Every parent needs a helping hand. Barney helps give children the range of skills they need to grow. Sharing in good manners. Caring in emotional development. Imagining in creativity. Dancing in movement. And learning educational concepts through music and play. Barney, a helping hand for growing children. Barney is a dinosaur from our imagination. And when he's tall he's what we call a dinosaur sensation. Barney's friends are big and small. They come from lots of places. After school they meet to play and sing with happy faces. Barney shows us lots of things like how to play pretend. ABCs and 123s and how to be a friend. Barney comes to play with us whenever we may need him. Barney can be your friend too if you just make believe him. Barney! Whoa! Hi everybody! I'm so happy to see you. Today is an absolutely positively super-D-duper day. Oh boy! Did you hear that? That's the sound of a big truck blowing its horn. Big trucks can make big sounds. The horn goes honk honk. And the engine goes vroom vroom. Our friends are having fun playing with toy trucks in the park. Let's go see. Hello everyone! Hi Rachel! Hi Jackson! Hi Nick! It's good to see you. And it sounds like you're having lots of fun. We are! We're playing with trucks. Come on you've got to see my new truck. I have a really cool new truck. It's a garbage truck. See? This lifts up and this dumps out. Whoa! Garbage trucks are very important. They help keep our neighborhoods neat and clean. I'm pretending that my truck is taking animals to a farm. I'm pretending my truck is delivering food to stores. Look at those wheels go. The wheels on the truck go round and round, round and round, round and round. The wheels on the truck go round and round, all through the town. Yes they do. Round and round. The doors on the truck go open and shut, open and shut, open and shut. The doors on the truck go open and shut, all through the town. I like all your trucks. The horn on the truck goes beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep. The horn on the truck goes beep, beep, beep, all through the town. Watch out, coming through. The wipers on the truck go swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish. The wipers on the truck go swish, swish, swish, all through the town. The wheels on the truck go round and round, round and round, round and round. The wheels on the truck go round and round, all through the town. Oh, hi, everybody! Hi there, B.J.! If your truck is stuck and cannot go, call on B.J. for a super tow! That's a cool truck! Your truck has a big tow hook on it, B.J. What's that for? Well, let's pretend a truck breaks down on the road. Okay, but what's that for? Well, let's pretend a truck breaks down on the road. Okay, like this. Oh, no! My truck broke down! Oh, don't worry, ma'am. Tow truck driver B.J. is here to help. Let's see now. The wheels aren't turning. Oh, engine's not running. Yep, you need a tow! What do we do? We need to hook this to your bumper, ma'am. Okay, so it goes like this. Oh, good job, Rachel. It's all hooked up and ready. We'll be taking this truck to the garage to get fixed. Thanks for the help, Mr. Tow Truck Driver. Oh, no problem, ma'am. Helping is a tow truck driver's job. You would be a great truck driver, B.J. I think it would be fun to be a truck driver when I grow up. What do you want to be when you grow up? You can be anything you want. I'm a prophet. I can wear a costume, that would be fun. In my imagination, I can be anyone. That's because when I'm playing pretend, I can be anything I want to. A jacket or hat or something like that can change the way we play. It's a whole lot of fun. We can be anyone. Hey, what will I be today? I can be a cowboy, I can be a king. I can be a rock star, listen to me sing. That's because when I'm playing pretend, I can be anything I want to. That's because when I'm playing pretend, I can be anything you can be anything. We can be anything we want to. Hello, Bob. Oh, hi, Dan. Great to see you. Have a great day. Hey, Barney, look at my truck. Oh, my. It has lots of wheels. Cool. A car only has four wheels. Why does your truck need all those wheels, Jackson? So it can carry loads of food to a supermarket. Wow. I bet a truck like that can carry a thousand pickles. Or a thousand boxes of macaroni and cheese. It sure can. Well, I'm going to make a delivery right now. Here I go. Okay. Uh-oh, litter on the highway. Look, there's more over here. And here, too. Looks like we need to clean up this road. Don't worry, I've got the truck for the job. You certainly do, Nick. You can use your garbage truck to help us clean up the park. And when we clean up litter, we're helping to protect our Earth. Oh. Will you help protect our Earth and keep it clean? Yes, we will. Will you help protect our Earth and keep it green? Yes, we will. Then the time has come to start. Let's begin to do our part. We'll help protect the Earth and keep it green. Yes, we will. Oh, great. There are lots of different things that we can do. Yes, there are. There are lots of different things that we can do. Yes, there are. If we really, truly care, then we all will do our share. There are lots of different things that we can do. Yes, there are. Then the time has come to start. Let's begin to do our part. Let's begin to do our part. And we'll all protect the Earth and keep it green. Yes, we will. Oh, that's it. Okay, everyone. This truck is loaded. Now I'll drive it to the trash can. Okay. Here it goes. Great job, everybody. The park is all clean again. It looks terrific. Yes, it's fantastic. Trap drivers, what do you say we go for a little drive around the park? Yes, let's go. Sounds like fun. It's fun to play with trucks and drive them around. Really big trucks drive on the roads every day. Let's go take a look at one. Break one, nine, radio check, you can't get plenty. What's that rumbling down the road With 18 wheels and a heavy load Climb those steps, open the doors The brakes go whoosh as the diesel roars It's a truck, make way for the truck Make way for the truck, shiny headlights rolling steel Turn that great big steering wheel on the truck Make way for the truck Look in the cargo, move the mirrors Put on the seatbelts, shift those gears Big black mudflats, shiny chrome An 18-wheeler driving home It's a truck, make way for the truck Shiny headlights rolling steel Turn that great big steering wheel on the truck Make way for the truck Here comes the truck Make way for the truck Make way! Driving a big truck like that one would be terrific. Do you ever pretend that you're driving a truck? Baby Bop likes to pretend to drive too. Let's pretend with her. Baby, here I come. Zooming all around in my little red firetruck Won't you be my driver? Bumping up and down in my little red dump truck Won't you be my driver? Driving everywhere in my little red pickup Driving everywhere in my little red pickup Driving everywhere in my little red pickup Won't you be my driver? Bumping up and down, up and down, up and down Beep beep! Livestock truck coming through. Whoa, look at all those animals. We're building a farm, Barney. It's Old MacDonald's farm. Oh, I like farms. The smell of the hay, the sound of the animals. This farm has a house, a barn, and a corral. There, the corral is all done. Now all we need to do is put the farm animals inside. Drive your truck over here, Trucker Rachel. Okie dokie. Now I'll put the ducks in the pit. Let's get placed. Farm animals safely delivered to their new farm. Old MacDonald will be a very happy farmer. Old MacDonald had a farm, ee-i-ee-i-o And on this farm he had a cow, ee-i-e-i-o With a moo moo here and a moo moo there Here a moo, there a moo, everywhere a moo moo Old MacDonald had a farm, ee-i-e-i-o Old MacDonald had a farm, ee-i-e-i-o And on this farm he had a pig, ee-i-e-i-o With an oink oink here and an oink oink there Here an oink there an oink, everywhere an oink oink A moo moo here and a moo moo there Here a moo, there a moo, everywhere a moo moo Old MacDonald had a farm, ee-i-e-i-o Old MacDonald had a farm, ee-i-e-i-o And on this farm he had a duck, ee-i-e-i-o With a quack quack here and a quack quack there Here a quack, underwear, everywhere quack quack A oink oink here and an oink oink there Here an oink there an oink, everywhere an oink A moo moo here and a moo moo there ...here, moo ...There, moo... ...Everywhere, a moo moo Old MacDonald had a farm, ee-i-ee-i-o Old MacDonald had a farm, ee-i-ee-i-o And on this farm he had a horse, ee-i-e-i-o With a nay-nay here and a nay-nay there Here a nay, there a nay, everywhere a nay-nay A quack-quack here and a quack-quack there Here a quack, there a quack, everywhere a quack-quack Boink-boink here and a boink-boink there Here a noink, there a noink, everywhere a noink-noink A moo-moo here and a moo-moo there Here a moo, there a moo, everywhere a moo-moo Old MacDonald had a farm, ee-i-e-i-o My truck can get to the bottom before your truck, Jackson Oh yeah? My truck is faster No, my truck's the fastest Let's have a race Barney, would you start the race, please? Oh, I'd be happy to Ready, set, go! Open there up! Ow! Ouch! Yikes! Are you alright, B.J.? I've been hit by a truck! He was hit by three trucks We're sorry, B.J. We didn't mean to hurt you I'm just kidding, it didn't really hurt Oh, I guess it's true what they say, B.J. What's that? You should be careful when crossing a street And you can start by making sure that you always look both ways Look both ways when you cross the street Here's the reason why There might be a car or bus or a big truck zooming by Look both ways when you cross the street Look both ways, don't move your feet Til you look both ways when you cross the street Oh, that's very important Look both ways when you cross the street To the left and to the right Look both ways when you cross the street Hold a grown-up's hand real tight! Look both ways when you cross the street! Look both ways when you cross the street! Look both ways, don't move your feet Till you look both ways when you cross the street! Okay, it's cool, we can cross now. Very good. Remember, it's always important to follow the safety rules when crossing a street. Be sure to stop, look both ways, and then hold hands with a grown-up. Great. That's right, look both ways. Good job. Or a crossing guard will stop traffic for you. Wait for his signal and quickly cross the street. If you see a friend on the other side of the street, you can wave and shout, hello! Hello! Don't ever cross the street yourself. First get help from a grown-up, you know! Look both ways when you cross the street! Look both ways when you cross the street! Look both ways, don't move your feet Till you look both ways when you cross the street! Okay, come on Rachel. Alright. I'll definitely look both ways next time, even when I'm crossing a pretend street. Good idea, BJ. Jackson, can I play with your truck, please? You can play with mine. Sure, Rachel. Do you want to play with my truck? Yeah, sure. Let's go. It's nice to share things that are special to us, like a favorite truck. I know a truck that is very special. Sometimes it's bright red and has a big ladder. Can you guess what it is? Here's another clue. It makes a sound like this. That's right! A fire truck! Very good! Here comes the fire truck, the people shout, Hooray! The siren tells the cars and trucks to get out of the way. Look at all the flashing lights and watch the water spray. F-I-R-E-T-R-U-C-K That spells fire truck. I love the fire truck with all its hoses and ladders and firefighters off to save the day. Hooray! I love to watch them ride as they hang on to the side of the F-I-R-E-T-R-U-C-K. That spells fire truck. Here comes the fire truck, the people shout, Hooray! The siren tells the cars and trucks to get out of the way. Look at all the flashing lights and watch the water spray. F-I-R-E-T-R-U-C-K Here comes the fire truck, Hooray! Hooray! Hooray! Roar! Roar! Roar! Roar! Beep! Beep! Beep! Big trucks coming through. Oh my, you've really got those trucks on the move. Yeah, and we've got lots of trucks. Make way! Okay. Don't forget my tow truck, man. Thank you, sir. We'll be needing that in case one of our other trucks breaks down. That's why it's here. Oh, I think you've got all the trucks you need. We're lining them up because we're going to have a parade. Jackson, come on over and bring your truck. Yeah, the parade is about to start. I can't. I lost the wheels. See? It's okay, Jackson. We'll help you find it. I've already looked everywhere. My truck's broken. Well, maybe I can help, Jackson. Let me just step over to my closet to see what I can find. Yeah, I wonder what it is. Here it goes. See here. Where's my banjo? I thought I'd lost it. Oh, this is... Oops, better keep looking. Oh, we've got a banjo. Oh, I found it. Here it comes. Whoa! Yeah! Oh, Barney, this is too big for my truck. What? See? Oh, well, so it is. But I can fix that. Whoa! Whoa! Awesome! It's just the right size now. Thanks, Barney. You're very welcome, Jackson. I'm going to go home and tell my mom how you gave me a new tire. Bye, everybody! Bye, guys! Bye, Jackson! See you later! Oh, I promise, Sissy, we play some more ball. I'll see you later. Okay. Bye-bye! Johnny said hi. I have an idea. Let's take the trucks into the caboose and have the parade there. Okay, that'll be fun. We can use some blocks to build the road. Great idea. Playing with toy trucks is fun because you can pretend to build roads and bridges and buildings when I know something else that's helpful for building things. It's a hammer. With this great big hammer, I can build all kinds of things, like a birdhouse. See here? There. It's all ready for a little bird to move into. Isn't it fun building things? Let's see what our friends are building now. Big truck coming through. Where do you want this block, ma'am? Right here, sir. Okay. Meep, meep, meep. There you go. Thank you. I pretend the zoo is looking great, Nick. It sure is. Just a few more blocks and we're done. Hi, guys. Hi, Dave. Hello. Hi, Dave. Hello. Rachel. Nick. What are you doing? We're building a fence for a zoo. Want to help? Yeah, sure. We need to find a couple more blocks like this one. Okay. I'll put it in this basket. I can't find any more. Oh, thanks. You're welcome. Barney! Hi, David. I didn't see you come in. Hi, Barney. Oh, hi. Oh, I'm glad you came to play. What are you building? It's a fence for zoo animals. A fence can be a very important part of a zoo. And you better finish it before the animals get out. Yeah. Roar! Roar! Will you please help us, Barney? Oh, I'd be happy to. We just need one more block that can fit right there. Now, let's see. What kind of shape would fit best in that space? A square. A square, that's right. Do you know the shape of a square? Look, all four sides are all the same. There aren't any more squares here, Barney. Well, maybe I can do something about that. Whoa! A square! It fits perfectly, Barney. It helps to know your shapes when only one shape will do. Yippee-do-do-whoa! Shapes, shapes, it's easy, my friend. You can tell a shape by the shape that it's in. Shapes, shapes, sing it again. You can tell a shape by the shape that it's in. Would you know a triangle if you saw one? Have you ever tried to draw one? It has three corners and three sides. A triangle has three sides. Oh, yeah, a triangle has three sides. Oh, that's right. Whoa! Shapes, shapes, it's easy, my friend. You can tell a shape by the shape that it's in. Shapes, shapes, sing it again. You can tell a shape by the shape that it's in. Would you know a square if you saw one? Have you ever tried to draw one? It has four corners and four sides. A square has four sides. Oh, yeah, a square has four sides. Oh, it sure does. Shapes, shapes, it's easy, my friend. You can tell a shape by the shape that it's in. Shapes, shapes, sing it again. You can tell a shape by the shape that it's in. Let's try another one. Would you know a circle if you saw one? Have you ever tried to draw one? It has no corners and no sides. A circle curves around and round. A circle curves around. Oh, great, Rachel. Shapes, shapes, it's easy, my friend. You can tell a shape by the shape that it's in. Shapes, shapes, sing it again. You can tell a shape by the shape that it's in. You can tell a shape by the shape that it's in. Doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo. Shapes! Oh, your fence looks te-rific. Thanks for helping us, Barney. Oh, you're welcome, Rachel. Just trying to keep the animals in the zoo. What's making that wild sound? Well, maybe we can see what it is if we look out the window. Okay, let's go. Okay. I wonder what it could be. Look, dump trucks and a cement mixer. Trucks and machines like those are used to help build roads and buildings. Let's go look through the telescope and see where they're going. Okay. Oh, great, I love that. You were there going. Great idea. Great. I wonder where they're going. I'm going to see it. Here I come. The dump truck and cement mixer are going to a construction site. A construction site? Yeah, I know. That's cool. And there's another dump truck already working there. It's being loaded with dirt. Dump trucks help get the construction site ready for the builders to start their work. May I see, Nick? Sure, Rachel. What do you see? I see a cement mixer. A cement mixer pours concrete that can be used to make buildings and parking lots. May I look, please? Sure. There's a machine with a scooper on one end and a digger on the other. What's that, Barney? That's called a backhoe, David. What else do you see? Hi, guys, whatcha doin'? BJ! Oh, hi there, BJ. We're watching a construction company put up a building. There are so many machines over there. Well, Rachel, it takes a lot of machines and a lot of workers to put up a new building. That is so cool. When I grow up, I want to drive a crane and build a big, tall tower. Oh! And when I grow up, I want to drive a bulldozer and build the biggest road in the world! Well, why do you have to wait until you're older to build something big? Yeah! Why don't we build something big right now? Yeah! Okay. Great! But how, BJ? Well, all we need are lots of boxes and we can build something totally cool. Yeah! We do! Sounds like a pretty good plan. Let's go find those boxes. Come on, guys! Okay. Building something is so exciting. Are you a builder? Show me what you like to build. Look what we can do We've got work to do Step by step, one, two, three Build it up, you and me Come on, kids, come with me over here. Now we're having fun There's work to be done Working up and working down Shaping, sanding all around See what we can make How long will it take When every piece is in its place We'll have a big smile on our face I made an octopus! Look what we can do We've got work to do Step by step, one, two, three Build it up, you and me Hi, everybody! Lookie-tetties all dressed up Wait, where is everybody? Hello? Hello? Is anybody home? Oh, I wanted to show everyone your pretty dress, Teddy. I mean, Princess Teddy. Whoa! Look at all the boxes! It's almost as big as a mountain! What's that, Teddy? Oh, we should play Bear Went Over the Mountain. You know, I was thinking the same thing! The Bear went over the mountain The Bear went over the mountain The Bear went over the mountain To see what she could see To see what she could see To see what she could see The Bear went over the mountain The Bear went over the mountain The Bear went over the mountain the mountain to see what she could see. Oh, Teddy, this is so much fun! The other side of the mountain, the other side of the mountain, the other side of the mountain was all that she could see. Was all that she could see, was all that she could see. The other side of the mountain was all that she could see. Oh well, it was fun anyway. Ha ha ha! Oh! Hi, PJ! Oh, hi! Hi, PJ! Hi, everybody! Oh! Whatcha doin', Sissy? Well, I was just playing with Princess Teddy! Oh! Hi there, Princess Teddy! We're gonna build something, Sissy! You wanna help? Okay, what are you building? We don't know yet. But it's gonna be big! Well, I see a little princess who might need a castle. Oh! Oh! Yay! And after we build it, we can dress up in costumes. And ride pretend horses around the castle. Yeah! There you go! Okay, then, we all agree. Let's build a castle for Princess Teddy! Did you hear that, Princess Teddy? A castle! Yeah! Yay! Okay! We have a lot to do! Yeah, we have to build a wall! Yeah, a big wall. And we'll need a gate that opens and closes. Yeah, a big gate! And Princess Teddy needs a tower! Oh, yeah! A big tower! What, Princess? Oh, two towers! Yeah, two... two towers! Oh, wait a minute! Barney, how are we gonna get all this done? Oh, it's okay, B.J. On a real construction site, everybody has a different job to do. And they all work together to get the job done. All right, then let's get started! Okay! The more we work together, together, together The more we work together, the happier we'll be Cos your friends are my friends and my friends are your friends The more we work together, the happier we'll be Right! The more we work together, together, together The more we work together, the happier we'll be Cos your friends are my friends and my friends are your friends The more we work together, the happier we'll be. Good job, Kid. The more we work together, together, together. The more we work together, the happier we'll be. Because your friends are my friends, and my friends are your friends. The more we work together, the happier we'll be. Yeah! Oh, this castle is stew-pendous! Oh, sure is! Now let's find some costumes and we can play in it. Oh, goody! I think Princess Teddy is ready to move in now. Oh, cool! It's so much fun to make something special with your friends, like this castle. It's also fun to make something special with a grown-up. And they can help you use real tools. Hmm. That looks good. Is it? Yeah. Okay. I like to put things together. I can make things where they weren't before. I like to see the way the pieces fit. And see what I've made when I'm done with it. I'm a builder, yes I am. If you need help, you know I can. Fun, fun, fun, making things by hand. I'm a builder, yes I am. I like to put things together. Cardboard, plastic, metal and wood. I measure the parts so they fit so tight. I put on some paint so it looks just right. I'm a builder, yes I am. If you need help, you know I can. Fun, fun, fun, making things by hand. I'm a builder, yes I am. I can hammer a nail. I can drive a screw. I can saw some wood. And I can use some glue. I'm a builder, yes I am. If you need help, you know I can. Fun, fun, fun, making things by hand. I'm a builder, yes I am. When you build something, it's always important to clean up afterwards. Do you help clean up around your house? When you work together, cleaning up is fun. Clean up, clean up, everybody everywhere. Clean up, clean up, everybody do your share. Clean up, clean up, everybody everywhere. Clean up, clean up, everybody do your share. Clean up, clean up, everybody everywhere. Clean up, clean up, everybody do your share. Make way for Princess Teddy and her knights in shining armor. Look at these costumes. They are super de-fitting. Look at these costumes. They are super de-dooper. Thanks Barney. We're the knights. Here, here! And I am the queen. You look very nice, your majesty. Oh, thank you Barney. Sir Barney, at your service. Sir Barney, awesome. Now let's ride to the castle. Follow us Queen Baby Bop. Okay. We have our castle, we have our knights, and we have our queen and princess. All we need now is a king. Hello, it is I, King BJ. King BJ. Thank you, thank you my royal friends. Welcome to your castle, King BJ. It looks so good that we can pretend we're in a fairy tale. Fairy tale castles with beautiful flags flying higher than you've ever seen. Just imagine all of the things you could see. Maybe even a king or a queen. Hi there. Castle so high, up to the sky. I know that I would love to go there. Castle so high, up to the sky. Wouldn't you love to go too? Magical places and musical things, big surprises and so much more. We could ride a horse, having fun of course, and adventure like never before. Castle so high, up to the sky. I know that I would love to go there. Castle so high, up to the sky. Wouldn't you love to go too? Castle so high, up to the sky. I know that I would love to go there. Castle so high, up to the sky. Wouldn't you love to go too? Wouldn't you love to go too? Oh man, this is the best pretend castle we ever made. I love the building like the banner. And you all did such a good job working together to make it. The costumes are really neat too. Thank you for making a castle for Princess Teddy, but we... Oh, we have to go. Princess Teddy needs a nap. Okay, come on Sissy. Bye, bye. Thanks, bye. We had a lot of fun building this castle, Barney. Yeah, we sure did. You're right. We did a lot of fun things today. But my favorite part was spending time with the friends I love. I love you, you love me. We're a happy family with a great big hug and a kiss from me to you. Won't you say you love me too? I love you, you love me. We're best friends like friends should be. We're a happy family with a great big hug and a kiss from me to you. Won't you say you love me too? Let's think of something to build tomorrow. Bye everybody. Bye bye. Thank you for watching. Please subscribe to our channel. We'll see you next time. Bye. Hi everybody. Hi. Hi. Hi. Hi. Hi. Hi. Hi. Hi. Hi. Hi. Hi. Hi. Hi. Hi. Hi. Hi. Hi. Hi. Hi. Hi. a time. See Barney's Colorful World Live, a magical musical adventure from your friends at Hit Entertainment. Don't move JJ, don't move. I'll be right over. What's the matter Bob? JJ needs help. And so does Mr. Bentley. Come on team. Can we fix it? Yes we can. And sometimes Bob and Spud need help. What's happening? Help! Get me down! Help! Help! But everyone knows the fun is in getting it done. Help is on the way with Bob the Builder now available on DVD and VHS from Hit Entertainment. I absolutely love to dance. There's something magical about getting ready for a big performance. The stage is set for dancing and excitement in the magic of dance video. You won't believe what happens when Miss Lily comes to dinner. And there's even more fun when William practices his new magic trick on me. Tales and whiskers. Gosh, she's really disappeared. And you'll see the time I borrowed my mother's necklace and lost it. Angelina, your mum did say you could borrow her silver locket, didn't she? Well, not exactly. Be sure to watch the silver locket video to find out what happened. In the big performance video you won't believe who I danced for. Queen Serafina of Mouseland. Angelina is a real star. So don't miss my big performances on video. And remember, if you follow your dreams, you could be a star too. Look who's singing and dancing and wiggling. Live from Australia. It's Murray and Greg and Anthony and Jeff. See the Wiggles live. Hot potatoes from Hit Entertainment. Thomas is moving full steam ahead for the big celebration. I can't wait for the grand opening. There's going to be flags and a big band. But is there trouble around the bend? Cinders and ashes, cried Thomas. The troublesome trucks are heading for the new station and they're going too fast. Will Thomas make it in time to save the new station and the celebration? Hop on board with Thomas as he makes tracks to great destinations in Thomas Sodor Celebration from Hit Entertainment. The mighty shark wants to star in his own movie. The mighty movie star. That's me. The hero of the movie. That's me. Goes flying through the air to rescue Miss Winona like this. That's me. Don't miss the Rub-A-Dubbers in Finbar, the mighty movie star. Plus four more Fin-tastic stories now available from Hit Entertainment. Silly has a brand new address and it's Todd World. Hi I'm Todd and this is my world. Have you ever eaten macaroni and cheese in the bathtub or taken an amusement park ride on a giant milkshake? Cannonball! Neato mosquito! These are my friends. This is Pickle. Back up. Can't forget the Wormenies. He takes his pet worms with him everywhere. This is Stella. I will be the star of the show. The queen of Xiamen. She likes being the center of attention. We begin. This is Sophie. When her pig tails move up and down real fast she can fly. And this is my dog Benny. Check it out. He plays a pretty mean pair of sticks. And Silly's just the half of it because in Todd World you'll also learn lots of smart stuff like foot tracing. How to build a squirrel house with monkey underpants. Monkey underpants. And that it's okay to be short. Winner for smallest elephant or tall. Winner for biggest mouse. Todd and his friends are now on DVD and VHS from Hit Entertainment. You'll also find them soon in lots of fun books from Little Brown and Company. Make Todd World your newest fun place. Todd World. Very silly, very smart. See you next time. Love Todd. Things not going so well. Do you sometimes feel as if you're all tied up with nowhere to go? Then do what the Fraggles do. Play all day long. With the newest Fraggle Rock DVD, Dance Your Cares Away. Dance Your Cares Away. On DVD Spring 2005 from Hit Entertainment. Down at Fraggle Rock. Kipper is on the march toward adventure in his new video Puppy Love. It's magical. Musical. Mischievous. Mysterious. And always merry. Look for Kipper and Company in Puppy Love. Now available from Hit Entertainment.