Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music For thousands of years we have been fascinated by angels. They've inspired our imaginations and helped us to understand the mysteries of the world around us. And today, despite the advances of technology, more people than ever before are stepping forward with remarkable reports of their lives being touched and forever changed by a momentary encounter with an angel. They appear to the innocent and to the faithless. They come as invited guests or against the greatest of odds. They seem to come to people of all religions, all ages, and all races. And today, as always, when they come they bring inspiration and understanding. Music And this angel appeared. Now, not an angel, I guess, as others would see him. And there's no wings. This is an entity. This is a powerful being who is standing there, but he's an angel. I know he's an angel. No question about it. I do believe in angels. I've always believed in angels. What we need to do is realize that we all do have a guardian angel. We have somebody who is silently helping us, but we have to be receptive to that help. Music Angels to me have given me a different kind of energy, a different kind of thought. And I have discovered that my goal or my mission is to awaken people to their fullest potential. Music I still was afraid to live with the cancer, and I think my angels have helped me with this. I'm no longer afraid to live. I feel that it's a miracle, a very big miracle in my life. I know that I have a guardian angel. It's not something I went looking for. I didn't try to convince myself that I had an angel when I heard they existed. They just kind of popped up one day and started presenting things to me that I know did not originate from inside of myself. They're here to support and inspire us. They're here to encourage and love us. They're here to let us know the good news, and the good news is that we are indeed very loved. The angels we most often speak of are guardian angels, angels assigned to watch over and protect us. They may appear in different forms to different people, sometimes in the touch of a friend, sometimes as a kindness from a stranger, and sometimes as only a voice whispered in our ear. I had a basic Methodist upbringing. I believed in God. I believed in trying to do the best I could, but the fact that I actually have an experience that would change your life and affect me in such a way that would increase my spirituality beyond anything I ever had within the organized religious churches, I had no concept there was anything that great out there. In February of 1989, Sherry Peterson was a travel agent about to embark on a flight from Los Angeles International Airport to Sydney, Australia, with a stopover in Hawaii. Having flown thousands of miles in her life, Sherry had no reason to suspect that flight 811 would be anything but routine. There were a lot of unusual incidents that occurred that didn't seem unusual at the time. When I was going to the airport, a friend of mine took me to the gate, and we've been in the airline business together for years, she and I worked together for years, and all the years we've flown together, we've never walked each other to a gate. She walked me to the gate, told me to have a safe trip, and we looked at each other like, well, why are you doing this? And neither one of us could really, it was just like something we needed to do, but we didn't know why. So we got on the airplane in California, and I remember looking at it thinking, this is really an old airplane. And on the back of my mind, with that came, geez, I hope it makes it across the water. I've never, ever thought that before. I got on the airplane, everyone was boarded, and I had an urge, which I never do, flying a lot, to really look at everyone sitting around me. You know, actually have eye contact. I remember just looking at them and studying them and thinking, how odd it is that I'm going to be with these people for 8 or 10 hours, and I'll never probably talk to half of them. It was just this urge to really honor their presence. It's the best way I can put it. The flight attendant was walking down the aisle, I was seated on the aisle, and we had eye contact that was very unusual, too. It was a connection where we just looked at each other like, no, I'm here. I even thought, then that's odd, flight attendants usually don't give you that kind of an eye contact. Flight attendants, prepare cabin for takeoff and cross check. We took off at 1.53 in the morning. I did notice that there were thunderstorms showing up on our radar 100 miles south of Honolulu, so I kept the seatbelt sign on. As flight 811 began its ocean crossing, Sherry and her fellow passengers settled in for the second leg of the journey. I had put my seat back, and I was thinking about taking a sleeping pill for this 8-hour trip, and this thing popped into my mind, don't take a sleeping pill in case there's an emergency. And I thought, where did that come from? And I thought, that's really weird. And I thought, okay, I won't, I've got a book, I'll read it for a while. I put the seat back a little bit, and I loosened my seatbelt, and I heard someone had leaned over and whispered in my ear, in my right ear, Fasten your seatbelt. I was fully expected to see a person standing there, it was that loud. And then when I turned around, there was no one there, it startled me. I mean, it was like, what's going on here? And that's when all of a sudden I got this urge to tighten my seatbelt. After I tightened the belt, I became anxious. I thought, what's going to happen? But I, you know, and then the other side of your mind, again, your logical side's going, what's going to happen to me? I became anxious. I thought, what's going to happen? But I, you know, and then the other side of your mind, again, your logical side's going, this is ridiculous. And I thought, oh, for Pete's sake. So I even put the seat back more, and I remember hooking my thumbs into the belt and closing my eyes, which I am so glad I closed my eyes, because what happened next was not pretty. All of a sudden, it was like some giant hand reached, grabbed my chest, and just absolutely pulled as hard as it could. And all of a sudden, you've got a hole. The people are gone. It's pitch black, and the entire airplane's gone. I mean, that's how quick it was. It was the blink of an eye. That's the only way to describe it. It was like one second they were there, and the next second they were gone. Initiate emergency. We're ready to go. We're ready to go. We're ready to go. We're ready to go. That's the only way to describe it. It was like one second they were there, and the next second they were gone. Initiate emergency. We know we had a tremendous emergency going because it threw the airplane up and to the left. I sent our flight engineer down to see what was going on. He came back up, and he said, Captain, we have a large hole in the right side of the airplane. There are people injured, people missing, and by the way, number four engine's on fire. We declared emergency, did a 180 back to Honolulu. We couldn't maintain altitude. So, yeah, it was four. We got a hole in the right side of the airplane. Captain Cronen and the crew immediately suspected bomb, but the actual explosion was due to a faulty cargo door bursting open during ascent. The explosion decompressed the passenger cabin and ripped a hole in the fuselage. Nine passengers sitting immediately in front of Sherry were sucked out to their deaths as the out of control 747 plunged toward the ocean. The very first emotion was disbelief. This can't be happening. It's pitch dark. The wires that have come down are now clicking into each other so you're sparking in the dark. You can see the engine's on fire, and now the plane is heading down. I look to my right, and the gentleman to my right seat is at about a 30-degree pitch forward. And where his feet would sit on the floor, the floor was gone. And so I'm holding onto his arm and looking him in the eye like, don't look down. And my next emotion is, at what point do I let go of this man? And under his seat was the flight attendant that I had the eye contact with. She was pretty distorted and definitely injured, and I grabbed a hold of her because I didn't know what was going to happen to her. And she's looking up at me like, what is going on? There was a flight attendant standing on the aisle, and it was so noisy. She had a megaphone, and she was trying to give us instructions. And the veins on her neck were standing out. She was screaming so loud, and you could hear nothing except the 747 engines. And now we're doing 400 miles now, and the wind is now coming in. The couple on the other side were whispering to each other, and I'm sure they were saying their final words to each other. But I was traveling alone. These were the last people I was ever going to see. I'm looking at these people going, these are the last people I'm ever going to have contact with. These are my last experiences on Earth. This whole flight was 17 minutes, so a lot happened in 17 minutes. I closed my eyes for a minute just to gather myself, and I was trying to say, if there's anybody out there that can hear me in my thoughts, please help me. And in my mind's eye, I saw this hand just swoop out of the clouds, and it was just this big hand that would go under the 747 and just bring it down gently. And it surprised me so much. Now we're on two engines, and with that weight, we're coming down like a stone at the rate of 1,500 feet a minute. He brought the 747 in very high over the runway, and the flight attendants were trying to get us to put our heads down. Of course, I'm going, no way, this is the last thing I'm ever going to see, so I'm sitting there watching us come in. Of course, I'm sitting right by the hole. There were fire engines and rescue crews and ambulances everywhere. They were expecting, of course, 400 people burned or dead. The captain came in. He had it nose down. He brought it down and set it down perfectly. Everybody started applauding. Applauding, laughing, yay, we're here, sigh of relief. The first time I saw the hole, I just couldn't believe it. The size of this hole was large enough to drive an 18-wheeler through. The odds were against us, and only by God's grace were we able to bring that airplane back. I can't tell you how surprised I was when we landed safely. I'll never forget that when I was on the runway. It was raining in Hawaii, that very soft rain, and I turned back and looked at the airplane, and I just was like, what just happened here? I had to sit down for a minute. I was shaking. I believe the angels had something to do with this. Why they did, that I can't answer, but I just know that I asked for help, I received it, and from that point on, I've discovered a way to enhance the connection, and it's done nothing but enhance my life. I've never seen my angel, but mine comes to me when I get more quiet, and I call it an angel hug, but it's like absolutely a soft feathery down blanket encircles me in this warmth, and it is absolutely the most loving, tender, unbelievable feeling, and at that point, I know that whatever I'm about to do can't be wrong. I believe they want to be summoned, but I suspect that if there's one helping me, or several helping me, that they're available to help everyone if they ask. That airplane ride was one of the best things that ever happened to me. I can't imagine living my life now without this presence, in that it's so comforting to me to know that I'm not alone. Here's good news for car buyers. The official Ford Factory clearance sale is on now. Ford dealers must clear their 95 stock, and for a limited time, you can get free air conditioning on all new Festivas, Mondeo sedans and Mondeo wagons. You'll also find massive clearance savings on lasers and even Falcon, plus thousands of quality used cars at bargain prices. See your Ford dealer during our once-a-year official Ford Factory clearance. You may never buy a new Ford for less. Yeah, it's really good news. What'll it be, ladies? Mine was a Chablis, thanks. Another champagne, please. All right, OK. I can't believe that. I think she's really excited. Right, what'll it be this time? Just mineral water, thanks. God, I hate it when you get all sensible on me. Champagne, thank you. Ladies? Another mineral water, thank you. Oh, don't get all boring on me. I'm having another champagne. Right. What'll it be this time, ladies? No more, thanks. Come on, Laura, I'll drive you home. Don't be silly, I'm fine. Next time you're out after work, what'll it be? A safe drive home or a tough test on the way? The test is positive. You'll be required to submit to a breath analysis. Drink drive, what'll it be? Oh, there you go, two large pizzas. Yes, yes, I know. Large, hot, delicious pizzas. Still for $15.90, I take it. Yep. Why do you always give me the cell? Dad, it is a commercial. You're right, two large pizzas, $15.90, phone 131166. Let's start with the number one U.S. single by Whitney Houston. At TLC, Aretha Franklin, Tony Braxton, Patti LaBelle, and Brandy. They're all on the number one U.S. album, Waiting to Exhale. With all new tracks written and produced by Babyface. Don't hold your breath. It's time to exhale. New Wild Berry Fruity Bix from Sanitarium. All the goodness of Wheat Bix with delicious chunks of real fruit. Gotcha! Can you imagine a better start to the day? You fell for it! Please let me out! Let me out! Please let me out! Please let me out! Let me out! Please let me out! Yeah. New Wild Berry Fruity Bix from Sanitarium. On today, tonight, the grand old men of Australian music. Now, Mr. Dawson. Yes, Mr. Dusty. Dusty and Smokey still drawing big crowds of country music fans. They're legends, they're living legends. 6.30 tomorrow. Continuing Seven's reputation for drama excellence. Don't miss the show with more drama, more emotion, more heart. The Emmy Award winning Chicago Hope. Returning in an all new season soon on Seven. Angels appear to us in moments of imminent peril. But they may also come to heal the sick and the suffering. There are many sacred sites around the world celebrated for their healing powers. And for centuries, millions of people have flocked to these places, hoping that the angels may perform a miracle. But miracles also occur every day, in little known places, at the hands of ordinary people, through the guidance of angels. Many healers speak of the experience of having angels present with them when they're doing their healing. And some of these healers actually have seen the angels. Others have reported that clients, patients have had an experience of angelic presence during the treatment. I think that angels definitely exist. And I think that they do help people in this earth. And I think that we're seeing a lot more occurrences of this in this day and age. And I'm not quite sure why, but I think that in the future, medical doctors are going to be much more in tune with the patient's spiritual side. In Atlanta, Georgia, Atel Deloge calls on the power of angels to help her heal the sick. I've dealt with almost every kind of illness, I think, that you can mention. When I am working, the angels are there, my angels who work with me, and the patient who has come to me for help, of course, has his or her angel as well, who is there. And we all work together. Atel has a long background in spiritual healing. She first discovered her unusual power as a five-year-old girl. I remember my mother always having very excruciating back pain. And one day I put my hand on her back when she was hurting, thinking, poor mommy. And much to her surprise, the pain stopped. She probably thought it was a coincidence of some kind. But then after that, whenever her back hurt, she would ask me to put my hand on it, and the pain would always stop. Atel's healing powers continued to grow as she did. At one point, she taught classes in alternative medicine at Johns Hopkins University. Today, most of her patients come as referrals from medical doctors. Most of the doctors that I work with now over the years, I first had to help. So once they had the experience themselves, then they would start referring people to me. When I have a patient lying on the table in front of me, I see these angelic hands over my hands, guiding me to the right place on the person's body to heal them. I always see these hands. They're glowing hands. They're always there. They're always there. One of Atel's most dramatic successes was the case of Alexandra Woodhouse, who came to Atel as a ten-year-old girl with severe vision problems. Alex was born with bilateral cataracts, and at approximately the age of three months, she underwent surgery, a series of surgical operations for both of those cataracts. Because of some related problems, the prognosis at the time was not especially good. By the time Alex was ten, she had extremely limited blurred vision. When her family decided to take her to visit Atel. The only thing I remember is being on the table, and I remember a sensation kind of magnetic-like around the area of my eyes. Her hands just went around and around, up and down, as if she was moving something physical, but she wasn't. The day after I visited Atel, I went to the eye therapist, and they were blown away at the results. They didn't know that I had been seeing Atel. They wondered what had happened. They didn't really have any medical explanation for it. In two visits, Alex's visual acuity more than doubled. The medical community is at a loss to explain the improvement, but Atel understands the power of angels. When I'm introduced as a healer, I'm always very quick to say, I don't do the healing. I don't decide whether you're going to get well. That's up to the higher forces, the angelic forces. That's up to the angels. Experiencing it at that young an age helped me to be more accepting to the fact that, yeah, it's possible to do these things that most people say aren't possible. I do believe in miracles. I do believe in angels. Healing can come in many different forms. A body may be saved from a terrible disease, a heart may be restored to love and kindness, or a soul may be reminded that the greatest gift we as human beings can receive is life itself. Not all people are instantly healed of these grand things. Sometimes their diseases don't go away, but they receive a different kind of healing, which sometimes is the healing that they needed. We don't always get what we ask for. We always get something. And sometimes it's better. In 1991, my doctor told me that I had maybe three years to live, which my time is up. You know, I should not be here. In July of 1992, I became so ill that I could no longer work, could not walk. And during that time, while I was in my bed, I was preparing to die. An angel appeared at the side of my bed, and this was very clear. He appeared as a light, but the thing that I remember the most is his wings. His wings were very apparent, and I could hear them. I could hear the wings. And he took my hands and lifted me up, and we flew out of my bed, up through the ceiling. And I don't know where we went. I just remembered the sense of leaving. And it was as if I was dying and being lifted up. That's what I thought had happened, except I didn't. What did happen is I started walking. I was able to function in a normal way. My symptoms started disappearing, some of them immediately, some of them slowly. I continue to give the appearance of being more and more well. It's difficult for some of my friends who saw me last year to even understand what's happening. It's difficult for my doctors to understand what's happening. They don't want to necessarily give credit to the angel experience. But something happened. I don't feel that I am cured. All of my blood tests, all of my laboratory tests continue to show evidence of my deteriorating physical condition. But my mental, my spiritual, my whole relationship with living, I think, has really been impacted by the angel visitations. What I find now is instead of spending my time dying, which is what was happening, now I don't spend any time dying. I spend my time living. It's gone eight. Where is everyone? They'll be here. Oh, chads. Sorry. We did say Saturday, didn't we? I did. Ah, see? I made them myself. Well, they love chads. I made them myself. Oh, chads, the great entertainer. Before you hit the road, see your Ford dealer for a $99 service special. Get your spark plugs replaced, lube, oil and filter changed and much more. All for just $99 at your authorized Ford dealer now. With Kino, you can choose from all sorts of combinations to give yourself the best chance. What other game gives you that kind of inside edge? Right now you probably have some insurance with one company. Morning. Some with another insurer. Morning. And some with yet another. Morning. Whereas you could have all your insurances at one place. Morning. SGIC. Morning. Morning. And get a much better deal. OK, I'd like 12 months cover for my car. My house. My life. So, what can you do for me? Dan, what's the deal? 12 months on three different kinds of insurance. Well, how about a three months cover on each insurance? A three month? Or you might prefer 10% off the combined premiums. 10%? I like that. I'll take the three months extra cover. Yeah, the three months. No way. Take the 10% discount. Well, it's up to you which option you take. Definitely the three month. 10%. The three month. The more insurances you have with SGIC, the more you save. SGIC. We'll see you through. Babysitter's Club. For the best summer of your life. Join the club. The Babysitter's Club. When the temperature soars and you're nearly melting, there's only one way to find relief. Before the heat really gets to you, insulate with ACI Pink Pats. This or this? Nah. This. This or this? This. This or this? Nah. This. Get real with the boss. Inside their hearts lies unspeakable evil. Other monks will meet their deaths here. Only his mind holds the answer to a murderer's puzzle. Beware of this place. The superb mystery thriller, The Name of the Rose, including Friday on 7. There's an old story about a man crossing the desert without food, without water, without hope. He cries out to his guardian angel for help, but none appears. All alone, the man struggles to an oasis and is saved. Angry at the angel for deserting him, he calls out bitterly, Why did you abandon me? Why were mine the only footprints in the sand? Why weren't your footprints beside mine? And his angel replies, There was only one set of footprints because I was carrying you in my arms. Lake Mendota is a glittering jewel on the banks of Madison, Wisconsin. But when winter comes to the Midwest, the lake surface is transformed into a treacherous terrain of snow and ice. As evening fell one bleak February day in 1975, outdoorsman Bill Lindemann set off on a rugged hike across the frozen lake. I started walking over the lake surface, which is rather rough, windblown, drifted, not an even smooth surface. Snow continued to fall more and more heavily. Finally, at one point, the shore became obscured and I couldn't tell exactly which direction I'd been going in. I could walk fine, I was upright, I was mobile, I wasn't particularly cold, I was dressed warmly, so I wasn't concerned. I was looking at the drifting pattern of the snow on the surface, so I'd find three drifts that had marks or patterns that I could line up that I could keep in focus. And I would reach the first one and then I would sight beyond the last one, so I was always moving toward one of those drifts in the same direction. Well, as I walked along further and further, the snow continued to get more and more heavy, the wind picked up, it was blowing and swirling, and finally I couldn't sight beyond what I could see right in front of me. So at that point in time, I knew I was in trouble. It finally got to a point where I couldn't discern the difference between the falling snow and the ground and it was a very weird feeling. It was like when I stepped, I couldn't tell that I was stepping on the packed snow. I couldn't see anything, it was totally disoriented. When I looked out, all I saw was falling snow. When I hit an uneven surface in one of the drifts, I fell. I was disoriented, I was dizzy, I couldn't tell if I was vertical, and without taking more than a couple of steps, I fell again. I began this pattern of standing, stepping, falling, fall one side, fall to the other side, I had no sense of my direction. It wasn't just being disoriented or lost, it was if something doesn't happen to change this, if the storm doesn't clear or something doesn't happen, I'm dead. I'm going to just crawl on this ice until I'm dead. I guess I recognized at that point how frail life is, how really marginal the fact that we live at all is. And at that point, I totally gave in. I said, hey, look, God, if you're out there, if you have any intention of me surviving this, then you're going to have to do something because I can't. At that point, I heard a very deep horn, like a foghorn. I had no idea where it came from. And I said, if that was a sign, you're going to have to make this loud and clear because otherwise I'm not going to get it. I need to know where it came from. And again, I heard this sound and I locked onto it and remember moving off into the direction it came from. As I began crawling across the ice, I heard a sound kind of like in the back of my head, like when someone sneaks up right behind you and whispers and it startles you and the hair stands up on your neck and you jump. I heard this voice say, watch out for the breakwater. And I realized the breakwater would have possibly kept the ice from freezing up and that if I fell into that water, I would probably drown. Bill let himself be guided by the mysterious voice, skirting the lethal breakwater and struggling to the bank where he collapsed in a snowdrift. There was a person who reached out and put his arms around me. He gripped me under the arms in a bear hug, like, get in here, get out of the cold, you dummy, you know, just reached out and felt myself being pulled into the building. Not everyone gets to a point in their lives where they realize that if they maintain absolute control over their lives, their lives are going to end immediately. I had to completely give up control of my life because I knew at that point that if I was the one who was in control, I would have been dead and that there would have been nothing else. I mean, it was cut and dry. Bill remembers little from the rest of that night, only that the man revived him and somehow he found his way home. As the next day dawned bright and clear, Bill returned to the cabin to thank his rescuer. The station was closed up. There was a sign on the door that said, closed for the season. I realized that something pretty unusual, unexplainable, miraculous had happened. There was no sign that anyone had been in the cabin for months. I believe that I was saved by an angel. If I hadn't believed that guardian angels were real, I wouldn't have asked for help. And if I hadn't asked for help, even if it came, I'm not sure I would have recognized it. You have to come to realize that there's a greater power working in the universe than the one that's just ticking inside your mortal body and that essentially everyone is part of that greater connection. And the angel said to the man, there was only one set of footprints because I was carrying you in my arms. The Nock is coming to Channel 7. Here's good news for car buyers. The official Ford factory clearance sale is on now. Ford dealers must clear their 95 stock with massive savings on all Ford light trucks like couriers from $16,990, Australia's lowest priced van, a Connovan from $17,777 and Falcon Ute from just $19,990. Plus, thousands of quality used cars at bargain prices. See your Ford dealer during our once a year official Ford factory clearance. You may never buy a new Ford for less. Max, where's breakfast? Oh, what do you want? Something high in fibre and low in fat. A nice blend of greens. A little honey. Apricots and filthanas. But not too many. Pay the list. I knew he'd forget something. I don't have anything else. Kellogg's just right. All right. It's the unique combination of ingredients that makes Kellogg's just right. Just right. Time Magazine says Get Shorty is to offer hilarious, beautifully acted screen time. I'm intrigued. With a cast like this, it had to be great. That's all there is to it. Travolta gives his best performance ever. I can meet with these guys, make the point of where they can understand. Hackman is a delight. The word gets around. DeVito is hilarious. And Russo is... I wanna know. Sexy. Not bad. Siskel and Eber give Get Shorty two thumbs up. This is gonna be my driving mistake. Now showing at cinemas everywhere. Check newspapers for details. Snap that trail, A. Be aggressive. 89% of top athletes polled prefer more carbos. And we got them. Powerade. After two weeks of continuous use around the home, a cheaper wipe doesn't stay as fresh as a new, improved Chuck's Super Wipe. So why cheaper wipe when you can super wipe? Hi, sis. Oh, George, so filthy. Nothing that Johnson's kids liquid wash wouldn't wash, right? Well, thank heavens for that. Created by Johnson's, such as pockets. The hardest thing about being a kid is to convince your parents to buy the things you like. But Hungry Jacks have an offer that even my parents will go for. It's a Simpsons back-to-school kit. There's a stamp set with its own ink pad, a set of pencils and a case to put them in, a diary for all those important dates with a page of colourful book labels. And the best part is you get each item for 95 cents with any Hungry Jacks value meal. There's a new one to collect each week. And at this price, you'd think Hungry Jacks was run by kids. You'd think she'd be feeling a bit better by now. It's like she's worse. Why is a teenage girl so upset? I need to talk to you. And who will win the trivia night? Where would you find the Dead Sea? Flathead, Marilyn or Irene? Home it away tomorrow on Seven. Take an exciting journey with the Crocodile Man when you join adventurer David Ireland in the beautiful ancient Kimberleys. I had to continually swallow my fear. Danger and excitement on Channel 7's World Around Us, 7.30pm Friday. Some people believe that angels appear more often to children because they are more open and more imaginative than adults. But perhaps angels come more often to children because they are the most vulnerable and the most in need of protection. I came from an abusive home. The abuse was physical. That predominantly on the part of my father. And the abuse occurred over an extended period of time. Many beatings. When I was a little over, a little past my ninth birthday, I had been told by my father to clean a rug that was in the basement. Boy, I can picture it. It's so vivid in my memory right now. The rug hanging over a wire in our basement and there were steel pylons in the basement also. No ceiling to the basement at all. My dad came home that afternoon and went down and put this big handled tennis racket like thing that I was supposed to beat on this rug and get all this dirt out of it with. And my dad, of course, took a whack at it and being much larger, much stronger, he got dust out of it that Bob Plummer the child was unable to. And so he went to his belt strap one more time after having tied me to one of the bars. While he was tying me to the bar, and I can remember how I said it, please don't let this happen anymore. And this angel appeared to me as a child, to me as a child, this was an angel. Beautiful, powerful, just an enormous figure standing there. And I said to him, make this be the last time. And the belt never hit me. This time the belt never hit me. He dropped the belt, he started crying, and he ran upstairs. After this experience, it didn't take long for Bob's guardian angel to once again offer help. The angel's guidance allowed Bob to use his love of music to escape from the abuse. The next day, when I went to school, my music teacher, and I can still remember her name, Mrs. Habeling, she called me into her office and she said, Bob, I've arranged an audition for you. And the angel was behind her. I could see him again. And he's standing there, he's just smiling away, but still as big and still as powerful as ever. She says, well, if you make it, you won't be going to school here anymore. And they travel all over the world. Boy, somebody has heard me. Well, I went to the audition. I was selected. I spent the next five years in the Columbus Boy Choir School, and I was very seldom home. It took me a long time to find out who he was. I didn't know that, I just know I had asked, and the angel had appeared. He said nothing at all. And yet, his silence spoke magnitudes. His power filled that basement, and it filled it with just a glorious silence. After that, late afternoon, in the basement of the house, after the abuse was stopped for that time, my father never touched me again. When we speak of angels, we most often think of love, compassion, and patience. Not every lesson can be taught softly. There are times when we must face great pain and loss, because that is when our greatest learning occurs. I was a cop for about five years, and the last several years, I was on a tactical unit and involved a lot of plainclothes work, some undercover work, and in 1975, our unit was involved in a couple of shootouts in which people were killed. One shootout in particular happened on Good Friday in 1975, and it involved a guy going berserk, and he shot two police officers, actually three police officers as they arrived on the scene. There was nothing we could do to get them out of there, because every time an attempt was made, the sniper would start shooting, and by the time it was all over, two of them were dead, and one was a quadriplegic. So I believe that's the day that I totally lost faith, and I turned towards bottle. I got to the point where I became a daily drunk, and I could no longer function on my job, and I had to leave, and then a period of years, I lost everything I had. I lost my home, my wife, family, everything. I lost literally everything I had because of my drinking. Allen's life continued to spiral, until he found himself alone and desperately ill, with no one to turn to. I was just in and out of this fever, and I was convinced I was going to die, and I remember thinking that my only regret was that I wouldn't get to see my son anymore. I wanted to see my son one more time. When I really thought I was going to go, I heard this voice, when I really thought I was going to go, I heard this voice say, fear not, for I am always with you, and at that point, it felt like a warm liquid rushed through my entire body, and my whole body became totally relaxed, and the fever broke. There was some spirit, whatever it was, that intervened at that point to help me, and that could have been an angel. I don't know what it was, it sounded like a male voice, but I felt a presence, and the fever broke exactly at that point. Allen slowly began to piece his life back together, and even to see a reason perhaps for his suffering. I realized that if I hadn't been through the hell I'd been through, that there's no way I would be where I'm at today. My pain caused me to look within myself, and in that way it was a great teacher, and it's what helped transform me, and to look inside me, and to cleanse myself, and try to become a better human being. Allen's life work today centers around giving back some of the love that the angels once gave to him. I've been involved with working with extremely emotionally disturbed kids, and for the last three or four years working with kids, mainly with a lot of family problems, a lot of social problems, sex abuse, physical abuse, neglect, alcohol and drug abuse. My whole job, in effect, is trying to protect these kids, and advocate for them, and try to empower them. They've been hurt all their lives, that's why our job is so important, to try to help them and love them back to health. It doesn't have to stay crazy out there, it can improve. I couldn't force anyone to believe it, but through my experiences, there's no doubt in my mind something exists outside of me that helps people, and I believe these are angels. It is said that at the moment of our birth, we are each assigned a guardian angel, whose instructions are, love this child, and watch over it. They are essential instructions intended not only for angels, but for people as well. This Seven News Update, brought to you by Colonial. Good evening. Tonight, stand by for an election date as early as this weekend. Today, Paul Keating announced the Australians of the Year, and John Howard faced angry students. Also, floodwaters on the rise caused havoc in three states. O.J. Simpson, unrepentant, he says he didn't do it, but he did say he was going to do it, and he did say he was going to do it. Floodwaters on the rise caused havoc in three states. O.J. Simpson, unrepentant, he says he didn't do it, and Mark Woodford on the eve of the match of his life. The story is at 10.30. I'll leave you with the national weather. Once I wished I was the moon. I drove men crazy. It was cool. But as the moon, I had to hide every 28 days. As a woman, I won't, because there's dry weave, only from whisper. It keeps the top cleaner and drier, giving me better protection. So as a woman, I will not hide, nor will I be stepped on or stared at by men with big telescopes. Whisper, cleaner, drier, better. Getaway in a Cherokee Sport for only $42,968. No more to pay. Hurry to your nearest Jeep dealer now. There are lots of things that'll have to wait until you're a bit bigger. But you don't have to wait for the bigger, cheesier taste of bigger super-slicers. Eat this! Mariah Carey's brand new album, Daydreams. With the number one hit single, Fantasy. The brilliant new song, One Sweet Day, featuring Boyz II Men. And ten more classic tracks. Mariah Carey, Daydreams. The mega family meal deal. For just $9.95, you get two whoppers, two hamburgers, four small fries and four small drinks. Hey Jack, got the hungry. 89% of top athletes polled. Prefer more carbos. And we got them. Powerade. So many copies of Bad Boys will guarantee. Bad Boys, it's another reason why. Angel encounters are being reported in greater numbers than ever before. And these sightings represent an increasing interest in our spiritual nature. There are those among us who have studied spiritual matters for many years. And their explorations are helping to introduce the mystery and wonder of angels to all of us. Matthew Fox is a priest and author who writes about his own views on angels and inner spirituality. Frankly, I don't believe they're angels. I know they're angels. You don't believe something that you've experienced. The fact is that people experience angels. And people always have. It's just understood that there's a spirit world by all religions. Angels, it seems to me, are not divided by Roman Catholic, Anglican, Lutheran, Baptist, Buddhist or Native American. Just as we don't have Anglican rivers and Lutheran sun and Buddhist oceans and Roman Catholic corn fields, so you don't have angels divided. Why then are we as people so divided? We're looking for something to fill our hearts with, our souls and hearts. And we've tried consumerism. It doesn't work. You can only drive so many cars and have so many refrigerators and eat so much food. What are we hungry for that we're not getting? And it is an experience of the sacred. Meister Eckhart says the great 14th century Dominican mystics said, God is at home. It's we who've gone out for a walk. So that's good advice. Return home. Wake up. I love that phrase about get a life, but I change it slightly. Get an inner life. Daya Mata grew up as Faye Wright in Salt Lake City, but her path has led her to become the spiritual mentor of thousands, including George Harrison. No question about it. I do believe in angels. I've always believed in angels. This world is tremendously infinite, and we do need those kinds of help from the beyond, so to speak. I've always felt that I've had a guardian angel. We have devoted 24 hours in the day to the pursuit of material things that have to do with this fleshly form. We feed it, we clothe it, we entertain it, we house it. Can each man in this world not give 15 to 20 minutes a day pulling his mind away from all of these things and give that 15 or 20 minutes to just thinking, uplifting thoughts, thinking how can we do good in this world, doing something that was uplifting to mankind? That's what's needed. Many of Daya Mata's students believe she is an angel on earth. In 1966, after Beatlemania and all the success that we'd had, I still felt like this isn't it. I need something else. And it occurred to me, this age-old question about who am I, where have I come from, and where am I going? And so I pursued that and it led me to India. George Harrison's spiritual path eventually led him to Daya Mata. There had been a lot of use of the word guru until it's been abused actually, but guru means dispeller of darkness. And Daya Mata, she is an angel in herself. She may not like to hear me say that, but the essence what people think, what is the essence of an angel, it's somebody who's angelic, somebody who has that divinity within themselves. Just the presence within a person like Daya Mata is what I would call the angelic quality. Many people are discovering angels. Evander Holyfield is the former world heavyweight boxing champion. We all have angels, and it's our choice to use these angels or not. I truly believe that some people don't use the angel because they don't think they have an angel. I know that I have an angel because of how my life has been, and I was brought up to know that my protection is my angel. Evander discovered the power of spirituality early in life. Growing up in a family of eight and being the youngest one, not having a father there, and the older I got, you know, I realized that, you know, I got to be an example, you know, what a man is supposed to be. You cannot actually really call yourself a man if you're really not spiritual. Being spiritual is to be strong and not being soft. Spiritual is the strongest thing in this world. Some people have always lived a creative existence, but experiencing angels can change the expressions and the purpose of that creativity. The legendary guitarist Carlos Santana has stirred people with his music for three decades, but his recognition of the presence and the power of angels began many years after his music became his life. I feel very grateful because I've been doing this since 1955, you know, because my first words in English were like, sone mister fifty cents a song. Like most people, the first time I heard about angels was through my mom. But, you know, we've been lied so much about Santa Claus and so many things that it was hard to like take that as something that you can lean on. It was like Peter Pan or something. Although there are references to angels in Santana's music and even on his album covers early in his career, it wasn't until the 80s that he began to study angels in earnest. He soon discovered a new spiritual path for himself and his music. I started becoming really aware of the angels firsthand around 88, and that's the first one that I maybe realized that it wasn't something phony. The more I read about angels, the more I felt my music was changing. My goal now with music is not the same. It's not just to make people dance. Anybody can do that now. It's like saying anybody can think. We want people to be conscious. Being conscious is different than just thinking. Today, it seems as if Santana is directly inspired by his connection with the angels. You go to a place where you don't have to tell your fingers. This finger goes into this string or this bar or this volume or this amplifier. You go to a place where all of a sudden you hear a note that sounds like a flaming arrow. To me, it's like an arrow sound that I hear. Once I hear it, you hear it. At the start of every concert, Santana invokes the presence of the angels. We always say it's a great joy to be here tonight in the concerts. We feel very grateful to see you here. Before we start with the sound vibration, we encourage you to look with your heart and not with your mind so that you will see that we are all completely and absolutely surrounded by angels. We see them and we feel them dancing, forever dancing in the flesh. They're all around us. They're all around us. The spirits, the spirits dance with all around us. Angels to me have given me a different kind of energy, different kind of thought, different kind of goals. My food tastes different. My way of wearing clothes is different. I wear more bright colors. I have discovered that my goal or my mission is to awaken people to their fullest potential. My tools is sound and color. I do feel like we are making a connection with the angel kingdom. Angels are working really hard in our lives for us to wake up and discover other means to complement and enhance life on this planet. One of the ways Carlos Santana makes that angelic connection and works to better life in the world is through his support of the Mission Cultural Center in San Francisco. Here local artists are opening the creative floodgates for the children in their community. This is part of our outreach program to introduce children to the arts here at the center. And through the arts we teach them their culture. What you see here is the Angelitos, which is kind of an inspiration. Many of the ancient cultures have little symbolic angels to protect the children. And that kind of symbolizes to them a sense of protection, someone guarding over them. The children develop new talents that emerge as they create the angels they see in their imaginations. Einstein said imagination is more important than knowledge. So the next time a teacher sees a kid imagining something, don't hit him with the eraser over the head. Find out what he's thinking about. Maybe he's thinking a cure for cancer. But there's more being created here than mere works of art. There are healing energies present that help the children endure the hardships many have experienced throughout their lives. What did you think about when you were drawing that? When I was drawing it... I thought about my brother, who I never got to know, because he died. My uncle and my sister who also died. All of us carry a lot of pain. Healing means to be whole and sound. That's my job. I work with sound. So we heal people. I believe in my heart that angels today, what they long for the most is for us to have more compassion. When you do something for the highest good of all people, those are the fingerprints that angels leave behind. Heunday's Great Sailor of the Decade celebrates with free air conditioning on Australia's number one selling small car, the award winning XL Sprint, just $14,990, with Heunday's Great Warranty. Huge savings on every bed in store plus interest free finance. Sandy, Sandy, Sailor for two days at Captain Snooze. See ya, Sandy. Or Sandy. Freddie Mercury recorded one last new album with Queen. This could be heaven. Made in heaven. This could be heaven for everyone. This world could be fair. This world could be fun. Why don't you take another little piece of my heart? Too much love will kill you every time. The brilliant new Queen album, Made in Heaven. Ooh, it's bliss. Now the whole family can experience full on home theater. Get a piece of the action and rent to own this Sony ProLogic system with Dolby Surround for around $24 a week. Get into home theater at Radio Rentals. If your brakes are giving way, then get into Midas Fast. And for a limited time with every expert brake repair, you'll get an oil change, filter, grease and safety check valued at $29.95. Absolutely free. So for a quality brake repair with a 12 month unlimited kilometre guarantee and free oil change service, Midas are the experts. You might as well have the best. Snap that trail lane. Be aggressive. 89% of top athletes polled. Prefer more carbos. We got him. Powerade. Want to try Pert? No way. I tried it years ago. My hair needs a separate conditioner. It's changed. It conditions better than back then. But it's still a shampoo and conditioner in one. And I don't like it. Wrong. Pert now contains not one, but three conditioners. Individually balanced for your hair type. We'll see. Well, it is actually better. I can feel it. Feel the difference three conditioners can make in Pert. Tune in to 7 on Saturday for a truly nutty television experience. Side splitting bloopers. Wacky commercials. And amazing goofs. In TV bloopers and practical jokes. Saturday at 8.30 on 7. The golden rule says do unto others as you would have them do unto you. And while the helping hands of angels can reach out to anyone, perhaps their light shines brightest. On those who freely give love and support. This is a story of one woman who was always there for others. When her time of danger came, the angels were there for her. Mrs. New Velvet Washington teaches learning disabled and emotionally disturbed children in Washington, D.C. She often invokes angels to help her students achieve their full potential. Sometimes when I get a student that's older and they can't read. If I'm going to test them that morning to see if they have learned some of the words. Or just going to read to me on a one to one. I dispatch angels to help them. A recent family crisis brought New Velvet into personal contact with the angels. When her sister-in-law fell gravely ill, paramedics were called for but the ambulance had no room for New Velvet. And she drove to the hospital separately. As I was driving, I started to pray because I knew that she was really sick. So I started praying to save her life because she takes care of three grandchildren. And if something happened to her, I don't know what would happen to the children. Full of concern for others, New Velvet was unaware that she faced mortal danger. This car came for my life and it was really speeding. I thought that the accident was going to happen. I said, oh God. I saw my life flash before me. I just felt that once the impact took place, that was going to be it. That's when I felt the hands. I felt these hands touch me. And then the next thing I knew, I was above the accident scene looking down. And the hands were still there. And I was just amazed at what I was looking at because I was just actually looking at the accident. I just felt that if I was in that car, I would be dead. And I said, gee, I'm looking at my life. And then I wasn't sure I wasn't already dead because I was up there looking down. So I was wondering if I was alive because I could see my body still in there. Officer Edward Roach was the first help to arrive. I received a call and I responded to the scene immediately as I drove up. The scene was total chaos. Cars were strewn all over. The first thing that I thought of when I pulled up on the scene was how many fatalities there were because I've never seen one this serious before. When I walked over to New Velvet's car, I presumed that she was either dead or seriously injured. The other drivers were gravely injured, but New Velvet was protected by angelic hands. I felt myself descending back down into the car and the hands lifted off me. I started feeling myself to see if I was really there. And I couldn't see too well because I didn't have my glasses. And then I started feeling the car and it was there. And the windshield wasn't broken. And I kept looking around and I kept feeling for, I don't know, I always thought blood is always everywhere and I didn't see any. And that's when I realized that those hands had to be hands of angels. This night forever changed New Velvet and her entire family. Her sister-in-law recovered and the whole family gives thanks to the angels for averting multiple tragedy. I believe if it hadn't been for the angels, I know I wouldn't have had a sister today. I know I wouldn't have. But I thank God for angels. I thank God that I know about angels, that they exist. New Velvet has always been a loving and caring person, but now there is something more. There's a big change because there's a glow about her. You can just see it all the time. Even if she's not even smiling, she's glowing. And I just love you so beautiful. You know, it's the end with beauty that's coming up. It was something else that God wanted me to do and I hadn't done it yet. And that's why my life was spared. I just hope that I'm doing it each and every day. And I know that if I'm not, He will come to me and tell me through His angels. The angels bring many gifts, rescue and moments of peril, inspiration for our lives, healings of the body and soul. But the greatest gift they bring, simply said, is love. That tenderness, that feeling of being totally heard and accepted and loved and valued, is so rare. And yet the angels are so free to give that to us without any demand. There's no requirement that you need to lose ten pounds or cut your hair and then I'll love you. Angels simply don't work like that. There's a never-ending source of acceptance and love and tenderness. It blows me away. In Sedona, Arizona, a spiritual haven for those searching for physical as well as emotional cures, Leah Stenette, along with her husband Doug, practiced the art of angelic healing. Long before Leah discovered she had angelic healing power, she had been in a stressful and unfulfilling career as a graphic designer. Then in 1986, she says the Archangel Michael, the chief of all angels, appeared before her. Before my first angel encounter, I was not aware that there was even an energy in the unseen world, as we call it. I was sitting at the kitchen table, I was writing some messages and suddenly felt a different type of energy come in around me. My hand suddenly became very warm and energized. It's like someone has taken a grip around your wrist and is going to move your hand for you, but there's no physical person present. My hand wrote by itself, I am Michael. It was a writing very different from mine and I questioned, who are you? I don't know any Michael. My hand again became warm and tingly and this time he wrote, I am Archangel Michael. And he underlined it in a squiggly line that I'll never forget. And then he asked me to stand, he says, I will show you who I am. Walk now down the hall to your bedroom and stand before your mirror. So a little bit reluctantly, I got out of the chair and walked down the hall to the bedroom. And as I'm looking in the mirror with my eyes fully opened, I saw this glowing blue light. It filled the entire space in front of me and he said, I am Michael. And together we will save the children. Leah was overcome with emotion, yet puzzled by the angel's message. She didn't understand what he meant by, we will save the children, until two years later when the angels inspired her to begin a teaching series of classes called the Circle of Angels. During these classes, Leah feels the angels assist her in healing children going through traumatic experiences in their lives, both physical and emotional. In the Circle of Angels they learn to meditate. We help them to release fears, helping them study for tests for instance in school, or to be happy in an environment where they may be confronted with divorce. Children need something to grasp right now. They watch television, they see a lot of violence, they feel a lot of anger. School is empty to them. They have a feeling of hopelessness. The angels are messengers, they help the children realize that they are important. Just having my kids here and teaching them the side about angels is really going to help them survive in society. And it's time, and these kids right here, this is the next generation, and it's going to change consciousness in a lot of ways. In addition to using her angelic powers to inspire and heal children, Leah has also illustrated and written a series of books called the Little Angel Books that show children how they too can call upon the angels. My greatest gift from the angels to humankind, to this planet, is the ability to help people recognize that we are all truly one people in one family of light. Noni and John are back with new handy hints. What better place to start the new year? From little projects to big ones, their team of experts will show you how to do it. Trying a climber is really easy. Better Homes and Gardens returns Tuesday, then at 8. We've got a great show for you. All new adventures, stunning new holiday spots. I've just caught half a fish. They are so cute, fantastic. The Great Outdoors, right after Better Homes and Gardens, Tuesday on 7. Hi, sis. Oh, George, so filthy. Nothing that Johnson's kids liquid wash wouldn't put, right? Well, thank heavens for that. Created by Johnson, such as Pockets. KFC's new two-piece feed. Two pieces of chicken, chips, potato and gravy, a bread roll and a huge 600ml Pepsi quick slam, all for just $3.95. In celebration of 100 years of Australian cinema, you now have the chance to own some of the finest, most loved Australian movies of all time, including two of our biggest successes, The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert and Muriel's Wedding. And homegrown drama at its best, Hammers Over the Anvil and No Worries. Buy Australian, watch Australian, collect Australian and support the Australian film industry. Available now, wherever videos are sold. She froze. All around was darkness and silence. A deafening silence. And then she heard it again, now louder, clearer than before. She turned to run, but the sound grew closer, hungrier. Her foot caught a stone, she stumbled and fell. And then, with a hideous, tormented scream, the beast plunged towards her. And then, with a hideous, tormented scream, the beast plunged towards her. Instant scratches, the instant thriller. Kodak gives you the latest in film technology. The Kodak Gold III 400 speed film. In overcast and fading light, 100 speed films can often give you dull, ordinary photos. But Kodak Gold 400 film has the extra flexibility to capture more of your moments in clear, natural colour. Kodak Gold III 400 speed film. Extra flexibility for better results. And now you can turn every Kodak Gold Dining Offer pack into one free main course at any participating restaurant. The Kodak Buy One, Get One Free Early Bird Dining Offer. Conditions apply, see packs for details. What's in a lemon and lime berry fruity? Pure spring water and a tantalising drop of fruit. Berry, full of lime. In the course of our lives, we come into contact with many people. For most, we never know if our lives have really touched theirs. But sometimes, with the help of angels, we're given the chance to share in the journey of another. In April of this year, I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer, which had spread to, well, they named the places and I thought they would never quit naming the places that were affected. And I've just learned in the last week that it's also in the liver now. When you find a person with an ovarian tumor, which has metastasized, that is to say, tumor cells are spread inside the abdomen, and in her case, inside the chest also, it's a death sentence. Virginia faced the frightening prospect of emergency surgery. Before entering the operating room, she had a surprise visit from her angels. So I was a little nervous, needless to say. When they wheeled me into the operating room, they put me in a holding area and I was shaking. I had my eyes closed and I heard this noise. I looked up and there were two huge angels. I can't describe exactly, but I knew that they were very, very powerful. And I thought, well, I could, knowing that I could die any minute, I could think they have come to take me to heaven. But instead it was a feeling of they were there to protect me. So I immediately quit shaking and relaxed and went into surgery just very calm. Virginia did not have to wait long before her next angel contact. They were like maybe five or six feminine, not as big as the ones I had seen before, but they lifted me up. And I thought maybe this is like what it's going to be when you die, that you leave your old, sick, heavy body behind and you're so, so free and so weightless. We went to some of my relatives and to some of my friends and they were all in bed asleep and the angels would touch their cheek with their wings. I didn't know if we were saying goodbye to them or what, but it was such a wonderful, peaceful, happy feeling. There was nothing sad about it. If you ever wake up in the middle of the night and feel a breeze on your cheek, you've been touched by an angel. Virginia underwent conventional medical therapy, but she was also guided by her angels to pursue alternative medical treatment. She was introduced to Myra Starr, a spiritual healer who had her own life-changing encounters with angels. Before 1989, Myra Starr was a corporate manager with no strong religious or spiritual convictions. My dream was to have 365 outfits, so I only had to wear one at a time a year. And I was known as the Terminator at one company because I went in and had a very harsh job of going in and firing people, dealt with a lot of hard type people. It never fazed me. I could do it without blinking an eye. But then on November 11, 1989, something happened that would forever change the course of Myra's life. I was up that morning giving myself my injections for allergies, and when I gave myself the shots, I realized I was in trouble immediately. Myra struggled upstairs to reach her husband. Within a matter of minutes, I was in convulsions. I remember just feeling a whole lot of pain and swelling and not able to breathe. And at one point, all I wanted to be able to do was to look at him and say, I love you one last time because I knew that there was no more breath left in me. As Myra collapsed into unconsciousness, her husband called for emergency assistance. By the time the team got there to work on me, I was floating above the body. And I remember looking down and seeing all these men in there working on me. But I was just content watching. And then the next thing I remember being in the vehicle, the ambulance, and I remember the man in the ambulance with me pulling the sheet up over my face. And it was as if part of me told him no to uncover, not to let my husband see me be brought out with a sheet over my face. And I remember him pulling the sheet back down and had it laid just across at my neck. I also remember going into the light. During the point of being in that light and in that secure feeling, I was told I would come back and teach. I remember that very vividly. Myra did come back, but she quickly discovered that everything in her life had changed. At first I tried to resume my corporate job, and the nickname Terminator no longer stuck. I couldn't go in and do the kind of things that I was so known for. It took me a few months, and I finally resigned from where I was working, took time, and just stayed home. It was during this time that Myra felt her first angel. I asked her, I said, who are you really? And she laughed, and she stood up, and she looked at me, and she said, but you know who I am. And I said, show me. And as I said, she gave the form of a young Indian woman. But as I looked at her, it was as if we would let a robe slide from our shoulders, and it fell to the ground, and she was the pure light. And she said, now you will remember, and you will have the gift you were promised in the light. The gift the angels brought was the power of healing. On July 25, 1994, Myra and Virginia met for the first time, asking their angels to guide them. When I first started working with her, I felt her body being very weak. And then as I worked around, and I touched the bottom of her feet, there was a beautiful tall white angel appeared at the crown of her head. And as I envisioned looked, it took and spread its wings, and they came all the way up and arched over its head. As giving its approval, and understanding, and go ahead for her to continue on with what she has to do here. Because she has a beautiful mission, and she will be able to finish that, and allow the healing to take total place within her body. I could feel strength entering my body that I haven't felt in a long, long time since before my illness. So it's just a wonderful feeling. I feel like I could conquer the world at this point. Three months after her healing session with Myra, Virginia received astounding news from her doctor. My health has improved incredibly since that time, and I've had such good reports from the doctors. And so many of the tumors have disappeared, and I just am doing so much better than anyone ever expected me to do. I think it's truly miraculous that she is still alive, and I've been dealing with patients like this for over 30 years now. I've never seen anyone do this well six months later. I was so frightened, and I was so very, very sick. And my experience with the angels in the hospital helped me not to be afraid to die, but I still was afraid to live with the cancer. And I think my angels have helped me with this. I'm no longer afraid to live. I feel that it's a miracle, a very big miracle in my life. That regardless of what happens whether I live or die, I'm no longer afraid. Science often attempts to explain away miracles of healing as luck or coincidence, or nothing more than chance. To the faithful, though, chance is simply an angel's way of performing a miracle anonymously. On today, tonight, the grand old men of Australian music. Now, Mr. Dawson. Yes, Mr. Dusty. Dusty and Smokey still drawing big crowds of country music fans. They're legends, they're living legends. 6.30 tomorrow. Time magazine says Get Shorty is two hours of hilarious, beautifully acted screen time. I'm intrigued. With a cast like this, it had to be great. That's all there is to it. When you meet with these guys, make the point of where they can understand. Hackman is a delight. Where it gets around to Vito is hilarious. And Russo is? Sexy. Siskel and Ebert give Get Shorty two thumbs up. This is gonna be my driving mistake. Now showing at cinemas everywhere. Check newspapers for details. 89% of top athletes polled. Prefer more carbos. And we got them. Powerade. 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In celebration of 100 years of Australian cinema, you now have the chance to own some of the finest, most loved Australian movies of all time. Including two of our biggest successes. The adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert and Muriel's Wedding. And homegrown drama at its best. Hammers over the anvil and no worries. Buy Australian. Watch Australian. Collect Australian. And support the Australian film industry. Available now, wherever videos are sold. It's gone eight. Where is everyone? They'll be here. Oh, Jacks. Oh, sorry. We did save Saturday, didn't we? I did. Ah, see. I made them myself. Well, they love Jacks. I made them myself. Oh, Jacks. The great entertainer. The Advertiser Channel 7 Sports Star of the Year Awards. With superb entertainment from Deborah Byrne, Rick Price, Julie Anthony and the Adelaide Symphony Orchestra. Proudly presented by St. George Bank. Soon on Adelaide's Channel 7. New in 96. The Mega Series Jag on 7. Where does inspiration come from? Is creativity in humans a spark of the creative force that made the universe? For thousands of years, angels have inspired artists as subjects of their work. But many people now feel that angels may be a source of creativity in all areas of life. Guardian angels may not only shelter us from harm, they may protect us from an impoverishment of the spirit. Through the ages, art has helped to shape the way in which people have thought of angels. Like mankind, the angels have gone through their share of changes. They've evolved and transformed from fearsome avengers to gentle messengers. The first angels were depicted in literature and art as fierce warriors. Archangel Michael, the Weigher of Souls and God's number one warrior, is said to have personally driven Satan and his dark angels out of heaven. Originally, Christian artists did not portray angels with wings. The original angels in Christian art were wingless. Wings were added at a later date in the first few centuries of the Christian era by artists as symbols. The artists wanted to get across the idea that angels were spiritual beings, that could move about very quickly, and then later artists added halos, the spiritual aura, the body of light that the angel consists of. The white robes that angels are often depicted as having are, I think, the artist's attempt to show the angel's body of light. A robe is natural to put on a figure. It's much easier to do that than to depict an angel. But did angels directly influence the creation of these works? Could the muses of the great artists and poets have been angels themselves? There are some cases in which people feel that the artist or the master literally possesses them in order to create a work of art. We know that Fra Angelico was one of the greatest of the Renaissance artists. I believe Fra Angelico used to pray for angels. But angels did not just influence painting. It's not just art and a painting that angels have inspired, poetry, great writing. I think a lot of the great novels are stories. I think the angels have inspired. The most amazing one to me is poetry. If you read William Blake, he, I guess, was considered quite insane during his time as an artist. He was a great artist. If you read William Blake, he, I guess, was considered quite insane during his time and he wasn't popular until 100 years later. But he said that he was under the guidance of angels night and day. Music is often said to be the language of the angels. Our expression, the music of the spheres, comes from Pythagoras, the ancient Greek philosopher. And Pythagoras had the idea that there is a stream of divine music that runs through the universe. This kind of heavenly or divine music is one reason that angels are often depicted playing musical instruments or strumming their harps. I think it's fair to say that there's a possibility that composers of great music are inspired by this heavenly stream. Through the works of artists, we have received many inspirational images of the angelic kingdom. In a highly mechanized world, this art has helped us to remember to stay in touch with our spiritual side. The Victorian-era artist E.C. Burns-Jones told Oscar Wilde, The more materialistic science becomes, the more angels I shall paint. Their wings are my protest in favor of the immortality of the soul. For centuries, angels were depicted in art as celestial beings interacting with the famous biblical figures. But modern works now show angels as forming a more personal relationship with ordinary people, guiding us through our trials and tribulations. Artists like Arthur Douay, Nancy Bright, and Karen Martin-Curry have been instrumental in creating this new way of thinking about and relating to angels. There are many paintings of angels, but almost all of them have side views. If you look at them, there's a portrayal of Gabriel making the Annunciation to Mary. It's usually a side view. It's only a few and far between paintings of angels that will have a front view. This has to do with the change in consciousness of humanity, that we could only experience the angel side view. We couldn't take the full experience. And now humanity is beginning to be able to experience the full direct gaze. Classical representations of angels often reflected biblical warnings about the dangers of sinning. Modern artists often focus more on creating angels that ask us to protect the environment and our fellow man. The angels are very compassionate. The angels care a great deal about what's happening on this earth. I know there's a lot of suffering. I see it. Why do we have all these problems that are besetting us? My answer to that is that the angels are seeking to awaken us in a new way. For Karen Martin-Curry, the angels inspire her as she begins a new painting. When I walk into my studio to paint, it's an experience that I usually don't tell many people. I begin doing the humblest of things. I scrape off the paint off my easel from the prior painting. I begin to go to the colors, and I let the colors speak because the colors are directly connected to the angels. We begin to do the work together. The images that I'm painting are experienced at the same time I'm doing it. I think that there are a lot of things that are happening on this planet this century. I think that there are a lot of things that are happening on this planet this century. I think that there are a lot of things that are happening on this planet this century. One of them is the development of a new art form. I think the heavens are asking us to create out of a new place. And I call this sacred creativity. We are the finest paintings of the divine. We are the sculptures of the heaven. Humanity and our development is the finest art project that has ever been. There are people who do act as though their very lives are works of art directed by angelic inspiration. Whatever your life's about, if you decide to bring the angels into it and live more creatively, you'll find a way. And the angels will help inspire you. You might all of a sudden want to do something you never thought you could do. Sally Sharp expresses her creativity through writing and teaching about angels. But until her own encounter with an angel, these abilities were locked inside her because of serious learning disabilities. I always struggled with my speaking and writing. I wrote backwards, and then I had a very hard time pronouncing a lot of words. And so I was sent to speech therapists, and then I was sent to a speech therapist. And handwriting specialists. But now that I'm pursuing a writing and speaking career, my greatest pains have turned into being my greatest joy. It was just three years ago when an angel came to Sally and gave her the strength to overcome her challenges. At that time, unexpectedly, I felt a presence and saw a white light to the right-hand side of me. And then I started receiving words, words by thought that came very fast, very clear. And I was led to get a notepad and a pencil. And at that time I started just writing this message that I was receiving. And the message was the closest thing I've experienced of unconditional love. She said that her name was Sylian, that she was my guardian angel, and that she had been with me all my life. She told me I would be a writer and to start recording my experiences and information. And you have to understand at this time, this was coming so fast, I was so deeply touched that I was crying with tears of joy and tears of pain at the same time. Sally eventually left a highly successful career as a sales representative to follow a new path with a new sense of purpose. In the beginning, I was led to just record my thoughts. And I didn't worry about how it was going to come together. I would go into this place with soft music and a candle lit and ask for whatever needed to come through to come through. And the words would just come. And they came very lovingly, gracefully, effortlessly. And it was like it was hard to even recognize my own work. Later, Sally wrote and self-published five books, the last two about angels. And now she conducts seminars on how other people can enhance their creativity with angels. And so when we go into this exercise, I want you all to try to just like turn a light switch on. You don't have to know what the question is, but your job, your exercise. My encounter with angels has really changed the way I look at having my disabilities with speaking and writing. Now I can look at it from a different viewpoint and almost be grateful for the challenges and the difficulties. Because now that I've overcome them, or overcame them, that it's instilled confidence in myself. And it's given me inner strength and a knowing that I can do whatever I want to do. Coming up shortly, an election in the air. It could be called this weekend. The trans-Tasman anti-nuclear rally turns nasty and the wars lead the way in the test. All that shortly. He knew from the start it was wrong. I'm married. But for Wayne, that's the attraction. He says he was in bed with you. And now it's started. She used you. All the evidence you need. Then we're home free. There's no turning back. You are in trouble, mate. It's the drama Australia loves. You sleep with a white belt, you suspect. I want everyone to know what he is. In a brilliant movie-length episode. He said we'd stay for a little while. Blue Heelers. Get out! A 30-Tuesday Australia's number one drama on Channel 7. 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For $9.95 you get two whoppers, two hamburgers, four small fries and four small drinks. What a deal. What a family meal. Hey Jack, I'll have some more of that. Hey Jack, got the Hungrys. I wasn't going to tell my friends I don't feel like riding cause I'm constipated. They'd say take a pill, take a laxative and hope it doesn't hit me real sudden. Then one simple idea gave me my freedom. Natural fibre therapy with Metamucil. Metamucil is made from psyllium husks, a rich source of natural soluble fibre and gentle enough to take every day. To give my body the extra fibre it needs to get regular and feel great. Metamucil, also available in smooth texture formula, the natural way to stay regular. It's interesting to note that during man's most ambitious adventure, space exploration, two astronauts felt compelled to take with them the words of a man who lived his entire life in a small midwest town. And though James Freeman never travelled into space himself, his words were quite literally heaven sent. James Freeman is one of the most beloved poets of our time. His poems have been published throughout the world, but his inspiration comes from a lifelong relationship with angels and the celestial kingdom above. Two astronauts, Buzz Aldrin and James Irwin, took his poems with them to the moon. It is interesting. Only twelve men have walked on the moon. Two of them carried something I wrote. I didn't know either of them. And I've met Irwin of course. Never have met Aldrin. But I've always felt that somehow I was meant to be connected with those moon flights. I don't know exactly why. One of Freeman's poems, I Am There, was left on the moon by James Irwin for future space travellers to discover. It was written under extraordinary circumstances nearly fifty years ago when James Freeman learned that his beloved wife Catherine was ill with cancer. Well I wrote I Am There out of a very, very deep need. Probably as deep a need as I ever had in my whole life. I was married and I loved my wife. She loved me. And we'd been married for thirteen years. And suddenly she told me she was ill, very ill, would I get a doctor. And I did and get a doctor to send her to. And I was scared. And when she went off to the doctor, I went to pray. And I started to pray when suddenly I heard a voice. Now I'm always listening for an inner voice. But the voice was so real, so audible, so not mine and not coming out of me that I actually turned around to see who was talking to me. And the voice simply said, do you need me? I am there. I was startled. And as I went on praying then, the voice began to say more to me. But I had an envelope in my pocket and finally I thought, hey I better write this down. Because I wanted to give it to my wife. Catherine really was the most important thing that ever happened to me in my life. Finding that woman and somehow being lucky enough to have her love me. Because she loved me. I've always thought maybe Catherine was an angel. Catherine was rushed into emergency surgery but the doctors were unable to remove the cancer. And then he told me that the operation had been futile. And that there was no hope for her whatever. And I went to her room and thought, I don't dare go in. But suddenly I heard her call, Jim, Jim. And as I went into that room, I laid down by her and put my arms around her. And it was awful, that awful sense I had. Oh gosh, this unbelievably horrible thing has happened to us. But as we lay there suddenly, I had a sense in the midst of all this agony. That something had entered the room and was surrounding us. I felt its arms almost. But I've always said I felt as if it were like clouds or wings. And it held us. And I had, and she had the same sense. She told me too, she was feeling what I felt. And it was a sense again of a presence. After Catherine died, James was moved to write about the experience. We lay close, close to one another. And an angel came with its wings, put out the flame and caught us up from hell. And wrapped us round with a wild tenderness I have not found before. A tenderness I have not found again. We clung close as to love's own breast, love's heart, and in our torment were at rest. You cannot wake in hell without bestering heaven. But let demons out and you start flights of angels. This is so. Although why it should be, I do not know. And I've always believed that. Because it was such a strong sense that with all this angering around me and ugliness of death. Suddenly I had that sense. That strong sense that suddenly in response to that came flights of angels. Do you need me? I am there. You cannot see me, yet I am the light you see by. You cannot hear me, yet I speak through your voice. You cannot feel me, yet I am the power at work in your hands. Though you fail to find me, I do not fail you. Though your faith in me is unsure, my faith in you never wavers. Because I know you, because I love you, beloved. I am there. We have debated the existence of angels for thousands of years. We keep thinking if we build a bigger telescope we may see them. If we conduct the right experiment we may somehow prove their existence. It is a noble pursuit this search for angels. But we may be looking in the wrong places. The indisputable evidence is in the lives of our families and friends who find the courage to face us and say yes. Their life has been changed, has been touched by this power we call angels. There need not be a rush of wings or a blinding flash of light. It is enough that where there was once pain, there is now hope. Where there had been suffering, healing has come. Where there was mistrust and anger, there is now love. These are the footprints of the angels. Thank you for watching. Music Friday night at 7.30 take a colourful journey with adventurer Dave Ireland as he shares his lifelong fascination with a ferocious and dangerous Aussie predator, Crocodile Man Friday on the world around us. Then at 8.30 a haunting tale of murder, mystery and intrigue set within the walls of a medieval monastery. Sean Connery, F. Murray Abraham and Christian Slater star in the smash hit movie The Name of the Rose. That's Friday at 8.30. Next on 7, the late edition of Seven Nightly News with Anne Fullwood. Music Music Music Music Music This program proudly brought to you by Ford Dealers Official Factory Clearance and Arnett's Jets, the great entertainer. Inside their hearts lies unspeakable evil. Other monks will meet their deaths here. Only his mind holds the answer to a murderous puzzle. Beware of this place. The superb mystery thriller The Name of the Rose, 8.30 Friday on 7. New in 96, the Mega Series Jack, coming soon on 7. Music Seven Nightly News is brought to you by Ansett Australia, one of the world's great airlines and the National Australia Bank, tailoring banking to your needs. Seven Nightly News with Anne Fullwood. Prime Minister Paul Keating's election eve challenge. The detective who bought heroin on his day off. And the comeback kid, Monica Sellis, does it again. Good evening. On the eve of Australia Day, Paul Keating has thrown out a challenge for the future and called on the nation to come to terms with the Aborigines. He was speaking at the announcement of the Australian of the Year, leading pediatrician, Dr John Yoo. But both the Prime Minister and John Howard have their eyes set on a more immediate goal, the imminent election campaign. Paul Keating was welcomed to Old Parliament House by the sound of the didgeridoo. His Australia Day challenge carried the same note. We need to come to just terms once and for all with the original inhabitants of the continent, the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Cultural diversity was further reflected in the announcement of the young Australian of the Year, 20-year-old pianist Rebecca Chambers, now studying in New York. Australian of the Year is Dr John Yoo, a doctor who has devoted his life to the care of children. Dr Yoo says he's proud of his Chinese heritage, but... I've always seen myself as an Australian and have felt very much part of this country, which has given me everything that I am today. The official ceremony was interrupted by brothel owner and Senate candidate, Madam Lash. So you'd rather lash the Prime Minister? Yes, other than John Howard, there's no competition. And students in Adelaide weren't cuddling up to John Howard either. Are you resigned to never winning the student vote, Mr Howard? Are you finished? I'm finished. But the opposition leader assured games were not on his agenda. I don't want to over-promise. I really don't. I would rather promise half of what people ask of me than deliver the light. The prospect of Mr Keating delivering an election date now seems imminent. Senior bureaucrats in the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, in charge of issuing election writs, have been put on standby as of this weekend. In Canberra, Elise Mooney, Seven Nightly News. The Federal MP who holds the marginal Victorian seat of Ballarat for the Liberal Party has cancer and is in doubt for the coming election campaign. Michael Ronaldson accompanied John Howard on a tour of the electorate just four days ago. In a statement Mr Howard said Mr Ronaldson had been diagnosed with cancer of the kidney but the doctors expected a full recovery. Ballarat is one of the Liberals' most marginal seats. It will be contested by Labor stalwart Jenny Beecham. There's been a dramatic development in the row over the New South Wales Governor. The opposition has forced a special sitting of Parliament in February to seek a referendum on changes to the Governor's duties. They include making the officer part-time role and turning Government House into an art gallery. Premier Carr at first dismissed the manoeuvring. I don't think it's appropriate for me to respond to stunts by the opposition. But the Carr Government will now seek to prorogue State Parliament next Wednesday to stop the recall. In Brisbane, three generations of one family have been wiped out in a shocking family massacre. Three children were among seven people found shot dead in what police believe was a murder-suicide. Residents emerged stunned from their homes as their street was overrun by police as the enormity of seven dead hit home. No! Everybody's in shock. Absolutely shocked. In the early hours of this morning at least seven gunshots erupted from this Hillcrest home. While a large number of neighbours heard the shots, it was another five hours before anybody called police. Basically I was in bed and I heard two loud bangs and it woke me up and that was the end of it. But it wasn't. At 10.30 neighbours peered into this rented car and spotted what appeared to be the bodies of two children underneath a blanket. Only then were police called. As officers arrived and started to search, the death toll rose by the minute. Four adults found inside and with the keys to the car, a third child was found on the back seat. At this stage police are following the line of a probable murder-suicide. All victims are believed from the one family, the only survivor, the pet dog. The grandparents were aged in their 60s, the mother aged 29 and father 32, their two girls, 11 and five, along with their brother, aged seven. Peter Dougherty, Seven Nightly News. The New South Wales Police Royal Commission has been shown sensational new videotape of a detective caught in the act dealing in heroin. The Senior Constable is the latest in a parade of officers who have been shown on a tape secretly recorded by Commission investigators. The early testimony from Senior Constable Peter Young was peppered with constant denials of any corrupt behaviour, including heroin dealing. But then the Commission revealed damning video evidence, showing Senior Constable Young visiting the home of an informant on his rostred day off. Young was being asked to buy some heroin, but he was suspicious. The informant knew all right he was wired for sound and working for the Commission for several months before this meeting in August last year. Senior Constable Young had been warned about perjury at the outset of the cross-examination and soon after the video was played, Justice Wood demanded to know why he'd been lying. Young then admitted he'd been dishonest. Adam Maltes, Seven Nightly News. Residents are mopping up in three states tonight after 24 hours of floods and storms. Among the worst hit, the tiny New South Wales town of Marundi, where a 28-year-old woman was swept to her death by surging floodwaters. There was little warning. Just minutes after the flash flood hit, the woman's home was inundated. She couldn't escape. Leanne, I think, made a run for her house to bit a cat, and then Mark thought he heard her yell out, oh, the house, and then it just smashed to pieces everywhere. Her body was recovered a short distance downstream. In the town centre, devastation. Buildings wrenched from their foundations, homes filled with metres of water and mud. This is bigger than the 49 flood, so these two fellows over here just inform me. In Queensland, Gundawindi is stocking up for days of isolation. How many trips have you done so far? Oh, I haven't been counting the trips, but I suppose we've probably done 50 or 60. The McIntyre River has encircled the town after breaking its banks. Where roads are severed, helicopters are airlifting in crucial supplies. Graziers who've battled years of drought are already mourning the loss of precious pasture, cotton and wheat crops, all under water. And in Victoria, the dairy town of Namurka is recovering from a mini tornado. Howling winds battered the district, unroofing homes and shattering windows. The driver of this utility badly injured when a falling branch speared his windscreen. Susan Elliott, Seven Nightly News. The trans-Tasman row over anti-nuclear credentials turned nasty today. As the Prime Minister's Canberra Commission on Nuclear Disarmament finished its first meeting, Foreign Minister Gareth Evans returned fire in a battle with former New Zealand Prime Minister David Lange. The Prime Minister was presiding in the Cabinet Room, wrapping up proceedings of what he titled the Canberra Commission on the Elimination of Nuclear Weapons. A week-long meeting of former international heavyweights, all now concerned about the bombs that some of them once commanded. The former New Zealand Prime Minister, who tried the same thing a decade ago, believes it's an election stunt by the Australian Government. If these people can convert the Australian Government into having an anti-nuclear position, they're a better man than I am. Well, David Lange has never understood the difference between posturing and performance, and he's showing no signs of improving his track record in that respect. The Canberra Commission concluded its first session with a communique saying there's more work to be done. Across the Tasman, the original anti-nuke warrior is less than enthusiastic. The idea that this Australian Government should propose to form a commission to eliminate nuclear weapons has an audacity about it, which when your stomach stops heaving at the very thought of it, it might have some merit to it. His stomach may be heaving, as he puts it, at our effort, but I'm afraid I can only say that I return the compliment. The Canberra Commission will meet again in New York in April. In Canberra, Dennis Grant, 7 Nightly News. Now overseas and in Bosnia, an explosion has rocked a compound housing Italian and Portuguese troops, killing three soldiers and wounding seven others. NATO officials say it was caused by the accidental detonation of ammunition, not by any aggressive action. At first it was thought the blast was caused by a mine. It's the most serious military accident since NATO troops began arriving in Bosnia to implement the peace plan signed in December. Ahead in 7 Nightly News, an Australian breakthrough in the treatment of child cancer, and protesting his innocence, angry OJ blasts out on TV. So don't, you know, don't tell me about mourning and suffering. I sat in a cell by myself, they wouldn't let me speak to another prisoner. 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You may never buy a new Ford for less. It's big. It's huge. No, not you, Jeffrey. McClay's Coughlin Street Bulk Store. Just look at these rolls of carpets. What a range to choose from. Hey, there's a big bargain hunter. The vinyl flooring savings are huge, with rolls and rolls of quality vinyls and great curtain bargains. Here's how you really get on top of the bargains at McClay's Bulk Store. It's big, so is that. Get me down from here. No, leave him there. But you'd better get down to McClay's Coughlin Street Bulk Store while the savings last. Music Phone 1-800-630-600 National Australia Bank, tailoring banking to your needs. Nobody, nobody, nobody knows how to lay like Seven. You, nobody knows how to lay like Seven. Take an exciting journey with the Crocodile Man when you join adventurer David Ireland in the beautiful ancient Kimberleys. I had to continually swallow my fear. Danger and excitement on Channel 7's World Around Us, 7.30 Friday. From Hollywood, in his first TV interview since being acquitted, O.J. Simpson has reaffirmed his innocence and blasted the media. Simpson refused to discuss the evidence in detail because of civil proceedings. But when asked point-blank whether he killed his wife and her lover, Simpson said, no way. You know, don't tell me about mourning and suffering. I sat in a cell by myself. They wouldn't let me speak to another prisoner. When I walked down the halls, they made all the other prisoners turn their backs to me. I mourn, and I'm still mourning for the rest of my life. I'll mourn. His answers will be closely studied by lawyers in the civil case. And still in the U.S., a pregnant 10-year-old girl who ran away last weekend has been taken into custody by Houston police. And Cindy Garcia's 22-year-old boyfriend has been charged with aggravated sexual assault. Although eight-and-a-half months pregnant, Cindy is reportedly in good condition. And in London, the British tabloids have finally printed Princess Di's alleged gossip campaign against the royal nanny. The false claim accused Tiggie Legg-Burke, a close friend of Prince Charles, of having an abortion. The papers detail how the princess approached Tiggie at a party saying, sorry to hear about your baby. The battle between these two very important women in Princess William and Harry's life has just sunk to new depths. Tiggie is now demanding an apology from Diana. Back home, a major breakthrough by Australian medical researchers could save the lives of hundreds of young cancer patients. They've found a genetic key to one of the most aggressive and drug-resistant of all childhood cancers. For most childhood cancers, the cure rate gets better every year. For some, it's as high as 90 percent. But one, neuroblastoma, is notoriously hard to treat. It accounts for about 15 percent of all childhood cancer deaths. Researchers at the Children's Leukemia and Cancer Research Centre at the Prince of Wales Children's Hospital think they've found the answer. They've discovered that the most aggressive neuroblastoma tumours contain high levels of a gene called MRP, which produces a drug-resistant protein in the tumours. The good news is the gene can be switched off. We can use new drugs that haven't been used in this disease before to reverse the resistance that the MRP gene is causing in the cancer cells. Hopefully, that'll clear the way for powerful chemotherapy drugs to destroy the neuroblastomas. Doctors hope to start using the reversing drug in two or three years. Maxine Gray, Seven Nightly News. The Victorian Premier, Geoff Kennett, says Melbourne churches are effectively accusing him of sinning because of their decision not to bless the Grand Prix. Mr Kennett lashed out after both the Anglican and Catholic archbishops refused to bless the track on Grand Prix Day. While the grandstands have been going up at a rapid rate, a row has erupted behind the scenes between Grand Prix Chief Ron Walker and the Archbishop of the Catholic and Anglican churches. Both Keith Rayner and Sir Frank Little have declined Mr Walker's invitation to jointly bless the Grand Prix just before the main race on Sunday, March 10. Archbishop Rayner says in his reply that church work can best be done in a more low-key way, while Archbishop Little points out that in Australia, at least, the track has never been blessed. Furthermore, he says no churches officially have been invited to do so. He signs off with happy motoring, leaving the state government hopping mad. What we've now seen is a new role for the church in Victoria, and they're picking winners and losers. That's very, very sad. But the Save Albert Park group and Baptist Church support the church's stand. It's so inappropriate that the churches be involved in this. It's an issue that's absolutely dividing the community. I don't see how the Premier can say on one hand that churches shouldn't be involved in politics, but actually we want to wheel you out to bless the most controversial political thing that's happening now. I'm not interested in the politics at all. Our role is to put on a great event. It is an event which does have inherent danger. Come race day though, most people will probably have forgotten about the blessing of the track issue, with most race goers more concerned about Melbourne's fickle weather and the chance of rain ruining the race. Brendan Donoghue, Seven Nightly News. Still ahead, an Australia Day showdown for Mark Woodford and Boris Boom Boom Becker, and Australia fights back in the test, led by the Wars and Boon. And so Australia's 747 spaceships are now flying to destinations right throughout Asia, including Hong Kong, Japan, Taiwan and Malaysia. So if you're going places, it's more than likely that we'll be going there too. Before you hit the road, see your Ford dealer for a $99 service special. Get your spark plugs replaced, lube, oil and filter changed, and much more. All for just $99 at your authorized Ford dealer now. A lot of weasel trucks, Dave. Hmm, heading south. Seems they've got the taste for weasel bars down there. Well, you can't blame them. If you've never tasted a weasel bar, you don't know what you're missing. The very original weasel bar. Feeling the heat? Stay cool this summer with Cool or Cozy natural insulation, and inquire about our two years to pay option. So call now for the best insulation under the sun. As soon as she could walk, Joanna Hughes was jumping over and climbing on the furniture. She was identified as a potential Olympian when 7, and will finally reach the ultimate level of excellence 11 years on. Injury is the reason Australia's best-performed gymnast hasn't already been on the Olympic stage, but that won't be a disadvantage. It was a disappointment, but, you know, I was just happy that I was still eligible for 96, so I just set my sights for that. Having finished secondary school last year, Joanna is among the veteran class in her sport, but through enormous determination she has retained her trademark speed, strength and power. 7's Olympic Minutes, proudly presented by McDonald's, sharing the spirit of Olympic time. IBM, worldwide information technology sponsor. Yellow Pages, official sponsor of the Australian Olympic team. On today, tonight, the grand old men of Australian music. Mr Dawson. Yes, Mr Dusty. Dusty and Smokey still drawing big crowds of country music fans. The legends, the living legends. 6.30 tomorrow. Monica Sellis has come back from the brink of defeat to secure her place in the Australian Open Women's Tennis Final. The world number one acknowledged she was in real trouble against American Chanda Rubin, surviving a match point in the third set. She'll now take on the eighth seeded German Anka Huber in Saturday's final. The first semi-final was breathtaking. Monica Sellis and Chanda Rubin thrilling the crowd with their conviction to win. Rubin went into the match planning to wrong foot Sellis whenever possible, and it worked. After being too loved down, Rubin won the first set in a tiebreaker. Eager to win an early break point in the second, Rubin thought she'd again been robbed. Sellis won 15 points straight to take the second set. After a 40 minute rain delay, games went on serve until the fourth game of the final set, when Rubin produced extraordinary power against one of the hardest hitters in the women's game. Just as the Sellis epitaph was almost chiseled, the top seed stole the match. She remains undefeated in Australia. Sellis will play Germany's Anka Huber. The striped shirt lost the first set to South Africa's Amanda Kutzer in the second semi-final. Both play a baseline game, but Huber got back into the match by going for her shots. David Loudon, 7 Nightly News. In Australia's big hope, Mark Woodford is just one win away from a Grand Slam final following last night's victory over Swede Thomas Enquist. Woodford has been in sensational form, however. Standing in his way is Boris Becker. Mark Woodford was back at the National Tennis Centre this morning preparing for a mixed doubles match. He'll carry the hopes of a nation in tomorrow's Australia Day clash. I've worked too hard for it to slide by too easily. I know that it's going to be a big match and I'm just looking forward to it. After disposing of Mark Philopousis on Tuesday, Woodford simply out-thought Thomas Enquist last night. The 6-4, 6-4, 6-4 win makes him the first Australian into the open semis since Pat Cash in 1988. And now he's gunning for Boris Becker. We had a close match last time we played and I'm just looking at the fact that I'm going to go in there with a good chance. I mean, it's semi-finals and anything can happen. Nick McArdle, 7 Nightly News. And tomorrow on Men's Semi-Final Day at Flinders Park, Michael Chang and Andre Agassi will be the first men's match up on Centre Court and they'll be followed by Boris Becker and Mark Woodford right here, live on 7. In cricket, Australia and Sri Lanka have shared the honours on the first day of the third and final test at the Adelaide Oval. At Stumps, Australia's 5 for 2.39, Steve Waugh unbeaten on 70, his twin brother Mark scored 71 and retiring veteran David Boone made 43. Chiminda Vass was the best of the Sri Lankan bowlers, taking three wickets. Showers cleared, allowing play to start on time, but there were grey skies over Michael Slater, our first ball off an inside edge. It brought the man of the moment to the crease in the first over, the Adelaide Oval crowd giving him a rousing reception. Boone and Taylor showed caution, only occasionally lashing out. Way over the man, that's going for six. But Vass beat him for pace and the captain was out for 21. Boone had his slice of luck, push Pakamora should have made more of this chance. And should have been taken. But he produced several sharp in-swingers, one eventually found the inside edge of Boone's bat. Tiller-Karathno couldn't hang on to Mark Waugh at first lip. He had another life in the 50s, the Sri Lankans were uninspiring in the field and twice conceded four overthrows. Just when Australia looked to be getting on top, Mark Waugh elegantly holed out on 71. His luck was due to run out and push Pakamora was due to catch one. Steve Waugh set his sights on another 100 after a long rain delay in the last session. Ponting was out for six, but replay suggests he hit his pad, not the ball. A good day for Sri Lanka, but it could have been so much better. Dion Hayman, 7 Nightly News. Ahead in our news, all the finance and the weather news, plus the King of the Catwalk, unveils his latest collection. What I ever! Well, celebrate huge Australia Week savings. Yes, every day until Monday there's stacks of savings. Lounge dining rugs are sensational, $129. Beautiful pure wool rugs, incredible prices. And at just $295, these huge family rugs are at our best price ever. Yes, Goodyear rugs have stacks more savings, so hurry to all five stores today. Yes, city stores open every day. It's Bedlam at Dreamland's biggest ever bedding sale and you'll never pay less. Bedroom suites including a queen-size bed only $13.99. Queen-size packages with bed and mattress from only $4.99. And see how large range of sofa beds including futon beds are crazy $3.99. Yes, it's Bedlam at Dreamland and you'll never pay less than right now. But hurry, at these prices the stock won't last. Dreamland Bedding Superstores, Broke Street City and Salisbury next to Barrie's. Branches at Rinella, Hindmarsh and Mount Barker open seven days. Here's good news for car buyers. The official Ford Factory clearance sale is on now. Ford dealers must clear their 95 stock and for a limited time you can get free air conditioning on all new Festivas, Mondeo sedans and Mondeo wagons. You'll also find massive clearance savings on lasers and even Falcon. Plus thousands of quality used cars at bargain prices. See your Ford dealer during our once a year official Ford Factory clearance. You may never buy a new Ford for less. Once a year for one day only, Osvac Warehouse clears out spare parts and traded in cleaners at incredible savings. What bargains have we got now Bill? Rods for $1. Hoses for $2. Four tools for a crazy $5. And look at these bargains. Famous brand cleaners, all rechecked, all guaranteed and all $19. These for $19? $19. They've all got to go. So get in early tomorrow, be quick and get the pick of the crop. Osvac, Burbridge Road, Hilton, John Street, Salisbury, South Road, St Mary's and Pelican Plaza, Ridgehaven. In finance news, profits are on the rise for the National Australia Bank with a first quarter result of $513 million. While it's the last of the big banks to hold its start of the year annual general meeting, National Australia Bank's the first to go to quarterly reporting. The quarterly profit of $513 million is up almost 12% over a year ago. The bank itself calls it a steady performance in an environment that's increasingly difficult. A good contribution came from NAB's U.S. operations, Michigan National. The latest result builds on three years of record performance by the group. We have confirmed our arrival in the World League of Banking and Financial Services Organizations. The figures mark the start of something new for NAB reporting on a three month rather than a six month basis. It's an international practice gaining favor here and it's designed to give the markets more information. For its part, the Finance Sector Union is seeking a 16% pay rise over the next two years plus a profit sharing scheme. The Union's Geoff Derrick says NAB should acknowledge the role of staff in the result just announced. Nigel McCarthy, 7 Nightly News. Still in finance, the Australian share market bounced back today in anticipation, some say, of an election announcement as early as this weekend. The all-ordinaries rose 18 points. Lend-Lease had one of the day's biggest gains, up 36. Blue Chip BHP was up there too, lifting 18. CRA up 15. The banking sector was up. Commonwealth rose 7. ANZ up 10. The gold sector was variable. Great Central Mines was up 17 cents. The Aussie dollar tonight trading around 73.52 US, 78.57 yen, 48.55 against the pound. The US dollar, 147.75 marks. Gold's around $403.10, the FT100 down, the Nikkei and the Hang Seng both were up today. Now, take a look at the weather for Australia Day tomorrow. A swirling mass of clouds south of South Australia is a deep blow which has brought showers and thunderstorms to the southeast corner. The tail end of a cold front has produced thundery showers along parts of the New South Wales coast. The low will continue to bring unsettled and windy weather to Tasmania and Victoria tomorrow. Most of New South Wales will have fine and sunny weather, more thunderstorms likely across the tropics and near that low in WA. There will be showers in Queensland centres tomorrow, 31 for Cairns, Townsville 31 with storms, Bundaberg 31, fine in Brisbane, Toowoomba and Mount Isa. Showers clearing tomorrow in Tamworth, fine in Broken Hill, Newcastle, Sydney and Orange. Cloudy in Wagga, fine in Canberra 22. Showers in Mildura, Bendigo, Ballarat and Melbourne. Showers also in Launceston, fine and 22 in Hobart. Also fine in South Australia, Waiala. Showers in Adelaide and Mount Gambier though, fine in Geraldton and Perth. And some showers for Darwin and the Alice will be fine with a warm 33 degrees. And that is Seven Nightly News for this Thursday evening. But just before we go, a little look at what the French design maestro Yves Saint Laurent has on offer for next spring and summer. I'm Anne Ford, I'll see you again tomorrow. Good night. I'll be your answer, I'll be your wish, I'll be your fantasy, your favourite dish. From the back to the middle and round again, I'm gonna be there to the end, 100% pure love. From the back to the middle and round again, I'm gonna be there to the end, 100% pure love. From the back to the middle and round again, I'm gonna be there to the end, 100% pure love. Seven Nightly News was brought to you by the National Australia Bank, tailoring banking to your needs. And answered Australia, one of the world's great airlines. Inside their hearts lies unspeakable evil. Other monks will meet their deaths here. Only his mind holds the answer to a murderous puzzle. Beware of this place. A superb mystery thriller, The Name of the Rose, 8.30 Friday on 7. More emotion, more heart. The all new Chicago Hope, returning soon to 7.