This program was brought to you by Cash Converters. A better way to sell and a great place to shop. The light of the gladiator. For the first time on prime time television, the Bears, the Blues. The combat begins Saturday, 7.30 on 7. Unbelievable. Today's episode of Agro's Cartoon Connection is proudly brought to you by Cadbury. I'm actually glad you're here. Good Morning. Well yes, good morning everyone. Audience on your feet please. Everyone stand up. On this logy, what would he say? Rise, please rise. Up you go, everyone stand up. Face the statue of Wally. Wally. Wally. Wally. Wally. Thank you, thank you very much. Thank you. Alright, you may have a seat now. You may be seated, thank you. Alright, okay Stacey, what's happening in your segment today, Stacey? Oh, in my segment today, I'm actually, I've forgotten what I'm doing. Oracle. Oh no. Oracle. No. Stacey's made a mistake, we're going to start the show, Oracle. Hello, Oracle? Yes, it is the Oracle speaking here. Oh no. A mistake has been made, let me look up the Book of Armaments here. Yes, oh yes. Be nice, Gibbo. Now, must wear clothes picked by Crikey and Gibbo for the rest of the show. Must wear clothes picked by Crikey and Gibbo. Oh no. I'm an official ranger, I have to say my name. No you can't, I'm sorry, you made the mistake. Okay. Get up, get up, Stacey, get moving. Crikey and Gibbo, take her out. Take her out, Crikey and Gibbo, take her out. Come on boys, take me. Get some of those gloppy out there. Come on, come on. I thought we knew something about Shantung. Shantung. We'll be right back after these, let's just see what happens to Stacey. The Oracle has spoken. We'll be right back. You're not going away. Coming right up, coming right up. Dark Intervention, yeah. The official Australian Olympic corner. Ranger Stacey Flora. Ranger Stacey Flora. Ranger Stacey, she is the wild, wild one. Stacey. Oh, good morning. Oh, I look quite cute actually. Oh, you think so? Well, the Oracle spoke because Stacey made a mistake first up in the show. But like. And she had to dress in what Crikey and Gibbo chose. And look what they came with. They just like big overalls. I like the little feather number though. Sort of a bit, you know, lala. Anyway, should I do my segment? Yeah, you might as well. You're dressed for it. Okay, okay. Hang on. Don't want to stay back. Okay, this is from Anna Paul. Hang on, make up. Oh, I'm going on make up. Thanks, Gibbo. Just do this, just do this. That's it. Hang on, hang on. I've just smudged it the tiniest bit. Hang on. Just let me fix that. Let me hit the expert fixer, please. Oh, it's awful. Oh, thank you, bye. And hang on. Let's show everyone that you're a healthy girl. There you go. That's not nice. That is not nice. Okay, here we go. Oh. Mistake. This is from Anna Paul from Golden in New South Wales. I can't believe I'm at the age that I am and I'm doing things like this. Me neither. 47. Here we go. Deanna, Stacey and Agro. My name is Anna and I live on a farm 24 kilometres out of Golden in New South Wales. On the farm I have sheep, ducks, geese, two dogs. You look shocking. I know. Her dogs are called Poundsen Spot, an occasional echidna, five fish and a bird named Timothy. You look really shocking. And I can taste it. Anyway, I want to show you this bit. My favourite animal in the whole world is the dolphin and I think it is sad that people pollute the water and then these and other sea creatures get killed. Yours sincerely from Anna Paul. So it's nice for people to have opinions about things like that. Agro, you're not taking me seriously. Yes, I am. You're not. Now, Anna Paul from Golden. Is it Golden? Yeah, Golden in New South Wales. We will be sending you the Freshwater Animals book and that's very fitting for your interest in the animals. The World Beneath, which is a great book as well, and a thousand piece puzzle. Hey, Stacey, I don't want to be rude, but can you go and stand in my cornfield for half a day? Oh! She looks cute, doesn't she? Yeah. Guys, stick around. Lots more fun after this break. Do not go away. Do not. CHEERING AND APPLAUSE Cards in connection. Yeah! In the arena, on the field, Knight of the Gladiators. This is a real fish. Challengers locked in combat. Gladiators giving their all. Then at 7.30, for the first time on prime time television. The Brisbane Bears in the match of the season. Live from the Gabba, Brisbane take on Carlton. What's the name of the game? Knight of the Gladiators. Are you talking to me? A double action event. Starts 6.30 Saturday on 7. A tube? Snack team. Are Smarties in a tube just as colourful? How does an orange feel when it has a crispy shell? I wonder what melts in a milk-troated mouth. Is this the Red Sea or am I just seeing red? Whoa! Only Smarties have the answer. Smarties have the answer. Hot Wheels! You can put your Hot Wheels cars on the G4 set, rip upside down through the loop and fly through the air. The power charger makes your Hot Wheels cars go really fast for radical crashes. And you can put both sets together. Hot Wheels in the way! It's only money, only blinking money. And it's worthless unless it's spent on something worthwhile. Let's use it to discover the miracles that give sight. The images of nature. A grandchild. It's only blinking money we need to bring in the light. Our need is urgent. Give to the Prevent Blindness Foundation. The wise man say, make a fist twist your wrist. For Ninja Defender. Practice restraint. Ninja Defender, use your power wisely. That's fantastic! Some are born to care for others. Whether in Australia or overseas, the people of Red Cross care. Hey kids, it's broccoli on a biscuit. The great new taste sensation with real chunks of steamed broccoli. Whoa! Get outta here! Dudes, get something you'll actually want to eat. Kraft Biggest Dudes. Six flavors of dimpable deliciousness. Peanut chocolate. Pizza cheese. Hazelnut chocolate! Whoa! And you get these most thick like devices too. Oh hey, man. It's just a big cutlery, you wicket! Kraft Biggets, they're never un-fun. Hey guys, how would you like to come skiing with Holly and I at Perisher Blue Resort in the Snowy Mountains this winter? You would? Well, we'd love to have you along. We'll fly two adults and two children from anywhere in Australia. You'll stay at the station resort in Jindabine for five nights from Sunday the 14th to Friday the 19th of July 1996 with all breakfasts and dinners included. Then get set for a radical time on the snow as you carve some turns with Holly and myself for two whole days. Wow, totally awesome. Also included is all your ski hire, a four-day lift ticket for you and your entire family, plus two by two-hour group lessons and daily ski tube transfers. What a way cool holiday and it could be yours. All you have to do is answer this very simple question. Which is the largest ski resort in Australia? When you know the answer, phone 0055 60676. And guys, don't forget to ask your parents permission before calling. Good luck! Ha ha ha! What's so funny? Tell me. Get ready for some radical turns on the snow. I did not sound like that at all. Did I? Get ready for some radical turns on the snow. When did I sound like that? I don't know in that voiceover thing you read there. I did not sound like that. I was speaking nicely. And then you go, good luck! Lashings and lashings of ginger beer. I never, ever said that. Holly and I and yourself will have a way cool time in the snow. And some lashings and lashings of cool radical turns that are gnarly, dude. Here's the Addams Family. Oh, way to go, gnarly. Hey, Wednesday, want to come outside and toss around the old hot river with me and Dad? Wee-wee, Pugsley. Too bad. It's a guy thing. Ha ha ha! Oh, a guy thing. What a waste of protoplasm he is. Maybe you should have a look at my latest project. Uncle Fester? Hey, I'm in here. Uncle Fester, what are you doing in my closet? Scraping your teeth with my shoehorn again? I always work better in tight, cramped places with the limited supply of air. Are you all right? Yeah. Luckily, this pile of barbed wire cushioned my ball. What are you working on, Uncle Fester? Well, besides chewing my leg off, this. Fester Man? The protector of the macabre. Interesting. Is there a Fester girl? All in due time, Wednesday. You see, in my book, Fester Man is Happydell Heights' number one superhero. I suppose you're wondering why I've gathered you all here. Fester Thing, Fester Pooch, Fester Gator. Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep! Now, now, now, we'll have none of that. Remember what happened to Fester Goose? Fester Girl, you're back. But, uh, where's Fester Boy? I regretfully informed you that Fester Boy will not be attending today's meeting. Well, what happened to him? It was horrible, Fester Man. He was jumped from behind, then tied to the front bumper of a bus that was careening wildly toward a brick wall. Oh, my gosh. Did you help him? Help him? I was driving the bus. You? You drove the bus that endangered the life of Fester Boy? Yes, sir. Did you wear a safety belt? Of course. Good girl. Fester Man, why have you contacted the Fester League, the Fester Squad, and that group of gravediggers you like to hang out with? Hi, gang. I wanted you all to witness the new and improved Fester Man. After exposure to these rays, my muscles will be twice as strong, my brain will be twice as smart, and the explosions... Oh, boy. Fester Squad, the controls. Wrong lever. Fester Man, your ray has ripped a hole in another dimension. Thank goodness. For a minute there, I thought I tore the back of my pants. It's After Man. He was my trusted ally and the best square dancing partner a guy could ask for. Yes, but all that changed when you dropped that anvil on my head. It was just Fester Anvil. He was having trouble flying at the time. A likely story. Afterwards, I fled into another dimension to plot my revenge. And that moment is now, people. You just try and stop me going after him. After him, Fester Man. Now, hold on a sec. I just wanted to be here when the roof fell in. Oh, come on, Under Man. What can I do to make this up? Well, you could give me your cape. Okay. Wait, Fester Man. If you give him your cape, I'll have to do something else. If you give him your cape, you'll plummet hundreds of feet to the ground below. I will? Here, take it. Help yourself. Whee! Now, this vat of molten lava should finish the job. Hasta la bye-bye, Fester Man. Hey, Under Man, can I borrow a bar of soap? You had enough? My power pump will drain you of all your powers and give them to me. Oh, no. My powers are leaving me. My nimble mind, my vaunted strength, my ability to stare at people for hours without blinking. Yes, now it's mine. All mine! Come on, Fester Thing. Fester Man's in trouble, and I've got an idea. And now, Fester Man, prepare to meet your... Under Man, wait. You don't dare unleash Fester Man's full power upon him now. Why, why, in his weakened condition, it could cause irreparable damage. Oh, I like irreparable damage. Really? Well, then now's the time to strike when he's at his lowest hand. What happened? I'm my old self again. The explosion was so powerful, you returned to normal. Oh, how can I ever thank you, Fester Man? Tell me how. Well, you could blow me up like you promised. But, Fester Man, the blast caused your powers to return to you. You mean the power to instantaneously combust is mine again? All of Happydale Heights breathes a sigh of relief. Bravo, Uncle Fester. Your story was excellent. And you put so much emotion into the reading. Well, thanks, Wednesday. You can come out and play with us if you want to. Absolutely not. Uncle Fester and I are talking about his latest creation. Yeah, and we're starting Fester Man's next adventure right now. There's nothing like the smell of old shoes to spur the creative process. Ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to introduce to you my Fijian nephew, Coco. Gidday, Agro. Gidday. Gidday, Coco. Coco, you're such a nut. Good to see you. Oh, get up, natural eyes. You're not going to fool yourself. Come on, get up. We got a commercial right. Get up. Get up. Tonight on Home It Away... What do you need? Can Maz find her dream car? In the color you want, which is... Pink. Will the adoption go ahead? But she can be adopted and stay in Australia. And troubles for angels. What's wrong? Home It Away tonight on 7. Yeah, well, I used to be a 7 gram weekly. Used to get picked on by all sorts. Hey, no neck. Even jelly babies keep sherbet in my face. Then I discovered new, smooth Ovaltine. Wow! The effect was instant. I experienced feelings of power, insight, creativity. Transformed, I became the voice of Ovaltine. And you know what? I start worrying about having no neck. New, smooth Ovaltine. Get ahead. Babies lay dying. The rest of us eat. Children keep crying, too hungry to sleep. Sip, gulp, sip, gulp it and save a child. Sip, gulp, sip, gulp it and stop the hunger. Sip, gulp, sip, gulp it and make a difference. Sip, gulp, sip, gulp it for the children. Go without food for 40 hours and help save a child. Join the World Vision 40-hour Famine now. Call 13 32 40. Sip, gulp, sip, gulp it and save a child. Before he can join me as a dying food critic, young Percival must discover for himself the secret of dying petite gold. Could it be the ingredients? The finest, the freshest, the most succulent? Or is it the tantalizingly different recipes? Let's see. One small bite from each one. I said one. I think Percival's discovered the secret. Dine petite gold. There's no finer way to dine. In 1980, Terry Fox had a dream to run across Canada, a marathon of hope. His aim to raise funds for cancer research. His challenge, he had already lost one leg to bone cancer. 144 grueling days later, the cancer had spread to his lungs. His marathon was over, but his fight against cancer lives on. Share Terry's dream and join the Terry Fox run on Sunday, July 14. Pick up your sponsorship forms from any VP outlet. Run, jog or walk and help raise funds for cancer research. You want all through big bubbles and no big bubble troubles. Ultimate Bubbleator. Bubbles in your face. Ultimate Bubbleator. Bubbles bigger than your face. Ultimate Bubbleator. It's a bubble later blast. Ultimate Bubbleator. From Happiness Express. Stretch them. Tie them. Catch them. Twirl them. Wear them. You can hide them. Walk them. Play them. What can you do with your killer python? Eat them. I love agro. And you know, I haven't told you in a while, but I actually love you too. Yes, I know. Because if it wasn't for me, you'd be selling matches on a street corner just to try and support yourself because you were... What were you before you met me? Well, I was dancing. No, you were nothing before you met me. What were you before you met me? I was dancing. You were nothing. I'm not going to say I was nothing. What were you? I was nothing. Agro. Before I met you, I was nothing. She was a dancer. You just wanted me to say this. He's the Addams Family. Well, I helped you out, didn't I? Yeah. Next. Stop everything and snap one up to Superman Haffybill. That's a cheeseburger, small fries and a small coke. All for $2.95 at McDonald's. Someone's draining the world's energy. Only Sailor Moon and her friends can save Earth from destruction. Moon Power! Sailor Moon. Sailor Mars. Sailor Mercury. Sailor Venus. Sailor Jupiter. Who's behind this chaos? It's the Evil Queen Beryl. A little Moon Power will take care of her. Sailor Moon and Queen Beryl from Bandai. Quick, girls, to the rescue! Parenting is the most rewarding and demanding job of all. ParentLine is a confidential and anonymous telephone counselling service, especially for parents. Whether it's coping with babies, school-aged children or teenagers, no matter how big or small the issue, ParentLine is there for you. For the cost of a local call, ParentLine can make a difference. Any parent, any issue, any day. Give us a call on 1300 30 1300. 8 AM to midnight, seven days a week. Fat juice? Bug juice? What? No, brain juice? Time for the Dr. Dre for brain juice, lads. Creates gross juice that changes colour in the monster's brain. It's fire. It's green. The Dr. Dre for brain juice, lads. Hey, party with these different new Kellogg's Confetti Fruit Loops. Sprinkled with cool confetti colours. Yum, yum. Aren't you fun? New Kellogg's Confetti Fruit Loops make breakfast even more of a party. You know, I wrote, Holly is getting a little game. You know, reporting, isn't she? What is it, like a Nintendo thing or what? No, no, no, no. I mean, not getting a little game. I mean, she's getting a little game. Oh. All right, well, I guess there's only one winner on the night, and that is... Holly. The game itself. Good morning, fellow fun lovers filled with fascination. This is your roving reporter, Holly, here, who takes interest in pretty much everything. Now, lately, I've been thinking about sports that have made it big over the last few years. Things like ice hockey and snowboarding and surfing. Surfing's always been huge. But the one sport that I can't understand how anybody could get any enjoyment out of is rollerblading. I mean, what could be fun about rolling on eight wheels, really? But being the young and active person that I am, I thought that I'd come down here to roller land and try it out for myself. I mean, it could be too hard, but... Oh, hi, Holly. I'm Michael from Roller Land, and you look like you need a few tips. Well, yeah, if you could give me some, that would be good. Let's see if I can make it into the rink. Oh. Oh. Oh. Thanks. Come on, out we go. Oh, lucky I've got my guards on. I think they saved me from a nasty fall. Well, you said you were gonna give me some tips on rollerblading, so how do you rollerblade? OK, tips. Firstly, you need to have your knees nice and bent and keep your feet straight. You want to keep your weight forward, because if you go backwards, that's exactly where you go. You go backwards, OK? So to start, you just need to learn how to roll on your skates. And once you've learnt that, then you start to move your feet and you start to skate properly. All right, then. Let's do it. I think, Holly, you are ready to have a go by yourself. You think? I think so. All right. This was exactly one year ago that Speed Racer in his Mark V defeated us. And this time we will not only defeat him, we will destroy him! Ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha! Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go! Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go! Oh, guys, I think that I've sort of got the knack of blading inside the ring. So how about, Michael, we go outside and give it a try out there? That sounds like a great idea. Let's go, Holly. Let's go. MUSIC WHOOSH MUSIC Oh, we're in the corner! Watch out, Holly! What? Ah! Guys, I think you've framed me wrong. I think that rollerblading is a lot of fun, but I need a lot more practice. Michael! Here we go. Why don't you tell me? Guys, while I go brush off, it's back to you in the studio. Ooh! Isn't it amazing that she would fall right in front of the camera just to finish a story like that? What a shot! Yeah. It's an amazing shot. And how about her skinny little legs with enroler blades on them? Ha ha ha ha! There's lucky legs! Hey, spaghetti legs! Is that good enough? I don't know! We'll be back after this break. Was that a female oracle? Ha ha, that was Holly! CHEERING MUSIC Cuts and connections, yeah! Ah! CHEERING Yes, now it's time for the next quick video knockout! Bought to you by NESTQuick. Would you like some of this? Yes, please. I would love some. Thank you. LAUGHTER Thank you! And now... Don't you go home! Now... Here's Gibbo and Holly while I think of a counterattack. Oh, no! LAUGHTER Nick, how do you do, Nick? Good. You're well? You fit? You fine? Yep. OK, what's your name, Nick? Crumman. Crumman! Terrific. And we've got... CHEERING CHEERING Crumman, eh? CHEERING So, who's your favourite group? What's your favourite band at the moment? Offspring. Offspring! HE SINGS You gotta keep them separate, eh? Oh, yeah, yeah. I like it. All right, OK. Nick, you playing for at home? Jodie Oliver of Glendon and Queensland. And a B-mile over the other side of the house. What side I have, Tammy? What school are you going to, Tammy? Crumman. CHEERING What is this? Yes! What's Mr Crumman? I don't know. And what's your favourite movie at the moment? Speed. Oh, speed. All right, well, this game's pretty speedy, so I hope you can keep up. But don't go over 50, cos you might explode! And you're playing for El... He'd better look out. ...Kazmaski from Prospect, Tasmania. LAUGHTER OK, spin around, guys. I'm telling the controllers, don't hit start till I say, ready, set, go. And especially don't hit start if I say, Crumman. Crumman! CHEERING Ready, set, go! They're racing, they're racing now. No, hit start. That's it. No, only one of you hit start. They're linked. Don't adjust your game. Oh, here we go! They're all racing, ladies and gentlemen. At last, we are racing. It took a while. You see, there's a bit of confusion there, because these games are linked. I see. So both controllers control both screens. Uh-huh. So that's why we have a little bit of something that's just going wrong. On the Sony PlayStation... They're both two-leaguer. Nick has chosen the outside car view, as you can see. That's his car right in front there. So it'd be outside. Whereas Tammy has chosen the outside car view. No, the inside car view. There it is. It looks as if she's actually right in the car. That's right. And this is the new Ridge Racer Revolution game. Which does look fantastic, and you can link them now if you've got two Sony PlayStations. It's a fantastic game. And it looks sensational. So much... So good. You can almost feel as if you're there with them. Indeed. See, when you're in the car as well, as Tammy is there, you've got the revision mirror at the top. She's in position two of the two of them at the moment. So with 13 seconds to go, she still could catch up. You can see on the small depiction of the racetrack on the side of the screen, the inside of the screen, just how far back she is. Here we go. Hold it, ladies and gentlemen. Hold it right there. First place, second place, turn around. In the nick of time! Woo! Congratulations! OK, prizes! Today's winners will receive a super cool Nesquik Wires Backpack, Caddo Fun, Cameron Albin, plus a great MVL stunt, and the cosplay surprise is a special limited edition Nesquik Backpack! You've got to keep them separated! Sorry, that was off-screen again. Here's back to you! Thank you. Sorry, just some things have to be done. No, that's all right. I'm prepared to let bygones be bygones. Thank you very much. Got to go. Just say, here comes Sailor Moon. Here comes Sailor Moon! She is the one and only Sailor Moon. She's the one and only Sailor Moon. Sailor Mercury. Sailor Mars. Sailor Jupiter. You see, I'm a little bit of work. She is the one and only Sailor Moon. I'm very interested in this princess diamond. She may have the long lost imperial silver crystal which we need to release the mega force and take over the universe. There's a princess diamond who's traveling the world with something called the imperial crystal, a family heirloom. It could be the imperial silver crystal we've been searching for all these years. If we get it back, there'll be no longer a universe, only the mega verse. Send me, Nephlight is a loser. If he fails, he's history. I'll be back with that crystal, Queen Barrow. You won't be disappointed. Queen Barrow, why do you put up with that guy? Has he not failed you enough? You've got a lot to learn, Zoia Sight. Desperation is the best motivation. Oh, Malachite, when will I ever get my chance? You'll get your chance soon enough. Be patient. Impatient can be a sign of weakness. But what if Nephlight succeeds? I doubt he will, but don't question Barrow's orders. She hates that. Really? You think she could be our princess? It's possible. I mean, she's from a long line of royalty and she's got this ancient gem, the imperial crystal. We have to check her out at least. Can we phone? There's no way we'd ever get through. Besides, we need to see her and that imperial crystal she's got. That chance, Melvin told me in detail about security at the embassy. Anyway, none of us even has an invitation. They're not gonna let us in the building. What? You got noodles inside that heavy earth to go with the meatballs? We're the Sailor Scouts. We'll figure out some way to get in there. Why are you always yelling at me, Ray? You're so mean. I say we go to the embassy tonight and see if there's a way to get in there. In the meantime, I'll do some research, see what I can dig up on the princess and all those jewels of hers. Is that okay? I wish you'd take this scalp business more seriously. You know there's more to life than chocolate milkshakes. I'm home. Huh? Hi there. What's going on? Why are you all dressed up? I'm going to the embassy party. You mean Princess Diamond's party? I wanna go, Dad. I mean, make me wanna go. Please? Sorry, pumpkin, can't do it. I'll tell you all about it tomorrow. Everyone's going except me. I know. What? You've got an idea. Mm-hmm. Oh, not again. Disguise. Briller! Turn me into the foxiest film ever! I'm ready. I'm ready. I'm ready. I'm ready. I'm ready. I'm ready. I'm ready. I'm ready. I'm ready. I'm ready. I'm ready. I'm ready. I'm ready. I'm ready. I'm ready. Make the film around. So how do I look? Turn around. Fine, but you know that lunar pen is only for sailor business. This is sailor business. Once I get in that embassy after I scope up the food and the air, I think I can get in Once I get in that embassy after I scope out the food and the guys, I'll get the skinny on the princess. I'll be working really hard. Well, you're not eating. Uh-huh. I've got a bad feeling about this. Tuxedo Mask. Find the Imperium Silver Crystal. I will. Then we can be together again. It's that dream again. I hope I don't get busted by security. Hey there, girls. Serena? May I see your invitation? I'm the Countess Popover. You can check it out in your VIP book. Popover, Popover. Let me see, let me see. This disguise stuff is the hottest. They're all wearing masks, just like in the movies. It's so, like, classic. I knew she'd be here. This is such a snooze-up. Hello, Molly. May I have this dance? Huh? Oh. You remember me. Of course. You're Max Field Stanton. You do dance, don't you? Yeah, I do. Not very well. You don't really expect me to believe that. Someone as lovely and as graceful as you? Oh, you really think that? Yeah, I was right. You were just being modest. Oh. I wonder where Dad's hiding. I want to see if he recognizes me. She looks just like a princess. I'll have to get a picture of her for Serena. She loves to play princess. What do you know? I guess he didn't recognize me, or he would have been fritzed. Oh, Sarah, here's your dress. My dress? Oh. So, this is a no-brainer. Those muscle men aren't just there to be guarding the doorknobs. How am I going to get past them? Which way? Huh? Huh? Huh? Who is that? She looks familiar. Could it be...? I don't know. I don't know. She looks familiar. Could it be...? She looks like the girl in my dream. I'm so glad I ran into you, Molly. I'm so glad I ran into you, Molly. Reality check here, Molly. Maxfield's standing in me? What's the matter? Do I make you feel uncomfortable? Come on, look at me. Maxfield? That's better. From now on, you will obey only me, your one and only master, the Negaburst. Yes! Higher than a house, higher than a tree. Oh my goodness, what on earth could it ever be? A little trivia for you. It's a cryptic, isn't it? Yeah. Having a tag on them occasionally. Guess what it is. Pen Pals? It's me. A star. That would be me. Catherine Blake. Just joking. From Bull Creek, it would be you. Well, excuse me! Something that is unbelievable every now and again in this show wouldn't go astray. Of course it's you, Agro. Agro? Agro? Calm down. Would you calm down? Calm down. 15 seconds. We have a nice pen party from Catherine Blake. She's from Bull Creek in Western Australia. Dear Teresa and Agro, I'm 60 years old. My favourite show is The Jetsons. My favourite actor is Elroy. I watch her show every day from Catherine. She has done some wonderful drawings for us here. Also, she has sent in Agro a rather spiffy looking sailor's hat. Wow! I could be like Paul Hagen in Flipper. Hang on. Here we go. I'll come up. Ready? That's not a dolphin. This is a dolphin. This is a dolphin. And here's a commercial break. That's Incubation, yeah! At 7.30 tonight, Ellen lands in jail. The question is... I'm gonna serve as your lawyer. Will she ever get out? Pull yourself up a little. This place is just crawling with attractive young lawyers. I just want to know if you'll let me put up this ad for a babysitter. Putting up an ad to get a woman. I wonder if that would work for me. Could this be Russell's lucky day? Pretty, she's fun, and she's a great kisser. Grace Under Fire. After Ellen tonight on 7. McDonald's wants you to meet Ronald McDonald. Hello! It's magic and fun every time with Ronald. Let's go back in time. Spider-Man, Spider-Man, There's one in for a spider-man. He's a web in his mouth. He has his hands to knock you out of jail. He becomes a spider-man. This is strong, this is good. He's got wings you don't have to look. He's got wings you don't have to look. Over here, there, the nipples of Spider-Man. Philippe Jonti. There is no other theatre artist quite like him. From the creator of Desire Parade, drifting, and forget me not, comes Jonti's new work, Star Ways, created entirely here in Australia. Enter a haunting and primeval landscape where astonishing images from dreams and nightmares escape in a surreal voyage of self-discovery. Release your imagination to the magic of Philippe Jonti's Star Ways. Announcing Scuba's Tremstrong. He's got a dive mask, diver's watch, and spear gun. Stressed Scuba from Cap Toys. Who else? It's only money, only blinking money, and it's worthless unless it's spent on something worthwhile. Let's use it to discover the miracles that give sight. The images of nature, a grandchild. It's only blinking money we need to bring in the light. Our need is urgent. Give to the Prevent Blindness Foundation. It's a lime! It's the Dr. Dreadful Plasma Maker. Once you create edible blobs and slithering snacks. Dirt covered worms? No, that's chocolatey. The Dr. Dreadful Plasma Maker. Welcome back to The Show, everybody. Inside all packs of thins, ruffles, and tostitos, you can find these fantastic tazos. These are techno tazos, and the reason why they're techno is because they've got little grooves on the side which actually help them connect to one another. So you can make things like this. A ferris wheel, for example. I collect them. Do you? You're a good boy. There's 40 new Looney Tunes ones as well, so there's some brand new ones to collect. Now, here's Gibbo. He has more details. I tell you what, Therese, you're absolutely right. There's a great little prize. Let me just take you through it one more time, ladies and gentlemen. Boys and girls at home, you may be at work watching this, and if you are, good luck to you. It's a magnificent harvest of something. Look at this. A full set of 100 new tazos, one Looney Tunes t-shirt, four tazos slammers, one tazos collector album, one tournament tube, and an album, new series pack. Look at that. And you can make things like the helicopter and stuff like that. Really hot. All you've got to do, you've got 50 of these entire kits to give away. That's right, I said 50. Did I say one? 50, OK? 50 to give away. And how you win this is just name one of the bags of delicious treats that you can find tazos in. Ruffles, thins, tasty tubes, Cheetos, and ring this telephone number, 00005 606 75. But please ask mum or dad before eating, calling, ringing. Thank you. Are you thinking what I'm thinking? I'm thinking what you're thinking. Which is? That Stacey has defied the oracle. She has done our duty. Oh, no! She's supposed to be in costume. Oh, look! Oracle, what do you think? I think she has done our wrong thing. Excuse me. Excuse me. Sorry, that correspondence will be in it. Oracle, what do you reckon? Let me look upon the book from which there is no rubbing out. I have to pick up an injured animal. Maybe she should wear... Silence! Maybe she should wear a real sardine brooch for the whole show. But I want to save that one for Theresa. Good. Good. Because fish don't bother me. It won't happen in this show, unfortunately. But the next Who Dares Wins, you must do as well as the contestants. All right! I think if I'm not Who Dares Grins. I might not turn up. You'll turn up on the No, I've got to... We've got to go, we're three hours over. Good. Wait. Oh, no wonder Molly didn't want to come. It's so boring if you don't dance. May I have this dance? Ah, it's a tuxedo mask. Oh, this is gotta be some kind of dream. Please, please, don't let me clutz out and fall on my face. She looks just like the girl in my dream. Who can she be? Who can she be? Why do I get the feeling we've danced together before? It all feels so right. Sorry, no admittance. The princess called, said it was urgent. I'm doing as asked. She didn't tell us. Huh? Why can't Daddy present the crystal himself? I hate talking in front of people. If my standing doesn't show up soon, I'll have to do it. Princess, this girl says that you asked her to come up here. Diamond, darling, what's with all the security goons? You're here. Leave us. You've heard me scoot. The agency did a really great job. You look just like me, no one will ever know. Yeah, well, maybe you should get your prescription checked. What do you mean? I hope you like the taste of that carpet. You all right, Princess? Weird screams. Out of my way! Clear the decks, guys. What's wrong with my daughter? She's not herself, sir. Better sound the alert. Come on, I've got a nasty feeling the Negaverse might have heard about the crystal too. Let's go. Princess, down here, throw me the crystal. Yes, master. What are you doing? You can't give that to him. Hey. Help! Hold on! Please don't rob me! Oh, hey, what opportunity knocks! Something's wrong, don't you feel it? Yeah. Tuxedo mask! I hate that guy, if he wants to meddle in my business, he's gonna pay for it big. Mars Fire! Ignite! Let's see how brave you are when you haven't got all your ugly pals around. Help me, please! Please! Don't rob me! Wait, now help the other girls. Which way? Take the stairs down, I'll meet you outside. Hold it right there. Why are you after the crystal? Because that crystal is the key to the whole universe. And until I get my hands on it, I'll never find out who I really am. Your tuxedo mask, friend of the Sailor Scouts. I don't really know who I am, you remember that. My mystery mask. What happened to Princess Diamond? Oops, I forgot. Moon Prism, power! What's the matter with her? Someone call a doctor! Poor Princess Diamond, need a picture. Give her air! I cannot face Queen Beryl empty-handed. I will get that crystal! Wow, how weird! It's so cool! I'm so excited! I'm so excited! I'm so excited! I'm so excited! Wow, how weird! What are you gawking at? Let's see if we can't put that wasted energy to better use. I am Sailor Moon, the champion of justice! I am Sailor Mercury! I'm Sailor Mars! We will right wrongs and triumph over evil. And that means you're going to be a pile of moon dust, sister. That's not the proper way to address royalty. Brett! Careful, Scout. I call upon the power of Mars! Help us to defeat this negusclime. Mars Fireball Charge! That's Nemesis! Hi, my name's Sky. I'm 16 and a half. I think I go see... I... really cool. The official Australian Olympic mascot, Willy, is now available in delicious Cadbury Dairy Milk Chocolate. And right now, when you buy a new Cadbury Willy or his teammates, Caramello Koala... ...or Fredo Frog... could instantly win up to $1,000. And every Cadbury Willy you buy helps our team go for gold. Just look for the Willy, Caramello and Fredo packs that say, Where's Willy? Unwrap one, and if Willy's holding the money, you're a winner. Someone's draining the world's energy. Only Sailor Moon and her friends can save Earth from destruction. Moon Power! Sailor Moon. Sailor Mars. Sailor Mercury. Sailor Venus. Sailor Jupiter. Who's behind this chaos? It's the evil Queen Beryl. A little Moon Power will take care of her. Sailor Moon and the Queen Beryl from Bandai. Quick, girls, to the rescue! Who made all these rainbows? Suzy's secrets! With pretty rainbow-colored hair, Suzy's secrets have rainbows everywhere. Shiny stickers! See these ruffles? They're colored pink! How clouded it's fun to do. Her earrings are canceled! How clouds and stars on the tracks do. Her buttons hide secrets there. Sting! Colored rainbows everywhere. Oh, nighthawks! Suzy's secrets available now at Mr. Toy's Toy World for $19.99. That's our price. Only at Mr. Toy's now. Presenting an opportunity to win one of 56,000 prizes with craft. The proud sponsor of Walt Disney's World on Ice Salute to Hollywood. Just pick up these specially-marked craft products and start collecting tokens today. Private includes soft toys, backpacks, prints, jigsaw puzzles, and two trips to Hollywood for the whole family. So join in the movie-making magic of Hollywood brought to life on ice by craft. And enter now! Here's the Matchbox Action System Police Station. Wow, a crash! Call the police station, drive one police car in, and like magic, health is on the way. The police station and hospital are two sets of the new Matchbox Action System. When your child has a View Master Super Show projector, What's that, Doc? the fun is bigger than ever. A putty cat! Any space is a great place for a Super Show. Today's View Master. Excellent! The challenges, the gladiators, and live from the Gabba for the first time in prime time, the match of the season. The Bears and Carlton, Night of the Gladiators, a double action event, 6.30 Saturday on 7. I think you can introduce us since you're looking the part today. Okay, here it is. Sailor Moon. Person the lifeboats! Person the lifeboats! I'm a new age guy. That's my space! Finally, I'll be rid of you. Someone do something! Mercury, how about your bubbles? Well, I don't know, here goes! Mercury bubbles! Moon! There's no way we're letting you get your evil hands on that crystal. And my tiara's gonna make sure of it. Moon Tiara Magic! Yes! Ha ha! Oh, I'm so excited! I'm so excited! I'm so excited! I'm so excited! I'm so excited! I'm so excited! Ha ha! You all right there, Princess? I think so. What happened to me? Please, Mist, are you the Moon Princess we've been looking for? Are you? Hold on, please, I can't seem to find my glasses. Please, it's very important. Are you the Princess from the Moon Kingdom? That cat's talking to me! She's not it. The real Princess would have been expecting me. Hmm... Gracious, what was that all about? Oh, no, my film's ruined! Ladies and gentlemen, please allow me to present my daughter, Princess Diamond, heiress to the family fortune with our greatest treasure, the Imperial Crystal. Oh, huh? Huh? I'm getting like Serena, falling asleep everywhere. Our family's had this statue for over 400 years. It's encrusted with nearly 2,000 carats. It's absolutely priceless. Absolutely worthless, you mean? Queen Beryl's not gonna like this. Too bad she wasn't the real Moon Princess. Guess we'll just have to keep looking. Serena, ready to go? Oh, give me a few more minutes to enjoy this lunar. I don't want it to end. It's almost like I'm a real Princess, waiting for my Prince. It's nice to dream. Princess, at long last, we're together once more. And soon, we'll never have to part again. We'll be happier than we ever were before. And maybe we'll be able to meet somewhere besides in our dreams. When Tuxedo masks that he wanted the Imperium Silver Crystal, I didn't know if I could trust him anymore. It'd be nice if we could trust everyone, but there are people in the world who are dangerous. Be on the alert. There are people in your community and other places who can hurt you. Let your parents and friends know where you're going. And don't go places that are deserted or make you feel scared. A place where you are scared is a place where you shouldn't be. Sailor Moon says. See ya! She is the one named Sailor Moon. She is the one, Sailor Moon. Welcome back to the show everybody. Knock, knock! Who's there? Interrupting cow. Okay, let's go. Here we go. Balto is an all new movie. It's very good. It's easy on the eye. I can't see the caps coming down on my eyebrows. Now you can't move. Thank you, okay. There you go. He's half wolf, half husky. Check it out. Brian, run the beak. What a pose I have. That did it. Who did that? It was him. It's time for Goose to kick a little bear butt. Buddy, she's making an impression. Now what? Wow! Did you see the size of that grizzly? How's that break? That was beautiful. I'm sorry. I'm here for your nose in my mouth. Shocking. 600 family passes. Such a beautiful woman with bad breath. 100 passes per state. Call 00556 0673 and tell us what is Balto across between. It's a husky and a wolf. That's right. Just call the number 00556. Ever heard of Listerine or something? My breath isn't that bad. We're out of here. This week, be prepared because pressure's all fired up. They shot at me. They shot at my friend. I want to know what it is we walked into. He's found his father's killer. We didn't ask him to kidnap the guy. And he's become personal. He tries to escape, tear on his throat. Sinister dealings. So you're saying that agents from the FBI stole your weapons. High-tech crime fighting. And what secrets lie behind closed consular doors? I'm not at liberty to divulge that information. Here's the plan. Good cop, bad cop. And I play taking guests. Two South Friday on 7. Power Rangers and evil space aliens. Mighty Morphin Power Rangers from Kroner. Look for the newExpedition for antinominal 3 for the Tsukumleb-K calorie foodzed to twenty-five- ήone hundred pounds for the Four cycle Nissanl Expedition for the Six dye-ileymon for the dependent chaos- tensor mount for a system that can select from 1 or 800 many different digital Takatine. Wow. Thanks, maLE! TAKE-produk time mini meals in the dairy case at your local store. With the goodness of that famous glass and a half of full cream dairy look. Here's the Matchbox Action System Hospital. Oh no people are hurt. Get them to the hospital drive a car in and like magic up comes an ambulance and a nurse. The police station and hospital are two sets of the new Matchbox Action System. In 1980 Terry Fox had a dream to run across Canada a marathon of hope. His aim to raise funds for cancer research. His challenge he had already lost one leg to bone cancer. 144 grueling days later the cancer had spread to his lungs. His marathon was over but his fight against cancer lives on. Share Terry's dream and join the Terry Fox run on Sunday July 14. Pick up your sponsorship forms from any VP outlet. Run jog or walk and help raise funds for cancer research. New Uno Stacko. Uno adds a twist. You gotta do what's on the queue. Oh oh. Green or a three don't anybody breathe. New Uno Stacko. Uno is number one. Oh breathe. Oh what a joy it's been. Yes it's goodbye time. It is. I'd like to say goodbye to Karamban. And everyone else who turned up today. Thanks for joining us today. Stay tuned later on of course in this week we're getting Stacey back to the historical. Stacey tomorrow say good morning Australia. Good morning Australia. Yeah. Today's episode of Agro's Cartoon Connection is proudly brought to you by Cadbury. The Brisbane Bears playing Australia's own game in AFL centenary year. Watch them go on seven. Under the shade of the book trees branches. It's a magical place. In the book place. Where anything can happen. In the book place. The story of the reading. Hi come inside. I have a really good book today. Hi Bookworm. Oh hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hi everybody. Hello. How are we today. Well hello Britain. Did you hear this really loud sound when you were out there. Yes. Really loud sound. Yes. Big noise. Yes. Really loud. No really loud. No I didn't hear a thing. No. You'd remember this loud noise if you heard it. No. No loud noises. Well then I wasn't really in a position to hear any loud noises. Because I was actually practicing my trumpet. Oh. Your trumpet. My trumpet. Yeah. This is my trumpet. Do you like it. It's nice and shiny and silver isn't it. Oh I love trumpet. Listen. Isn't that great. It's very noisy. The flight of the bumble bee. Yes I'll have a cup of tea. I think I've made you a bit deaf. What's that. I'm not called Jeff. No. The reason that I have the trumpet. Yes. I thought Andy sits there and he's terrific. And he plays his guitar. But I just thought he might like some help. And I could play the trumpet just to give him a new sound for his songs. What do you think. Oh well. That's a good idea. I'm only in a practice. I'm just practicing. I reckon give me a couple of hours and I'll have it down. Well you'd better go and practice. Yes that's a good idea. Go and put it down. No I'm going to go off and practice. I'm just going to go and practice. I'll be back. Don't hurry. Wow. Oh we. Oh. Goodness me. He's improved hasn't he. Fancy that. A trumpet. A trumpet. Well I think that's enough about trumpets for now. But it is time for this story. Ah goody. What should we read. It's called Harset Polly and it's been written by Sarah Garland. Oh that's another new story. Yes it is. Oh wonderful. Um Lynn. Yes. Um before he comes back would you please read that. OK. OK. Harset Polly. Nice story. Polly's school is Belmont Primary. Polly's teacher is Mr. Budd. On Monday Mr. Budd said who wants to play in the football match against Greenhill School next Saturday. Hands up. Polly and Nisha were the only girls who put their hands up. Shall we Nisha. Yes let's. After lunch they got ready for their first practice game. You're crazy Nisha. This is some other girls talking bookworm. I see. Boys are so rough. It will be so muddy. Play rounders with us. But they said we can do it Polly. Of course we can. But the practice game did not go well. Kick it Polly. Oh I can't believe this. She's listed a couple of games. Oh I can't believe this. She's listed again. Can't you dribble. It went very badly. Pass the ball. Hit it. Shoot. Trap it. Look out Polly. She got donked on the head. They're giving you lots of orders. Yes. Polly and Nisha were muddy and cross. We'll show those boys we can play football. We can run as fast as boys. They decided to look for a football book in the library. We won't be long Mum. That's a good idea isn't it. That is a good idea. Look for a football book in the library. They learned some interesting things about fairies. Fishes, fossils and Finland. But nothing helpful about football. They tell you the rules but they don't tell you how to dribble or kick. They had tea at Polly's house. Goal. They're watching TV here. I just can't understand how they do it. Perhaps we will be better tomorrow. But the next day was not much better. And they went back to Nisha's house after school feeling quite fed up. They won't show us how Mum. Ask your grandpa at tea time. I think he used to play football. We might need Brenton's help here Bookworm. Without the trumpet. Brenton! Without the trumpet! We just need your voice. I want the trumpet. But I'm nearly there. No you're here. That's the problem. You want the trumpet. What would you like me to do? We'd like you to read Grandpa's lines please. Grandpa's? Yes Grandpa's. Oh yes. They played football alright. Here I am in the army football team during the war. Can you still remember how to play? Please teach us Grandpa. Grandpa could remember and after tea he began to teach them all he knew. On Tuesday he taught them how to pass the ball and how to stop it. Keep your eye on the ball. On Wednesday he taught them how to head the ball and how to dribble. Take it on your forehead. On Thursday he taught them how to trap the ball and how to throw it in. Then flick your body forward. And on Friday he taught them how to score a goal. That's it. Give it all you've got. Oh it's very good. It's very good. Thanks Mr Patel. Thanks Grandpa. On Saturday the coach from Greenhill School arrived. All the players are there. Kick off. The match began. Nisha dribbled up the field to pass to Kieran. Kieran passed to Polly. Polly headed to Pete. Pete put it in the net. Goal. Yes. The game was fast and furious. Belmont School had one goal but soon Greenhill School had two. Goal from Greenhill. Get it Nisha. Belmont. Belmont. Belmont School forever. Right Nisha. Polly. Come on Greenhill. Pass it to Polly. What happened? But a big boy from Greenhill without to get Polly he raced up behind her and stuck out his foot. A dung. Pretty tricky. Oh forget Polly. Polly jumped. She swerved. She kicked the ball right between the posts. Goal. Go Polly. Just as a final whistle blew. The match was a draw. Hooray Belmont Nisha. Mr White asked Mr Patel to help coach the football team. Well I'd be glad to. Glad playing the team next week. Yeah me. And you. Me too. Me too. Me too. Oh what a game. That was exciting. That's what I call a happy ending. I was just thinking don't play don't play. I was just thinking they call that game football. I call it soccer. Some people call football you know different football games. Well you know it means that people might come from a long way away where people have different names for things. But that's a bother. Well if they have different names for things how do they get to the library? Um I think about it. No I think what you mean is this. I mean in different places they have different names for different things don't they. Yes yes. But in most places they have libraries and in most places they don't call a library football or soccer. They call a library a library. And some places where there might not be a library close to you sometimes the library comes to you. Oh yes oh yes. Wow. Music. Hello. How are you today? You brought some books back for me. I want to read a book. What's a book on a penny fowling. Goodness are you going to learn to ride a bike. I don't know whether it would be an old bike or a penny fowling bike. It's a penny fowling bike. Yes they're a special one. They're a special one. Okay come around this way and we'll see what we can find. Oh here's a book about cars but that's not what we're looking for. They're a make the car. That's right and there's one about bicycles but that's not penny fowlings. Here we go a penny fowling bike. Would you like to take that one and we'll put those back. Good boy. Okay. Should we put him through the computer so you can take it home. Well done. Thank you. Good boy. You've got your card already. Excellent. Thank you. Here's your card. Good boy. You'll really enjoy this about penny fowling. They were really hard to ride in those days. Okay. You have fun with that one won't you. Okay radio. Bye bye dear. See you next time. Bye bye Richard. Bye bye. See you on your fortnight. Here it is. Just the story. Oh hello. Story time. Oh really. Yes. Great. What's the book. What's the book. It's called Sebastian's trumpet. Oh wow. Yes. It's by Mikko Ameyi and what. You get to play the trumpet. What. Not yet. Okay. Sebastian's trumpet. Okay. It was the three little bears birthday. Daddy and mummy bear had some special presents for them. Theodore got a drum. Oswald got a banjo and Sebastian got a trumpet. Let's play. Happy birthday they shouted. Okay. Not yet. Theodore banged on his drum. Ratatat. Oswald strummed his banjo. Bang bang. And Sebastian blew into his trumpet but the only sound it made was. That's right. What's happened to your trumpet. Asked Theodore. Let me try it. Let me try said Oswald. I bet I can do it. Good. Theodore and Oswald played happy birthday for daddy and mummy bear. Ratatat. Twang twang. I wish I could play my trumpet. Thought Sebastian. Have another go. I hate this trumpet. Sebastian sobbed. Why did you give me a trumpet mummy. It doesn't even work. Maybe you're trying too hard said mummy bear. Why don't you rest now and try again later. When Sebastian woke up he couldn't wait to try his trumpet again. He picked it up and started to play. You did it Sebastian his brother shouted. And the three little bears all played happy birthday together. Awkward. How about that. What do you think of Brenton's trumpet playing. Well I think it could come in very very handy. Extremely handy. Really how. Well he might like to join in during this song. There's a sound in the air. A feeling in the wind. There's the talk in the streets. Of something coming in. Wow. There's a sound in the night. I've been waiting to hear. Oh let me hear let me hear. It's the sound of the trumpet. Of Aloysius Jones. When you hear him play. When you hear that sound. He's cool. You can almost feel. That you're in New Orleans. There's a feeling that sound. That's hard to explain. You only know you want to hear it. Again and again. Come on and clap your hands. Come on and stomp your feet. Come on and shake your head. To that sassy beat. Come on and move to the sound. That's filling the air. It's the sound of the trumpet. And it's everywhere. And it's everywhere. And it's everywhere. And it's everywhere. Wow. You know I do believe that Brenton will get it right. He's certainly trying hard. It's terrific. I tried swimming very hard. And first I tried and I couldn't do it. And then I tried again and I couldn't do it. And then I got out of the swimming pool. And that's all. Something that was really hard for me was one of my piano pieces which I really had to work quite hard on to actually get right. Well it was hard to learn to ride my bike. And these pedals were hard to turn around as well. Well it was very hard to do my shoelaces. I had a bit of help and I tried and I practiced. And now I've got it. I learned with my grandma and my father. And they taught me like this. I started to get taught like that. Now I know how to do proper bows like this. It's really hard for me to get out of bed early. But now I can because I've learned that it's good to get out of bed early to get ready for school. I have a story about someone trying something over and over and over and over. Who's it by? It's by Mary Distufedison and Yvonne Ashby. And what's it called? Here it is. It's called Try Again Sally Jane. And who's going to read it? Well I am of course. Well thank you for crying. My pleasure. Here you go. Look out. I can't stop. Splish, splat, loosh. Oh bother, gurgled Sally Jane. I'll never learn to skate. Just as Sally Jane scrambled onto the bank, an enormous frog burst out of the water. Can't you be careful? Sought the frog. You squashed my toe. Gee, I'm sorry, said Sally Jane. I'm trying to skate down the street and twist and turn and stop like the others. But it's not easy to do. What about me? Quote the frog, I had to learn to jump and dive and eat flies. Yuck. Do you think that was easy to do? What about me? Called a butterfly. I crawled out of a tiny cocoon with my wings all wrinkled. I had to stretch them and dry them and fly away before a bird gobbled me up. Do you think that was easy to do? What about me? A flamingo called. I had to learn to balance on one leg without belly flopping into the water. Do you think that was easy to do? What about me? A chameleon called. I had to learn to change color to hide. Once a hungry hawk chased me into a jacaranda tree and I turned green. I changed again quickly to save myself from becoming chameleon stew. Do you think that was easy to do? What about me? Sister snake. I had to learn to shed my skin as I grew. Once I forgot to grow my new skin first. I slid along on my bare bottom for a week. Do you think that was easy to do? Wow, cried the frog. What are these rolling things on your feet? They must have been hard to grow. They skate, loved Sally Jane. If they'd only go where I want them to go, I could whiz down the street and twist and turn and stop. But it's not easy to do. Didn't try again, Sally Jane, said the frog. Hooray! Hooray! They cheered, keep going, you're doing well, cried the frog. And Sally Jane skated by. Now she squashed my other toe. Oh dear, that poor frog. Oh yes, and that poor snake. Having to slide along on my bare bottom. I'll be a frog with a sore toe anytime. Green, green as a tree frog, green, green as an apple, green, three green bottles, green, no green leaves, green, painted roofs and green, traffic lights. Green, fresh green veggies, green, wheelie bins, green, paddle bikes and green, cool green hedges, green, crunchy apples, green, clicking bottles, green, wear your hat and green. Play me a tune, green. I get the feeling the whole world's turning green. The whole world's turning green. The whole world's turning green. The whole world's turning green. Green. The whole world's turning green. The whole world's turning green. The whole world's turning green. The whole world's turning green. The whole world's turning green. I'm going to get one of your dishes. I'm going to get one of your dishes. I'm going to get one of your dishes. I'm going to get one of your dishes. I'm going to get one of your dishes. I'm going to get one of your dishes. I'm going to get one of your dishes. I'm going to get one of your dishes. I'm going to get one of your dishes. I'm going to get one of your dishes. I'm going to get one of your dishes. I'm going to get one of your dishes. I'm going to get one of your dishes. I'm going to get one of your dishes. I'm going to get one of your dishes. I'm going to get one of your dishes. I'm going to get one of your dishes. I'm going to get one of your dishes. I'm going to get one of your dishes. I'm going to get one of your dishes. I'm going to get one of your dishes. I'm going to get one of your dishes. I'm going to get one of your dishes. I'm going to get one of your dishes. I'm going to get one of your dishes. I'm going to get one of your dishes. I'm going to get one of your dishes. I'm going to get one of your dishes. I'm going to get one of your dishes. I'm going to get one of your dishes. Oh, that's great. That's all I needed. A whistling watering can. Hello. Oh, Molly, gee, it's good to hear your voice. Hmm? How's things? Oh, great, this end. Just cruising along, no problem. Was that you? Yeah, no, I was just outside. No, I didn't make it. How's your mum? Oh, yeah, well, don't worry, darling, these things take time. No, no, no, you stay. You stay as long as she thinks that you think she needs you. Yeah. Oh, yeah, oh, they'd really appreciate that. Yeah, give them my love. Yeah, I think Dad's reached some sort of plateau. Well, how things this end? Fine, fine, just plain sailing all the way. Of course I'm eating properly. Oh, no.