Today's USA movie, Eagles Wing, will continue after these messages. First day of school, where's my books, my shoes? As you send them out the door. You've got to give 100%. Isn't that what a mother's for? For moms who couldn't give less than 100%, there's 100% natural Kraft cheese. So natural, Kraft refuses to add anything artificial, like most other cheese products do. Isn't that what a mother's for? Sometimes I don't know what to believe. What food's good for you, what's not. But I guess I can believe reports from the National Cancer Institute. They say some studies suggest a high-fiber, low-fat diet may reduce the risk of some kinds of cancer. So I made some changes, like eating Kellogg's All Bran. Just one tablespoon of All Bran has more fiber than a whole serving of most other cereals. Am I going to change what I eat for breakfast? You better believe it. High-fiber Kellogg's All Bran. Why shouldn't I use soap? Well, you know soap can dry your skin. 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Winner of three Academy Awards. Warren Beatty, Diane Keaton, Jack Nicholson, Maureen Stapleton. A love that bridges two countries. Reds. Tornado at 9, 8 Central on USA. We now return to Eagles Wayne. Today's USA movie will return after these messages. Hi. If you like soft rock music like we do, you'll love Sessions new album called Secret Love. It has 48 soft rock classics by the original artist. Just listen. These songs really bring out the animal in some people. You also get great hits by Billy Ocean. James Taylor, The Commodores and the Moody Blues. Secret Love can only be ordered through this special TV offer. Remember, you get 48 original hits on four stereo records. For only $19.95. That's four records or three cassette tapes for only $19.95. Three compact discs, only $29.95. 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It's a really big night of comedy. Big, yes, but not unwieldy. It's a really big shoe of stars. Is that a comedian? It's a really big true confession. I'm very lonely, I've lined a group called Sex Without Partners. Gary Shandling, Joan Rivers and Benny Hill will get your ha-has out. August 16th on USA. Mark Breland, 1984 Olympic champ. Who can go the distance with him? USA's Thursday Night Fights. Live Thursday, 9 Eastern. The USA Movie Now continues with Eagle's Wing.