When you're carrying up to send the very best. My grandfather had this big, rumbly kind of voice. He'd push his chair back from the table and say to my grandmother, that, my dear, was a two-button Christmas dinner. He'd laugh, and then he'd unbutton his vest. Two buttons. Then I got to climb up on his lap, and I'd whisper in his ear, I love you, Grandpa. He always pretended to tickle his ear. I wish they didn't live so far away. This Christmas, you'll find many ways to say, I love you, Grandpa, at Hallmark. The place to go when you care enough to send the very best. In a moment, we will return to Foxfire. This evening's special presentation on the Hallmark Hall of Fame. Brenda, when's Candace getting here? So, where'd you get them? Bathing suits. This looks great. Oh, she's gonna love this. Here comes the bride! Wedding's off. You guys didn't have to do this. I expected it, though. Where are you going on your honeymoon? Where? Hawaii! This is great. We've never really had a chance. Girls, I can't believe it. You guys have been friends forever. You guys have been friends forever. You're supposed to let him go. I did. I did. When Mrs. Herman paired us up in kindergarten, she didn't know what she started. The buddy system never failed us. It never will. Candace. And now, the Hallmark Hall of Fame continues with Foxfire, starring Jessica Tandy, Hume Cronin, and John Denver. We'll return to Foxfire, this evening's Hallmark Hall of Fame, after these messages from Hallmark. One of the things I like about Christmas cards is you get to catch up on everyone. Like my cousin Joyce. She's been going with this guy for eight years now. She thinks he's getting serious. My best friend from college. She just opened this takeout restaurant. Gourmet Bulgarian? In L.A. Where else? And this one is from the hunk. This one is none of your business. What's new with you? Tell them about it this Christmas with Cards from Hallmark. The place to go when you care enough to send the very best. For us, excellence is an aspiration. An attitude. A pursuit. A way of life. Excellence is all of us working together. Aspiring to the fullness of our potential. Always in pursuit of higher standards. Determined to do everything we do somehow better than it ever has been done before. Excellence is found in the caring and the trying. In the doing. It is our objective. We seek it with dedication. Excellence is the hallmark of this corporation. Let's have a big congratulations for Bob Newhart. Congratulations. I know Bob, someone else was supposed to say it. Why is that? Just because. Oh, I see. So come on, people, let's hear it. Well, alright. Well, it's alright with Darryl. So spit it out. What do you think of Newhart? Wow, he's good. You're my first choice. You're the greatest. See, they all agree, you're the best. Say no more. And on Mondays, CBS's Gotcha! That's quite a coup. CBS, dude, oh yes. We now continue with Foxfire, starring Jessica Tandy, Hume Cronin, and John Denver on the Hallmark Hall of Fame. We'll return to Foxfire with Jessica Tandy as Annie Nations on tonight's presentation of the Hallmark Hall of Fame. I remember when it all became official between Freddy and me. We were home in Charterville under Mom's front porch. Promise we'll always be best friends our whole life. Promise. No matter what Jimmy Baker says. Cross my heart. Well, Freddy moved away right after that. And I remember how lonely I was. Till Christmas came, that is. Sam? Sam? Here's a Christmas card from Freddy's parents. Oh. And there's a message in it for you. From Freddy. There is. There sure is, look. Dear Sam, my dad and me built a double-decker treehouse. I got a hamster named Gerald. But she was still my best friend, Freddy. I didn't see Freddy for years after that. Every year we kept in touch with Christmas cards. Sometimes we wrote extra letters and stuck them in. We wrote everything that happened to us all year long. Then one Christmas, I got a card that said, Passing through Charterville on Christmas vacation. Would like to see you again, Freddy. Well, I saw Freddy that Christmas. And then she ever changed. Sam. Freddy and Sam, together again. Welcome home. Well, Freddy and I, we spend a lot of time together now. But I have to tell you, I still give her a Christmas card every year. With a little something special written on the inside. Love, Sam. Your best friend. Freddy and Sam. Hallmark, when you care enough to send the very best. CBS Sports Break, sponsored by Bud Light. Good evening. In today's biggest upset in the NFL, the Packers defeated Minnesota when Kenneth Davis ran in for the winning touchdown with about a minute to play, and the Bikes playoff drive was stalled. Now meanwhile, in Philadelphia, Dan Marino threw for three touchdowns as he passed Miami into a first-place tie in the AFC East. And the third team tied for the lead in that division, the amazing Buffalo Bills, who upset the Indianapolis Colts as Jim Kelly passed for two. More after this. Do you know why Spuds McKenzie has so much fun at parties? Because he's always in control. Spuds knows it's cool to live by one simple rule. Know when to say when. A reminder from Anheuser-Busch. The Steelers came from behind to beat San Diego to remain tied with the Cleveland Browns for first in the AFC Central Division. For CBS Sports Break, I'm Brent Musberg. And now we return to Foxfire with Hume Cronin as Hector Nations in this evening's special production of the Hallmark Hall of Fame. Tonight's Hallmark Hall of Fame will return shortly with the special presentation of Foxfire after this message from Hallmark. Aw, how's the birthday boy? Great. Happy birthday, sweetheart. Thanks. Oh, come on, you're only 40. I don't know. I'm here. Mine's wetter. You're gonna break it? Oh, Bob, hold up a minute. Meet Tony Gomes, our new trainee. Hi, Tony. Nice to meet you, sir. Nice to meet you. I sure hope I get to work with you. You're like a legend in this business. Tony, come in here. Sit here. Good morning, Mr. Newman. Good morning. MUSIC Get me out of here. This is gonna sound crazy, but I feel like there's this 20-year-old kid inside of me. You're gonna let him out, aren't you? I don't know. I don't think my 40-year-old body can take it. Hey, everybody, here he comes. CHEERING Oh, you made it. You made it. Don't worry, kid, I'll have him retouched. Take off five years. First time I read an article by that guy when I was seven years old. LAUGHTER Hey, it's over, isn't it? Hi, Mr. Newman. Hello, Mrs. Newman. How are you? You want some company? You bet I do. Do you remember my 30th birthday? I was there. Half the day I spent feeling sorry for myself because I thought I was getting so old. No. Then you came home and you said, Hi, you're gorgeous. And you brought me the most beautiful birthday card. I still have it. I am a lucky woman. Happy birthday. MUSIC Thank you. Oh, my arm's still bitter, really. Oh, stop it. Next Sunday, they were sworn enemies thrown together. Why don't you guys just shoot each other and get it over with? Two brothers, one woman. You tell me, is that or is that not my baby? And a cross-country race to save a town in trouble. But will they get there in time for a very special delivery? We got a lady on board and she is in labor. My star's in garbage. And if they make it, it just might be some kind of miracle. John Schneider and Tom Wohlpat. Christmas comes to Willow Creek next Sunday. And now, the continuation of Foxfire with John Denver as Dillard Nations in this evening's production of the Hallmark Hall of Fame. In a moment, we will present the conclusion of Foxfire, this evening's special presentation on the Hallmark Hall of Fame. Merry Christmas, Mom! Merry Christmas, Mom! Oh, God. Oh, Mom, Merry Christmas. Am I still a member of this family or not? Merry Christmas, Mom. Hello. Oh, it's your big day. Yes. Nice, Mom. Merry Christmas. I was ten years old that Christmas. That was the time that Brother Tom was working in Europe. We hadn't seen him for over a year. Every Christmas, Tom and I used to sing together for the family. I sure missed him. Johnny, the Christmas card came here for you. It's from Tom. Hey, Mom's coming. Dad, Tom's coming for Christmas. He's coming here. That was the year it really snowed. I waited for Tom, and I waited. Aunt Nell and the rest of the family barely made it through. No sign of Tom. The roads are getting pretty bad. That was the longest day I can remember. Dinner came and it went. Still no Tom. Look at the presents. Can I open this one? Tom will get here. I sure hope so. Isn't it time for some music, Nell? Charity. I felt very lonely standing there all by myself. O holy night, the stars are brightly shining. It is the night of the dear Savior's birth. Long lay the world in sin and error pining, Till He appeared and the soul felt its warmth. A thrill of hope, the weary world rejoices, For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn. Fall on your knees, O hear the angel voices, The night divine. From Hallmark, a wish that all our families can be together this Christmas. And now we present the conclusion of Foxfire, tonight's special presentation on the Hallmark Hall of Fame. To learn more about the culture and traditions of Appalachia, the Library of Congress suggests these books. Any of the Foxfire books, there are nine of them, edited by Elliot Wiginton, and Our Appalachia by Laurel Shackleford and Bill Weinberg. These and many other informative books are waiting for you in your local library and bookstore. Visit them. They'll be happy to help you read more about it. Tuesday on CBS, the excitement begins with special guest star Kirk Douglas and dozens of celebrities in the all-new 12th Annual Circus of the Stars. Tuesday. Smile! Alan Futt and an all-star cast of helpers are coming to town. On the all-new Candid Camera Christmas Special. Wednesday at 9, 8 Central and Mountain. This is CBS. Bob's fresh approach to Make your morning Bob's weekday breakfast buffet. Only $2.99 every weekday. Make your morning Hot fresh breakfast Make it hot Hotcakes, eggs, bacon, sausage Make it steamy Muffins, hashbrowns, fresh fruit Make it fast Fresh breakfast as you want it, when you want it. Make it creamy Make it a little Gradient biscuits Make it anyway you want At Bob's restaurant Bob's breakfast buffet. Only $2.99 every weekday. You'll love our fresh approach. Go to Buy Mart. Because Buy Mart has national brand name merchandise at everyday discount prices. Usually much lower than other stores' specials. And Buy Mart stores are everywhere in Oregon and southern Washington. So you're always close. That means when you shop by Mark the only thing more fun than going to the store is coming home By Mark, it's like a sale every day Then she got on the line and as soon as I heard her voice, I just had This is the CBS Sunday night news Susan Spencer reporting good evening, Nicaragua, Santa Nina