Christmas is all around me, all around me, come on and let it snow. You know I know Christmas I'll always know. My mind's been up the way that I feel. Come on and let it snow. Christmas is all around me, all around me, and so the feeling grows. If you really love Christmas, come on and let it snow. You know I love Christmas, I always will. My mind's been up the way that I feel. Come on and let it snow. Christmas is all around me, all around me, come on and let it snow. You know I love Christmas, I always will. My mind's been up the way that I feel. Come on and let it snow. Christmas is all around me, all around me, and so the feeling grows. Christmas is all around me, all around me, and so the feeling grows. Hello, hello, hello, hello. I saw this noise about. Ty, it's very noisy in here isn't it? Bookworm? Bookworm? Bookworm? Bookworm? Bookworm? Hello? Sorry, hello Noah. I didn't hear you come in. Well I'm not surprised. You're making a lot of noise you know. Yes fun wasn't it? Pretty good. Extremely loud. Well yes, extremely loud fun. That's what I call it. Good loud fun. What? No, no, no. I was just having some fun. That's the problem, it was only you having fun. I know, why don't we find a way for us both to have fun? Oh, oh, yeah. How can we do that? Well, um. Is it noisy? Is it noisy? Tell me that, is it noisy? Well yes, but it's a kind of beautiful noise. Beautiful noise? Beautiful noise? Ta-da, music. Beautiful, ah music, beautiful noise. Yes, yes. Not some noisy noise. And what should we play? Oh, what's a good, oh, ah, this old man, how about this old man? Where is he? Oh I know what you mean. That'll be perfect for pots and pans. Or a drum. Drum? Okay, alright. Okay ready? One, two, one, two, three, four. This old man, he played one, he played knick-knack on my drum with a knick-knack patty-whack, give a dog a bone. This old man came rolling home. Two, what's a two? Oh, I know. Two, right, a two. This old man, he played two, he played knick-knack on my shoe. With a knick-knack patty-whack, give a dog a bone. This old man came rolling home. Three, three, um, three, what's three? This old man, he played three, he played knick-knack on my knee. With a knick-knack patty-whack, give a dog a bone. This old man came rolling home. Four, four. This old man, he played four, he played knack on my door. With a knick-knack patty-whack, give a dog a bone. This old man came rolling home. Right, so now we need five. This old man, he played five, he played knick-knack on my heart with a knick-knack. With a knick-knack patty-whack, give a dog a bone. This old man came rolling home. Oh, I didn't know you had a hobby horse, look at that. Peter has a hobby horse. Did you notice anything, Steve? Oh, I really like the colour. Hi, Peter. Hi, Pete. Do you notice anything? Um, it has blue wheels. Have you had a haircut? No, no. You haven't had a haircut? You don't notice anything? Why haven't you had a haircut? Oh, I know. What is it? I'm a king. I'm a king. Oh, so you are. Of course you are. You're a king. So anyway, I was saying this old man was a good old man. We've got to know what it's supposed to be. What's the matter, Pete? Oh, just listen to how it's supposed to be. When a king rides by, they're supposed to be pomp and ceremony and clapping and, well, just pomp, fun and laughter, but at least that's what it says in this book. Oh. A book. Oh, well, I have an idea, Pete. How about you go back out and come back in and we'll make all that for you. We'll try anyway. Yeah, leave the book. Really? Yeah, leave the book. Really? Would you? Book. Book. Book. Oh, I really would love a book. I'll read the book. I'll read the book. Yeah, you read the book. Why don't we make the fuss? Yes, yes. Um, it's called When the King Rides By. Oh. Really? Oh, yeah, yeah. Oh, what a fuss. When the king rides by. Oh, look. Hey, the king. Hey, king. Hooray. Oh what a fuss when the king rides by and the drum plays rat-a-tat-tat. Rat-a-tat-tat. Good. Here we go. Thank you. Oh what a fuss when the king rides by. Hey! There goes the king. Oh! The pussycat runs. Quick, pussycat, pussycat. Pussycat runs meow, meow, and the pigeons fly. I thought that was a parrot. It'll do for a pigeon today. And the drum plays rat-a-tat-tat. Very good. Oh what a fuss when the king rides by. Oh! There goes the king. The dog's all barked. The dog's all barked. Woof woof woof woof woof. And the babies cry. Oh baby. Meow meow meow meow. The pussycat runs. Meow meow meow. And the pigeons fly. Coo coo coo. And the drum plays rat-a-tat-tat. Rat-a-tat-tat. Oh what a fuss when the king rides by. The king, the king. Oh look it's the king. The soldiers stand. Soldiers, soldiers. Left right, left right, left right, left right. And the ladies sigh. Oh! The dog's all barked. Woof woof woof woof woof. And the babies cry. Meow meow meow. The pussycat runs. Meow meow meow. And the pigeons fly. Coo coo coo. Don't look up. And the drum plays rat-a-tat-tat. Rat-a-tat-tat. This is good. Oh what a fuss when the king rides by. Oh the king, the king. Oh it's the king. It's the king. Haven't seen him for ages. The people throw their hats up high. Oh the people who have. Woo! The soldiers stand. Left right, left right, left right. And the ladies sigh. Oh! The dog's all barked. Woof woof woof woof woof. And the babies cry. Meow meow meow. The pussycat runs. Meow meow meow. And the pigeons fly. Coo coo coo. And the drum plays rat-a-tat-tat. Rat-a-tat-tat. This is good. Oh what a fuss when the king rides by. Oh the king, the king. Oh the king, the king. Mice in their mouth hold. Wonder why. Oh the people throw their hats up high. Woo! The soldiers stand. Left right, left right, left right. And the ladies sigh. Oh! The dog's all barked. Woof woof woof woof woof. And the babies cry. Meow meow meow. The pussycat runs. Meow meow meow. And the pigeons fly. Coo coo coo. And the drum plays rat-a-tat-tat. Wow! Ah what more can happen? Look at this. Oh what a fuss when the king rides by. Oh the king, the king. There's the king. There's the king. Rockets dance in the starry sky. Rockets. Rockets. Do we have any Rockets? Oh I know a streamer. We've got one of them. Okay. Okay. Ready? Rockets dance in the starry sky. Do the Rockets. Woo! Oh beautiful. Mice in their mouth hold. Wonder why. Hmm. Hmm. The people throw their hats up high. Whee! The soldiers stand. Left right, left right, left right. And the ladies sigh. The dogs all bark. Dogs, dogs, dogs. Woof woof woof woof woof. And the babies cry. Meow. Meow. The pussycat runs. Meow meow. And the pigeons fly. Coo coo coo. And the drum plays rat-a-tat-tat. Are you ready last time? Rat-a-tat-tat. Woof. Well. Ah. Thank you. I don't feel very special now. Oh all hail King P. Good on you. All hail King P. Thank you, thank you. Thank you so much my royal subjects. I were a princess. I would. I would. I would. I would. I would. I would. I would. I would. I would. I would. I would. I would. I would. I would. I would. I would. I would. I would. I would. I would. I would. I would. I would. I would. I would. I would have a palamino horse called Sarah. She would have a special stable inside my castle. I would have an enormous castle with room for 10 million people. My family could stay in a cottage next to my castle. And they could visit me. I would have lots and lots of servants. They would feed my cats, pick up my clothes, make my bed and teach me because I wouldn't go to school. I have a private jet plane with its own pilot and have holidays in Hawaii and Paris. I would only eat pasta, chocolate, lollies and ice cream. I would have one thousand and one computers with lots of different games. I would have my own guards and my own playground. I would have lots and lots of animals and lots and lots of trees, oak trees, gum trees and the servants would look after them. I would have an enormous swimming pool with a special underwater passage from the spa in the castle. That's what I would have if I were a princess. Thank you, thank you my lovely subjects. Yes, oh well done, well done. Thank you. Oh hello. You may just stay. Oh thank you my love, thank you very much. What do you think about if we go and have a royal read? What do you think of that? Yes? Oh my dear Charlie. Did you see that? Oh my goodness, maybe. Maybe Pete really is a king. Maybe they're just sort of pretending. Hey Helen, do you reckon I made a good king? Yes. Do you? Yes. I like your flowers. What's your favourite flower there? This one. Oh the gerbera. Very nice. I like gerberas too. What do you think we should read this story? Yes? This one's called The Kiss That Missed. Once upon a time on a Tuesday the king was in a hurry as usual. Good night he said and blew his son a royal kiss. How would a royal kiss go? Like this? Something like that? Yeah, that's about it. There it goes. It missed. The young prince watched it rattle around the room and then bounce off the window and into the night. Did you see this? And it went straight out of his window. The prince told the queen, the queen told the king and the king had a quick word with his loyal knight. Follow that kiss he squawked. The knight mounted his horse and galloped off in hot pursuit until they came to the wild wood. Oh look at this. Wild creatures with wild eyes, too much hair and very bad manners lived here. It was dark and too weak. It was smelly. It was snowing. They were not alone. There were bears with long claws and growly roars. Oh look at them and swooping owls of all shapes and sizes and a pack of hungry wolves with dribbly mouths. Oh look at this. Dribble dribble dribble. Wild the knight and then suddenly with a sparkle the royal kiss came floating by and in turn said good night to everyone. Can you see the royal kiss? Where is it? Oh there it is. Bears stopped being growly, owls stopped being swoopy, wolves stopped being dribbly and before you could say big hairy toes they all settled down for a good night's sleep. The wrinkly old tree trunk twitched so the knight and his faithful horse sat down on a wrinkly old tree trunk to rest and slowly rose into the air above the woods and into the clouds. At last they found themselves staring into a pair of giant nostrils. A dragon with this lot would be nice for breakfast. The eyes leered greedily at them and suddenly with a sparkle the royal kiss came floating right by and flew right up the dragon's nose. He sat up, he sniffed and blinked, slowly he opened his mouth, took a deep breath and oh he sneezed. Hang on he said as they tumbled through the trees come back he puffed as he lumbered after them. I want to pick you up and kiss you good night. And dragon kiss here, look at that. Slowly they all made their way back to the castle. Can you see him, see the dragon there? That night the prince was happy, the queen was happy and the king promised to stop always being in a hurry. They look happy don't they? He made sure everyone was comfortable and slowly read them a bedtime story from beginning to end. There they all are there, all in his bedroom, there's the king. Even the horses in the bedroom. That's right, almost. Even Tim! He's not sleeping, he's awake. What then? ~~~ ~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ Bookworm? Yes, Amelia? Do you think if a real king came to visit, he'd have like skyrockets? Skyrockets? You mean like in the story of the king riding by? Yeah, like a big fireworks display. Oh, wow. Well, I suppose they might do. Yeah, it's just that when we were little we used to always in a countdown to blast off whenever we saw skyrockets being set on. Did you? Or just like the countdown they have for a space rocket? Yeah, yeah, that's right. Oh, yes. It goes ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. Blast off! Blast off! We have liftoff. We have liftoff. Wow. Whoa. Oh, shh. Take a shot of the contact. Blast away. Whoa, I can see a shooting star. Lucky it missed. My word is nice in our rocket here today. Oh, plenty of stars to look at. Whoa. That's the planet. What's that? I think it's a planet. Could be an asteroid. Another shooting star. Whoa. It's supposed to make a wish. Oh, isn't it pretty? Oh, wouldn't it be fantastic to ride in a real space rocket? Yes, yes. Well, you can always pretend anyway. That'd be fun. Yeah. Actually, I wonder where Norla is. She said she was just going to get a book. She's taking a long time. Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. Blast off! We have liftoff. We're heading to the... Oh. Hello again. I'm flying to the moon. Well, I'm pretending to fly to the moon. Fun to pretend. Have you ever flown to the moon in a box? Well, baby bear has in this book. It's called What Ever Next. Let's have a listen. Can I go to the moon? asked baby bear. No, you can't, said Mrs. Bear. It's bath time. Anyway, you'd have to find a rocket first. Baby bear found a rocket in the cupboard under the stairs. He found a space helmet on the draining board in the kitchen and a pair of space boots on the mat by the front door. He packed his teddy and some food for the journey and took off up the chimney. Out into the night. An owl flew past. That's a smart rocket, he said. Where are you off to? The moon, said baby bear. Would you like to come too? Oh, yes, please, said the owl. An aeroplane roared out of the clouds. Baby bear waved and some of the passengers waved back. Hello. On and on they flew up and up above the clouds, past millions of stars till at last. They landed on the moon. There's nobody here, said baby bear. There are no trees, said the owl. It's a bit boring, said baby bear. Shall we have a picnic? What a good idea, said the owl. We'd better go, said baby bear. My bath must be ready by now. Off they went, down and down. The owl got out and flew away. Goodbye, he said. It was nice to meet you. It rained and the rain dripped through baby bear's helmet. Uh oh. Home went baby bear. Back down the chimney and onto the living room carpet with a bump. Mrs. Bear came into the room. Look at the state of you, she gasped as she led him away to the bathroom. Why, you look as if you've been up the chimney. As a matter of fact, said baby bear, I have been up the chimney. I found a rocket and went to visit the moon. Mrs. Bear laughed. You and your story, she said. What ever next? Ah, Minstrel. Your Majesty. Entertain me with your music, Minstrel. Especially for you, your Majesty. We have a song about rockets. Ah, wonderful. Yes. Your Majesty, can I please join in the song? Of course you may. Of course. We're as a band of great writers, we'll all join in. Yes. We're going to the moon when we're off to Mars. We'll fly beyond the asteroids and head up to the stars. In our rock and roll rocket, we sing as we fly. In our rock and roll rocket, we go dancing in the sky. In our rock and roll rocket, we'll sing as we fly. In our rock and roll rocket, we go dancing in the sky. We'll dance with aliens. That's right. We'll dance with aliens and sing them a tune. We'll fly around the galaxy then back towards the moon. In our rock and roll rocket, we'll sing as we fly. That's right. In our rock and roll rocket, we go dancing in the sky. In our rock and roll rocket, we'll sing as we fly. In our rock and roll rocket, we go dancing in the sky. Go on, girls, let's go. Five, ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, zero, go! Come on, girls, let's go. Are you dizzy? Come on, girls, let's go. Come on, girls, let's go. Come on. Come on. Come on. Well, what an interesting day. I think it's been a right royal occasion. Well, I think it's been out of this world. I think it's been a real blast. You know, it occurred to me things really started to take off. What we launched into it. Please, please, please. How about another song? That's a good idea. That's it. I know one. Let's go on without this old man. We were up to one. I was at the door when the king came in. So then that means we were up to four. Yes, five. One, two, three, four. This old man, he played five. He played knick-knack on my high. With a knick-knack, patty-whack, give a dog a bone. This old man came rolling home. Six. Six. Six. Six. Six. Six. Six. Six. Six. Six. Six. Six. Six. Six. Six. Six. Six. Six. Six. Six. Six. Six. Six. Six. Six. 今年周到的兔頭長� Emergency, emergency, emergency, emergency, emergency. Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah between oh, oh, oh, oh oh oh oh oh oh oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no I'm Hi, how about getting Today's books on the book place were When the King Rides By, written by Margaret Mahe illustrated by Bettina Ogden published by Scholastic, The Kiss That Missed written and illustrated by David Melling published by Hodder Children's Books and Whatever Next by Jill Murphy published by Macmillan Children's Books. Come on and let it snow.