did everything you possibly could. I just don't understand. Who is this man who's stalking her and why does he want to hurt her? I wish to hell I know. Excuse me? Sure. You know, Greg, I was just thinking, when you heard that elevator crash, you thought it was me in there. Why? I had been on the cutting room floor and I heard one of the seamstresses say that you were going to be on your way down with the checks. When I heard the crash, I just assumed it was you. Well, we still don't know what went wrong yet, but I think somebody probably tampered with that cable. Maybe the man who's been sending Barbara those letters. Hal, Barbara's awake. She's asking for you. Thank you. Hey, took a little unscheduled nap, huh? Yeah. Well, you know, bungee jumping without professional instruction can be hazardous to your health. Very funny. How do you feel? Terrific. You don't know how glad I am to hear you say that. The doctors have done some tests. Everything looks good so far. No more bungee jumping. You're going to be fine, honey. I love you. All-natural Butter Buds Sprinkles and Mix from the makers of Sweet and Low. It has the flavor of butter because it's made with butter. But every serving has no fat, no cholesterol, and low sodium. So you can enjoy all these dishes and find a new use for this one. Introducing allergy relief. Introducing allergy relief. That won't make you drowsy during the day. That will let you rest at night. New ActiFed Allergy Daytime. Nighttime. Two maximum strength formulas in one total relief system. These are all good cleaners, but did you know that not one of them disinfects? So you don't get your home totally clean until you use Lysol deodorizing cleaner. Lysol cleans and kills germs without any extra effort. Germs can be anywhere, so don't do part of the job. Lemon Fresh Lysol deodorizing cleaner cleans and disinfects. Comfy, huh? Yes, Mom. Because you weren't last night when you were constipated. What? Aren't you glad they came out with these Phillips gel caps? Unlike Exlax, Phillips combines its laxative plus stool softener in an easy-to-swallow gel cap. We didn't have gel caps when I was your age. What did you talk about? My best friend and I went out last night with our brand new perms. She had gone to the salon and spent way too much. And I had gotten an Ogilvy home perm. People kept saying to me, oh, your hair is gorgeous. But nobody really said anything to her. The precisely-wrapped home perm, it's got automatic shut-off timing. I couldn't have overdone it. I couldn't have underdone it. It's perfect. I'm glad I didn't go with her to the salon. I can't believe the fireworks are still going on. It's after midnight. They're gone all night. No more champagne for me. I don't want to blur the memories of tonight. Are you tired? Not at all. Neither am I. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Neither am I. So, what is it? 118 over 78. Can't get much better than that. Why don't I just put these in water for you? Nurse, let me get that. And why don't we give these to some time alone? Doctors and nurses buzzing back and forth in the last half hour. Is it possible that you can take a break now? I would love to buy you a cup of coffee and hear how you got started in the nursing profession. You think she's ever going to be heard from again? Unbelievable. What a character. What a charmer. Just like his son. It was very nice of him to come here. Well, he was worried about you and the baby. It really wasn't so bad, you know. I was really scared at first, but then I just kept telling myself that I was doing it for the baby. And I thought about you to give myself some courage and about Allison a few years from now swinging on the swing set that you're going to build for her in the backyard when we get a backyard. Which we will. I'll get to work on that right away, I promise. The only thing, you know, the operation is not a solution to everything. She may have to have surgery later. I know. But at least she's got a chance. You gave her that. I think you're an awfully brave woman. I love you. Well, Bob's doing some thorough tests on Barbara now that she's conscious and Dr. Gardella has scheduled a visit. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. You're right. I'm sorry. Let's not talk about it. I'm sorry. I know. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. IAO. We should just be family now. I think Hal is right. Um, we can see her later. Besides, you know, the worst is over. Where do you feel pain, Barbara? In my back. My lower back. That's to be expected after that fall. There is some swelling there. But there's no bleeding, no perforations. Squeeze my hand. Good. Now this hand. Okay, good. Do you have any pain in your legs? No. You feel that? No. What about that? No. I don't feel anything. Do you feel any sensation at all? No, I don't feel anything. I can't feel my legs. I can't feel my legs. I can't feel my legs. I can't feel my legs. Just spent a whole week at the lake. And it's allergy season. All that fishing. All that ragweed. Spring in the air. Water in my eyes. Awake with the sun. Need strong allergy relief that's better than the leading prescription? A new study shows it's Tylenol allergy sinus. Hey, maybe we can stay an extra week. Tylenol allergy sinus. Better relief than the leading prescription. You better sit down for this. The tampon you probably used was designed ages ago by a man. A woman gynecologist designed OB. It expands all around. It helps prevent fluid going by. OB. You can stand up for it. Night air. Perfect for sleep. He'll sleep. I'll sneeze. Now relieve allergy symptoms that keep you up at night. New Tylenol allergy sinus nighttime. Hi, honey. Honey? Put allergy symptoms to rest. Something big is happening at Rock Donald's. It's the big taste of the unique McRib sandwich. Smothered in tangy barbecue sauce with slivered onions served hot and fresh on its own special roll. You'll go for it in a big way. Hi, Super Dave here saying watch out for imitations. Insist on original wrinkle-free cotton pants from Hager. Guess I showed Hager I could sell without their stupid dryer stunt. Wrinkle-free only from Hager. They're still not wrinkled. Who should get custody of this precious child? I just can't lose him. The wayward girl who gave him life? After he was born, I worked really hard to change my life. Yes, Mother Watson. The sophisticated lady who gave him a home. She agreed to illegal adoption. The choice is made this week on Guiding Light. Imagine if the Nazis rule the world today. It almost happened, but for the secret plan to stop Hitler and the heroes who risk their lives to save the world. All from Grace Thursday. Leather Fashions by Sienna. Join us tomorrow, or as the world turns. This is CBS. There are all kinds of eyes. Now there's another kind. 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