Dawson's Creek is brought to you in part by Ford Mustang. Tim and Ed are neighbors, sort of. You see, Ed thought Tim's hair was too long and Tim thought Ed's pants were too short. Then Tim brought home the new redesigned 260-horse Ford Mustang GT, just when Ed was pulling out his Boss 302. Nice Mustang. You too. Wow. Just think of everyone owned a Mustang. And the world will be a better place for you. Ford Mustang GT. Built to last. I see a vibrant shimmering color. I see myself in Feria by L'Oreal. Feria is new color technology. It's the end of black color. For vibrant shimmering color week after week. I see myself in Feria by L'Oreal. Worth it. So what'd you get in history? Terrible. Aldera? Real bad. Hi. We need two change of address forms, please. I see. Smarter than your average cookie. Twix. She's managing her time right down to the dime. The Sprint. Because now it's just a dime a minute on calling card call. On calls to your Sprint 800 number and all calls from home. Call 1-800-PINDROP and switch to Sprint. You can't control everything, but you can make the most of your time. Isn't that the point of contact? Switch now for a dime every time. Call 1-800-PINDROP. Tonight's all new Dawson's Creek will return on the WB. Board meeting. Guess who's gone way beyond pink. Starting now, oil of Olay moves into vivid color cosmetics. Radiant reds, blazing bronzes, the purest plums, eyes sparkle, colors glow. Your skin is beautifully cared for. Olay introduces a line of caring cosmetics. They're as good for your skin as they are for your spirit. Oil of Olay Cosmetics, lasting Olay color that cares. Introducing Doritos 3Ds. A whole new shape that begs to be... ...in very loud ways. Bites you. Doritos 3D snacks. Same loud taste, new loud shape. Less than one hundred and four rummage being stored in room B of the rumble. Great day in the morning. What once was lost now is found. I thought these were extinct. That's what they said about the coelacanth. A full-size bear, just one of over 40 features now standard on the new genus. It's a prehistoric fish. Disappeared over 10,000 years ago, and they caught one off the coast of Madagascar. Coelacanth. The feel of smart design... ...is the feel of flexibility. Schick Tracer FX is the only razor that flexes... ...to cover every sensitive curve. A design so smart you can feel it. Schick, the feel of smart design. Tonight's all-new Dawson's Creek will return in just a moment. Stone cold Steve Austin for one eight hundred collect. I'm not talking to you. What did I do? You're so insensitive. Dow zero when you called me last night. I should have done one eight hundred collect. It would have saved me a bundle. I didn't think it makes me feel. Next time I use one eight hundred collect, I didn't mean to hurt you. Me neither. Dow one eight hundred collect or else. Ever think what the giggle tastes like? I think it would be sweet, sweet, sweet, or really smooth. Jello snacks, strawberry, chocolate, or cheesecake maybe. Because there's all different kinds of giggles, you know. Jello snacks. Smile more. Skinny is out. That's why I use voluminous mascara by L'Oreal. For voluminous lashes that are three times fuller. Voluminous lashes? Why yes. Voluminous mascara by L'Oreal. Of course, I'm worth it. A day at the beach in a diaper is no day at the beach. That's why there's Huggies Little Swimmers Disposable Swim Pants. They don't swell up like diapers or training pants. And Little Swimmers with Leak Guards are designed to protect as you play in the water. For boys and girls. Little Swimmers make the water big fun. Watch the WB in May for the clues to win a trip to the WB Backlot to mingle with the stars. Visit your local Warner Bros. studio store to enter. The Monster May Cash Giveaway is just one day away. Get on the front and win Monster Cash from WB32. Look for your number in the mail or pick up a Monster May number at a participating Carl's Jr., Gold's Gym, or DC Wireless today. No purchase necessary. Then watch and win on WB32 beginning Thursday, April 29th. If your number appears, call in and win Monster May Cash from WB32. You call this a menu? Introducing the new 20 Under a Buck menu at Taco Bell. Choose from tons of your favorite stuff. Gorditas, tacos, burritos, all 20 under a buck. Last time I let her pick a restaurant. Yes, Baby Bop is Madonna and Barney's love chart. See, 100. Every morning there's a halo hanging from the corner of my girlfriend's four-punch bed. Oh, no! No more morning zoo! One dead body. Seven unlikely suspects. Starting with you! And all new, Xena. Saturday following the Mariners on Portland's WB32. Gotta have sweet, gotta have juicy fruit. Nothing satisfies your craving like that mouth-watering fruity flavor. Juicy fruit, but gotta have sweet gum. If you've never experienced the thrill of Mach 3, it's wake-up time. Introducing Mach 3 from Gillette, the first triple-blade shaving system. Three blades, positioned to shave progressively closer. You take one stroke, it takes three, so you don't have to shave over and over. Which means less irritation. Three blades, fewer strokes, less irritation. Mach 3 from Gillette. Finally, the soundtrack you've been waiting for. Songs from Dawson's Creek. Featuring Kiss Me by Sixpence None the Richer. Songs from Dawson's Creek. In stores now. Are you crazy? No, Johnny, don't! I gotta save! Johnny! Johnny, I'm telling your mother! This isn't funny! Hey, sweetie, thank you! Johnny! Johnny! I got him. Oh, thank goodness! Johnny? Can I have yours? At the Attic Vintage Clothing Store in Las Vegas, the only thing that's out of style... ...is using American Express. So bring your Visa card. Visa, it's everywhere you want to be. Witches and warlocks. I can help you. No, you can't. Worn enemies drawn together. He's not just a warlock. What if he crosses over and joins his brothers? Then they become the evil charmed ones. Two families torn by an eternal feud. And all new Charmed, next on the WB Wednesday night.