Honey, we did it. Hello? It's time, girlfriend. Someone is taking their first sequence one step too far. Screen 2, VR. In theaters everywhere December 12th. Great news! When it comes to yeast infection treatments, FemStat 3 is the only leading brand with a 3-day cream. Its unique cream is thick to help the medicine stay and treat where you need it most. FemStat 3 Cream. A better way to cure. My sister discovered it. She said that I could save over AT&T on every call in the U.S. just by dialing 10-3-2-1. So I told my brother in Atlanta. I save 50% on all calls over 20 minutes. That's half off. So I told a friend in L.A. Just dial 10-3-2-1 and won the area code and the number. And on and on it goes. No fees. There's no signing up. And you get great international rates. 10-3-2-1. That's all you gotta remember. Good news travels fast. The Quilted Northern Quilters. First day? Yes, I'm really nervous. Don't worry, doll. Just keep quilting. Because that's what makes Quilted Northern so absorbent. Absorbent? I thought it was quilted to be pretty. It's quilted to create thousands of quilted places for moisture to go. Not like those flatties of pancake sheets made down the street. All that absorbency leaves you feeling clean. Nice job, dear. Thanks. Quilted Northern. Quilted to absorb. Full spice. It's all in how you use it. You are watching Team Knight Rider. Foot action is seen the game as only he can. It's cutting through the jerseys in motion. And dissecting with cruel efficiency. Any player who stands in your way. It's also where you get the tools to break him down. Like the Nike Air High-Bump Tempo. For every action, there's foot action. What do the experts say about Hi-Ho Cherry-O? You gotta get all of the cherries in the bucket. Two cherries. One, two. Hi-Ho Cherry-O. A child's first counting game. I will play it again. It's so much fun. Do I hear 2,000 for a date with supermodel Jennifer? Is your danger of sending the wrong signals? To number 10 for $2,000. Get Celcin Power. Doctors recommend Celcin Blue number one. So don't send the wrong signals. Get Celcin Power. The Akamaw Valley Community Band presents its winter concert. Featuring the Chinook Wind Ensemble. And French horn soloist Bob Swoap. Directed by Dick Shockler. Join us at Kendall Hall on the YVCC campus Monday, December 8th at 730 p.m. The address for news. And then some. Don't forget to break out the sunblock this weekend. Hot, hot, hot all weekend long. For the second straight year, crime is dropping statewide. Now one of the major factors for this decrease has been public support. Unfortunately, looks like gusty winds in the forecast for at least one more day. Start this morning with Tara and Matt. Welcome home. Boy, this is my favorite scene. Ooh, scary. There she is. Get her, get her. Hey, keep it down. Excuse me, it's very difficult to enjoy a movie when you're talking and shushing at me. All the characters from the new movie Anastasia are now at Burger King. One cool toy just $2.59 with any value meal purchase. Your kids can collect all four. This part always gets me. What's wrong, honey? Stuffy nose, clogged sinuses, pressure. I'll take some medicine. Feeling better now? Not totally. Now I've got that groggy disconnected feeling. Oh, medicine head. You should have taken Sudafed. Sudafed opens nasal passages and relieves sinus pressure. And non-drowsy Sudafed leaves you with a clear head. Not medicine head. Look, I'm all clear. Just checking, dear. Sudafed, the difference between a clear head and medicine head. This may surprise you, but there are places this toothbrush just can't reach. Under a special light, you can see these places where many problems can start. So you need multiple kinds of protection. You need this. New Crest MultiCare, a great new crest. New Crest MultiCare has a powerful foam that penetrates into tiny crevices to help fight ugly tartar in cavities. And it even kills bacteria to help your teeth feel clean. Get multiple kinds of protection. Get New Crest MultiCare. Happy holidays, Dave. Same to you, Red. I think you'll find this spicy chicken sandwich spicier than yours. Not bad. But remember this? Wendy's Spicy Chicken is seasoned with Dave's own blend of pepper and spices for that spicy hit you crave. So? So you got any more in the bag? Maybe. Yeah. Wendy's Spicy Chicken Sandwich. Think you'll warm up anybody. Jingle bells, jingle. My sister discovered it. She said that I could save over AT&T on every call in the U.S. just by dialing 10-3-2-1. So I told my brother in Atlanta. I save 50% on all calls over 20 minutes. That's half off. So I told a friend in L.A. You just dial 10-3-2-1 and won the area code and the number. And on and on it goes. No fees. There's no signing out. And you get great international rates. 10-3-2-1. That's all you gotta remember. Good news travels fast. It's all in how you use it. El Nino this. El Nino that. Mountain Supply of Yakima is gonna kick El Nino in the bootay. Mountain Supply of Yakima has snowshoes like you wouldn't believe. Trek across the country with snowshoes by Atlas and MSR. Now in durable, high-quality Scott snowboards featuring the Galena. Check out the full service ski center now featuring Mad Zooks and Atomic Skis, the latest in ski technology. At Mountain Supply of Yakima, 507 West Knob Hill. Get that adrenaline pumping. Child abuse happens all the time. It can be happening to your friends or your relatives. And you may never suspect. Child abuse is a continuous cycle passed from generation to generation. Child abuse takes many forms. Emotional, physical, sexual. But child abuse can be stopped. If you need help. If you want to help. You need to know about a national volunteer group and their nationwide network of child abuse prevention centers. Staffed by trained professionals who are using the most effective programs that can stop child abuse. In most families from ever happening again. The National Exchange Club and its foundation for the prevention of child abuse. A child's link to a better future. Next week on Teen Night Rider, a brilliant scientist develops an insidious new weapon. Were you sent here to spy on me? Anything that uses gasoline. Is at risk. Wrap up incredible savings. Coupon prices end December 14th at BiMart.