. . . . . . . . . If you're serious about lifetime weight control and health, the Betty Crocker Five Point Program will help you attain your goal. Hi, I'm Anne Barney. And I am Cynthia. And I'm Sandra. And we're your hosts for this Betty Crocker aerobics video. What makes this aerobics video different is our approach to lifetime weight control. We'll teach you how you can design a new and healthier lifestyle. You'll learn to recognize bad habits and exchange them for good ones. Together, we'll make exercising fun. The Five Point Program was created by a team of nutritionists, home economists, and medical experts. It's a safe, sensible eating and exercise plan for lifetime weight control. And it consists of only five easy steps. The Eat and Lose Weight Cookbook is available at a bookstore near you and is a great tool to keep you in shape all year long. Betty Crocker's Five Point Program teaches you how to eat smart, exercise, set goals, keep good records, and design your lifestyle. We'll be teaching you these five easy steps throughout our exercise program. This makes working out with a videotape both fun and informative. But before we begin, let's make sure you have the appropriate footwear. Be sure to wear comfortable, well-cushioned, and supportive aerobic footwear. Wear aerobic clothing that allows you to move freely and plan to exercise on a non-skid surface. It is also important to consult your physician before beginning any exercise program, no matter what shape you're in. Start feeling good about yourself, get positive, and let's begin our program with a light warm-up stretching session. Stretch, flex, and get some blood rushing through those muscles. It feels good. Deep inhale, exhale. Again. One shoulder up, then the other. It's lift. Four more. Alternate the shoulders back, roll them back. You got it. Four more. Alternate arm up and down. Lift. While exercising, we'll be giving you tips to help you achieve your weight loss or goal. Our first tip is to keep the body well hydrated with plenty of water. It's an important step to maintaining a healthy diet. Six to eight 8-ounce glasses of water are recommended daily. Keep your water close by while exercising. Last four. It's four, three, arms swings across the body. That's right. Eight more. It's eight. Four, three, hands on your hips, reach side to side. That's right. One. Last eight, seven. It's four, three. Now turn to the side and swing the arms. It's up, then down. Step one in Betty Crocker's five-point program is to eat smart. Try a variety of foods. It's quality, not quantity, that counts. A well-balanced diet makes sense. A single food can satisfy your dietary needs. Last two. Meat comes in and out, bicep in, push out. Plan to select foods from these foods every day. Milk and dairy products, vegetables and fruits, cereals and whole grain foods, meats including poultry, fish and eggs, and legumes, dry beans and peas. It's two, arms come center. Take it four, three, turn to the other side. Swing those arms, come on, reach. Restrict your dietary fat. By weight, fat has about twice as many calories as carbohydrates or protein. A considerable source of fat comes from fried foods. It's best to avoid them to reduce fat calories. Last one. Meat curls in. Curl it in. That's right. You got it. Last two. Get back to the front, face those arms and swing it up. Keep it going. Two more. Now we're ready to begin our low-impact workout. Step, tap, legs are apart. It's eight, six, five, four. Step, touch together. By eating smart and cutting down on saturated fat, along with regular exercise, you can reduce your blood cholesterol, and that's good news for your heart. Four, three, arms open side. That's right. Whenever possible, substitute low-fat foods for high-fat foods, such as skim milk for whole milk. It's four, three, lift the arms up to the ceiling. Trim off the excess fat on meats and add less oil when cooking. You'll be surprised at how this little tip can reduce calories. Two more, arms side. That's right, you got it. It's four, three, arms go up. Reach. Four more, four, three, arms side. Strong arms, keep it going. It's four, three, arms are up. Reach them up. Good job. Last two, arms side. Four, three, two, arms up. Arms side. It's side. Good job. Keep breathing. Arms up. Reach. Arms side for four, three. Come on, arms up. Reach them. Last time, side. It's up. Last time, up. Two times side. Up, side. Avoid too much sodium. Sodium occurs naturally in foods and it is used in processing and preserving foods. Most Americans eat more sodium than they need. Reduce your sodium intake, use less table salt, and cut down on salty snacks. For persons with high blood pressure, excessive sodium can be dangerous. Last two. Good job. No arms. Keep it going. Eat foods with adequate starch and fiber. These are carbohydrates, cereals, and whole grain breads that make you feel full but have fewer calories than fatty foods. Last four, three, arms out in front. Keep working. Step two is exercise. We're doing it right now and doesn't it feel great? A moderate plan of exercise is essential to any weight control program. Last four, three, grapevine. That's right. Lift the feet. By following the Betty Crocker five-point program, which includes regular exercise, you can expect to lose weight at an average of two pounds per week. The report shows that weight loss at this rate is far more likely to be permanent than dramatic weight loss plans. Keep it up. Arms out, shoulder height. Arms are out. Good job. The term metabolism is an important word for you to know. Your metabolism can determine how easy or difficult it may be for you to lose weight. Exercise can influence your metabolism. Last two. Now it's biceps in on four. And in. Again. Metabolic rates vary from person to person. Some people have high rates of metabolism, meaning they burn more food into usable energy than someone who has a low rate of metabolism. If you think you may have a slow metabolism, this gives you more compelling reasons to pay attention to what you eat. Good exercise habits can help speed up your metabolic rate. Double the bicep move. That's right. Keep it going. Strong arms. How are you feeling? How are you doing, Sandra? Good job. Last set. Arms are going to push up. Reach tall. Come on, reach up towards that ceiling. You're looking good. Again, four more. Three. Last two. Going to open those arms. Side. Strong arms. Pull them in. Keep it up. You got four more of these. It's four. Come on, three. Release those arms. Now, knee on four. No arms. Come on, lift that leg. Not only does exercise burn calories, but studies show that the effect is sustained for up to eight hours or longer, even after you've stopped your 30-minute workout. Now, that's good news. Four more. It's three. Last two. Arms go up overhead. Come on, reach tall. Keep it going. Last two. Arms open to the side. Come on. Strong arms. Keep it going. Again. Last time. No arms. One, two, three, knee. And lift. Lift that knee. Keep breathing. Good job. Last set. Arms up overhead. Strong arms. Good job. Last time. Arms open side. Come on. You're feeling good. Last one. No arms. Knee. One, two, three, knee up. Keep it working. Arms overhead. Good job. Arms open to the side. Strong. Come on. Make those arms strong. Last one. No arms. Knee on four. And knee. Knee. Arms up. Reach. Again. Looks good. Open those arms side. Two more. Come on. Knee on four. It's four. Come on. Lift a little higher. Last one. Arms up. Reach. Reach. You look good. Arms side. Pull it in. Come on. All right. No arms. Knee on four. And lift. You got it. Almost there. Simple grapevine. No arms. Come on. Keep it going. Last set. Think positive. March it out in place. Step number three is setting goals. When you set out to lose weight, think about the weight goal you wish to reach. Four. Three. Let's add some arms to this march. Pump the arms. You can help yourself achieve that goal by setting little goals along the way. Aim high, but be realistic about your goals. Remember, exercise and a healthy diet are the keys to succeeding. March it four. Three. Just one, two, three, tap. One, two, three, tap. Hands on hips. Keep it going. You got it. Keep it marching. One, two, three, tap. Last set. Breathe. That's right. Add a walk front and back. And touch. Again. How you doing? All right. All right. How about you, Sandra? Good. Keep it going. One more. And those arms, open side. Strong arms. Come on. You got it. Again. Keep breathing. You're looking good. Be proud of yourself. Keep moving, make those arms nice and strong. Come on. Terrific. Four more. Last three. Come on, it's two. We're going to just walk up and back, no arms. And up. Lifting your feet up. That's right. Come on. Two more. Step it side. Step out it side. Side. Side. Last four. Three. We're going to reach the side. Hands on hips. Keep it going. Breathe. Last four. Three. Add some bicep curls. Curl it up. Up. Come on, strong arms. Hang in there. We're almost done. Four. Three. Arms punch out in front. It's punch. Come on, make those arms real strong. It's punch. Punch. You got eight more. Great job. Reaching up. Punch up. It's punch. If you don't reach your short-term goal, don't punish yourself. Learn from your mistakes and move forward. Think positively about losing weight. For four. Three. Hands on hips. Keep those legs going. Bicep curls. Strong arms. Strong. You've got four. Three. Arms punch out in front. It's punch. Strong. Keep breathing. Four. Three. Punch those arms up towards the ceiling. Punch. Reach. Hands on hips. Here we go. It's out. You got it. Eight more. It's curl. Curl. Five. Six. Come on. Arms out in front. It's punch. Arms up towards the ceiling. That's right. We got hands on hips. Here we go. Bicep curls for four. Three. Punch in front. Punch it up like you mean it. Punch. Reach your hands on hips. Bicep curl. Curl. Curl. Come on. Punch in front. You got it. Think strong. Punch up. Hands on hips. Keep going. Keep it here. It's four. Three. Bicep curl for four. Three. Punch in front. It's punch. Punch. Arms to the ceiling. You're doing great. Keep it here. Keep it going for four. You're almost there. Hands on your hips. Sixteen. It's eight. Seven. Six. Five. Four. Three. Step touch. Hands on hips. Touch. Come on. Keep it going. That's right. How you doing? Fantastic. All right. It's four. Three. March it out in place. This is the point to take your pulse to determine your target heart rate. Find your pulse and count for ten seconds. Then multiply by six to determine your heart rate. The continuous repetition of an exercise elevates your heart rate. However, it should not exceed 75% of your maximum heart rate. Subtract your age from 220 and multiply that number by.75 to estimate your target heart rate. If you smoke or have high blood pressure or high cholesterol, then reduce that target heart rate by 10% for each condition. Step touch. Step number four is keeping good records. Track your progress in weight loss, in your measurements, and changing eating habits. This will show you trends, and being able to pinpoint your progress will make you feel good. Now swing the arms. Come on. Arms are up. Last four, three. Back it up with this move. It's back. Now come on forward. Back it up. And front. And back. Come on. Swing those arms. Keep breathing. And back again. And front. You're looking good. Step touch in place. Can you see yourself looking better? Envision it. Have fun and exercise. Let's go. Keep it here for four, three. Back it up for four. Come on, front for four. Back it up. Last time. Hold it here for four, three. Step tap wide. Keep it going. Come on, bend those knees. You're looking good. Step number five is designing your lifestyle. Remember, your weight loss program is something you've decided to do for yourself, and you deserve the results. Here are a few trouble spots you can watch out for in your quest to change your eating habits. Slow down. Eating too fast may mean you'll eat more. Leftovers can be inviting. Put them away for the next meal. And don't skip meals or substitute fatty snacks for larger meals. Keep stepping. You got it. Last four, three. Reach side to side slowly. Side, side. Eat what you want in moderation and be knowledgeable about what you eat. This will help you design a healthier lifestyle. Roll the shoulders. It's roll, roll, roll. Come on, keep it going. We're almost done. Looks good. Keep it up now. It's roll, roll, roll, roll. Last four, three, two, one. Center. Every safe and effective exercise program has three phases. Warm-up, cardiovascular aerobics, and a cool-down. Let's get ready to cool down. Take the leg back into a calf stretch, pressing that heel down, and hold. Good job. Hold that stretch for four, three, rock back and forth. It's rock. Keep those hands on your hips. Keep it slow. Keep it going. Good job. Relax. It's four. Three more. Last two. Knee presses in and out. Press it in and out. Good job. Rock in and press out. Last four. Come on. Three more. Good job. It's two. Bring the knees in and switch the leg. Grab that water bottle and take a drink. Hold the calf stretch. And hold. For four, three, rock back and forth slowly. Keep going. Keep it slow. Take a deep breath. Last four, three. It's two. Press the knee up and down. It comes in. That's right. In, push it back. Keep breathing. It's four, three, two. Bring the knees together. And face the front in a plie position. Bend it down and up. Keep those knees bent. You're looking good. Last two. Last one. Hands are above the knees. Rounding that back to a flat back. Then it's round to flat back. Relax. And flat back. It's round. And flat. It's round. Last time. Now round it all the way up. Bring it all the way up. Shoulder up. Reach. Keep going. For four, three. Take a deep breath in. Blow it out. Again. Blow it out. Fantastic. You've made it through our low impact workout. And you got rid of lots of calories. Remember, exercise will be one of your best friends in maintaining your ideal weight. We're going to continue to cool down. See ya. Let's do it. Let's do it.