They hadn't been invaded by either of those countries, so what would they have to say about Iraq? It was very, very interesting that the change in tone as far as negotiations go. Here in Jordan, government officials have told CNN that there is some backdoor negotiating going on. Kurt Waldheim, the president of Austria, met with Jordan's King Hussein before he went to meet with Iraq's Saddam Hussein. We don't know what took place in that private meeting, but there probably was a private message that was taken over. You have to remember that Kurt Waldheim was the secretary general of the United Nations from 1972 to 1981, so he is very familiar with acting in these kind of situations. When we look at Iraqi television today, we saw a marked change, and sometimes pictures are stronger than words. On Iraqi television, a response to the United Nations resolution that would allow force to be used to stop Iraqi ships. A news presenter provided the government reaction. This is a complete American resolution, and is a reflection of the American political system and its aggressive foreign policy. Iraqi troops were also shown on television marching in what was called preparation for war. Large numbers of citizens supposedly are lining up to join up. Many in the crowd here were in civilian clothes, and nearly all carried weapons. Outside the American embassy in Baghdad, Syrian children also marched. They carried hand-painted signs in English, calling on the United States to end the economic blockade. Some of the signs accused the president of the United States of depriving them of milk. A group of French hostages in Iraq were also featured talking to an Iraqi reporter, telling them of their treatment. I want to tell our relatives that we are very well here. Our morale is very high, and I would like to assure my relatives in France that we are all very well here, and they don't have to worry about us. Thousands of Egyptians, Syrians, and other Arabs have already fled from Iraq here to Jordan. They have flooded refugee camps hastily set up after border crossings reopened after being closed for more than 40 hours. The Jordanian government says at least 20,000 refugees will now be processed each day. At this point, we feel that we can handle 20,000. 9,000 reservists will be activated this week. The total will be close to 50,000, assuming that no fighting erupts by the end of September. Wolf Blitzer, CNN Live at the Pentagon. Thank you, Wolf. Our coverage of the Persian Gulf crisis will continue in a moment, along with an update of other stories and sports. If a picture is worth a thousand words, we stopped counting a long time ago. Call 1-800-242-5051 for your New Mexico vacation planner. Call 1-800-242-5051.