Well, there's Bob as you see him on a regular basis here on Channel 2, The Weather Cat. And we're going to invite the audience not to applaud, although I know they would quite hardly today, so as not to get Bob a little too excited and David Apple too. With us, David Apple, now Executive Director of the Kidney Association of Oregon and his friend Bob the Weather Cat. It's good to see you today. How you doing? Good. I'm glad you're here just because he does public appearances, Paul, but he gets a little excited and sometimes the food dish is more important than the public appearance. This is a new outfit. I haven't seen this look yet. We were just opening and I was just in the other studio with Bob Foster, one of KETU's camera people who is responsible for all the editing and the wonderful Bob segments that you see. And we opened a letter and lo and behold, this caller was in the letter. So this is a brand new outfit that just was just received moments ago. The question I get asked all the time is how does, my cat would never sit still for that. Now Bob wears these glasses. Well look at this. You've seen it. I mean I'm just kind of, he's very gentle. He is an alpha cat, I will say this. He has the self assurance that comes with being the top of the pecking order. He lives with a few other cats and they all give him wide berth and he is definitely what they call an alpha male. So if you're king of the mountain, you can have this kind of calm and this kind of assurance. He knows he's a star. He is a star cat. Let's talk a little bit about some of the outfits we see right on the table here. David as you know was our weatherman for a number of years and these things just come, don't they? I mean Sheila Conroy, Bob's wife is a designer, makes a lot of these but a lot of them come like this from the viewers, from Channel 2 viewers. These are some of the real special ones. Are these Sheila's work here? Yes, this is the Viking of course and the one over there you see is a cat as a wolf in sheep's clothing. Oh that's nice. The cat as a sheep in wolf's clothing. What's this one with the wig here? That's a friend that you and I know well because you and I said, remember we saw him in the supermarket the other day? Elvis. Oh yeah. Elvis. That was his famous Elvis outfit with the sideburns and all. Sheila ought to make you one of these. She did. It didn't work. This is the tin soldier from the Nutcracker. That's the little tin soldier. Very, very nice. Well let's back up and go to Elvis because I understand we have some video of Bob doing Elvis. I haven't seen this yet. Let's take a look. This is great. Alright. You ain't nothing but a hound dog and you cry all the time. You ain't nothing but a hound dog and you cry all the time. Well you ain't nothing but a hound dog and you ain't no friend of mine. Well they said you was high class. Well I'm just a liar. Yeah you ain't nothing but a rabbit and you ain't no friend of mine. You ain't nothing but a hound dog. Wonderful. Alright. He knows it's from him. He likes it. Okay, good. David Apple of McKinney Association and Bob have gotten together on a poster that we wanted to talk to you about very quickly because it's a very nice poster. Is it selling well? It is indeed. So we're all through our second thousand now and they're available through the McKinney Association of Oregon. They're only $10 each, three for $25 and the proceeds do benefit KL and they are beautiful. We hope these will become collector's items and we hope to do them each year. They're very, very nice. They're gorgeous. People always want to know about Bob. Let's see if we can get to the audience and take a question or two. Mary? Yes, your question. Yes, who is Bob the Weather Cat's family? Oh we have them here. Can you come over here? Come on. They're so shy. I want to have you one on either side so I can talk to you. That's great. Actually, this is Bob Foster and your wife? Sheila Conroy. Sheila. Okay. Now, originally, and I don't think too many people know this, can you tell us the origin of how Bob got started? And actually Bob is not the cat's name. It's your name. Yeah, it's my name and actually we just took a shot of him without any clothes and put him on the weather and we had a lot of response. So, Jeff Giannola came up and said, hey, I got these sunglasses. Let's put them on the cat. And I said, no, that's really corny. I can't do that. So, this is Jeff Giannola. Jeff Giannola when he was doing weather, yeah. And one time on the news. So, his premiere night, you know, he's on live TV and he just blanked out on his name and said Bob because he knew it was my cat. And called him Bob the Weather Cat. Yeah. Now, you've really gotten into this and Bob's been really very popular, lots of appearances and you've been making clothes for him. It's been building up. He started very small and now he tolerates more and more and I put more and more on him. He won't wear facial hair, no mustaches or anything like that. Not yet. But hair pieces are fine. Not yet. Okay, Paul, thanks. That's great. We wanted to tell you that if you have cat lovers in your family or friends and who doesn't, this poster would be a great stocking stuff for this year. And let us tell you how to get it. The Bob the Weather Cat poster is available from the Kidney Association of Oregon, post office box 222, zip code 97207. For $10 each or three for $25 and of course that money is put to good use by the Kidney Association. David, thank you very much for coming by. I remind folks, we're mailing them out first class so they'll get there in time for Christmas. Right away, okay. And of course, thanks to Bob too. You bet. What a great cat. Thanks, Paul. All right, David. Coming up, news and weather then. Two local women who won an award with their wedding cake and hints too. We'll be right back. Please don't go away. Thank you.