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It's the patent number of a unique conditioner that leaves hair fuller. Who's got that patent? Prell. Yes, Prell. We've developed a clean rinse formula. Nothing rinses cleaner. So nothing leaves hair fuller. Our conditioner is so unique, we've got a patent on it. Prell. The cleaner the rinse, the fuller the hair. Minor muscle pain is down in my lower back. Lois Terrell talks about AspirCream for muscle pain. I rub a little on. AspirCream has no odor. So fast and effective, you couldn't ask for a better relief. Rub in AspirCream for fast pain relief without Aspirin or odor. This itchy rash needs special treatment. Maximum Strength Cortisone V, which the medicine doctors recommend most, gets under the itch for soothing relief and help in healing. See? The rash is gone. Use Cortisone V, which the medicine doctors recommend most. Was it because the tables were set with Rosenthal China, or that the swordfish was steamed with fresh dill? Was it the string quartet, or world-class service? No one can say which of the thousands of details conspired to create such a perfectly good time. But so long as there are those dedicated to pursuing pleasure, we remain intent on providing it. If you love to travel, stay tuned. Hi, I'm Paul Ryan. For the past five years, I've traveled the world as a television reporter, bringing back stories on great vacation spots, from the most famous to those off the beaten path. And like most of you, I'd have to say that beautiful beaches are among my favorite places. And as something of an expert on beaches by now, I'd like to introduce you to some of my favorites. Join Paul on this new videotape, the world's great beaches. Visit Rio de Janeiro, Cancun, Bermuda, Hawaii, the Island of St. Vincent, exotic Tahiti, and more. All tour some of the most beautiful places on Earth, whether you're planning a vacation or just want to enjoy an armchair getaway. The world's great beaches videotape will bring excitement, beauty, and romance into your living room. Call now, 1-800-223-7500 and travel to the world's great beaches for just $19.95. 1-800-223-7500. Usually on this fine day, chefs are preparing a lavish evening feast. Fresh flowers have been arranged in the foyer just so. And over near the pool, refreshments have, of course, been anticipated. At Holland America, we're aware that perfection cannot be achieved overnight. But after 116 years, you can come pretty close. This is your captain speaking. We've just reached our cruising altitude of 31,000 feet. And in a moment, the flight attendants will begin serving lunch. Captain, we forgot the Colombian coffee. 100% Colombian coffee, handpicked by Juan Valdez. It's the richest coffee in the world. We interrupted program to throw an incredible curve in your plans. So hot, it's cool. So cool, it's hot. Acapulco, hotter than ever. This winter, if you're looking for a stylish place to have fun and worship some, a place that will rev up your wind-thrilled factor and where the action doesn't stop when you leave the beach, come to Florida's fabulous Boca Raton Resort and Club. In all the tropics, there's no nicer place to play and be pampered. So why go to an ordinary resort when you can have the elegant place to play, the Boca? After all, it's not whether you win or lose. It's where you play the game. Pack your bags and get ready for a travel adventure. Find out what to see and how to get there with Discovery on the Go. Weekdays at noon Eastern, 9 Pacific, only on the Discovery Channel. Hey, Mike, did you forget to pay your electric bill? No, I want to show you my vacation slides. No, no, you're not. He is. Wow. Guess you didn't end up at the beach again. Wanna bet? So where did you go? India. You got it. Just look at this. It was amazing. Wait, you did all this on one vacation? And the prices, Doug, even you'd like. This is incredible. Makes me want to go. Anyone can. Just call 1-800-858-5800 for your free India brochure. You'll see the world's most exotic destination region by region and find all the information you'll need to plan your trip. Experience an unforgettable adventure. Look at that elephant. I hear they never forget. And neither will I. India, experience the adventure. The attack on Pearl Harbor, a dark day in American history, the opening blow in a conflict that spanned the Pacific. It battles fought at sea, on land, and from the air. Join host Eric Severide as he recalls campaigns that crushed the Japanese empire. World premiere films depicting the cruel horrors of combat. More stories, Wednesdays at 11 Eastern, 8 Pacific, only on the Discovery Channel. Survival will continue in a moment. Join Yusai Kahn for Looking East, Tuesday at 2.30 Eastern. Has this ever happened to you? What a mess. How about this? It doesn't wear as well as it tastes. That dress shirt and expensive silk blouse have had it. Or have they? Now there's a way to deal with the most difficult stains quickly, safely, and thoroughly. DD7. DD7 is a super concentrated formula that removes stains but won't harm fabric. Now where's the ink? In this delicate silk blouse comes incredibly clean. And that's not all. Tar, iodine, blood, rust. DD7 gets rid of them all. Are your window shears dull and gray? A quick soak and diluted DD7 restores them to a like new white. DD7 is a whiz on carpets, even upholstery. Think of the money you'll save. We've stained these hands with ink, iodine, and car grease. Just watch. DD7 and a little water instantly remove the stain. Even from under the fingernails. And there's more. Imagine this as your washing machine. A red sock gets in with the whites. Everything turns pink. Ink from a broken pen. Even iodine. A little multi-purpose DD7 in the final rinse and it's goodbye to all those unwanted stains forever. Order your tube of DD7 today for just $14.95 or we'll double your order for only $5 more. That's two tubes for only $19.95. Enough to replace all these expensive cleaners at a fraction of the price. If DD7 doesn't work this quickly and easily for you, simply return the unused portion for a refund. Have your credit card ready and order now. Console 3. 1-800-441-5454. That's 1-800-441-5454. We'll set $14.95 for one tube or save $10 by sending $19.95 for two tubes. Plus $4 shipping to DD7, Box 7137-R, Buffalo Grove, Illinois. That's DD7, Box 7137-R, Buffalo Grove, Illinois. It began as a rescue mission and a war against poachers. Now it's become a race against time to save an endangered animal from extinction. The black rhino has walked the earth for 60 million years, but now its days could be numbered. Follow the valiant rescue efforts of Operation Stronghold on the next Safari, Thursday at 11 Eastern, 8 Pacific, only on the Discovery Channel. We now return to survival. We'll be right back. Out in the Mojave at 110 degrees, nobody thinks about 9X computer software. Nobody thinks about the way 9X FieldWatch helps Pepsi keep all 70,000 of their vending machines up and working. You see, 9X FieldWatch manages any field service operation from improved productivity to preventive maintenance. So nobody has to think about it. Moments of anguish, moments of victory, the stark drama of bat. Join Eric Severi for exclusive films recording Bat in the Pacific. War Stories, Wednesdays at 11 Eastern, only on the Discovery Channel. Hey, what's this stuff? Liquid dial. Why'd we switch? This one has germ killer. Liquid soap had germ killer? No, it didn't. Didn't? Nope. Thought it did. Uh-uh. What about the stuff before that? It didn't. It didn't? Never. Never? Never ever. Thought it did. You thought wrong, dear. I did? You did. Uh-huh. Most liquid hand soaps don't kill germs. Liquid dial does because it's made with a unique antibacterial formula. I know. I bet the stuff we had way back... Dad, it didn't. Nah, didn't. Liquid dial. It's made to kill germs. He who brings me the kingdom's most valuable object shall marry my daughter. Sire, I slay two dragons for the kingdom's most valuable object. Next. Nice one. Crocodile-infested waters for this. Next. Sire, I didn't slay any dragons, but look. A Sony Trinitron XBR XBR. Incredible picture, amazing SRS stereo sound. Nothing's more valuable. Bingo. The Sony Trinitron XBR TV. Every castle should have one. It has walked the Earth since prehistoric times, but now its days could be numbered. Is it too late to save the black rhino? On the next, Safari, Thursday at 11 Eastern, 8 Pacific, only on the Discovery Channel. We now return to survival. Celebrate South Dakota Centennial on the Discovery Channel. And now, a moment of discovery. Baby animals are a lot like baby humans. They come into this world innocent and funny-looking. They eat a lot and sleep a lot. The exploration begins. Most of what they find is bumps and bruises, stumbles and spills. And then they want someone to make it feel better. Those awful teenage years. What's a mother to do? Sibling rivalry. Temper tantrums showing off. It's enough to drive a parent crazy. Who are your kids hanging out with? A bad reputation could ruin the family name. But even when children are at their worst, who can resist a baby face? Hey, what's this stuff? Liquid dial. Why'd we switch? This one has germ killer. We're all liquid soap and germ killer. No, it didn't. Didn't? Nope. Thought it did. Uh-uh. What about the stuff before that? It didn't. It didn't? Never. Never? Never ever. Thought it did. You thought wrong, dear. I did? You did. You did. Yeah. You did. You were wrong. You did. Opposition Project breathe