Two full flying squadrons worth of airplanes, approximately 25 KC-135s. You guys gonna go around the end of the aircraft? And almost 900 personnel to a simulated threat area. Look at this hangar over here, 1,001. We are in ThreatCon Charlie. ThreatCon Charlie means when you go outside, you need to wear your personal protective equipment. On three, on four! These training exercises are absolutely essential. We've come really a tremendous amount of distance from where we were last July when we did our first exercise to where we are now. I feel that we're world class in capability these days in being able to deploy and employ our forces. This is tent city. Having a great time. For many of them, this is the first time they've been out here actually putting a tent up. Definitely out in the field under these kind of conditions. Little bit of work. We're gonna end up with about 700 people living in tents out here. And we have about 70 tents. We figure on 10 people for each tent. Honey, I'm home! We have just meager furnishings here, but plenty to get by. I think we do it better now than any wing in the Air Mobility Command. All that they've done making themselves truly a combat ready wing. One of the best in the Air Force, and I'm convinced the best in Air Mobility Command. Now the training exercise will continue for the rest of the week.