Transformers. Machines. Battle for the Spark. Somebody's in a bad mood. It is you, isn't it? Noble, savage, is this all you are? A mindless destructive beast, is this all Megatron left behind? You fooled me into thinking he was my friend, but there has to be more to him than this. Noble, savage. Noble, savage. Nothing noble about us. But savage, we can do that. Power flies like gymnasts. Backflips to land on ceilings. Their floor exercise is a bit messy, though. I thought you losers were out of business. Guess again, fat brain. We're back on the winning team. Whatcha got there? How long you been snooping around up there? Long enough. Can I have a look? You look with your eyes. Okay, that's a spark extractor, but what's it rigged up to? An old DNA scan. You see, me and Optimus, it got to thinking we ought to cobble together something to restore the Transformers sparks into their robotic bodies. Well, have you found a way to make them techno-organic without the Oracle? We're still working out that part. Nightscream, have any luck on his recon mission? I haven't heard from him. It's been three mega-cycles. Vehicons? We're going to have to come over night-squeak. Let me guess, our party invites got lost in the mail. You just had to stay out past your bedtime, didn't you? Ease up, I was looking for Noble. When will you accept that that creature is just a mindless thing? Incoming! Incoming! I'm coming for you! I'm coming for you! You broke him, you bought him, kitty cat! You again! What say we finish this once and for all? Music to my ears, shall we dance? Hey, try and keep up, will you, boys? Woo-hoo! Oh, greetings, Optimus. You ran off before we could talk last time, and we have so much to talk about. Big Blast! Catch me if you can. Ah! I'm coming for you! I'm coming for you! Whoa, hang on, kid! No overgrown lizards having my body as a light snack! No! No! No, don't fight it! No! Silverbolt? No, don't fight it! No, don't fight it! Here, Fido Fido! Oh, good boy! Silverbolt? Black... Arachnia? Is it really you? Get back! What am I? No... No! Silverbolt, come back! Nightingales, Optimus Prime! What do you want from us? Oh, nothing much, just every bit of data on the Oracle to better understand how I can fully exploit the precious sparks in my possession. I anticipate that extracting this information will be slow, painful, and regrettably fatal. Where is... What? What? How can you stand the sight of me? Look at what I've become! Your spark is strong. Megatron could never crush your spirit. What do you know about my spirit? Where do you think you're going? Do you have any idea what I went through to get you back again? After what you went through! You helped me find the Light Ones. I was a fool back then. I believed in things. Then let me help you believe again. Optimus and Cheetah have been captured. We have to rescue them. Why? Why? For honor, for glory, for the sake of goodness! Words! Nothing more than air. They carry no meaning for me. Fine, be that way, but I'm not leaving them with Megatron. Megatron... So that's your little hidey hole. Why me? Hey, kid! Rat Trap, what are you doing here? Rescuing you, what's it look like? It's okay, Noble. He's my friend, see? Friend. I need to see how he treats your enemies! We have to find where they're holding Optimus and Cheetor. They're your concern. I'm only here for Megatron. Revenge? That's your noble ideal? I know one knight in shining armor who could use a little polish. There's too many of them! That was lucky. Luck had nothing to do with it. He led us here. Welcome, I watch the future, General. I've been expecting you. Prepare to enjoy the same hospitality. What will you have probably done over ten times by the time we return? What do big kids want? More concerts! More autographs! More videos! Has been invaded. The average person blinks six and a half times every minute. How do you blink a half? You continue to serve me well, even when fouled by technocratic matter. I don't work for you anymore. Mind your manners. I rescued your spot from Oblivion. I choose you as my general for a reason. Yeah, to satisfy his twisted sense of humor. Don't listen to him! You are a creature of honor, Silverbolt. You fight for just causes. I gave you such a cause. But the destruction of all organic life? The Cybertron is a haven for machines. While Optimus was deluded by the false visions of a malfunctioning computer, I have been restoring Cybertron's purity. And surely that's the most honorable cause of all. A world without free will? Where's the honor in that? Don't listen to him, Silverbolt. He turned you into a monster. I gave you strength. I gave you power. We gave you friendship. I gave you my heart. I gave you purpose. I gave you life. You gave me nothing! Silverbolt! I'm sorry. I never should have let him take you. We'll discuss it later. Arachnia! Silverbolt! Retreat! Help! The nightmare is finally over. Guys, aren't we still shy a couple of units? Explain to me again how Dragon Breath qualifies as a friend. He was only trying to defend me. Oh, so now it's my fault. Hey, what's where you're... Just the vermin I was looking for. Last requests. Yeah! I like my feacons. Well done! Looks like he's got everything covered. Jetstorm! Get your tailpipe over here! I need backup! Jetstorm! Jetstorm's gone, and so are you! Silverbolt! Oh, compadre, am I ever glad to see you again! Welcome back into the Fold. Sheesh! What's his design for? No, but wait! We gotta take him with us! Oh, we gotta take him... Hey, you gotta screw loose! That thing tried to fricking see me! He went out of his way to save me! There's something inside of him, something Megatron couldn't destroy! Whatever it is, it isn't a spark. Then we can't just abandon him! When he's ready, Noble will come to us. Nobody's judging you. You're under Megatron's control. Join us, and you can avenge yourself. You still don't get it, do you? I don't hate Megatron for what he made me do. He freed me from my code of honor, and I reveled in it. Don't you see? I enjoyed it. I don't know what I am anymore. You are what you've always been. Honest, pure, virtuous to a fault. You're taking a huge risk. Considering how well I know the goodness in your heart, it really isn't a risk at all. Maximize your mornings for an all-new season of Beast Machines! Fantastic! All-new next Saturday morning at 10 Eastern, 9 Central, and Pacific, only on Fox Kids! I ought to sell tickets. They were transported away from danger... Hitomi! ...only to find it again in another kingdom. Draw! Please don't do this! Run! Run! Run! What new danger is coming next? To find out, watch an all-new Escoflowne this morning at 11 Eastern, 10 Central, and Pacific, only on Fox Kids! It's... Transformers! Beast Machines! Battle for the Spark! Hey, Silverbolt Buddy! It is great to have you back. Thank you for bringing him back to us. The old gang is finally all together again. Well, mostly. Sorry, Bigbot. No, Rhinox is gone. I accept that. We'll have to take our victories where we find them, and assure that no other spark shares his fate. See? What were you worried about? It's just like old times. Hmm. For them, perhaps. Not for me. We'll all need time to adjust, now that we have a moment to breathe. Had to go and check it, didn't you? How fast can Snark fly? Stick around. Welcome to winning at 1030 on Fox Kids! Sneeze at 100 miles per hour? Gross! What in the name of Gouda was that all about? What's up with the light show? Megatron, no doubt. What!? Agg więks! Oh! Ah! Uh, uh, uh, uh. Uh, uh, uh. You okay, Silverbolt? Uh, I am undamaged. What is that thing? Hey, watch where you're going! What do you say we junk that flying scrap heap, kid? You got it! What? Are you sure you're ready to face him again? More than ready. I hunger for it. Silverbolt, Night Scream, Aerial Recon, Rat Trap, T-Dork, Ground Survey, Black Arachnia, your base common backup. Oh yeah? And what are you gonna do, monkey? Yeah! Who died and made you King Kong? What? Oh sure, he's all guts and glory now. Where was this chimp when I was tracking down Noble? If it was up to me, he'd have let that schizo thug rip your circuits out a long time ago. Why don't you keep your long twitchy nose out of it? Why should I keep my nose out of it when Lava Boy spent so much time trying to blow it off my face? Evidently I didn't try hard enough. Hey guys, quit fighting. What are you trying to prove? That your logic circuits are all fried? Enough! Remember what is important here. We must stay focused on our goal. Oh get over yourself. For pity's sake. Mr. High and Mighty talking down to us again. We're not drones or something. Yes, hasn't changed much I see. If you want to act like a bunch of surly farm animals, so be it. I'll deal with Megatron alone. Oh no! Oh no! Do you think sheep get caught without their shepherd? Guess what the world record is for summer salting. Digimon lesson number... Jeff Michael, Susan Hirasuna, weekends on Fox 11 News at 10. Music Mania in 2008, 7 Central, Fox Friday. The record for summer salting is 1 mile in under 20 minutes. I think maybe I'll just walk. Look. What's the matter Maximals? A little slow on your feet. We have to stop them before they find our base. Who died and made you Optimus? What are you talking about? I said to my boys! I said shut your mouth and beat your feet! Welcome Optimus Primal. Why did you bring me here? For the same reason you wanted to come. It's time for us to settle things. What are you doing to Cybertron? Oh, that was merely an elaborate way to get your attention. An invitation if you will. It seems, Optimus, that we are not so far apart as it once appeared. We both want the same thing. Oh, and what's that? Harmony. Catch me if you can. You guys! A little help! Thanks, Swings. No problem. Next time, look out for yourself! I don't know why I did that. You could have brought this whole tunnel down on our heads. Who let us down here in the first place right into an ambush? So now it's my fault? It's a miracle you survived as long as you did, squabbling the way you do. Well, it's a miracle we survived it all, with you and your buddy shooting at us all the time. Back off, Rat! Why don't you both back off? Photo! Oh, this... this is my fault. I... I never should have returned. That's right. Just run away from your problems. Yeah! God rends! Watch it! He never would have left if it weren't for you! Your version of Harmony is nothing more than slavery. How can you have Harmony without free will? How can you have Harmony amid the chaos of disagreeing minds? True Harmony only prevails when all voices are heard. You only want to stifle them. Your way only leads to chaos. Or are these the voices of Harmony? You're moving! You are missing! No. I've got to stop them. And how do you propose to do that? Can't you see that conflict comes from confusion, which in turn is spawned by defined and divisive minds? The only way to achieve true unity is through a singular mind. Are you so deluded by false visions that you can't even see my point of view? We'll finish this later, Megatron. Ah, poor Optimus Primal. So eager to embrace their chaos. So eager to embrace your own doom. Warning! Changing the channel may transport you into a no-fun zone. Run, Demi! The invisible enemy has been revealed to the ones protecting Escoflone. Watch out! Now the power found in this suit of armor must protect them. Escoflona has turned into a dragon! Where will this chase lead? No! What? To find out, watch an all-new Escoflone this morning at 10 only on Fox Kids. Did you mind lesson number 28? Wretched up, I... Warning! Fox Kids is reaching maximum fun levels. Here's another fun mess you've gotten us into, Spongebob. Maybe if you low-res chip heads had any idea how to follow orders. Right back at ya! Hey, that was my foot! Well, you got seven more! I ought to be blasting you instead of them! This is seriously glitched. We've argued before, but nothing like this. If you would have trusted Silverbolt, we wouldn't be outnumbered. Fine, I'll trust him. Oh, wait, he flew the coop! Get in it! Rat Trap, scout a retreat! I'm through taking orders. Scout this! Wait! Why are we fighting? Ow! You want a piece of me? Yeah, I want a lot of pieces! Save your ammo. They're gonna do the job for us. I'm gonna get you! Face it, lady! Your boyfriend's a big shiny chicken! Come on, come on! Sweet, I ought to sell tickets. Quit dancing around and fight, better breath! Oh, my grill! Come on, you slimy little... Yep, that's him. When I get my hands on you, there won't be enough left to barbecue! Stop this! You're soldiers, teammates, friends! Friends? Don't abandon each other. She's right. I've had enough of you and your self-righteousness. Yeah! Why don't you go on another vision quest and leave us alone? Get up and fight like a Maximal! Get up and fight like a Maximal! Forget the seeds of the future. I'm burying you in the past! This madness ends now! Yeah, starting with you! Stop! We've all been infected with the virus! Can't you feel it? Why should we trust you, Jetstorm? Because! I know better than anybody that the hating and the hurting have got to end. If Optimus trusts you, it's good enough for me. Hey, take it from an authority on the subject! I smell a rat! Hello! These things are sending an activation signal right through the ground. To trigger a pre-planted virus, right? Hidden in me? Yep! And it was a nasty piece of business, too. Had an adrenaline booster, neocortex suppressor, and a shut-off on the self-diagnostic. And it's getting worse! Sounds like a new strain of that ancient hate plague virus. Or didn't you guys ever take history? So how do we counteract it? In two words... impossible. And I've got two more words for you, Maximals. Goodbye. That's it! We've got to work together to reform our neural pathways! That's the only way to destroy the virus and cure us! Everyone to the surface! Hello?! Silverbolt! No! No! No! No! Man, does it feel good to be a team again! What's wrong? The Neodron used me to infect all of you. Still happy to have me back? More than ever, old friend. I can't believe how he turned us all against each other. Even me against you. Perhaps, but he didn't create the conflicts. He only magnified them. The fundamental disharmony, we provided that ourselves. Could it be that Megatron is right after all? On the next Beast Machines, the Maximals have a close encounter of the Metal Kind. It's a Transformer. The name's Modeneca. But Megatron has plans of his own. The virus must be destroyed. Watch on all new Beast Machines next Saturday morning at 10 Eastern, 9 Central and Pacific, only on Fox Kids. Get ready. It's coming this way! Monday through Thursday, you can see all your favorite shows. Great! Show the fun, Monday through Thursday afternoons, only on Fox Kids. Fox Kids. Transformers. Beast Machines. Battle for the Spark. Fighting off Slash Balls. Come on. They're dying. Along with all our hopes. Hey, don't be so hard on yourself, BigBot. You're the reason these techno-organic trees even exist. If I can't keep these few trees alive, how can I possibly restore balance to the rest of Cybertron? Hey, hey, hey, hey, boss monkey. Flyboy needs his top side. Pronto. More Transformers returning to Cybertron? Well, this is huge! Let's not jump to conclusions. All I saw was a spaceship crashing. Still, they could be a welcome addition to our team. Or a miss and melted psychiatry. How do we know they won't side with Megatron or spread some kind of virus? Watch your mouth, kid. Whoever they are, we have to get there fast, if there are any survivors. If there are any survivors, they must be destroyed. Why do cows have bad breath? Drinking gator is moving. Cows burp up between 200 to 400 quarts of gas every day. And they're not even breathing. They burp up between 200 to 400 quarts of gas every day. Catabrofment. Everybody, remain in beast mode. We can't afford to be spotted. A little late for that, boss monkey. Hey! Take him out. Looks like our rescue operation has just turned into a race. Like we have time for this. Yeah, that's the whole idea. Oh! Then I suggest we dispense with them quickly. You want it done quick, I'll show you quick. Good work, people. But Thrust just bought himself a huge head start. We'll pair off into three teams. You're with me. The quickest route is clearly by air. Blackarachnia, you and Rattrap head underground. Cheetah and I will take the surface. I can't believe I'm stuck with Typhoid Mary. I can't believe I ain't clobbering you one for getting on Flyboy's case. Move out! Do not pass gold! Do not collect $200! Nice teamwork. Whatever. After everything I went through getting him back, snubbing me like that is the nerve of the bird brain. Cheer up, legs. So Silverbolt's having a little trouble adjusting. I mean, that don't mean the whole world's falling apart. No, but that might. Don't worry, legs. I know the drill. You should not need special. So hurry up and do it again. Going up. No sign of thrust. We may get there first. Then again, you may not. Mind if we even the odds? Oh, I'm sorry. You're using that inner jump? Thanks for the assist, guys. Thanks, Silverbolt. He's the one who insisted we turn around. Surprisingly enough. The only priority is to reach that ship. Scan for survivors. Let's get to the bridge. Looks like nobody made it. At least no Transformers. What is that? It's called a plant, Bird Brain. I know that. But how did it grow so quickly? If you could spend two years anywhere at all, where would it be? He was captured. He's been here for the course of your life. Talk about getting a taste of your own medicine. Whatever it is, it's clearly hostile. You think? Target the truck! Target the truck! Since when do plants scream? We're clearly dealing with an alien life form. We have to contain it before it infects the rest of Cybertron like it did this ship. If it did all this here, it could spread seeds and destroy the entire planet. Aren't we trying to do the same thing with our orchard? No. We're trying to achieve balance. Nice going, Featherhead. You were more help when you were a Veicon. Night Scrape, stand down. Everyone underground, now! How are we supposed to find it? It could be anywhere. I have a feeling I know where it's heading. It's going for the organic core. The core! Run! Run? Cheetor, no! Bigfoot, what are you doing? Reformatting it. Are you out of your processor? You can't reformat a house plant. Not unless it's a transformer. Who? How did you know? It was exhibiting symptoms of Megatron's virus, just like when we first landed. Thank the Matrix. My circuits are finally clear. You're a maxima, like a Exactly. I left Cybertron many stellar cycles ago, leading a crew on a voyage of exploration. The planet we settled was populated by chlorophyll-based life forms. So, whereas our crew assumed the form of animals... My crew became sentient plants. That means talking trees. Thanks. They were on the same scientific mission we were on. Megatron dragged us into the Beast Wars. Megatron? Well, that certainly explains a great deal. No doubt he had something to do with the distress call I received. Yeah, not to mention the welcome wagon that ran you over when your ship dropped into orbit. His attack shorted out my ship, along with my higher reasoning protocols. My self-preservation circuits must have kicked in. Which is why you were lashing out at us. Unfortunately, your reformatting automatically rebooted my primary operating systems. Although, I am puzzled as to how organics can exist on Cybertron. It's a long story. Yeah, too bad we won't live long enough to tell it. What's the fastest anybody's ever gone on a skateboard? Who can stop Psycho? Next time on Action Man, Brandon deserves another chance. The Digimon Empler has... The record speed for skateboarding is over 62 miles per hour. The Digimon Empler has... The record speed for skateboarding is over 62 miles per hour. Hey, Flyboy! Thanks. Surrender, Maximals. Guys, as much as I hate to say it, we're trapped. Like rats. Then we'll just have to defend our ground. Destroy them! Lady, you just made a big mistake. Welcome home. You command an excellent team, Optimus Primal. You know, that flying feather duster's not bad in a fight. I think we'd make a good team. Looks like you made a new friend. Whatever. And given time, you may learn to forgive yourself the way we have. All of our victories are hollow until we can make these technorganic trees flourish. And given time, you may learn to forgive yourself the way we have. What the... We plants don't just like any old light. We all owe you a tremendous debt of gratitude. Care to join us? I'd be honored. And by the way, the name's Botanica. What in real fare? One of me, six of them. Seven? Now? As we remain static, the organics grow yet stronger. Clearly this investiture must be a key to our future. We must be ready to take on the future. We must be ready to take on the future. And this investiture must be exterminated once and for all. Maximize your mornings for an all-new season of Beast Machine. Fantastic! All-new next Saturday morning at 10 Eastern, 9 Central and Pacific, only on Fox Kids. I ought to sell tickets. The Digimon Emperor was captured. I got you, Mon. to save his friends. But one of his worst enemies revealed a forgotten past. Brother? Now a daring escape will take Bon and Hitomi on another dangerous adventure. Bye-bye, Bon. Don't miss an all-new Escapone this morning at 11 Eastern, 10 Central and Pacific on Fox Kids. The Digimon Emperor tried to keep us Digi-destined from this. The planet's most dynamic defenders have awakened. Watch an all-new Dinozoys this morning at 11 Eastern, 10 Central and Pacific on Fox Kids. Transformers. Beast Machine. Battle for the spark. Catch me if you can, biker-bots! Hello. Hello. Ha, name this dude! Glad you could stick around. You'll pay with your spark, traitor. Psycho-drones attack! Psycho-drones? Were these mindless drones friends of yours? Having fun, Thrust? Why don't you go back to your boss Megatron and tell him the party's over? Megatron, you're a real pain in the ass. You're a real pain in the ass. You're a real pain in the ass. You're a real pain in the ass. Megatron's not gonna like this. This is getting way too easy. You think you've won? You think your mongrel animals can use my world as your playground? You are wrong, Optimus Primal. Dead wrong. What's the record number of people to ride on a single motorcycle? And 47 people rode on a single motorcycle. No backseat driving. Nice of old Thrustbucket to lend us some pots, huh, Bodge Monkey? Uh, thanks for the save back there. You lost focus. Lighten up. You have any idea what she went through to get you back? Honey, I'm home! You know, they had the best sale on used Viacom pots, only slightly damaged. This should be everything you need to conduct your experiments. Yes, these instruments should help me ascertain the exact nature of the organic matter at this planet's core. Unlocking its secrets will enable us to complete our mission, to restore the balance between the organic and the technological. You missed one awesome battle. I am a scientist, not a warrior. We were all scientists, until we got dragged into the Beast Wars. Well, maybe it wouldn't be the worst thing if you learned how to find my steel point, transform into robot mode and blow our enemies to atoms. We're trying to free a conquered people. Doesn't that mean anything to you? The more we fight like Megatron, the more we become like Megatron. Botanica is more valuable to us here than in a battlefield. The six of us are more than enough to handle one Viacom General. Six against one! No one can win against those odds. Yes, you certainly raise about a point. I will brook no failure, not from anyone, not for any reason. Optimus and his Maximals continue to fester like a disease. They must be held in bay until my work is complete, a task which is clearly beyond your capacity. You're little better than Tango or Jetstorm. You never should have used sparks from Optimus' pals. I can turn on you like they did. Hey, why the long face? Thanks to Botanica, the trees are thriving. Megatron stole the sparks of every Transformer on Cybertron. Until we find them, we've done nothing. I hate to be a busy baddie, but what's with you and Lakes? Until the threat of Megatron is quelled. Love is a luxury I cannot afford. Did he really say quelled? There's sparks. Something is very wrong. Very nice, boss. Very, very nice. Let's head up, new guys. We're dealing with animals. Toney, ruthless animals. So here is how it works. Listen, buddy, we have to talk. Blackarachnia really... Grow up, son. We're at war. You think I don't know that? I lost everything in... Whoa! I'll leave. Don't look now, but I think there's a new sheriff in town. I'll see you then, too. If you own a donkey, where can't he sleep? Earth has been invaded. It's illegal for your donkey to sleep in your tub. Terminate! Obliterate! Terminate! Whoa! Where are these guys? They sure have firepower. Night Scream to face, we are under heavy attack. Code Red, I got a major SOS from the Flybots. Well, what are we waiting for? Coming? Her place is here. Big Bot! Whatever it is, we can handle it. Split up! Terminate! Hi, I'm Cheetor. Come here often? Terminate! Forget a vocabulary. Obliterate! Obliterate! Obliterate! Obliterate! Obliterate! All new, all different and dumber than ever. Why would Megatron use Sparks with such limited intelligence? Easy to control. It must be one of the Sparks I felt earlier. We don't need to fight. Remember the Transformer you were. Obliterate! Obliterate! Listen to me. Megatron's using you. After her! We won. She's running away. Somewhere in there, there's a Maximal we just may be able to reach. Ah! Where'd she go? Oh, you lost yours too? Don't let them escape. If their memory chips are intact, we might be able to find where Megatron is keeping the rest of the Sparks. What are you doing? No! No! I don't like this boss monkey. We beat them too easy. You're complaining? No, he's right. Why would Megatron have created such weaklings? Now we've got him. Exactly where they want us. It's a trap. You think? How long does it take to eat an ice cream sundae? It's about four minutes to eat a sundae. Faster if you don't use a spoon. And this started out as such a nice day. Maximal, fall back! Where? We're completely surrounded and Megatron falls up and down. Although he took his name from a great leader, Optimus Primal never learned the first rule of warfare. Never underestimate your opponent. Permanate? Obliterate? Can you believe they fell for that? I thought love was a luxury you couldn't afford. We'll discuss it later. Everyone, back to base! Go, Liv! Liv! This way! Whoa! Who knew there were so many drones? This isn't just about numbers. It's about tactics. Whoever these new generals are, they're master strategists. What is this place? A world, Tantara. Your world. A world living very much in pain. You have arrived. Oh No! No! At last! A nice peaceful sewer! They're still way ahead of us! It's no use! They're anticipating our every move! Fall back to the Citadel! It's built like a fortress! That oughta hold them! Yeah, we're like 10 nano-clicks. We didn't escape! We were herded here! Optimus Primal, you and your Maximals are hereby invited to surrender your sparks to Megatron. Whoever you are, you're being duped into betraying your own people! On the contrary, I was configured to defend Cybertron, and such has always been my mission. Always? Who are you? I am as I have always been. Obsidian! And you remember my consort, Striker. Oh, man. We've been duking it out with the greatest generals in Cybertronian history! Obsidian! This is treason! Megatron decimated Cybertron! Megatron is Cybertron! To defend one is to defend the other, and to betray Megatron is to invite death! This way! We're not going down without a fight! Botanica? Time to clear out the deadwood! Now that's going out on a limb! That creature is disrupting their targeting system! It's the new Maximals! Our data on her is vastly incomplete! We have to retreat! Everyone back to base mode! Now! We will meet back at base. Their signatures are gone! They must have reverted to beast mode! All forces, stand down! Lord Megatron, we have failed you. Take that right! Two of you, a million drones, and not one scratch on the matter! Huh? A little silence, please. He is correct. We are prepared to pay the price of failure. Your loyalty is pleasing. I commend you for keeping the Maximals occupied. Allowing me to finalize my grand design of the Sparks. So, what changed your mind? I had... a vision. Ay, another one with visions. I was wrong to try and turn my back on the problems of this world. I was wrong too. What right did we have to tell you how to live your life? We've been battling Megatron so long, we forgot there was any other way. Until Megatron is defeated, this is just as much my fight as it is yours. When we're done, the Matrix willing, we'll never have to fight again. Assuming we're successful, Obsidian and Striker fought a thousand wars together, and won them all. Megatron culled them from the captured Sparks. We must make sure he never violates another. We must free the Sparks at any cost. Maximize your mornings for an all-new season of Beast Machines. Fantastic! All-new next Saturday morning at 10 Eastern, 9 Central, and Pacific, only on Fox Kids. I ought to sell tickets. He thought this kingdom would hide Escaflowne. Welcome! Instead, they were helping the enemy. Bye-bye. Watch out! What new test of courage awaits? The city's burning! To find out, watch an all-new Escaflowne this morning at 11 Eastern, 10 Central, and Pacific on Fox Kids. And Pacific on Fox Kids. Transformers. Beast Machines. Battle for the Sparks. Last time on Beast Machines. Sparks, something is very wrong. Terminate! Obliterate! We can do good out with the greatest generals in Cybertronian history. Time to clear out the Deadwood. Lord Megatron, we have failed. We must free the Sparks at any cost. How long before they find our underground base? And the technogaric orchards. Oh man, talk about your bad moon horizon. Megatron's up to something. We're talking big. Megatron is using his new generals to fortify his position. That means it's more important than ever that we find... The Sparks. Optimus, what is it? The Oracle. Contacting me, warning me. Megatron was shielding the Sparks, preventing the Oracle within me from finding them. But that flash... Megatron must have moved them. But where to? I'm not sure, but we must retrieve them before Megatron destroys them. Or worse. My enemies are going to be in locations to which I will now direct you. I want every Maximal destroyed. Except for Optimus. I have other plans for him. Yes. What kind of bed does an ant sleep in? You won't find an ant bed because ants don't sleep. If only we could stay in robot mode without alerting their sensors. In that case, webs, this is your lucky day. Introducing the handy-dandy Scramble Field Generator. When activated, this little marvel of electronic wizardry is guaranteed to bamboozle, bewitch, and otherwise befuddle all manner of V-com tracking devices. And it just so happens we're running a special today. Buy one, get six free. Why didn't you mention these before? Because I have no idea if they're going to work. But hey, think of it as our big chance to field test them. Guess it's better than nothing. Don't bet on it. Your confidence warms the cockles of my Nero processes. Strike her to obsidian, deploying troops as directed. Excellent. Commence radio silence per Megatron's orders. Any more questions? Excellent work, Rattrap. Now, let's concentrate on finding the sparks. So, where do we start? Those flashes. Some of the locations were familiar. Split up and investigate. Cheetor, you, Silverbolt, and Blackarachnia check out the Maximal Shellyard just outside Processing Plant 57. Botanica, you and Rattrap search the Citadel. Night Scream, you're with me. Sheesh. How come I get stuck with Shrinking Violet here? I would vastly prefer another partner as well. No time to waste. Let's go! All right, team, we begin our search over there. No offense, Kitten, but I don't take orders from children. Silverbolt, a lot's happened since you've been gone. Not that much. Hey, check this out. Noble! Optimus, we've gotta find him! One mission at a time, Night Scream. Huh? End of the line. Where are we headed, anyway? Down. Come on, Rosehips, we ain't got all night! Let's just get this over with. Oh yeah, like they knew was my idea. Okay, let's just case this joint, see what we got, and vamoose! Oh, I'm picking up the mother of all positronic residual charges! Come on! Gone. Empty. Silch. At least we found where they were. Big deal! It isn't like they left a trail for us to follow. Looking for something, Maximals? I hope it was worth your very lives. What's the fastest inline skating time on record? Agumon's been kidnapped! At least four miles per hour. Maybe he was being chased by a cheetah. These devices of yours worked brilliantly, Rat Trap. I don't see you contributing anything, Leaf Lady! This calls for a strategic advance to the rear. Meaning? Runaway! I'm not even sure what we're supposed to be looking for. Why don't you ask our leader? Optimus sent us here based on a vision. I wish I had your faith in his visions, kid. You want to stop calling me that? Looks like you got spotted. Thank you very much, Rat Trap. Surrounded. As leader, I'm open to ideas. Fine. Here's the plan. Hey, wait! I don't believe it. This city was lost eons ago after the great war between the Autobots and the Decepticons. Not lost, merely replaced. During the great upgrade from Autobot to Maximal. Welcome to Iokon. So this is where our ancestors, the Autobots, lived. Lived and battled. So what are you looking for, exactly? Hey, isn't that... Yes, a holographic tribute to my ancestor, the original Optimus Prime. Hey, hey, okay, okay, okay. I think we lost him. You think we lost him? No. Me neither. Let's get out of robot mode so they can't track us. Not a little late for that. Hello. Holographic pleasure chips. Complete with alternative business, primo vacation spots, virtual, but not virtuous. If you catch my drift. Everyone else gets a partner. I get a flea-ridden travel agent. Hello. Is this really the time to be focusing on a cybercranial getaway? Why do I bother? Are you all right? I am... undamaged. You won't be when I get through with you. You're through venting now. Have you got any ideas? We better get on with the search. Optimus! Optimus? Welcome to Iokon. Think of it as your final destination. Optimus, wake up! I'd worry about myself if I were you, kid. Warning. Changing the channel may result in temporary loss of all superpowers. We're going to save Agumon. Fox Kids! Activate X-ray vision. Fox Kids is back. Hey, what'd you do that for? This place is about to come down around our audio receptors, and you're worried about hollow chips? Just keep her occupied. Okay. I am not risking limb and limb just so you can... What a pretty little plant. Although she does need some pruning. Well, kid, you're the leader. I'm working on it. Work faster. Optimus, we have to get out of here! Are you really my ancestor, Optimus Prime? Yes and no. I am his essence, stored here these many years after the final battle. I... I need guidance. The Oracle is no more, and without it... The Oracle lies within you, Optimus Primal. It will grant you the insight to defeat Megadron, if only you have the courage to summon it. Of course. Now everything makes sense. The solution has been within me the entire time. What? What's going on here? Megatron? Congratulations, gorgeous. You're just one of all expenses paid. It's beautiful. Beautiful. Well, what do you think of your flea-ridden travel agent now? That ship won't last forever. Pretty clever, huh? Come on, admit it. You're impressed, I won't tell anyone. If you want to follow this kid to the Scrapheap, that's your business. Cheetah's not a kid anymore. He'll get us through this. So we can end up like this? Hey, I thought we were going easy on the Grim and Gruesome. A power core? Silverbolt, you're a genius. I am. Alright, obsidian. More power to you. See, spider? That's a power core. The Veikons are gone. Not bad for a kid. Thanks for not getting us killed. Megatron, you! Yes, Optimus. I sent you that flash about the sparks that tricked you into sending your Maximals on fool's errands. All to go you into accessing the oracle for my benefit. How? Why? I don't suppose you recall me downloading most of the oracle from you during one of your previous visits. You think I could let you escape without taking it from you? I've spent a great deal of time deciphering the oracle. I've mastered most of its secrets, and yet the most important data remained encrypted beyond my reach. That is, until now. Oh no! Help me! Every important element is falling into place. I have captured all of the sparks. I have freed myself of my disgustingly organic beast mode, and now, thanks to you, I have acquired all of the information I need in order to complete my ultimate plan for the sparks. Farewell, Optimus. Your usefulness to me is at an end. No! No, Bull! Where did you come from? Whoa! Optimus! What happened? Are you alright? Let's go! We have to rendezvous with the others! So it was all a trick by Megatron. And now he's got the power of the oracle behind him? Right. Which means it's time to liberate the sparks. Oh, that just means it's time to liberate the sparks! Have you blown a circuit, Boss Monkey? We don't have a clue as to where they are, remember? Actually, I know exactly where they are. While Megatron was downloading data from me, I was accessing information from him. You gave him access to the oracle on purpose? A desperate ploy, but it worked. Which leaves us only a tiny window of opportunity to act. We have to get to the sparks and fast! So don't keep us in suspense. Where are they? Maximize your mornings for an all-new season of Beast Machines! Fantastic! All-new next Saturday morning at 10 Eastern, 9 Central and Pacific, only on Fox Kids! Toyota self-tickets. A surprise attack destroyed a helpless kingdom. Stop it! Leaving Bon and Hitomi with only one option. A daring escape. But now, they're going to fight late, fight back. Need some attack! Watch an all-new Escaflowne this morning at 11 Eastern, 10 Central and Pacific on Fox Kids! Transformers! Beast Machines! Battle for the spark. Last time on Beast Machines... I want every Maximal destroyed. Except for Optimus. I have other plans for him. Sparks... Megatron must have moved them. Noble! Optimus, we've got to find him! One mission at a time, Night's Beam. Noble! Where did you come from? While Megatron was downloading data from me, I was accessing information from him. It's time to liberate the sparks. So what's Megahead doing floating his fat face over the spaceport? Resupplying. Setting up for something big. Optimus was right. We have to get those sparks. Damn! No way we're sneaking past those bad boys. 27th Wing, report to grid position Alpha Tango. 3rd Battalion, reinforce the column in Sector 9. Deploy! We'll find a way. We have to. We appear to have picked up a stray. Noble? What's he doing here? Get down! Right before they see you! Too late. What's weird about the dust in your house? Most dust particles in your home come from dead skin. Gross! This is a recon mission, not combat! I'm pulling the plug! Scramble Intercept Wing Bravo! Underground, move! Come on Noble, we got a book! Night Scream, let's go! We can't just leave Noble behind! Watch us! Fall in! That's an order! Night Scream! Your little pet jeopardized the mission. He almost got us slagged. He follows me, okay? It's not like I can control him. I talk, you listen. Either you put a muzzle on him or we cut him loose. Clear? I don't have to remind you how important this mission is. Megatron has something horrible planned for those sparks. We have to free them before it's too late. What if we build something, like a giant horse, and leave it up for Megatron as a gift only we're hiding inside, see? And then, after they bring us into the Big Cheese, we hop out and... Blammo! What? Two teams. Cheetor, you take Night Scream and Silverbolt and keep the Veikons distracted. Rattrap, Blackarachnia, and Botanica will infiltrate the fortress with me. I got just the thing. Oh, not again. These pieces of junk did work for Slag the last time. Well, these scramble field generators are new and improved, thank you very much. Of course, I added some special features. Take one, pass it down. It's all we've got, so let's make the best of it. I'm sorry, I'm not good at this. I'm sorry, I'm not good at this. No, it's too dangerous, understand? I'm sorry, I'm not good at this. Come on, get out of here. Scott! What are we waiting for? Serial maximal signatures detected. Open the containment grid. Frost! You have something to report? No sign of the Maxons, but they must be close. The Maximals no longer concern me. I have mastered the secrets of the Oracle, and now no force in the universe can prevent my ascension. What's the record for the fastest wheeling? 22 miles per hour without training wheels. One noisy distraction coming up! You fellows looking for trouble? You fellows looking for trouble? Catch me if you can! Maximal incursion in Sector 12. Three targets. But not for long. Maximal incursion in Sector 12. Uh.. Zero Max signatures detected. Maximal signature detected. Maximal target acquired. Looks like those special features really worked. If anyone knows how to create confusion, it's our little rat trap. Let's just hope we gave Big Bot the opening he needs. Zero Maximal signatures detected. Now the real fun begins. Why would our own forces be giving off Maximal signatures? So close, so good. Where to, Boss Monkey? This way. If I can reconfigure the harmonics, I think I can cause feedback overloading all of the other units. Meaning? They will no longer be able to elude us. We're close to Megadron's command core. The sparks must be inside. Maximal signature detected. New and improved. Hey, they got us this far. We ride. Let's move. We can't play hide and seek forever. I say we go for the generals. Our orders are to create a diversion, not fight a war. Guys, a thousand pardons for interrupting, but... Any more tricks up your sleeve? Just one. Kid's got style. Rattrap, get that door open. Yo, Boss Monkey, it ain't gonna get any more open than this. Hey. Optimus Prime, right on schedule. Thanks to your help, I can finally achieve my grand ascension. The sparks! What are you doing? Fulfilling my destiny, Optimus Prime. Uniting every spark on Cybertron into one perfect being. Me. Which bird will have flapped its wings over 14,000 times by the time we return? A hummingbird can flap its wings up to 78 times per second. That's a lot of work. Come to me, my children. Let us all become one. Resist him. If you allow Megatron to fuse with you, you will be obliterated. No, it can't be! The Maximals are mine! No! No! Lava! That creature is most amusing. Unit Sigma and Upsilon, advance to Sector 3. I'll finish you myself, dog meat! Disgusting animal. I'll grind you into pulp! Novel! You dare contaminate the purity of my world! No! No! No! No! We're going down! Abandon head! Switch all systems to manual now! Let's see, manual, manual, manual, got it! Bingo! All right, way to go! Our fallen friend may have sacrificed his life, but he did not do so in vain. He allowed us to defeat our enemy, ensuring the salvation of our people. He has made it possible for Cybertron to be reborn, free from tyranny and fear. Bingo! If you're a big fan of the DG Digi Watch, consider yourself yellow. Next Saturday morning, starting at 8 Eastern, 7 Central and Pacific on Fox Kids. Transformers! Beast Machine, Battle for the Spark. We did it! Megatron's down for the count and the sparks are finally in our hands! Who's the baddest of the bad? We are! Maybe now we can all get on with our lives. Nightstream, I'm so sorry about Noble. Me too, kiddo. But the two of you together... you took Megatron right out of the picture! Can we even be certain he's actually gone? So many times we thought we were rid of him, yet he... he always reappears. Don't forget that Megatron and I were linked through the Oracle. I sensed his spark evaporating. If he were still around, I'd know it. And now that he is gone, we can focus on accomplishing our main mission, restoring the Technorganic balance to Cybertron. Optimus is right! Besides, we can't forget that the Veikon Generals are still running loose out there. They are not our only concern. I am sensing a greater evil. How far do you have to spit a watermelon seed if you want to break the world record? What do big kids want? You'll see more than 68 feet and 9 and a quarter inches to beat the world's record. Cheetor, Nightstream, I need you to scout out the Veikon Generals. Silverbolt, Blackarachnia, Lesesta Transformer bodies in the Shell Yard. See how many of them are in any shape to hold a spark. So, what do you got for me and Miss Twiggy? An Eek and Destroy mission? Or maybe some Oak and Bag of work? If it's all the same to you, my place is in the Technorganic Orchard. Clearly the Orchard requires your attention. Take Rattrap with you to reconfigure some new equipment. Oh, jeez! We got Veikons running around and Sparks the Free and you're putting me out to pasture? Just my luck. Everybody else gets to save the world and here I am picking wheat. No offense, but you don't really strike me as the knight in shining armor type. And what did you do in the war, Daddy? Well, honey, I made gardening equipment to help the troops plant petunias. Really, Daddy? Although our task does not appear glamorous or exciting, these trees carry our best hope for the future. Oh, I'm sorry. I was only thinking about myself instead of all the homeless termites. And what would you rather be doing? Sticking your tail into a computer socket? Beats the heck out of plowing your little field of dreams. I think it's high time you dial back on the attitude. Oh, well, how about I make like a tree? That would be just fine by me, you imbued and little... You'll fuck as bad as my bite! I can't imagine where that came from. Yeah, it must have been some kind of glitch. We must delete it from memory. Yeah, uh, yeah, done. It was amid shells like these that I first sensed you might be alive. And now we're finally back together, without Megatron to divide us. I wish I could be so sure. How many excuses can you create to keep us apart? And this is our chance at happiness! Silverbolt! Whoever you are, that was a big mistake! With our master gone, we have no standing directives, nor serve any higher purpose. Indeed, we clearly... ...have no signature detected. Whoa, whoa, whoa! We're not looking for a fight! Then why did you track us down? You were designed to protect Cybertron. Now that Megatron's gone, we are Cybertron. Why not join us? Huh? Blackarachnia! We have to stop it! But he's powering us, my heath! Silverbolt! Yes! We're finally... Guess how fast a mail sorting machine can sort letters? That D-sorting machine can sort 600 letters in a minute. I'd hate to lick all the stamps. Grrr! What was that thing? Listen about before. Deleted, purged, and forgotten. Exactly, me too. And it's a good thing too, because we got lots of work to do. Plowing and planting and picking and whatnot. Which leaves no time for distractions. My point exactly. Is that thing on line? It's definitely on something! The archer! I know, I know! It's our future! Okay, gruesome. You're looking for a fight? Maybe planting petunias ain't so bad after all. One bud seed deserves another! Who's there? You won't believe this, Boss Monkey, but the tree-hunter and I almost got junked by a pile of junk! Silverbolt and Blackarachnia just reported a similar incident. I want you back here on the double. I gotta go, unless you need me to... No! I mean, I'll be fine. After all, this is my field of dreams. Great! I mean, as long as you're sure enough. What? How can we join the Maximals? How can we continue to function without an objective? Megatron isn't gonna millicycle and you're switching teams! You retreads are no better than Silverjet Stormbird or whatever he is. Sounds like somebody needs a new muffler! Every time the Big M disappears, you guys come sniffing around for turncoats. Without our leader, we must reevaluate. Weigh our options. Yeah, weigh this, flyboy. If you're loyal to everybody, can you really be loyal to anybody? Megatron's gone, Bikerbot. So what are you rebelling against? What do you got? Our decision is made. We will join the Maximals. Whatever. Next time we cross paths, I'm smoking you traitors. What? Nobody uses these spots for target practice. You can take a lickin', Ace. Now try a bite! Cheetor! We better report this to Optimus. On behalf of the Maximals, I welcome you aboard. Speak for yourself. Joining forces was the only logical option, given the mysterious intruder that attacked both of our factions. Be that as it may, may our new alliance build a new Cybertron. These are the spots where we tangled with that psycho...thing. You don't think it's some kind of spot, do you? The Oracle would alert me if it were. Yet I'm not sensing anything. The locations of the attacks form a triangle, with us a dead center. Whatever that thing is, it's being drawn here. Then I suggest Striker and I secure the station's perimeter. Agreed. You really trust those guys? What choice do they have now that we're the only game in town? Oh man, don't look now! But we got company. Guess which one of your favorite foods never spoils or gets moldy? Unless it gets wet. Ooh, gross. I think that's far enough. Silverbolt! You shall not pass! Attention Maximals! We've got an uninvited house guest! Dry Uh! Hmm! Uh! Uh-uh. I don't think so. It's headed for the cargo hangar. You're closest, boss monkey. I'm stuck here. Huh? Botanica, look out! No! Oh, geez! I can't believe I'm stuck here while a really honked off ball of electrons is making mincemeat out of my buddies. Or if only I had enough positrons to neutralize it. But, but the only source of positrons is in a transformer spark. And that would mean, of course! Yeah! Yeehaw! Ah! Going somewhere, paly? Forget it, bud. This time, I have the upper hand. Gotcha! Gotcha! We'll see how tough you are when I repolarize you, little... I live! I live! I... What kind of puny body is this? I don't believe it! I was... right! Gotcha! I'm trapped! Why can't I get out? I just repolarized your spark and bonded it to that body! Hope you like your new home. Trapped like a rat by a rat! Megatron, we thought you were destroyed! Not destroyed, merely lost and consumed by my hatred for you. Not so tough now, are you, big guy? Hardly powered, perhaps, but tough enough for the likes of you! Optimus! No! Optimus Primal, prepare to be torn from your body! Megatron! The mannequin! The control panel! No! I'll exterminate you, vermin, with my own steel hands! Megatron, this time we're shutting you down for good! So be it! Megatron! Huh? We detected your spark upon repolarization! Huh? What? What? So much for the new recruits, but I still don't get it. When you used your sonic scream on Megatron, his spark became depolarized. And that's what was trying to destroy us all? Yes, he would have succeeded too if it wasn't for Rattrap. I guess I was wrong about you. Unhand me at once! Why did you remove me from battle? We were unprepared and outnumbered. I will brook no failure, not from anyone, not for any reason. The only logical strategy was a tactical retreat. Silence! What? Listen, here is how it works. Megatron... At least you weren't utterly useless, like him. It was he who reminded us where our true loyalties lay. I cannot allow Optimus to retain control of the sparks. If I am to succeed, time for action is now. Seven warriors, three Saturdays, one final transformation... Maximal signature detected. ...that will change their lives forever. We're going down. I will rule all Transformers. The Maximals must make their final stand or it's lights out for Cybertron. Yes! The three-part beast machines you have to see. Endgame Part One, all new next Saturday morning at 10 Eastern Nights, Central and Pacific on Fox Kids. I will never surrender! Transformers Beast Machines Beast Machines, Battle for the Spark. Last time on Beast Machines. We're close to Megatron's command core. Sparks must be inside. Optimus Prime, Megatron. Gotcha! What kind of puny body is this? We did it! The Sparks are finally in our hands. I cannot allow Optimus to retain control of the Sparks. If I am to succeed, time for action is now. So long as Optimus Prime possesses the Sparks, I cannot complete my objective. Prepare an all-out attack. I must reacquire my base. Immediately! At once, my lord. I need a stronger body. There is no time to design an entirely new one. I require a template. Yes, and what could be more appropriate? Look, all I'm saying is we worked our anodes off to find the Sparks. Why not put them back in their bodies? The kid's got a point. If nothing else, it'll help even the odds. And allow Megatron to recapture them? I can't release the Sparks until Megatron is defeated and we reformat Cybertron itself. I have changed the codes to the defense grid so that Megatron cannot remote access them. Way to go, Sprouts! Well, if I can just find a way to get the weapons working. It's lookout Megatron. That's all well and good, BigBot, but exactly how are we supposed to reformat Cybertron itself? I'm not sure. A piece of the puzzle is still missing, and it can only be found in the Oracle. That wouldn't be the same Oracle that you so graciously allowed Megatron to download from you. The Oracle knew about the download and wanted it to happen. It wanted Megatron to possess it. Why? I haven't the faintest idea. Hey, bad news. Every offensive weapon is keyed to Megatron's spark. They're totally inaccessible. What are we supposed to use against him? Our sunny dispositions? Our only option is to release the Sparks. We mustn't lose sight of the big picture. Uh, Boss Monkey, take a look at this picture. What's the fastest baseball pitch ever recorded? What if Spout Legend Nolan Ryan once pitched a ball over 100 miles an hour? I'll be here within minutes. Isn't there anything we can do? Remember these? They fooled them before. Oh, like they're gonna fall for the same trick again. Who said anything about the same trick? Good thinking, Rattrap. Silverbolt, Blackarachnia, Nightscream, we need to buy some time. Scanning. Scanning. Scanning. Maximal signature detected. They took the bait. Now the fun begins. No sign of the Maximals inside the wreckage. It was clearly a trick. Tank! You're it! What? Zero Maximal signatures detected. Did you really expect us to fall for that ruse again? Striker, Thrust, the Maximals are up to something. You think? Gotta hand it to Rattrap. Combining field scramblers with hollow chips was a stroke of genius. I must thank him personally. Silverbolt, you need to get your team back inside before we raise the shields. Easy for him to say. Raise the shields. We'll take cover down here. Raise the shields. We can't just leave them down there. I don't like it any more than you do, but we must protect the Sparks. We're raising shields. We're raising shields. We're raising shields.