Night there is cheering in the streets of Manila as Corazon Aquina takes charge of a new provisional government. Good evening everyone. Mrs. Aquino has been declared president of a provisional government led by Philippine military rebels. But in spite of the rising tide against him, President Marcos has refused to step down. The clash in Manila is taking its toll here in Houston. Philip Bruce reports. I'm scared about what will happen, especially that all of my family are in the Philippines right now. It's hard for Corina Aweyulu to keep her mind on her studies with so much going on back home. If she were in the Philippines, Corina might be attending the rally supporting Corazon Aquino. But here in Houston, all she can do is watch the events on television and hope the apparent Marcos downfall doesn't lead to more violence. So what we feel here is actually all worry and we feel scared about everything. There was also a certain uneasiness at the Philippine consulate in Houston. Most of the staff there, including the Consul General, have called on President Marcos to resign. Some local Filipinos have called them traitors. But the Consul General says a majority of Houston's Filipino community seems to feel it's time for Marcos to step down. In Manila, helicopter gunships strafed the airport and the presidential palace, hitting several government helicopters. But in spite of the growing tide against him, President Marcos promised to fight to the end. Forget about my sniper rifle, which I wanted to employ just in case it was necessary to protect my family. Marcos' determination to stay in office was met with equal determination in Houston by Filipinos who think his time is up. The signal is very clear that Marcos has lost. President Reagan seemed ready to offer Marcos a plane and sanctuary in the U.S. if he would only step down peacefully. But so far, there's no indication the Philippine president is prepared to accept such an offer. Civil Bruce, 11 News. Meanwhile, here at home, NASA Administrator James Beggs tonight has reportedly decided to resign, allowing President Reagan to name a successor at this most troubled time in NASA's history. Beggs has been on unpaid leave of absence since last December, when he and other former executives of General Dynamics were indicted on charges they plotted to hide cost overruns on military contracts. A top NASA official says it's unlikely that acting Administrator William Graham will be named the permanent replacement for Beggs. The U.S. Supreme Court today refused to hear one appeal of the state's still controversial no-pass, no-play rule. The law says students who fail a class cannot participate in extracurricular activities. Houston lawyer Anthony Shepard, who appealed the case on behalf of Texas students, claims that the law is discriminatory. Governor Mark White welcomes today's High Court decision. As far as I'm concerned, the state of Texas and the people of Texas demand that their children learn before they play, and I think that's the proper setting of priorities, and I'm very pleased the Supreme Court didn't interfere with that. Governor White is in Washington for the National Governors Conference. He says President Reagan has agreed to meet with leaders of energy-producing states to discuss oil prices. White and others want the president to impose a tax on imported oil. A woman was struck by a truck and killed tonight on Telephone Road at Long Drive. Police say witnesses flagged down the hit-and-run driver, but he refused to return to the scene. Police later arrested a suspect from the witnesses' description. About two hours earlier, a camper headed for the livestock show caught fire at Highway 290 in Bingle. No injuries reported there, but the highway had to be closed for a few minutes during rush hour. The bodies of two Texas City men were recovered today, a week after the men disappeared while fishing. Curran Snipes tells us that the Coast Guard has few clues about what happened, although it is known that the men were first-time boaters. They were inexperienced in the water, but after spending two years refurbishing a 15-foot boat, 28-year-old Raymond Stevenson and his next-door neighbor, 31-year-old Glenn Carroll, decided to try it out. They went fishing last Monday, but didn't return. Carroll's body was found near the Texas City Dyke, the place the men had launched the boat. Stevenson's body was discovered seven miles away near Galveston Island. The men had been the subject of an exhausting search by the Coast Guard. I've never seen a search in the two years I've been here this extensive. Help was brought in from Houston, Corpus Christi, and New Orleans to look for the missing boaters, but searchers didn't have many leads. They weren't sure where they had gone. They weren't sure what they were wearing. They weren't sure what was in the boat. After four days, the search was suspended. Even though the bodies had been found, the boat is still missing. Investigators have little to go on except the fact that both men were novices and unfamiliar with the small vessel. This is the time of year a lot of people put their boat in the water for the first time. Coast Guard officers advise that you tell someone where you're going, that you carry approved life preservers and flares, as well as bring along some extra warm clothing just in case it should turn cold. In Galveston, Curran Snipes, 11 News. It's all here in the Bahamas You have a lot to do You may not want to do it all, but it's nice to know it's there. It's there in the Bahamas You know, I've been a beer drinker for a bunch of years. Like you, I've seen a lot of beer commercials. There's one beer that people loved before it was even advertised. The Coors was kind of the beer at my folks' place. People thought it was different, special. That was true long before there were any jingles or promotions. It's the product people love, not the hoopla. You think about that. How many products can you say that about? Coors is the one. You know, Volkswagen is the number one selling import in Japan. Also, Volkswagen is the number one European import in the U.S. For a short time, your Volkswagen dealer is making number one deals on your Jettys, Golfs, or GTIs when you trade in any Japanese car. Those Volkswagen dealers give you a very good feel. Even if you don't have a Japanese car to trade, you can still get a number one deal from your Houston Volkswagen dealers. But hurry. This offer ends Saturday, March 1st. Ride with me for a safe on-time trip. Climb aboard. Metro Works for You. We're Houston's number one ride. Houston police have a lesson that they would like to teach to all young people in our area. The lesson? Guns are not toys. Bill Jeffries reports that the push is on after another shooting mishap with children and guns. Over the weekend, the 12th apparently accidental shooting of the year in this area of a juvenile killing a 14-year-old. Last Friday, the 11th, as a 14-year-old was shot by a 10-year-old friend as they played with a gun. This year's death toll has already climbed to six. For whatever reason, we find that a large number of such accidents have taken place in a very short period of time. This is unusual for Houston. It would be unusual for any other major city. Brown is now planning an educational program with schools also aimed at parents. Too many times this year, children are finding guns in the home. In this case, a 17-year-old was shot while playing quick draw with a 10-year-old friend out in the county. The parents must take some precautions to ensure that the weapons are not made available to children. It's something we all have to do something about. But certainly education is going to have to be the key to addressing this as a major community problem. Even in cases where death is the result, it is not illegal to leave a gun around the house where children can get to it. Indeed, in most of these child shooting cases, criminal prosecution does not happen. Judge Robert Lowry hears cases when a juvenile shooting is not accidental. If a parent's gun is used, the parents get this lecture. If they feel that they need a gun in the home to protect themselves, they ought to keep it away from the child where the child cannot reach it. Or they should keep it unloaded until such time as the gun is needed. Advice police wish more gun owners would heed, advice which they will now take to the schools. Bill Jeffries, 11 News. Big developments tonight in the field of commercial aviation. Eastern Airlines is being bought by Houston-based Texas Air, the parent company of Continental Airlines. There are no details yet on the takeover agreement, but apparently Eastern will remain a separate airline. Eastern has been sinking into deep debt and has been faced with a strike deadline by its unions. Eastern's new boss will be Texas Air Chairman Frank Lorenzo, who turned Continental around by using what some workers call union busting techniques. In medical news tonight, Dr. Denton Cooley's team at the Texas Heart Institute reached a milestone today. They're one hundredth transplants since they began using the anti-rejection drug cyclosporin four years ago. Ironically, the patient's name is Hart. B.J. Hart, a professor at San Jacinto College. He is reported in critical but stable condition tonight. And two other facts worth noting tonight. A new study shows that women outnumber men here in Texas, at least in the urban areas. And 44 percent of all blacks in Texas live in two counties, Dallas and Harris counties. Well, some 10,000 parents and school children in the Conroe Independent School District will be giving up television for the next week. It's all part of TV Turn Off Week, a campaign to promote family togetherness with the idea that if the television set is off, families can talk more. It started last year at Glen Rock Elementary in the Woodlands, and this year includes 13 schools in the district. Some 2,500 school children are giving up their favorite television programs to do more reading, game playing, and just plain old visiting with their parents. Oh, yeah. That's going to help our ratings. Hey, wait a minute. I got something for you. You guys giggled, remember last week? What is that? Now, wait a minute. You guys giggled about me going to Liverpool? Taste this gumbo, Betty, while I'm doing the weather, and then I'll tell you where Liverpool's at. All right. Heat continues back in a moment. If you ever considered trying contact lenses, now's the time. Because now at Texas State Optical, the entire selection of prescription contacts is 30 percent off. That's a tremendous value, but it gets better. If within 45 days you aren't completely comfortable with your TSO contacts, bring them back for a full refund. 30 percent off and a comfort guarantee. That's one offer worth looking into today. Texas State Optical, so much for so little. You spend so much time trying to keep your face soft and smooth, but aren't you forgetting something? Your hands and body need attention, too. New Jergens Extra Dry Skin Lotion's kind of attention. New Jergens was enriched with even more natural moisturizers that help smooth away dry, dull skin, revealing the healthy glow hidden underneath. The result? A whole new you. New Jergens Extra Dry Skin Lotion helps smooth away dry, dull skin. Who's got cash discounts on gasoline that pep up your car? Golf's got it! Plus low self-serve prices for double savings. Golf's got it! And your golf credit card now when you travel also gives you the same convenience of choice at thousands of Chevron stations. And at home, golf markets are a quick way to shop while you buy gas. Who's got more choices? Golf's got it! Golf's got it all! Her fish. For nearly 40 years, she's carefully selected from some of the finest available. Her dish. Mrs. Paul's light seafood entrees, like new classic fish and pasta Florentine, tender chunks of white fish with spinach and tomatoes in a cream sauce. The price? 240 microwavable calories. If you buy seafood entrees for the seafood, try Mrs. Paul's. Her fish makes the dish. Dish, huh? Leave some for me. Take a look at the cloud picture across the country. This is moisture flowing northward right now. Southern California, good weather. Texas, real good weather. We're in good shape. Although in the eastern sections, they had a storm system in there, produced four inches of snow over Washington, D.C. And two inches of that came down during an hour. So what I want to explain to you is why the weather's doing what it's doing and why it's affecting us or how it's affecting us. Santa Ana winds, of course, are blowing. These are winds that come out of the mountain passes, go over the deserts. They're superheated. Warm temperatures. 94 degrees L.A. today. That was a record. But that warm air doesn't stop there. It goes all the way up into Idaho. Set records around Pocatello. 72, 73 degrees. Goodness gracious. On the other side of the mountains, you get the Chinook winds. So they're coming down the mountains on the east slopes, and they are superheated, too. And the air on this side of the mountains is drier than this air, so it heats faster and it heats more. That's what's going on in the eastern slopes, the Chinook winds. So they set records in Pueblo, Colorado. 79 degrees today. Denver was about 70, 70, well, between 70 and 74 degrees. So very warm air continues to come down the mountains, and that's what is going on over our area. Now, over Texas right now, as big as the state is, just a few clouds with the trough over the panhandle. No problems. And so you can see, temperatures at the moment generally in the 60s, even though the sky is generally clear, we're going to probably cool down into the 50s for tonight, the lower 50s. 55 right now up towards Dallas, 57 Texas, Arcana, 56 down towards Brownsville. That's a little cool. But out towards Del Rio and also El Paso, the winds are a little bit out of the southwest there, so it's a little warmer. All righty, so you can see most of Texas enjoying a nice night. Clear 59 degrees intercontinental, 60 percent humidity, winds relatively calm, 30.13 and rising on the barometer. Today we got up to 81 degrees. It felt good. Now we're going to have temperatures hovering around the upper 70s, maybe low 80s, but not as hot as last week, because this time the winds upstairs, they're out of the north. Last week they were out of the southwest, so that's why it heated up more. This week just a little bit cooler, but still that's nice and warm, isn't it? 45 degrees for a low last night. A few other spots, Hobby 63 here at the station 63, Galveston 61, and Beverly Hills south of the area, 64 degrees. So the forecast will show this. It's high pressure and control. So it's going to remain warm and dry throughout the plains with a warm up once again for southern sections, the southwestern sections of the country, and follow the high here. It's following the circulation. Clockwise motion, see a little cool on the east and north side of it, 55 towards Little Rock tomorrow, in Orleans 62. On the backside though, those southerly winds are still going to be a-blowing, and you can see record 73 once again for, you know, around Denver, Colorado for tomorrow. And the picture for the whole week will show the jet north and east of us, a cold snowy up here. We'll find some rains out yonder towards the mid-Atlantic states. We should remain warm 70s and 80s, once again very hot over the deserts for tomorrow and through the week. Seas, well it's going to be semi-chop on the bay, four to six foot seas. Watch for some fog down there, some patchy fog, then a high of 70 degrees for tomorrow. Forecast will be this way. Let's take a look. For tonight, look for fair and cool, patchy fog, low of 48, then for tomorrow, what we're going to find is the sun, that big beautiful sun's going to be out there. By the way, tonight's a full moon, alright? Little lovers moon there. Warm and dry, winds northeast at 10, high of 78, and down the road it'll be this way. 80 Wednesday, Thursday, that's a good average there. And then no chance of rain until maybe Friday, a little bit, 78 for a high, a little bit of sun out there then. I hope you're traveling around a few spots, it'll be this way. Music Heading out to the yard there, it's getting nice. Liverpool. Very good go-go. Thank you, it's down by the Chocolate Bio and Angleton, and when I was down there, everybody kept asking where you guys were, they must think we all go together. And so I said, you know, if they couldn't come down, I'd bring some of that gumbo back. Those were the finest people I think I've met in Texas. And that wonderful time. A terrific shrimp, I can vouch for the shrimp. Yep, he ate all the shrimp. Alright, still to come tonight, a special report on some slums among the homes in a high rent district. That and more news still ahead. Music Hello, my name is David Moore. I have a bachelor's degree in geology with four years experience in oil and gas exploration. Since I also have a background in urban planning, I would like to pursue a career in the areas of environmental resource management or solid and hazardous waste disposal. Thank you. If you need more information about job search, call the Texas Employment Commission Employer Service Office at 630-3290. If you've only experienced harsh malt liquor taste, it's time to change. King Cobra is the only malt liquor that's so good when the taste grabs you. It's a different breed, it's quality. King Cobra is cold malt liquor satisfaction in a smooth taste. Don't let the smooth taste fool you. Who could brew a malt liquor that does all this? Only number one, and high is the push. Remember, don't let the smooth taste fool you. Music Clear Lake City is underway again with a second wave of new growth. So now it's an even better home for you and your family. A more complete community where you can live for the moment and plan for the future. Where nothing gets between you and the way you want to live, except the setting sun. Lake City, another master plan product of the good developer called Friendswood Development Company. You go to the supermarket, squeeze the tomatoes, thump the cantaloupe. Ever pop a grape into your mouth? You can tell they're going to taste great. But how about bacon? You look at bacon. Does it look the way bacon ought to look? Lots of lean meat. Can you tell how great it's going to taste? You can when it's this one. Wrath Black Hawk Bacon. You just look at it and you know it's going to taste great. Wrath Black Hawk Bacon tastes as great as it looks. Guaranteed. This is the one sale you've been waiting for. Sunnyland's sale of winter ends this weekend. Save 20 to 40 percent on quality home furnishings only at Sunnyland Houston. Tonight on M.A.S.H. Klinger, I'm going to see you out of that dress tonight. Never on a first date, sir. M.A.S.H. tonight following 11 news. A transformer that caught fire earlier this evening is believed to be leaking a hazardous substance. Firefighters and members of the Hazardous Materials Unit are standing by now at the intersection of Scott and Old Spanish Trail. Crews from Houston Lighting and Power are also at the scene to help decide what to do with the PCBs that are leaking from the transformer. PCBs are a toxic substance believed to cause cancer. No one has been evacuated from the area, but police have blocked off one street to all traffic. Time now for a special report on some slum conditions in the midst of $100,000 homes in southwest Houston. Judd McEvane reports that running water apparently doesn't come with the rent, but rats do. From the air, this small road with its shanty houses looks like a village in a third world poverty stricken country. But it's not. It's within blocks of the country club neighborhoods of southwest Houston. A slum in the suburbs where people pay for housing with no running water, no indoor bathrooms, and rats that have the run of the houses. These shanty houses line a pothole filled private road called Feral Street in a portion of Fort Bend County between Missouri City and Stafford. It's called a no man's land by some county officials. The toilet facilities are in outhouses behind the shanties. A rug or a sheet is normally draped over the front of the outhouse, a privacy curtain that blows in the wind. The houses have no running water in them. There are water spigots in the front of a few of the houses. And garden hoses are used to run water to the back of the houses or to fill buckets. Most of the homes have electricity, but the renters pay for that separately. Some of the shanties have holes in the sides. Most of these houses rent for $65 per month. The renters say no improvements can be deducted from the rent. Fort Bend County tax records show the land is valued at $263,780, with the shanties valued at a total of $37,000. Some residents are fearful that if they complain, they'll be evicted. This welfare mother with four children says no one wants to live like this, but she can't afford an apartment. They do condemn all this. What are the poor people going to do? Most of us can't afford anything better right now. Renters say many of them are on some type of state aid, so some of the rent money going to the landlord comes from the taxpayers. The Fort Bend County property tax and probate records show the land and the shanty houses are owned by Dorothy Farrow of Sugar Land. Mrs. Farrow inherited the land from her husband who died in 1983. Mrs. Farrow lives here in Sugar Land. As we continue this report, we'll try to contact her about the conditions of the rental properties. Tomorrow night we continue this investigation with questions to the health department about how this sort of situation can be permitted to continue. John McIlvaine, 11 News, Fort Bend County. Introducing Alex Kroger's star meat cutter. I remember Alex. He weighed seven pounds nine ounces, and I charged his parents $269 a pound. In high school. Thank you. Alex used to come over to my folks house and cook us dinner. The kid had great hands for what he could do with a ribeye. Introducing Alex. Soon he'll be bringing you some great news about the Kroger meat department. And I can hardly wait, so stay tuned. You've just moved to town. How are you going to find a doctor for you and a pediatrician for the kids and a dentist for the whole family? To choose the right doctor, you need information you can trust. Lots of information which lets you compare doctors. And when you dial 77-MATCH, that's exactly what you'll get. You'll reach a trained counselor who'll listen to your needs and she'll help you select the right doctor for you and your family. Make an appointment with the kind of doctor you want. Dial 77-MATCH. Morning. Morning. Morning. Burger King celebrates the morning. Morning. With a light flaky croissant. Morning. A hot breakfast croissant. Morning. Filled with eggs. Morning. And melted cheese. Morning. Morning. With crisp bacon, tender ham, or spicy sausage. Morning. With croissandwiches and more. That's breakfast. Morning. With Burger King. We didn't get to be the fastest growing copier company by making cameras. Meta, all we make are great copiers. Give Ren and smiling. I think the Rockets won. Yes they did, Felicia. But listen to this. Dallas Maverick head coach Dick Motta got kicked out of tonight's game because of fighting with the officials. He didn't want to happen what happened the other night, last Friday night I'm talking about, in Dallas. It must have been something in the team's pregame meal or maybe he didn't want to watch what might happen to his team. But this is how it happened. Jim Peterson gets the ball down low. He goes up. Sam Perkins is there. He fouls Peterson. Now watch Motta. Says something to the official. The official says that's it. I've had enough. You're out of here. He wasn't very long before he was gone. The score was 9-2 in favor of Dallas. Three minutes into the game. Peterson came up with a big game tonight. Career high 19 points, seven rebounds. Ralph had 28 points, 19 rebounds. The Rockets play Utah tomorrow night in Salt Lake City. Big win for them tonight. Elsewhere in the NBA, Washington beat New Jersey by 10. Atlanta beat the Lakers first time since 1979. It was Cleveland knocking off San Antonio and Detroit gets past the injury-plagued Chicago Bulls. One Southwest Conference game tonight. The University of Houston playing the Texas A&M Aggies in College Station. Houston losing tonight to the Aggies 82-75. In top 20 action, a couple of ranked teams playing number three Kansas in the dark uniforms. Playing at Oklahoma, Kansas' Denny Manning. Just incredible athlete. Hits from the inside, from the outside. The game is almost over. Kansas leads it right now 77-71. Let's check some other scores. Top 20 action. Number four, Memphis State rolls over South Carolina tonight. Louisville knocks off South Alabama. And number 18, Virginia Tech wins over Florida State by eight points. The Astros continue their workouts at spring training in Kissimmee, Florida. Tonight, Steve Mark has a report on one person that is getting most of the attention in the Astros camp. He's not a player, but a coach. He's Hall of Famer Yogi Berra. Thank you. Yogi, you want to sign? He is the most talked about guy in camp. A rookie on this team, but perhaps the most identifiable guy in all of baseball. Thank you. Even after the first few days of camp, the hot topics around here are not can Mike Scott win 18 or can Glenn Davis hit consistently in 1986. No, the first question anyone asks when they get to Osceola County Stadium is, where's Yogi? Oh, Yogi is one of my old favorites. I love to watch the baseball players. Yogi is one of them. As strange as it may be, my son is an attorney, but he still loves to get the autographs from Lee Umpire Berra. Excuse Yogi if he looks a bit out of place in an Astros uniform. Berra certainly seems more at home in Yankee pinstripes. And admittedly, it might take Yogi a while to grow accustomed to the new surroundings. I'm going to really go enjoy it here. It is something different for me. I've been down to Houston. The people have been very nice. And I'm going to have a lot of fun. I think, you know, a lot of people ask me, boy, how could you move out of New York? I said, I had to move out of St. Louis to play in New York then. From the moment Yogi was hired as an assistant coach, rumors started flying he would be the next Astros manager if Hal Lanier doesn't come through. Berra says no way. Bench coaching will be enough for now. I've known Hal when he was a kid, you know, in St. Petersburg. You know, Max Lanier, you know, I played against him a little bit. And we used to play cards and everything. They ain't going to bother. I don't think it will bother Hal. It's his job. I think he's going to do a good job. I think Yogi is a great man to be in our organization. I think he's been around a lot, a lot in baseball, of course. He's been in 21 World Series, so you really can't knock that. You know, he's done everything. He's been a coach. He's been a manager. And I think just being around the ball players is really going to help them. Well, it is going to be a little different because, you know, we've got the D.H. in the American League here. I would have to watch some of these guys, you know, a little bit. I've been out of the National League for 10 years. And I've got a lot to learn. It's just like a rookie coming around here. Yeah, Yogi would be fun to have around. I've gotten to know Yogi the last few years. They're a little outing that Dr. McMullen has. And he's just a great guy. He's a lot of fun to be around. He has a funny story just about everything. And if he doesn't have a funny story, he is a funny story. So at least until the season starts, the most celebrated Astro wears number eight. He is the center of attraction for fans and even players, all waiting for the next Yogiism. With the Astros in Kissimmee, Steve Markle of InSports. In other baseball news today, San Diego Padres manager Dick Williams resigned after asking himself if he really wanted to coach the Padres. The answer kept coming up, no, so he quit. The Padres finished third last year in the NL West. And in auto racing, Dale Earnhardt was fined $5,000 for reckless driving in the Miller 400 yesterday. Earnhardt was leading and was passed by Darrell Waltrip. At that time, Earnhardt hit the back of Waltrip's car, causing a big pile up. Earnhardt was also placed on probation for the rest of the 1986 Winston Cup season. HBU wins tonight also in college basketball, and TSU loses. Texas Southern loses tonight. Okay, it sounds pretty thorough. Thank you very much, Gifford. Thank you, Gifford. Well, Wall Street started the week on a high note. The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed at another record just short of $1,700. It's Magnavox annual sale time again. And that's big news. Magnavox offers high-quality, state-of-the-art products that can stand up to close inspection, with features like our new flat-square picture tube, built-in stereo capability, and more. Also, for a limited time, we're offering factory rebates of up to $200 on selected models. So don't wait. This is not just any sale. See quality Magnavox products at Fingers Furniture. Take your favorite picture. Then take a look at Walgreens. We can blow it up a little, or blow it up a lot. Process slides, or copy your favorite shots. Give next-day service offer a second-set option, too. Wrap up quality photo finishing at Walgreens. We're right here, close to you. Over 1,000 Walgreens are linked by the Intercom Network. In seconds, your prescription records are available to you at any Walgreens in America. And before we say good night this evening, we'd like to take you live to the Houston Livestock Show on Rodeo. Julio Iglesias is performing his big hit, To All the Girls I Have Known. And let's take a quick listen. Everybody! I can hear you. I don't believe it. Yeah, they came to hear you sing, Julio. They didn't want to hear themselves sing. Julio Iglesias live tonight from the Astronome. Okay. The siege of the Alamo was in its first day 150 years ago today. The president of Mexico had ridden into the main plaza as the Texas rebels withdrew into the compounds surrounding the old mission. The Mexican Army sent up a red flag demanding surrender. The men in the Alamo answered with a cannon shot. It was the beginning of a clash that would lead to Texas independence. That was 150 years ago today. Quite a moment in Texas history. Full moon tonight, says Craig. Sunny and warm tomorrow. Look for 78 degrees for a high. It feels like we're almost into summer already. I'm loving it. Look for you tomorrow at 5 and 10. Have a good night. I don't think I got the name of that song.