Your physician before you start exercising with body shaping follow the exercises carefully Exercise at your own pace start with very light weights if you feel any strain stop immediately and consult your physician I Want to congratulate you on your decision for a healthier life by purchasing the body shaping ad blaster plus We have a lot of decisions in life and one of them is finding workout equipment that works for us Well, I'm here to tell you you have chosen wisely because the body shaping ad blaster plus really work It helps to position you so that you achieve the maximum contraction of your total abdominal region You'll be working your upper middle lower and oblique muscles So after you've assembled your ad blaster join me for a 10-minute workout We're going to start out with the first five minutes of beginner moves And then we'll move on to five minutes of advanced moves for a total challenge do all ten minutes together So you really see those results quickly? I don't recommend it until you can do the first five minutes with a total range of motion All right, you ready? Let's get started All right, we're ready to get started Let's make sure that our body is positioned correctly before we start any exercises We're going to make sure our feet are planted securely on the floor We're going to lean back and rest our head and neck on the cushion pad keeping our Lower back flat on the ground your hands are clasped on the bar Make sure that you're not using the momentum of your hands to lift you We want to make sure our abs are working for us and doing all of the work We're going to start out the five moves with a basic crunch It's just a two count up and a two count down up for two and down for two four That's three Come on Last one good eight fast And up good one make sure we're breathing evenly or four more This is six and seven Last one good now. We're going to lift it up and hold it for four three two and one release again It's up Two release Lift it up Two One last one up hold it squeeze it now release it good We're just going to change our hand positioning now We're going to change our hand positioning now. We're going to target the upper abs crisscross your hands same movements We're going to keep the same sequence. So we're lifting it up on two and down on two for four For two and down two more Up two one last one up for two down right to eight fast. Come on. It's up two Three just like that area keep going And three And two One up and hold it. Come on Up three two one release and up three two one Two last one lift it up and hold it squeeze it release All right. Now we're going to work the lower abs We want to make sure our feet come in a little bit and all we're doing is tilting our pelvis up and down And down just like that up for two count up for two and down for two small isolated movement For two don't lift the lower back off the ground Good one more like this And then eight fast ready up and down Squeeze the contraction in your buttocks area Good four more up and down Two more Last one great. Now we're going to give you a little bit of a challenge We're going to work our upper abs and our lower abs at the same time So we're doing a basic crunch and a pelvic tilt together on the count of two. It's up for two And down for two up Good two more like that and then eight fast up For two and down last one Up for two and down eight fast lift it up and down Good Squeeze the abs Four more And three count with me two. I want to know your breathing Good now up and hold it up four Three two Release lift it up Three two and release two more up squeeze it Release one more three Two and one great. Now we're going to hit the oblique area What we want to do is tilt our our knees to the side. We're working the side now same movements. It's up For two and down for two only come up as high as you can Don't force the movement Good two more One more up two and down eight fast you got it up And up good Four more count with me four And three And two good going last one up and hold it Three two and release lift it up Two and release two more Good last one up squeeze it two and release good now we want nice symmetry so we need to do the other side Ready? It's up for two and down for two up for two Two and down for two good going up two take it down two more Last one You know what's coming next eight fast lift it up and down Good going All right, four more Remember it's okay if those knees aren't down on the ground Down Last one good job. All right. Now we're gonna lift it up and hold it ready Two and release lift it up three two and release up Two and release last one All right, good job bring those knees in And sit up right now if you didn't find that a challenge stay with me for the advanced workout All right Now if you didn't find that a challenge then stay with me because we have a great advanced workout for you But if you did feel any neck strain at all or any strain, please don't continue We're only going to change the variations of our arms and our legs to make this a more advanced routine We're sticking with the same exercises. So let's get started. We're going to take the same position head on the cushioned pad And lift it up for two and down for two a little faster Good two more Last one right to the eight quick really pump them out And seven and six And five keep going Three Two remember to breathe now up and hold it up. Hold it Hold it hold it and release again Hold it Good release two more Last one Good now we're going to change the hand position crisscross the arms up top lift it up for two And down for two good upper ab workout now Remember to keep that head resting on the cushion Last one Good eight fast pump them out one two three. Come on. We really want to make this advanced Once Seven last one up and hold it and release again Good two more Last one Three Two. All right. Now we're going to those lower abs now. There's a little change here We're lifting our legs up and crisscrossing our ankles the pelvic tilt now comes with our legs raised lift it up for two And down for two Slow controlled good That's it Last one now lift eight up quickly. It's up and down Good keep those lower abs in tight, but breathe evenly four more And three don't rock the feet too much Good and release it down now. Guess what we're going to do We're going to do our upper and our lower abs at the same time So crisscross our arms for more advanced movement lift the legs up again and lift your upper and lower abs And hold it and down Up and down Up four more like this slow and controlled And three And three And two come on feel that burn You got it eight quick ones lift it lift it Come on four more four Three good going Last one hold it up there for an extra contraction. Come on All right, release it. We're moving on to our obliques Hands come to the sides twist the ankles lift it up for two And down for two Up for two And down for two two more Good last one like this pump eight out really fast. Come on up Two I say fast, but I still want you to control the movement four more Two good breathe last one up and hold it three two One feel that burn again Two more just like that Good one more. Come on Hold it up there for an extra four count. Come on Two one good job. All right, let's go to the other side side ready and lift it up two And down for two Up for two And down for two good two more Good one more All right, eight fast ones lift it two three come on count it down with me five six seven Eight up and hold it three Two add that extra four count in there. Come on feel it burn three Two and one good job. All right release those abs And now we're just going to do a nice stretch Arms over your head elongate those abs Stretch them good. Now just bring one knee in and tilt it over to the side Side good and now the other knee comes in And tilt it over to the side All right, and now let's rock it up And just give yourself a nice big hug take a deep breath And release it. All right, give yourself a great hand. You did a good job Remember for an extra challenge do the 10 minutes all together Together you stay with that great workout routine and we'll see you again Hey Come on. Hey, hey, hey, come on.