This is Mr. Ashland. Sunday night, Somerset Maugham's most popular spy stories are finally brought to television. No one who writes comedies will be suspected of being an enemy agent. Based on Maugham's own experiences as a British agent, I want you to compose some love letters. enter a world of intrigue, This is not your perfect. corruption and moral dilemmas. I'm afraid you have to give me your clothes, no, sweet. Ashenden begins, 9.30 Sunday, ABC. Next, on Four Corners, the gay gene. Does it explain this man? It's not something that I chose. It's something that was part of me. If so, what about this woman? I chose to be this man. Can anyone choose to be gay? Or is it really just genes? That's next on Four Corners, 8.30 Monday. Next week on the 7.30 report, should children be banned from buying Keno and instant money tickets? Some, as young as 12, are hooked on a gambling habit, which is costing them big money. They love Keno, and they'll play that for as much money as they can get their hands on. Is it time for the state government to step in? And the Abbey farmers who've banded together in a bid to satisfy soaring demand. They're under pressure from local restaurateurs who can't get enough of this unlikely delicacy. That's next week on the 7.30 report. Good evening, Angela Pearman at the ABC National Newsdesk. Three senior South African police officers have been exposed in a conspiracy of death squads and gun running, designed to undermine democratic reform. The allegations were the most damning ever laid at the door of the security forces. The judge at the center of the investigation stressed the very real threat they posed to next month's all-race elections. The election is about six weeks away. Having regard to the nature of the allegations and having regard to the identity of the persons who've been implicated, it was in the public interest to make the facts referred to in the report known without any further delay. The core allegation is that senior policemen ran a huge operation to smuggle and manufacture guns. They also trained and directed hit squads to strike at supporters of the ANC. The Deputy Commissioner of the Police, Barcy Smith, is accused of masterminding the operation. A light plane crash in North Queensland has killed all four people on board. The plane crashed into a mountain shortly after takeoff from Cairns Airport. Despite severe weather conditions, three helicopters started searching mountainous bushland for the Piper Aztec six-seater. It took off from Cairns just before 11 this morning. The alarm was raised just minutes later when the single-engine plane vanished from control tower radar screens. Soon after, a Qantas 747 picked up its emergency signal. The wreckage of the plane was spotted near the top of Mount Bellenden Kerr south of Cairns. A doctor and rescuer were winched to the site. Two medics from Townsville were dispatched with the BES chopper, and on examination they found that all persons on board were deceased. Rescuers say they probably died on impact. The bodies will remain at the site overnight. They haven't been officially identified. The Labor Party has won the by-election for the federal seat of Benythin in Adelaide's northern suburbs. On a two-party preferred basis, Labor's Martin Evans received 57% of the vote. The Liberals' Andy Markwell posted a healthy 43%, ensuring a swing of 8% against the government. The swing is better than Liberal projections. Party officials were hoping for a figure of between 2 and 4%. The result is good news for John Hewson, the party certain to capitalise on the result in an effort to contain leadership speculation. A fall in Labor's primary vote of 10% could cause concern in the party room. One of the oldest Parisian landmarks, the Cathedral of Notre Dame, is cleaning up its act. After 700 years of gathering grime, a laser cleaning system is lifting the dirt, revealing the original stonework. The laser cleaning method is a less abrasive way to clean, the grime loosened by a blast of light. I'll be back with more news after the bill. Thank you. The Office of Elliott, ABC. Tuesday. An investor's nightmare. $23 million in doubt. I have had nothing back and I will get nothing back. Where were our corporate watchdogs? Look, I can't talk about it. Will rescue efforts take it all from bad to worse? It is a disgraceful shambles. The Investigators. 8 o'clock Tuesday on ABC. He walked out of one life looking for a new one. In another world, she did the same. This way. I can't see anything. They weren't looking for love. Can you trust this face? It's full of too many surprises. But can they deny their passion? Heartland. An extraordinary new drama series starring Ernie Dingo, Kate Blanchett, Bob Mazza, Stephen Weidler, Justine Saunders and Shane Connor. Don't miss the movie-length premiere. Heartland. 8.30 Wednesday. ABC.