A top secret mission deep inside the Iron Curtain. Helping a man who betrayed our entire network. But something went wrong. You might let him in on what's going on. I'm going to kill you. Now they're trapped on the wrong side of a cold war. I'm gonna get him now. You don't know the game. And there's no one to trust. This guy is higher mistaken, but he's one of them. Scott Glenn, Robert Lucia, Intrigue. Saturday night at 8 Eastern. They're coming. New, improved Dow bathroom cleaner with scrubbing bubbles. It's stronger. 50% stronger. We work even harder so you don't have to. Wonderful place, Hidden Valley. That's what you'd expect for the home of Hidden Valley Ranch salad dressing. Folks here are proud of our original ranch recipe. The secrets in the special blend of herbs and spices. And everyone loves that creamy homemade taste. Hidden Valley Ranch. How could anything so fresh and delicious come from anywhere else? True not everyone can live in Hidden Valley, but you sure can get a taste of it. Hidden Valley Ranch. The Murine Earwax Removal System has drops that safely loosen hardened wax when used as directed, plus an ear washer to gently flush wax away. Murine, the complete medically approved system to safely remove earwax. Tonight's forecast calls for something fresh. New Domino's Pan Pizza. With a 99% chance of precipitation. It's your time to try new Domino's Pan Pizza. Because we'll throw in a six pack of Coca Cola Classic for a cool 99 cents. Domino's Pizza. Nobody delivers better. We're ready to move on. Nuts to you. The Complete Batman. Weeknights on the Family Channel. Your family life is the best part of life. The good times get you through the hard ones. Our family is part of your life. Bringing you laughter and even a tear. Burning the place in your home with television you can trust. Your family and ours. A lifetime of dreams coming true. Together on. 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Good salad. And now we return to Woman Obsessed, the Family Channel movie. My partner Mr. Long, how do you do? And this time the boys struck their stuff. Remember gracefulness is everything. When they discover grip rolling roller coasters, top secret high tech gizmos and dangerous high wire hijinks. It's a hilarious time with Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy, the Dancing Masters, Monday night at 8 Eastern during Laurel and Hardy week on the Family Channel. Melly rotten mildew stains? Try one, two, three sprays of Tilex against one spray of X-14. In minutes the X-14 side is dramatically cleaner without scrubbing. X-14, it's better. Homeowners, if you have property that's rugged, overgrown and out of control like this, here's great news. Introducing the amazing Trailblazer sickle bar mower. The Trailblazer goes where no other mower can go. 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The taste will get you talking. Rock candy ruffles. That's what I would like. Rock candy ruffles have ridges. You've always trusted Woolite to care for your fine sweaters. Wouldn't you love to get that same Woolite care for your rugs? Would you love to get that same Woolite care for your chairs? Well, here's how. Woolite deep cleaning rug cleaner works so well, it removes even stubborn dirt. And for chairs, Woolite upholstery cleaner foams away dirt safely and beautifully. Get your rugs and upholstery Woolite clean with Woolite rug cleaners and upholstery cleaner. Trust Woolite care for rugs and chairs. A top secret mission deep inside the Iron Curtain. Having a man who betrayed our entire network. But something went wrong. You might let him in on what's going on. I'm going to kill you. Now they're trapped on the wrong side of a cold war. I'm going to get him out. You don't know the game. And there's no one to trust. This guy is higher mistaken. He's one of them. Scott Glenn, Robert Lozier, Intrigue. Saturday night at 8 Eastern. A few words on business and change. The journals are daily and that gives you a real competitive advantage. It's very tough out there, but it's also very exciting. We want to be the best ally that you've got. Today's Wall Street Journal. Faster. Tougher. Smarter. Call 800-637-3400 for this special journal offer. 12 weeks, just $29.75 with a money back guarantee. Call 800-637-3400 now for the Wall Street Journal. There's so many beautiful children in the world. So many are poor children. Hungry children. Destitute children. But beautiful children just the same. God loves them and wants us to love them as he does. That's what World Vision's Child Care Sponsorship Program is all about. Hello, I'm Meredith McCray. With the good news that by calling 1-800-423-4215, you can help change the life of one of these children forever. A child you can have a picture of and even write to. And it's beautifully simple. As a sponsor, your $20 a month helps provide things like regular nutritious meals and medical care. It helps provide schooling and an opportunity to hear about the love of Christ. It helps provide the practical skills that can enable your child to grow with self-reliance and dignity. When you call, we'll send you a photo and background information. You'll be able to write to your child. You'll know you're making a difference in their home and their community. Spending a child is a beautiful relationship. In a day of growing materialism, it's an exciting alternative because for $20 a month, just 65 cents a day, you'll be giving your child perhaps the only hope he or she will ever have of escaping a life of crushing poverty. Do something beautiful. Call 1-800-423-4215 and say you want to sponsor your child for just $20 a month. Put some beauty into a beautiful child's life. We're glad you've joined us for Woman Obsessed, our family channel movie. And don't miss the adventures of the Boll Brothers on Here Come the Brides, weekdays at 2 p.m. Eastern, only on the Family Channel. Tonight on Crossbow, there's a woman, young and pretty. She needs help. A plea for help becomes a deadly trap. The rebel tells and the sun are within our grasp. Crossbow tonight at 1030 on the Family Channel. From Detroit, Michigan to Miami, Florida, Cocaine Alley cuts through Middletown, America. The highway patrol call it Cocaine Alley and some call it Crack Alley, but it's the stretch of Interstate 75 between Detroit and Miami, long used to traffic drugs between major metropolitan cities. And now that drug traffic has spilled over into the small towns and middle class neighborhoods along the way, neighborhoods like yours and mine. We've seen it occurring across the board. Good families, bad families, rich families, poor families. No one is insulated from the problem.