Welcome back. You're watching Wake Up. I hope you're enjoying, I hope you're enjoying, damn, I hope you're enjoying the program as much as I'm enjoying the program, especially this part because Steve is way across on the other side of the studio for a very good reason. Stephen will now interview Anna from the Aquarium. Anna was on last week with Andy Cairns and she's our new representative from the Aquarium and they will be selecting the winner of our Draw the Turtle contest and Stephen will be asking stupid, inane questions about toy turtles, which Anna will have a great difficulty finding the answers to. We cross now to Stephen and Anna on the other side of the studio. Well, thank you very much, Scott. Seeing we had a very deep and meaningful interview last week, I think I must ask a very important question of Anna, who's an expert on these crocodiles. They're turtles. You told me they were crocodiles a minute ago. No, they're turtles. Oh, they're turtles. Right. Now, I want to know exactly, on the Great Barrier Reef, how many turtles are there? And if you don't know, you get swimming out there this week and come back and tell the kids. No, we have got a prize for the best turtle drawing, haven't we? Yes. OK. We're not drawing any turtles out of the barrel. We've got turtle drawings. First off, a family of kids from Roma, the Blackburn family. There's Christopher. Also, there's Sharon from Roma and the one I just dropped. Nice television, isn't it? Righto. And Daniel Blackburn and Matthew Harder. Matthew Harder. And also Stephen Bonaventura from Mariba. We will have the winner of our turtle competition next, but right now. Ghostbusters.