Topless! Topless! Come back! Out of the joyless grime and poverty of underprivileged England comes Percy Topless. A card and a rogue. Brave man. I'm going to the lavatory. It's brave about that. Gas helmet on! Out of the slush and agony of the great war trenches comes Private Topless, the impersonator and charmer. Sergeant, call Eugenia? No, no, call me Kurt Schenk. Lieutenant Kurt Schenk. Goodbye, dear children. Farewell, let the square be our home. The Monocled Mugenia with Paul McGann as Percy Topless. A little bit Breikemarrant and a little bit Jack Ford starting 8.30 Wednesday on ABC. Good evening. The four new arrangements were made for the 6.30 slot on ABC TV this year to replace You Know Who. I really doctored that one up. Grade 6 at the Aspendale Primary School in Victoria were kind enough to weigh into the debate on what should be shown then, and also their expectations of ABC TV in 1987. Well, we are now well launched into 1987, so let's measure their 11 year old hopes and suggestions against the reality. First, Julia Clayton. I think we should have a drama series. I really like the show Neighbours, which is shown on Channel 10. But I also love Countdown. I hope you consider what I have said and also the opinions of those I'm working with. More of those coming right up, Julia, and your classmate Susanna Vidot agrees with you. How about an Australian serial? That will be good. My family likes Australian serials. P.S. keep up the good work. Christine Roy, however, needs to be won over. I don't watch the ABC at present. I don't think there are enough Australian shows. I hope that an Australian show is put on at 6.30 slot, something for children like the Henderson kids. Well, in a moment we'll sample the views of this year's Grade 6 at Aspendale. Meanwhile, Nicole Aburro, I think it is, agrees about the need for a drama series and goes on to say... I also like the young ones and I would appreciate it if you put them back on. Last night, we were all watching the television and it was a program we wanted to watch, you know, and then we were just watching it. And once in the middle of it, I got up and turned it off. Well, we got that one right at least. The young ones have returned and Nicole Shelton favours a mixed bag at 6.30. I think you should put on Mother and Son, 40 Towers or Doctor at Large. I would also like Sweet and Sour kept on. Yes, could you please put Backsat on an earlier time so us kids can watch it then? Well, that's sort of happened, Nicole, on Sunday nights anyway. I wouldn't think 8.20 would be past your bedtime, would it? Of course, the perennial Doctor Who comes in for his fair share of attention. Mark Campbell writes... I think you should put Doctor Who back on TV so when kids get to be four or five, they'll be fascinated by weird creatures. And he's back, as we now know. Mark Scott is all to the Doctor and he's a fan of Banana Man. I would like Banana Man on for half an hour. I like GeForce and Voltron. That is all I want to say. Well, the obliging class teacher of Grade 6 at Aspendale Primary, Victoria has now asked the Class of 87 to comment on how they see the ABC so far this year. Greg Coleman. When there is no good shows on 7, 9 and 10, I find that your channel is mostly for adults. Perhaps you could do more for children by putting more cartoons on at 4.30. Anthony Watts agrees that the other channels are more popular and thinks the ABC should telecast more comedy and drama. Channel 2 has a lot of documentaries which children find boring. The other channels are close together on the dial, so when we turn on the TV we look at channels 7, 9 and 10 first and Channel 2 doesn't get noticed. Now that's one I haven't heard before. Declan Jones has something to say about cereal. I think you should make a new cereal on Journey to the Centre of the Earth. If that would not be possible, could you make, find or buy a film of it? Because I really like the book. The first and only film I've seen on ABC is Animal Farm, which was excellent. Could you put more films like that on? The class of 87 was asked to comment on The EastEnders, now of course in the 6.30pm time slot. The class member who resides at 81 Alderney Present Aspendale, who's got the sign, this contribution, said. I've seen your new show, EastEnders. I think it is a bit boring because it isn't very interesting. I think it would be better if it was a bit brighter, a bit dull. There is no sun or colour in it. The best show on the ABC is The Young Ones. It is a great show, but you should put on a different series. They are all the same ones that you showed us before. The kettle died rather than being used by me. Donna Morrison has seen The EastEnders four times. I liked it, but it could be better. I would like it if it was a bit more exciting and also if it was an Australian series. My favourite show is Marmalade Atkins. And Helen Smith is also a fan. Alan Wick still hasn't given up hope on Doctor Who. You could put Doctor Who on Tuesday and Thursday, but still have EastEnders on Monday, Wednesday and Friday for the people who like EastEnders. The product isn't very good and it has no action in it at all. What was all that about? My work happened last night. I know and it's as loud as an honest crowd. He's got them in his shop, you know. He's not on, you know. No, someone has to say something. However, Julie Moffat likes EastEnders. EastEnders is good. I think 6.30 is a good time for EastEnders. I'm glad you took Doctor Who off. I watch EastEnders and the Kids of Degrassi Street nearly every night. Finally, Taryn McLean also weighs in for the EastEnders. EastEnders is a good show because it makes me think a lot. I often watch ABC shows after school and at night and guess what? I even like back chat. Now there's a thing and thanks to the sixth grade past and present of Aspendale Primary School for that digest of opinion on ABC television. Not to forget the voices of Camilla Gregg, Jackie Neely, Alison Robinson, Lucy Timms, Matthew Rose, Bill Olsen and Guy Bowden of Northbridge, Sydney. More back chat next week. Good night. It will change all their lives. Oh, you want to behold it? Do you love me? I'm going to have a baby. No. The Rioters and RollerGangs give us a break. Great Entertainment 8.30 on Saturday Movie.