We'll have more music from Holly Dunn when On Stage at the Swap Shop returns after these words from our sponsors. Stain-resistant rugs resist most stains, but some are irresistible. That's why there's Woolite Tough Stain Rug Cleaner. It's tough on stains, but safe even on stain-resistant rugs. Trust Woolite Tough Stain. Tough on stains, safe on rugs. And for pet stains, introducing Woolite Pet Stain Eliminator. It removes tough pet stains and odors better than ordinary rug cleaners. New Woolite Pet Stain Eliminator, because ordinary rug cleaners aren't always enough. America, got any plans for dinner? Don't be shy. You want Chicken Tonight simmer sauces from Ragout. Let us know. Eight great flavors full of real vegetables and herbs, like country French chicken and chicken cacciatore. Just brown the chicken, simmer, and serve. Chicken Tonight simmer sauces from Ragout. It's gonna be great tonight. How does your Jamie screw drive door opener work? Let me see. I'll be right back. When we hear the sound of the door, it means dad's come home. Once I caught a catfish about this big. I really can't. I don't know how it turns. Kara goes in and out with her bike. Jacob's in and out. All the kids are in and out. You got this big screw set. It's real long and the thing just turns like that. Any mom with a lot of kids could use a Genie. Genie screw drive, built for a lifetime. It rotates so the door slides real quiet. Stand by me once again. Sheba, because you cherish your cat. Next time you're in Fort Lauderdale, be sure and visit the Swap Shop. For information, call toll free 1-800-345-SWAP. I wrote this particular song with I smoke, but on this flight, cigarettes are grounded. My answer, Wrigley Spearman gum. And that cool, clean taste never lets me down. When I can't smoke, I enjoy pure chewing satisfaction. Good morning, birthday girl. Don't remind me. I hope no one finds out. It's our secret. Introducing Pond's foaming cleanser and toner in one. It deep cleans and helps tighten pores to bring out your natural radiance. And this birthday wish goes out to Deborah Palmer from a secret admirer. You are so beautiful to me. Pond's, it brings out your natural radiance. Mom's, it'll help her help make a greasy, smelly mess. Get it solved. New PineSol spray formula gets it clean, fresh, pine soft. Grimy bathroom surfaces, another little hassle. Get it solved. Spray. Wipe. It's PineSol. PineSol spray. Clean, fresh in a new spray formula. You know, milk's great for a lot of things, but when it comes to my coffee, this is great. Coffee Mate makes my coffee rich, smooth, and creamy. The way I like it. So milk for some things, but coffee mate for my coffee. It works out beautifully. Coffee Mate from Carnation. What you put in coffee, even when there's milk around. I smoke, but with my kids in the car, smoking's curbed. No big deal. I've got Wrigley's spearmint gum. That cool, clean taste is a family favorite. When I can't smoke, I enjoy pure chewing satisfaction. He's the Texas Connection host and one of the hottest stars on the Austin music scene. Jerry Jeff Walker with the Gonzo Compadres, Saturday on TNN. Pizza Hut announces an amazing new menu policy. Buy one pizza at regular price and get any other of equal or lesser value for half price. It may change the way America buys everything. Okay, one aircraft carrier, regular price. Any other aircraft carrier of equal or lesser value, half price. Any other molar extraction of equal or lesser value, half price. Pizza Hut, where your second pizza is always half price. It's catching on. The first World Trade Tower, regular price. We'll throw in a second World Trade Tower. This is a day I will never forget. If you won 10 million out of the blue. Miracles can happen, can happen for you. Publishers clearing house, the house where dreams come true. Only one gum leaves the way when you've got dental work and that's Freedent. Freedent won't stick to your dental work. So you can be confident chewing it. And because it also moistens your mouth and freshens your breath, now, Freedent's in a class by itself. Freedent's the one that took the stick out of gum and Freedent moistens your mouth. Yeah, moistens your mouth and freshens your breath while you chew. Non-stick Freedent. Moistens your mouth and freshens your breath. Still going, nothing outlasts the Energizer. They keep going and going. For painful gas, which would you choose? Your antacid or Gas-X, the tablet made for gas. It's extra strength, 100% simethicone to fight gas faster. Faster than your antacid, fight gas right with Gas-X. All day. So blow, blow, seven-o-win. All night. Shake the sugar tree, till I feel your love falling all around me. All music. No, I wouldn't have nothing if I didn't have you. CMT. Country Music Television. All right. For more information about CMT, call your local cable operator.