Are the Republicans selling out America's future? The Democratic Party believes it's time to stand up for American workers and American products. If you agree, vote Democratic. Vote to put America first. The Glen Bart East High School in Lombard presents a production of Amadeus, November 11th through the 13th. Call 627-9254. So many things are part of memories that a phone call can bring back to life. Hi, Ron, what's shaking? You sort of disappeared after that sand castle demonstration. You've been busy studying? What have you been studying, Ron? Architecture? You could do better with a little more practice? Okay. You bring your bail and shovel and I will bring my little sister. To relive it or live it up, just call. She's a long one. So long she got a clock in the front and back seat. Why's that? Different time zones, you get it? Right. 76 unleaded super, huh? Is that a big deal? Yep, that's our highest octane unleaded. Hog ties and knocks and things, huh? Yeah, it helps clean your port fuel injectors. Check your water and oil. Water's okay. How's the oil, hon? Down the court, J.T. Down the court, J.T. Down the court, J.T. Gentry Shops is proud to announce the grand opening of two new stores in Wheaton and in Lincoln Park. Now more of Chicago's best dressed men can save about half every day on expensive famous maker and designer apparel. Like $400 pure wool executive suits for $195. $350 English top coats, $195. Join us for special grand opening savings at all four convenient locations. Shop Gentry just once, then you've gotta believe. For one week only and Marshall Field's accessory admirer confessions of a Hollywood star. Well, I could have danced all night but shopped instead. Mrs. Eden charmed by snakes. Simply delicious iron bags. Will she pay for her skins? Accessorizing minds wanna know. Martian finds, et cetera, a hand-styled success. Pay a sale that fits like egg long. Cinderella story, she gave him the slipper. Will the pair be reunited? Accessorizing minds wanna know. Husband reveals secret to a happy marriage. The weight of a woman's heart is through her closet. Be a seller a sale for all accessorizing minds. Some people think that stopping AIDS is hopeless. If they're right, we're in a lot of trouble. Help us find a medical answer. Write AIDS Research New York 10116. Hey, Dicka. Doug Collins. How long you been flying Midway? Just lately. I fly Midway to Boston, New York, Philly and D.C. Great. This airport's less than 30 minutes from downtown. No crowds, no lines. I'm sold on Midway. That's good news. My commercials for Midway Airlines must be working. You're doing commercials for Midway? Honest, Mike. I did see your commercial. You're terrific. You might expect a guy who flies a jet like this to drive a jet like this. The Mazda MX-6 GT. If you also expected to fly through the wide open spaces, you're right. But you probably don't expect to find all this wide open space inside. I guess that makes it the one sports group which flies in the face of convention. Get a great deal at your Chicagoland Mazda dealer today. Presenting Lee and Perrin's White Wine Worcestershire Sauce. Its unique blend of white wine, herbs and spices adds a delicate yet distinctive flavor to chicken, fish and salads. Lee and Perrin's White Wine Worcestershire for lighter, more flavorful foods. To get a more flavorful, juicy steak, marinate it in Lee and Perrin's Worcestershire Sauce for just 20 minutes. Its rare naturally aged ingredients make for a mouthwatering meal. Lee and Perrin's for a better state. These are the kids of Ridgemont. Whoa. Where the guys play it cool. And the girls are red hot. This girl is my exact favorite. I'm so excited. And the girls are red hot. Sean Penn, Judge Reinhold and Phoebe Cates. Past Times at Ridgemont High. 7 o'clock Tuesday on Channel 9. Thinking about flying from Chicago to Detroit City or Metro? If these 16 reasons don't convince you to fly Southwest Airlines to Detroit City or Metro Airport from Chicago Midway, maybe this one will. Southwest Airlines. It's like having your own company plane. Yes, sir, E. Charlie. Not a good story for the 50th day. I don't know if you're interested in it, but you might want to take a look at it anyway. Whether you like to start at the first page and go all the way through. See, you're interested in business. Or just go right to your favorite part. Care for the sports either? How about the crossword puzzle? The Chicago Tribune. Leaves us with the comics. Has a little something for everyone. Like Cagar the Horrible? With a new spirit at your Dodge dealer, looking for an inexpensive new car won't get you down. Take Dodge Omni. Front wheel drive and 40 standard features for a very affordable $62.95. You even get our famous 770 protection plan. After all, why should you get the blues when all you really want is an inexpensive car? The new spirit of dogs. See your Dodge dealer where the new spirit shows. To get your body on everyone's most wanted list. Get over to the One Health Club chain that's been building bodies for over 26 years. The new Chicago Health Clubs, Englandale Heights and Washington Mall. So Harry there tells me to put in a new heat pump. I said, well, you know, that happens around 50,000 miles. Oh, heat pumps aren't for cars. He says they're for houses. See, they air condition in summer and help heat in winter. So you get the most energy efficient heating and cooling year round. I said, you mean a heat pump's not just a heat pump. Sometimes it's cool, boy. Did the fellow who named it know that? Here you go, boy. Go get it. One, two. Exercise your phone. Call me. One, two. One, two. One, two. One. Interesting broad. We should develop a personality, a car crash. Some people will stop at nothing to keep their best friend all to themselves. So, how's what's your name? You called her twice? Even if it means keeping their best friend from ever finding true love. For the first time on television. Twice? Jen Belushi. That guy's a maniac. With Rob Lowe and Demi Moore. About last night. 7 o'clock Wednesday on Channel 9. Headaches, backaches, muscle aches and pains. Millions of you experience this kind of everyday pain. And you should know that the pain reliever that's unbeaten for ailments like these is Tylenol. But it wouldn't make any sense to relieve your pain and then irritate your stomach. That's why you should choose a pain reliever that won't cause the stomach irritation possible with aspirin. Or even ibuprofen. That's why your choice should be Tylenol. It's tough on pain, easy on your stomach. Feeling beat? Like just another ballot in the box? Well, Marshall Fields has a new policy for domestic affairs during the winning ticket sale. We promise to decrease your budget deficit with 20 to 50 percent savings on merchandise for you, your family and your home. With high return on your investment dollar, you'll look and feel like a winner. Don't let the grabs get you down. Join the party and elect to shop the winning ticket sale through November 12th at Marshall Fields. Shrouded in secrecy for years, the stealth bomber will soon be introduced to the public.