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Call your local Century 21 office today. Career Opportunity Week January 16th through the 22nd. The last sunset will return Thursday night. They came to Mardi Gras but not to party. The Savage Bees. 10-05 Eastern on the Superstation Thursday night. A cheese riddle. Say ma'am what do you get when you add Monterey Jack cheese to plain chili? Happy Cowboys. Cheese makes it taste even better so don't forget the cheese. Ricola the all-natural herb cough drop imported from Switzerland. Ricola has been soothing throats and relieving coughs naturally for over 60 years. In a recent test aqua care beat Keri lotion hands down so don't be surprised to find Keri elbow decide given the cold shoulder because when it comes to smooth skin aqua care has a leg up on Keri. A good laugh. A good cry. The good stuff's on TNT. Sunday it's the day of the Duke on the Superstation. First at 135. Framed for a murder he didn't commit. The Duke lost everything. Now he's teaming up with Kirk Douglas for revenge. 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On Friday night NBA the silky assault of Alex English. The airborne attack of Michael Jordan. Denver clashes with Chicago. 8-05 Eastern on the Superstation Friday. Friday is the best! Superstation PBS at the... Tracy Burgess before. Tracy Burgess after. Carla Powers before. Carla Powers after. Now at Weight Watchers the difference between before and after is fast. Our new quick success program has a unique food plan that helps you lose weight fast and it's easier than ever. The late nights before. The late nights after. Want proven results? Join Weight Watchers today and start living happily ever after. After. Go home or you stood right by my side. The times we laughed, the times we cried. We stuck together you and me. No matter what you do, you know I can't stop loving you. I'll gladly give you my life. For the one you've given me. My favorite jeans I wear them so much. They're hard to keep clean. Every time stains on my favorite jeans fall. Mama left them out with. The stain left that's all. A good laugh. A good cry. The good stuff's on TNT.