Just ahead the drug war goes to cartoons and did the IRS cause a man to die one woman says yes these guys have not followed the rules and I Mean, they're they're harassing us and we can't get anybody to stop them Right now Mazda is working overtime to bring you the best deal we've ever offered on trucks a loaded Mazda truck for less than the sticker price of a base Toyota The Mazda value pack 12 extra items at no extra charge plus $1,000 cash back from Mazda a value worth up to $1,779 But hurry we can't keep up this pace forever That's right, we're going to have to get the truck back to the truck A value pack available on all Mazda SE5 and LE5 trucks through July 3rd at your local Mazda dealer now I would describe Larry Moore as genuine. Larry doesn't just report to us, he's concerned about it He genuinely loves people and I think it shows on the air for all of us who know him and work with him we know that's real Familiar. Larry Moore is a familiar name in Kansas City People say, oh I grew up watching Larry. When people ask me about Larry Moore they generally say, is he really that nice? He's our self-appointed Foodville ambassador Larry Moore, KMBC 9 News, where the news comes first Sonic's Carhops have a special for you And a creamy strawberry shake, vanilla shake Or my favorite chocolate whip Sonic's Famous Burger, made just the way you like it And you have Sonic's Carhops Special, a burger and shake For only $2.19 And while you're here, vote for your favorite carhop To help select Sonic's new national carhop of the year And register to win a trip to a Malibu Beach party, hosted by Sonic and me Accommodations made through the exquisite Malibu Beach Inn Good job! They told Al Riley to search for the truth Mike Brennan is the best cop I ever saw But they never expected him to find it There's no statute of limitations on murder If it's not the Q&A, it didn't happen You can always find somebody to set you up, right? Nick Nolte, Timothy Hutton, Armando Sante A Sidney Lumet film, Q&A, rated R Starts Friday, April 27th at a theater near you Announcing the world-class value in four-door sedans at a special price The Hyundai XL More horsepower, power, fuel injection, more power, automatic, automatic, force wheel, overdrive, sure, stereo, too, stereo, stereo cassette, stereo, really, wiper, intermittent wiper, wiper, rear defogger, more hood, more hood, more legroom, bucket seat, five-passenger ligand, tinted glass, dual remote mirrors, mirrors, nice wheel The XL four-door sedan from Hyundai, now specially priced at just $71.99 Test drive a world-class value at your nearest Hyundai dealer. Do it today K Council is mad as hell and she has taken her case to Congress K is accusing the IRS of terrible deeds and this woman is on a mission Here's Joel Loy Americans are a courageous lot. We fear no foreign power and no domestic law enforcement agency. But being contacted by one organization does make even the most stout hearts skip a beat You have the fear of what are they going to do? Are they going to come in and are they going to lock your house up? Are they going to take your furniture away? I found inner workings about the FBI, inner workings about the KGB, inner workings in the Kremlin, but nothing about the Internal Revenue Service I have no doubt my husband would be alive today if it were not for the IRS Small business owners K Council and her husband got into a prolonged battle with the IRS The Councils maintained the IRS hit them with an assessment on a disallowed tax shelter after the legal time limit for the action had already expired All we wanted was somebody to listen to us, look at this, these guys have not followed the rules and they are harassing us and we can't get anybody to stop them The Councils received a steady stream of notices with increasing interest and penalties. They suffered business losses and credit problems Finally, Alex Council made what he called a business decision to provide Kay with some insurance money to continue the fight He shot himself in the head What drives a man to make a decision like that? Well, he said they broke his back, they killed his spirit, they took away all his beliefs, he just could not accept that this is America Kay went on to win her court battle with the IRS and in Washington this month she told her story to a special Senate subcommittee People sit back and say, well this is a terrible story, but it's surely an exception to the rules and this sort of thing could never happen to me They're very wrong, this could happen to anyone Subcommittee Chairman, Senator David Pryor, also read statements from other IRS victims into the record He said, and I quote, it's not that I have a problem with paying the IRS every shiny nickel I owe the government It's not that I begrudge them having to get tough every now and then if I don't pay What I do resent is when they bury me in computer letters, don't acknowledge my explanations, then grab my bank account, run my credit, and only then decide they were wrong after all The taxpayers should not be put in the position of spending every dime that they have to prove that they're innocent I feel very cheated, I feel cheated of my rights as a citizen, I feel cheated of growing old with a man I love Well as we told you last week, there is a taxpayers bill of rights and you can get a copy by calling this number, once again the number is 1-800-424-FORM Next up, why do the President and Mrs. Bush want your kids to watch cartoons this weekend? While on location, production staff may stay at Best Western, the world's largest lodging chain with over 3,300 places to stay worldwide, Best Western The best plant food? Miracle-Gro without a doubt Miracle-Gro really produces Miracle-Gro makes everything grow bigger and better I can't promise that Miracle-Gro will earn you a world record, but I can promise you'll get more flowers, more vegetables with Stern's Miracle-Gro Let's talk seals and Reynolds Crystal Color Plastic Wrap Sure, it makes things more creative and fun for your family, but it also seals tighter than the leading brand A lot tighter, Reynolds Crystal Color Plastic Wrap, it seals as good as it looks If you're trying to lose a few pounds and butter is out, you're gonna love this Molly McButter Now you can shake on the taste of butter for just four calories Molly McButter Mmm, Molly McButter natural butter flavor sprinkle The taste of real butter with only four calories per serving A very wholesome, 100% natural four little calories So indulge yourself Molly McButter You've got Molly now Grand Prix heralds a new era for Pontiac Grand Prix is a sleek, serious road car Grand Prix has a highly stylized, inviting interior Now that the 1990 Car and Driver Buyers Guide has had its say, may we add this? $2,000 cash back $2,000 cash back on any new Grand Prix now See Sunny Hill, Randy Reed, George Ballas, Galen Boyer, Lee Major, Andy Klein, Joe Christopher, Sunny Hill, or Dave Cross U-Moto Tris, Quattro Cinco, up that Taco Bell, for Cinco de Mayo, the very best, just 59 cents a less, for Cinco de Mayo, Fiborito, tacos, pintos, and cheese, soft tacos, totales, too, for Cinco de Mayo, baby you'd better run, run, run for a baller Play Cinco Madness, win a trip to Cancun, Mexico, or free food prizes Run, run for a baller Music Last Monday we promised to tell you what happened to Mayor Munoz of Gallup, New Mexico, who was fighting for his job. Some citizens there wanted to recall him. The problem is that Munoz wants to clean up Gallup's image as Boosville, USA. In 1988, 26,000 people were thrown in the drunk tank in that town. That's more drunks than residents. Well, Mayor Munoz threatened to take out a billboard calling his town the drunk driving capital, and that made a lot of people mad. Well, Munoz has kept his job, but just barely. He won the election this week and vows to keep fighting against alcohol abuse. President and Mrs. Bush want you to watch cartoons. That in a moment, but first, here's what's coming up on the next Inside Edition. Tom Lovejoy is a mover and shaker of Movers and Shakers, an environmentalist who sees stars the celebrity kind like Robert Redford, Sting, and Tom Cruise. Marin and for the long term. Why is his expertise in such hot demand by Hollywood hotshots? Also, the swindled victims of a giant land fraud scheme. That's next time. Now, there is a unique TV event this coming Saturday morning. It concerns the war on drugs, so it should concern us all. Here's Scott Rappaport. This is the bit where your whole life flashes before your eyes. Only one issue could unite Garfield and Miss Piggy, Donald Duck and the Ninja Turtles, and Bugs Bunny and Alph. It's the war on drugs, and Saturday, just about every popular cartoon character will join the fight. All three networks will simultaneously broadcast Cartoon All-Stars to the Rescue, a 30-minute animated story of a fight to save a kid from drugs. Michael needs our help. Then let's help him. The cartoon is a presentation of the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences and is aimed at 5 to 11 year olds. Those 20 million kids in front of their TVs on any Saturday are the same target audience for every schoolyard drug pusher five days a week. All of the studios donated the use of their characters. All of the television networks and broadcast outlets and cable donated the use of their airtime. And Ronald McDonald is in the fight, too. We'll be shipping over 350,000 cassettes to rental stores for free rentals. So when someone goes in and rents a favorite movie, they take one of these home to watch with their kids. George C. Scott stars as the villainous voice of smoke, the drug pusher. You want them to like you, don't you? This stuff's pretty good, but I got something even better. And the producers have pulled no punches in getting their anti-drug message across. Mikey, Mikey, you gotta try this. It gives you a major high. Like that. I'm in. Okay, I'll try it. You in, Michael? You don't want to be left out, do you? Come on, what are you waiting for? Try it, try it. You want them to like you, don't you? With Bugs Bunny and the other cartoon characters in the picture, maybe this is one fight the good guys can win. Be the first one on your block to pay. Forget it, Doc. Try the couple of those wonderful ways today now. What's a forgetful way? This very, very wonderful way today. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. This very, very wonderful way today. Yes, yes, yes, yes. Look now. That program airs Saturday morning at 10.30 Eastern Time. Just check your TV page to find out what time it is in your area. Well, that's it. Straight from the inside. We hope we've given you something to think about today. I'm Bill O'Reilly. Thank you for watching. We'll see you again tomorrow. It's back to my complexity. When you kind of say, this get wrecked. I'm glad you're self-rejected. Go on, pushy, deck, protect yourself. Let's go. Be the first one on your block to pay. Forget it, Doc. Try the couple of those wonderful ways today now. What's a forgetful way? This very, very wonderful way today. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. Very, very, very wonderful way today.