Rocky Vibes of Powerhouse X. Yo, Rocky! Yo, yo, yo! Don't ever stop for a moment! Go for it! You say, go Rocky! Go Rocky! Yo, Rocky! Yo, yo, yo! Don't ever stop for a moment! Go for it! Stallone gives a remarkable performance in a remarkable movie. Rocky V, rated PG-13, now playing at theaters everywhere. Why do women always know when you're not telling them the whole story? And why do they always change plans at the last minute? And why do we keep putting up with them? Why ask why? Try but dry. It's cold filtered for smooth draft taste, and dry brewed for no aftertaste. So while women may remain a mystery, refreshments won't. Eagle Talon TSI and Toyota Celica Alltrack both have all-wheel drive, but the Celica costs about $4,000 more. What are those guys at Toyota take us for? About $4,000. So my brother Les called and said now is the time to get an Eagle Talon because of the great incentive. So you got it for Les? No, this baby's mine. If this is a cold, this is the flu. Cold. Flu. Cold. Flu. If what you've got is more than a simple cold, now there's Metaflu, with a maximum dosage of four strong medicines to give you flu strength relief for even your worst symptoms. New Metaflu from Clark Davis. For more than a cold. For the flu. Metaflu. A lot of you insist on eating wheat thins and oat thins because they taste good, but the whole idea behind these crackers is that you can eat them without feeling guilty. That's why they're baked, not fried. I mean, eat them because they're delicious and you miss the whole point. No matter how you top it, there's no way a microwave will take the crunch out of a Triscuit. No way. Triscuit in the microwave stays crunchy no matter what. Sunday. Linda Evans returns to television in a celebration of romance. I don't believe in romance. The glamorous star of dynasty is back and she's looking for the sexiest guy in town. Who'd I get? Linda Evans and I'll take romance Sunday. The B.A. scandal grows. Charges of substandard doctors treating patients. It would take an act of Congress almost to fire some of them. Diane Sawyer investigates. Plus, AT&T sprint an MCI, which is better. Prime time rates the long distance companies Thursday. Introducing Summer's Eve Feminine Bath. The bath and shower moisturizing cleanser designed especially for a woman. Gentle, non-irritating. It leaves your skin soft. Bring back freshness this gentle new way. Summer's Eve Feminine Bath. You know what it takes to get ahead these days? Neither do I. Times have changed. Excess is out. Value is more important today. Careers are in. With family, friends. That's what it's all about. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure it out. Introducing the all-new Toyota Tercell. Now with more room, more power. We may not have all the right answers, but we found the right car. New Tercell. One new value you can drive. New age, new values. People accused me of collaboration and worse. Every family has its secrets. What are we killing? Whatever moves. And every secret has its price. I am not the man with whom you can take liberties. Florian is my father. Don't make me choose. But what secret would you kill to keep? George C. Scott stars in Descending Angel. Coming soon on HBO. The 500 is on its way. There's the green flag. Mike Charles is heading into the bend. Anderson's losing power. He's in trouble. When it comes to high performance, no regular battery performs better or longer than a Duracell. You can't top the Copper Top. The new Power Pro Dust Buster Heavy Duty Vac from Black and Decker, with twice the power of the original Dust Buster Vac, can pick up just about anything around the house. The Power Pro Dust Buster from Black and Decker. One of college football's greatest rivalries takes the field as Notre Dame battles the Trojans of Southern Cal. It's a primetime showdown, Saturday night on ABC Sports. Stephen Gale is here. We'll continue in a moment. Tonight on Nightline, a special investigation reveals inadequate medical facilities if war breaks out in the Gulf. That report in this Nightline exclusive tonight. If you're an average person, you spend a third of your life in bed, and about half your waking life at work. Now considering all the time you have left, how much of it do you want to spend paying your bills? If you had pay-by-phone from Washington Mutual, you could pay your bills in no time by phone, and every month a simple statement sums it all up. Ask about pay-by-phone. Another lifesaver from Washington Mutual. A friend of the family. You might want to adjust your holiday travel plans. Coming up tonight on Nightcast at 11, you'll see what the Highway Patrol and the Weather Service have to say about your travel safety this Thanksgiving weekend. Also travel with Dave Edel on special assignments to Saudi Arabia. You'll see the last glimpse of green before desert duty begins. Washington teachers may soon be required to share a new subject with your children in school. In Forts, a new NBA record is set in Seattle. So for all that's new, join us on Nightcast. My children worry about what life is going to be like. They're like this last year. It makes me feel a little bit better about the answers I can give them. You're watching Cap 35 Yakima. Cap 35 Yakima Poor thing, you've got a real miserable cold, huh? Well, you could take Sudafed for your stuffy nose. Plus, Chlorotrimetan for your sneezing. Plus, yup, there's more. Plus, regular Tylenol for your aches and pains. Plus, why are you looking at me like that? Plus, Benel and DM for your cough. You don't want to take all these? Well, you can relieve all those symptoms with multi-symptom Comtrex. It's that simple. Just take Comtrex and you'll feel better. Comtrex, all alone, it does it all. Somewhere, in the middle of nowhere, America's number one author, just met his number one fan. I think Paul Sheldon might be in some kind of trouble. You must be a good man. You could never have created such a wondrous, loving creature as Misery Chastain. Very kind. She loves everything he's ever written. Oh, Paul, what a poet you are. Until now. How could you? Eddie. You murdered my misery! No! Directed by Rob Reiner. Whatever you think I'm about doing, please don't. From the novel by Stephen King. Trust me, it's for the best. God, I love you. Misery, rated R. Starts Friday, November 30th, at select theaters. A question. What brand of toothbrush do you think dentists use? Okay, Rob, show us. Oral B. Oral B. The toothbrush more dentists use. Chug, chug, chug, chug, chug, chug it, cherry, chug it, cherry. It's a strawberry, cherry, cherry, cherry. Still going. Nothing outlasts the Energizer. They keep going and going. It started with a need. A severe weather watch is in effect. When did they leave? I was on my way to Mom's. Just me and the kids. Before it happened. A need to combine handling, power, and added peace of mind in a family car. Automobile Magazine called it a new standard by which all minivans will be judged. It handled beautifully. We call it Previa. It's a Toyota. They just drove us. And it's like nothing you've ever experienced. Tomorrow, Paul Hoban's in the Big Apple. He's got a knife. That's not a knife. That's a knife. Crocodile Dundee tomorrow. Friday, dramatic help for schizophrenia from this miracle drug. Hope where there was no hope before. But high price and the elaborate process to get it is keeping help from those who need it. Watch 2020 Friday. Behind sealed doors at NASA is a familiar sight. The impeccable picture of a large screen Sony Trinitron XBR television. You'll also find reliable Sony TVs working hard at the Disney MGM studios. And you'll find them playing hard at the NFL. After all, if Sony TV live up to professional standards, why would you live with anything else? The Sony Trinitron XBR TV. The screen behind the scenes. From Touchstone Pictures, America's three favorite bachelors are back. How come you and Andrew are married? Oh, um... They're having the time of their lives. What are you doing in there? Hi. And they're working hard at staying single. Oh, kiss me. There's something I have to tell you. What? I'm impotent. Oh, I find that so charming in a man. Three men and a little lady. We must control ourselves. Oh, shut up and take me. Rated PG. Starts tomorrow at a theater near you. Check newspapers for showtime. I see your true colors shining through. Keep your best moments on color-color gold film. No print film gives you truer color. Mitsubishi has won more major awards in the past two years than most carmakers could hope for in a lifetime. The real one. I wonder what I'd look like if I could just lose 30 pounds. Well, you don't have to wonder anymore. Who are you? I'm you, Peter Delewes, after the ultra-slim fast plan. I lost 40 pounds in four months. You did? I mean, I did? It was easy. I had a delicious shake for breakfast, another for lunch, and then a sensible dinner. Let me try that. Mmm, tasty. But can a shake really help me lose all that weight? Hey, I'm proof, and you're big guy. I history. Ultra-slim fast. Give us a week. We'll take off the weight. I rig these here tonight. Stay up late with me and my guest, Carl Weathers, from Predator 2, Gary Busey. Get into the swing of things with the Fabulous Trit. End of the night, late night, good night. America's Watching ABC. You might want to adjust your holiday travel plans after you hear what the National Weather Service and the State Patrol has to say. We'll also tell you about an NBA record set tonight in Seattle. Night cast is next. Go to the cupboard. Go to the cupboard. Hi, it's me, your TCI cable rep, with some food for thought about your great TCI cable specials. Right now, I get TCI cable installed for only $5, with a donation of two cans of non-perishable food to be distributed to local food banks. And there's more. Buy one premium service and get the second one free for one month with a donation of two additional cans of food. So hurry, take advantage now because the cost of installation will increase on January 1st. Thank you.