KST Washington's presentation of the Goodbye Girl will continue. Introducing the most value ever from Vista Optical, new Maxx 24 service, now available at every Vista Optical. Buy one pair of glasses, get a second pair absolutely free. With Maxx 24, both pairs, the one you bought and the one you got free or ready in 24 hours or less, that's value. Shop our bigger, better selection and get more than you pay for with new Maxx 24. It's part of a new spirit at Vista Optical. National Broadcasting School takes you out of the classroom and puts you on the air in National's AM and FM student radio stations. For just a phone call, National will send you this free information to answer your questions about what kind of voice you need, how long it takes, getting a job, student loans and grants and much more. It's mailed to you as soon as you call 587-2346. That's 58 radio. Remember, you'll never know unless you call. 587-2346. Cheeto Fran presents, Jester Cheeto. I'm a cool daddy-o rockin' on the patio. When before my very eyes, I see cheese materialized. And my funky jive takes a dive for the cheese that goes crunch. It's not easy being cheesy. Cheeto, the cheese that goes crunch. With all this quality furniture and Levitt's low prices, I don't really sell furniture. I just help customers make up their own minds. Levitt's really cares about their customers. That's why more people buy at Levitt's than any other furniture store. Here's another reason. Only $98 buys twin size bed, nightstand, chest, hutch, corner desk, chair or mirror. Other pieces also sale priced. You'll love it at Levitt's. We're gonna make sure. Every aspect of BCTI's business is targeted to provide the customer with the skills necessary to achieve and maintain employment in a professional environment. So our training has a mentoring quality as we seek to impart confidence and develop the whole person while equipping participants with computer skills critical in today's marketplace. Your future begins today. Call Business Computer Training Institute, 1-800-752-BCTI. I always figured moisturizer is moisturizer. So frankly, when I heard Clarion had four different moisturizers, I was skeptical. Introducing Clarion Skin Care. But they convinced me. See, the Clarion computer analyzed everything about my skin, even the climate I live in, before it recommended the right moisturizer for me. Ultra pure skincare, personalized for you. Now I'm skeptical when any one moisturizer says it's right for everyone. New Clarion Skin Care, looking great and knowing it. Tastes too good. Tastes too good to be, but it's not. Tastes too good to be, you know. Tastes too good to be, you know what. I don't believe it. Tastes too good to be, but it's true. Tastes too good to be good for you. Much too good to be. Leave it to Louis, which to be. Way too good to be so fat free. Tastes too good to be 97% fat free. Tastes too good. We now return to The Goodbye Girl on KST Washington's movie matinee. Leave me alone. KST Washington's presentation of The Goodbye Girl will continue. On the next mesh, war stops. A ceasefire? What? Ceasefire. Does that mean we can go home? Peace breaks out, and it means different things to different people. That's just for the ceasefire. I can hardly wait for the peace treaty. Is it the end of an era? What are these forms for? These are forms to get the form that can enable us to order more forms, sir. See why peace is hell on the next mesh. Tonight at 7 on KST Washington. Oh, Cinderella can't go to the ball. She's dressed in a droopy diaper that feels all wet. Abracadabra, Cinderella. Kleenex Huggies super trim diapers will sweep you off your feet. Only Huggies has the blue inner layer that helps funnel wetness into the padding and holds it away for unbeatable dryness. Plus a softly padded waistband. Ah, Cinderella's wearing Huggies now, and she's having a ball. Huggies, happily ever after. You are about to be knocked over by Tartar Control Aqua Fresh because it does a lot more. Besides reducing ugly tartar buildup, Tartar Control Aqua Fresh goes on to also help remove plaque for healthier gums and more. It has fluoride to fight cavities and has the taste that knocks over the leading brand. Get great tartar control, great taste, and a great deal more. Tartar Control Aqua Fresh. Now you can get the training you need for an exciting career working with computers right in the privacy and comfort of your own home. NTS's Compulet 25-Lesson Home Study Course that will prepare you to begin a career in word processing, database programs, or 150 computer-related careers. Plus a computer like this is included, a computer that is yours to keep. Yes, take the action that gets action. Call 1-800-441-MORE now for Compulet information. Who would ever imagine that anything could happen to threaten you and your family, but a serious injury caused by someone else can tear your family apart, leaving you with serious emotional and financial burdens. At Leonard W. Mohn and Associates, we make the party at fault pay for your pain and suffering, and our fees come from monies we collect for you. Call us. We know how to help innocent victims of injury who don't want their families torn apart. Leonard W. Mohn and Associates. Tomorrow at noon, Ron Howard and Cindy Williams star in More American Graffiti. KSD Washington's movie matinee will return. I lost 30 pounds in nine weeks. I lost 21 and a half pounds. I lost 39 pounds in 13 weeks. I lost 48 pounds in four and a half months. We interrupt these success stories for a special announcement. It's Weight Loss Clinic's half-off sale. Lose weight fast, safely, and right now, lose it at half price. Call Weight Loss Clinic today. It's Weight Loss Clinic's half-off sale. Lose weight fast. Call now. Put a little love in your heart. For a taste you'll love with all your heart, close your eyes and taste this. Introducing Promise Extra Light Spread. Put a little love in your heart. With half the saturated fat, salt, and calories of regular margarine. Without cholesterol, without sacrificing taste. So enjoy it with a passion. Put a little love in your heart. You promise extra light. Thomas D. Jones, President, Business Computer Training Institute. When we performed our initial market research, we asked dozens of customers why they would seek training at one of our schools. The response could be summarized by the simple statement, I came to BCTI because I need the skills to get a job. Your future begins today. Call Business Computer Training Institute, 1-800-752-BCTI. This isn't my regular raisin bran. This is raisin nut bran. This raisin is covered with nuts. That makes this a raisin nut. This raisin nut bran is nice. This is better. This is terrific. This is wonderful. This is mine. So is this raisin nut bran. One bowl and you'll be ours. Now, you cannot hang mama from the tree. Now you can tie her to it, but you can't have her. Tonight at 6.30 on KST Washington. KST Washington's presentation of the Goodbye Girl will continue. Look at me. I'm successful and independent. I enrolled in the Art Institute's Fashion Merchandising Program. The two-year Fashion Merchandising Program taught me about staging fashion shows, dressing windows and preparing merchandise displays. I also learned budgeting and planning and studied management, everything from retail selling to being my own boss. Call now. Call 1-800-331-1100. 1-800-331-1100. Bigfoot, what are you doing? I've got some clothes for kids. I'm going to take them to the Tacoma Mall during Carnival Day. That's right. The Ranger Charlie show is going to the Tacoma Mall live today during Carnival Day. We'll be there for the start of the KST Washington Coats for Kids campaign. There'll be lots happening. Clowns, face painting, a petting zoo, free cotton candy and a whole lot more. Join the fun. Bring a coat that you've outgrown or don't need because there are lots of kids out there who really do need them. We'll see you today at 4.30 during Carnival Days at the Tacoma Mall. Trend College has a proud history of commitment to excellence, training people for business for generations. The largest network of independent colleges in the Pacific Northwest. Trend gives students the latest technology and the confidence to succeed. Trend is committed to the future of their graduates and their communities. Trend College, where people change their lives. KST Washington believes that no one deserves to be abused, beaten or threatened. There are no excuses. Whether abusive behavior is caused by alcohol, sickness, financial problems, children or stress, it's against the law. Violence in the home will not just go away, but with help it can be stopped. There is legal, health assistance, counseling and shelter available. If you've been abused, call 911. There is protection and help waiting. Harv, tell them National Furniture Rental has a greater selection of furniture than anybody. You bet. But quietly. Of course. We're in the area's best selection of complete living rooms, dining rooms and bedrooms. Yes, friends. National Furniture Rental is blowing away the competition. Just $9.95 a week for this three-piece sectional sofa or this four-piece bedroom set or for this 19-inch remote-controlled cable-ready TV or this vicious around sound stereo system. Call the National Furniture Rental nearest you right now today. Computers. Changing the world in which we live. Getting new career opportunities for today and tomorrow. And this is Knapp College of Business, where you receive job training, computer training on which you can build your future. Training that in 18 months or less can prepare you for the computer job market. And remember, if you qualify, you can receive financial aid that can pay for all or part of your tuition. Knapp College of Business, in Tacoma, call 572-3933 and in Auburn, call 833-4560. Watch the exciting Washington State Lotto drawing with big cash prizes live every Wednesday and Saturday at 6.59 p.m. Only on KSD Washington, your official lottery station. We now return to The Goodbye Girl on KSD Washington's Movie Matinee.