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Because being the best is the only thing we want to be. What is the taste of dry? It's bold, clean, and less sweet. The taste of dry is Michelob Dry. Brewed longer. So taste after taste. There's just no aftertaste. Michelob Dry. Bold taste with no aftertaste. I wanted to live in the Rocky Mountain region. Twelve or thirteen of us have played together now for eight to ten years. We just have a good time. What Tom does is he doesn't care if we make mistakes. He doesn't get down on anybody. A lot of these players depend on Tom Dator for their life insurance. It's all teamwork. There's no individual players. He's been on their team for ten years and with New York Life for eighteen years. Why would I buy insurance from a stranger when I can buy it from the worst fullback in Boise? New York Life. The company you keep. The national power of Fort Frank Auburn collides with undefeated Tennessee. Dilling to get into the top ten next Saturday on CBS Sports. CBS Sports. Pulling power. Which full-size pickup truck really has the most? We put the truck with the biggest standard engine up against the truck with the most standard torque and let them pull. And the answer is it's the truck with both. The biggest engine and the most torque. The big Ford pickup. Ford trucks. The toughest competition we have is ourselves. The best-built American trucks are built Ford tough. Made up my mind. I'm gonna do it. Why shouldn't I? I'm the one who has to look at myself in the mirror every morning. So before I lose another hair, I'm going to the doctor. I know doctors have treatment programs that are proven to work. More guys are trying them every day. I'm not bad now, but I wouldn't mind looking better. Your doctor can really do something about hair loss. So see your doctor or call this toll-free number. Power equals work divided by time equals the Reebok cross-training system equals the physics behind the physiques equals Reebok. Let's get that nose. It's dad. How do you shave under that thing? Introducing the Slim Twin razor system with the slimmest cartridge to reach every place on every face. Dave, I'd give that back his nose. New Slim Twin from Schick. Get ready. You could win a Plymouth Voyager instantly. Just watch CBS to max the number on your Kmart newspaper circular. Play the CBS Kmart Get Ready Giveaway tonight. I'm ready. He's ready. I guess Jennifer and I were like any young couple. Excited knowing that we soon have our first child. I'm Terry Hogue of the NFL's Philadelphia Eagles. And this is my wife, Jennifer. I was fortunate enough to be there in the delivery rooms. Christopher was being born. And in that moment of joy and love, I suddenly realized that our world had been shattered. The expressions on our doctor's faces told us something was wrong. We learned our son would survive, but he only had one kidney and his lower left side below his waist had not developed. But we also came to the realization that there are parents who must face the same challenges we did without the resources to give their children. But the United Way agencies here in Philadelphia are helping children like Christopher. And now I'd like for you to meet our son, Christopher. The surgeries he's had helped correct his right leg. When you're giving children just like Christopher that same chance at life when you give to the United Way. The United Way, it brings out the best in all of us. This message furnished by the National Football League. CBS Sports coverage of the National Football League is sponsored by Bush Beer. Head for the mountains of Bush Beer. Northwest Airlines. Their job is helping you do yours. And by Ford and your Ford dealer. Have you driven a Ford lately? Rainy nights aren't much fun. Except when it's pouring inside. Shouldn't your night belong to McElove Light? 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This enameled beam summary is sponsored by Citicorp. Because Americans want to succeed, not just survive. The New Generation Comes of Age 1990. The New Generation Comes of Age. America's most luxurious hoodie van, the Oldsmobile silhouette. The totally new Cutlass Supreme 4 door. The new 88 Royale. The new long look of the Tourinado Tri-Faith. The new Cutlass Supreme convertible. This is not your father's Oldsmobile. This is the New Generation. The cost of new homes keeps going up. So paint and fix up with help from True Value hardware stores. Strip paint from wood indoors or out without gloves or special ventilation. 3M's safest stripper paint and varnish remover is just $10.99 a gallon. And this extra stable 5 foot wood stepladder from Keller is only $17.99. Then apply stains and oil-based paint fast with this Wagner Power Sprayer. Just $59.88 at participating True Value hardware stores and home centers. A classic tale of major meets girl, major proposes to girl, girl meets major's major friend. Will it put the slammer on love and send romance up in smoke? A major hit. Major Dad Monday. Cars aren't cheap, never have been. That's why I never take shortcuts with cheap oil and air filters. Give me AC filters every time. AC filters match the original specs on my cars like a nut on a bolt. Precision AC Delco parts. They don't just fit, they match. Keep your car running the way it was made to run. Now get up to $8.80 back on AC filters and plugs. See your retailer for details. How much insulation do you have in your attic? 3 inches? 6 inches? Well, the Department of Energy recommends R38 for most American homes, which is equivalent to a foot of Owens Corning pink fiberglass. So grab a ruler and measure your attic insulation. Then get rolling, because 12 inches of pink fiberglass can help you get a foothold on your energy bills. For a bear of a thirst, I reach for it first. I can drink a lot more, and it settles the score. Four fingers, number seven, the taste is pure. Heaven is the drink of the moon. It's plant algae. It moves Louie's lips. It shakes Eric's hips. So look out, Pepsi, the move is on. Now we're singing the Diet Coke song. Diet Coke has the real color taste you can drink a lot more of, cause it's just one calorie. Yo, just for the taste of it. Diet Coke. The Everett-Tueller connection, the Montana-Terrace Express. The NFC West takes to the sky next Sunday. There's a difference when you're flying. Where are we going today? I'm going to grandma's house. With someone who shows how much they care. I'm not going to go anywhere without you. A smile, a tone of voice, and a willingness to try. When you love to fly, it shows. Del Toro, we love to fly. And the feeling grows. That's my new friend. We love to fly, and it shows. Welcome to First Interstate Bank Territory. The biggest bank territory there is. Because only First Interstate can help you with your banking needs in more cities and states than any other bank system. So whether you're in your hometown or traveling out of town, First Interstate Bank is always ready to help you. So come to First Interstate Bank. We go the extra mile for you. This way, Mr. Star? Life with me, Dad, is a real scream. And he's a star vehicle like my own new Cutler Supreme. It's a fab four-door that really screams. Hello, Daddy. This is not your father's oldsmobile. This is the new generation of oldsmobile. My athlete's foot kept flaring up. Put it out, it just flare up again. Then my doctor told me about Tenactin. It cures recovering athlete's foot. Use it regularly. It'll keep the fire from coming back. Tenactin puts the fire out for good. Today's union movement is all about giving people a voice in what goes on at work and in supporting one another. I believe in that. I said union, yes.