AMCO now. What they tell you might sound awfully good. AMCO. Double A. MCO. This is the chicken of chickens. It's the king of the road, the head honcho, the top gun. It's the chicken fajita pita at Jack in the Box. The chicken other chickens aspire to be. This is the way to eat chicken. The chicken fajita pita at Jack in the Box restaurants. Cheese, tomatoes, grilled onions, and all white meat chicken in a pita. For serious fajita eaters. It's the big ga-una! If you love real age blue cheese, here's Bernstein's new restaurant blue cheese dressing. With lots of chunks and lots of real age blue cheese. New restaurant blue cheese from Bernstein's. Where other skimp we splurge. Bernstein's new fresh herb French dressing. Alive with the flavor of fresh herbs. Fresh parsley, basil, celery seed, onions. New fresh herb French dressing from Bernstein's. Where other skimp we splurge. First they met by accident. You work in the city? No, I'm married. I'm married too. Then they met by choice. You look great. Now they meet by desire. Please, just, could I see you? I'm gonna go see him. I don't understand, why are you doing this? I have to go now. That's the end. Academy Award winners Robert De Niro and Meryl Streep. Together in a sizzling romance. Falling in love. Tonight at 8 on KST Washington. Walt and Ed Stasny raise Oregon's two row malty barley. For Henry Weinhart's private reserve. Claude and Sam Smith grow our fine cascade hogs. And Glen Carter makes sure our mountain water stays as pure as any in the country. There are hundreds of Oregon people helping to make Henry Weinhart's private reserve. And if you had people like these helping you, wouldn't you want to be sure the beer you made was America's finest premium beer? Let me give you a stock tip. Buy a 1988 Honda from the largest stock in the history of your Puget Sound Honda dealers. It's a solid investment. Buy now for the lowest prices in 1988 with the best financing packages available. No other automobile in its price range can match the reliability and resale value of Honda. Now that's a good investment. And remember where you got the tip. See your nearest Puget Sound Honda dealer. Today. Next on Taxi, the cabbies are shocked over Elaine's new hot date. Walter, your mini's on fire. Walter. Talk about Elaine Duck. But when she's about to call it quits, he catches her interest. Want to go out with me again? Thanks, Walter. And sparks begin to fly. You sure you don't want anything? Maybe just a little applause. On Taxi, tonight at 11 on KST, Washington. How many years have you practiced medicine? How much do you charge for a first visit? Do you have evening office hours? Do you make house calls? You can ask these and other questions by calling DOCTORS, the Physician Information and Appointment Service. You select from over 2,000 physicians in the Puget Sound area from Tacoma to Everett. It's new, it's convenient, it's free. DOCTORS, the right call for the right physician. KST, Washington. Sh**. Chicken Littles, come and go with me. Dirty night sands, only at KFC. Chicken Littles, come and go with me. Wah, wah, wah, wah. Great new french fries, you're gonna love them. So they're thin and crispy. At lunch you're on to go. Chicken Littles, come on to KFC. Come and go with me. If you're an owner of an import car, Chevrolet has some valuable news for you. If you add up all the features and qualities of the new Chevy Nova, then subtract $1,200 cash back that Nova now offers, you come up with the only answer for your next car, Chevy Nova. The heartbeat of America, that's today's Chevrolet. As automakers, we set some of the world's most rigid standards for the protection of our engines. And only one motor oil surpasses all U.S. warranty requirements for engine protection for every weighted cells, and that's Pennzoil. To protect your engine and your warranty, choose Pennzoil. Pennzoil. Pennzoil. Pennzoil. Pennzoil. It's world class protection. I blamed myself for everything. Totaling the car, my wife leaving. But it wasn't me, it was the booze. And a friend told me about Schick, and I went. It's not just counseling, it's medical treatment. Only takes 10 days plus a couple of follow-ups. Schick can help you lose the craving. Call. Thanks. Schick's alcohol program has the number one success rate.