Breaking news next at 5, Scott 5 over firefighters battling a series of brushfires. Then she's crisscrossing the state looking for boats and tonight I'll go one on one with Hillary Clinton and more than $20,000 missing. Now an Exway County middle school employee faces charges. Plus WRAL is your Hoops headquarters live in Charlotte where the heels are gearing up for a showdown. Live from Raleigh, WRAL news in high definition starts right now. Good afternoon and thanks for joining us. We begin with breaking news. Several brushfires are burning in Johnston County. You're looking live at one on Rock Hollow Lane in Dunn. Ten acres are burning. There was an increased risk of brushfires today so the state reinstated the burning ban. The other big story this evening, Hillary Clinton made this her day to begin the process of winning over North Carolina voters. She's headed to her third campaign stop of the day. She spoke with crowds at Wake Tech in Raleigh around noon, then at Terry Sanford High in Fayetteville. Now she's on her way to Winston-Salem for her final stop. While in Wake County, the former first lady spoke of health care and the environment. Republican John McCain got a mention but familiar themes like the war in Iraq and Barack Obama were not on her agenda. Instead, she focused on the economy. North Carolina's lost 200,000 jobs since 2001 and her plan to put people back to work. When Hillary Clinton stepped up to this microphone at Wake Tech, she was more than an hour late but this crowd of several hundred seemed to hardly notice. Thank you so much. She wanted to talk specifics of a new $12.5 billion program to train new workers and retrain those who've lost their jobs. No American should be left on the side of the road. For 30 minutes, she gave details. Welcome to Raleigh. David, I have to say- Afterwards, I spoke with Senator Clinton about a variety of issues including her new initiative. You presented an ambitious plan today. Some might say lofty. Can you push that plan as it is stated through as president? I really believe I can. She told me a plan pushed by Governor Easley could help get her program through Congress. And finally, what North Carolina has stressed over a number of years and particularly now with Governor Easley and his learn and earn initiative is the way that education and the economy go hand in hand. And I think that North Carolina can actually be a model for much of what we do. So as president, I could say, well, this is not some idea out of nowhere. Look at what they've done in North Carolina and other states I could point to as well. This campaign has been tough. Barack Obama- Well, that was a great talk. JB, thank you.