Just like a breath of fresh air early in the morning. There's something about the taste of Kellogg's Corn Flakes. I mean, usually I start sneaking some out of the box before I even get it into the bowl. The tradition. I've been eating them since I was a little girl. My son eats them. The value. You can buy all the imitations and not get Kellogg's Corn Flakes. But make it part of a breakfast people feel special about. Kellogg's Corn Flakes is tops. Corn Flakes from Kellogg's. What more could you want from a cereal? When your child gets a cold or an allergy, you get a lot of advice. Give him some garlic. You gotta sweat out a cold. A lot of advice. Vaporize him. The best advice is what doctors have said millions of times, take Dymatap. Dymatap and non-prescription formulas brings proven relief. So take the advice of doctors and pharmacists. The garlic worked. And take Dymatap. The best advice you can take. Delta Airlines flight attendant Irene Lockwoody loves to fly. Are you still here? My son was supposed to meet me. Well, I'll wait with you. That kid is always late. What she loves most are the people she meets. He must have gotten caught in the rain. He was even born late. Joey! Ma. Irene is what Delta's all about. Irene. Yes? Are you married? Yep. Two kids. Late again, Joey. We love to fly and it shows. Shh. I want to make my hair look like my sister's. VO5 shampoo. Five special ingredients, three to clean, two for manageability. You used my shampoo. How'd you know? Fabulous hair. VO5 shampoo with five special ingredients. It's so easy to own, Tercel. 1988 Toyota Tercel EZ. Only $59.98. The price will take you right back to the 50s. Who could ask for anything more? Toyota. If we let them, most dogs would eat their way to a weight problem. But because extra pounds aren't good for dogs, Alpo introduces a food that is. New Alpo Lite with real meat, 100% adult nutrition, and 25% less calories than our regular canned dog food. So with New Alpo Lite, your dog won't gain any more and he won't have to eat any less. New Alpo Lite, the healthy way to satisfy a healthy appetite. Four years ago, Scott Emerson was lying in this hospital suffering from a heart attack. Since then, his doctor prescribed a regimen of exercise, the right foods, and Bayer aspirin. Studies show aspirin helps reduce the risk of heart attacks. Ask your doctor how Bayer may help you. Not long ago, Scott Emerson had a heart attack. Today, he had a son. Bayer, the wonder drug that works wonders. I have a friend who says, if only I had such nice blonde hair, you can. She says, if only I had hair with such life, you can, with Preference by L'Oreal. Preference color is translucent with subtle shadings, and you do want your hair to be healthy looking. Well, that's the preference difference. So Angela, don't tell me you can't. Just repeat after me. I'm worth it. Feel better? Performing Preference from L'Oreal. I found my thrill. Hyundai salutes the practical, sensible, non-frivolous youth of America. They've had the wisdom to purchase durable, reliable automobiles with front-wheel drive, room for five, and loads of standard features. All this at prices that start as low as $53.95. Congratulations, young people, and happy driving. Hyundai cars that make sense. James Clavell's noble house will return following these messages. When you can't be there, KUTV Sports brings it all home. Don't miss San Diego State versus Wyoming, Saturday at 3, only on KUTV Sports. Buckle up. You got a game out there. It's your life. Come on, everybody, do that kick. Help kick, milk's that kick. The hard land pours it on real tall. Staying in shape, milk's a part of it all. Milk from big city slickers to wheat-filled kickers. America's favorite. Help kick, milk. Mall Walkers, tonight at 10. James Clavell's noble house continues starring Pierce Brosnan, Deborah Raffin, and Ben Masters. We're here at the National Space Satellite Dish. We're here for three days in a row. Scientists have received messages from deep space. Dr. Gilberto. At precisely 12 noon, we have received this signal. And now, as the hour of 12 approaches, we listen to these strange sounds. It's no mystery where great refreshment comes from. Pepsi, the choice of a new generation. In 1979, 27 men in Munich began a project that became a quest that became a car. Spare nothing, they were told, but build the finest, most spirited luxury sedan in the world. That car has now arrived in America, and it's called the BMW 750 IL. My brother Dick bought a Magnavox Camcorder. Gonna shoot TV movies, right, Dick? Sure. Big lights, the whole thing. Don't need lights. With this, I can shoot by candlelight. Yeah, but he's forgetting about outdoor action and all that. Hey, it's got high shutter speed for clean, fast action. Yeah, but what about all the other things? You gotta be in... The new Camcorder by Magnavox has got everything. It's fully automatic, has instant playback, weighs just three and a half pounds, and it's so simple that even my... Yeah, I know. Even his brother can use it. That's right, you got it. Look over here. Come on. Shh. I wanna make my hair look like my sister's. VO5 shampoo. Five special ingredients, three to clean, two for manageability. You used my shampoo. How'd you know? Fabulous hair. VO5 shampoo with five special ingredients. Cold pills travel all through your body before they relieve your stuffed nose. But Dristan nasal spray works faster. Plus, it has a special new ingredient to soothe and moisturize nasal passages. Dristan, relief right on the nose. James Clavel's noble house will return following these messages. Wednesday, a man's vision. During your wife's dream, you can't escape it now. An angel's inspiration. Please, Jonathan, make her remember. A remarkable husband. A remarkable highway to heaven, Wednesday. That Colorado newborn snatched from right under her mother's nose by a babysitting applicant has been found. You'll find out how and where tonight on KUTV News at 10. Good evening, I'm Michelle King. You'll also get results from the Minnesota caucuses and the South Dakota primary. It's quite a find, and it was dug up here in Utah. You'll see what could be the world's best preserved dinosaur egg. You'll also find out why this group makes a ritual out of walking around malls, and you'll find out how a lot is lost in the translation from English to Japanese. Those stories and more of Plus Plays of the Week only at 10. Joining us now. When minor arthritis pain needs soothing, turn on the heat. There's no beating, deep heating. When you're hurting and want relief, turn on the heat. There's no beating, deep heating. Methylatum deep heating rub. Soothing warmth that lasts for hours, penetrating relief right where the ache begins. For arthritis pain, sore muscles, stiff back, turn on the heat. Methylatum deep heating rub. There's no beating deep heating. Utah, we are so glad that we're together. Utah, there's not a state we know that can compare with Utah. Of all the places in this world. Utah, we're living in Utah. Utah, the views of your mountains, plains and streams. Utah, we found a place for all our hopes and dreams. In Utah, of all the places in this world. Utah, we're living in Utah. Two together in Utah, we're gaming TV. And Utah, we're one to be. Take on the Cowboys, Saturday at 3, only on KUTV Sports. Tomorrow, Pia Magazine takes a look at seven deadly sins. Lust. Sinning is part of being human. I've done things in my life that are sinful. I think there's good sinners and bad sinners. I'm a very good sinner. Wrath. America is in the sewer. Lust. Greed. Envy. Wrath. Gluttony. And pride. Seven deadly sins. Tomorrow on Pia Magazine. You're watching KUTV, Channel 2, Salt Lake City, Utah. James Clavel's Noble House continues starring Pierce Brosnan, Julia Nixon, and Kai Dee.